Assignments - Faculty Personal Web Page Listings


All assignments must be submitted within the timeframe specified in the syllabus. Include all parts of the homework for each unit into one file, then submit it to Blackboard (there can only be one file submitted to Blackboard for each unit). After you submit the homework, be sure to verify that Blackboard has received the work (after clicking on the Assignment icon, all submitted assignments will show up at the bottom of the page). Every assignment will be automatically scanned for plagiarism/copying.

Unit 1:

Ch. 1

– UPS Video Case (8 questions)

– Comparing Information Systems – Use two online job search sites (such as ) to search for jobs in your career that you are interested in. Copy two job postings from each website and paste them into your homework file. Then compare/contrast the two online job search sites that you examined on their usefulness, ease of use, availability of jobs, and features.

Ch. 2

– IS in Action Video Case (4 questions)

– p. 71 Review Question 2-2 (answer all parts of the question)


– As shown in the syllabus, class discussion is part of your semester grade. You are expected to participate regularly (reading the postings of others and posting your own thoughts) throughout the semester

Unit 2:

Ch. 3

– p. 102-103 Case Study – Answer only questions 1, 2, 4, 5

– p. 107 Questions 3-2, 3-5, 3-6

Ch. 4

– Create two professionally looking webpages – create one webpage with one webhosting company and create the other webpage on a different webhosting company. It can be hosted on any website – , , , and sites. have been some of the popular webhosting sites recently selected by students. For the first page, include a picture of you and two paragraphs about you (if you don’t want to include a picture of yourself, then substitute it for a picture of a place you like to travel to). The second page should have a paragraph about something you enjoy and needs at least one picture. So, for example, if you enjoy surfing, you could include a picture showing your board and describe surfing a bit. Both of these pages need to have the text “MISY 3310” located somewhere on the page. After creating the webpages, type the website addresses for the two pages into the Word document you’ve created for the Ch. 3 homework, then upload the file to Blackboard. NOTE: I will be posting the website addresses of everyone who turns in this assignment, so as you create the webpages, keep in mind that everyone else in the class will be able to see your website.

Unit 3

Ch. 5

– Netflix Video Case (4 questions)

– Go to two company websites that allow you to customize and then purchase computers (such as and ). Choose and customize a high end laptop computer from each of the two websites. Then, for this homework, copy and paste the specifications you selected and the prices for each of the two computers. Then write several paragraphs identifying which of the two computers you would prefer and describe why you would select that computer addressing things such as storage, memory, screen size, processor, etc..

Ch. 6

– Brooks Brothers Video Case (5 questions)

– Define the following terms that are commonly used with ERDs (you can use the Internet to help you define these): 1) Primary Key; 2) Foreign Key; 3) Attribute; 4) Entity; 5) One-to-many relationship

Unit 4:

Ch. 7

– Telepresence Video Case (4 questions)

– Web Search – Use Google or another search engine (such as , , or ) to learn how information technology is used in your chosen profession. Write about how you searched for the information (i.e., the search engine used and the keywords used for the search) and the information you found about information technology in your chosen profession. A minimum ½ of a double-spaced page is required to answer this question.

Ch. 8

– p. 305 Review Question 8-1 (answer all parts)

– Web log (blog) – Find a blog about your intended career. Read at least one blog written by someone who works in your chosen field. Discuss your findings. A minimum ½ of a double-spaced page is required to answer this question.

Unit 5:

Ch. 9

– Maersk Line Video Case (5 questions).

– Job Search – Find a job in your chosen profession, focusing on what technology skills are necessary for the job. First, go to job search websites (such as , , , or ) and see if there are job matches for your chosen field in that job database. If you do not find any results, go to another job search website to search for jobs in your field. Discuss the technology that is required for the job. Also, for the job postings that include salary amounts – does the salary meet your expectations? Be sure to state within the homework where you searched for jobs and the keywords you used. A minimum ½ of a double-spaced page is required to answer this question.

Ch. 10

– p. 364-365 Case (4 questions)

– Article – Look for an article about technology in your chosen profession. You should be able to find articles at , , , or other online magazines. In one or two paragraphs, summarize what the article discusses. A minimum ½ of a double-spaced page is required to answer this question.

Unit 6:

Ch. 11

– p. 409-410 Case (3 questions)

– p. 424 Review Question 11-2 (answer all parts)

Ch. 12

– Madrid Video Case (5 questions)

– p. 467 Review Question 12-1 (answer all parts)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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