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Veterinary Science CDEPurposeThe purpose of the Veterinary Science CDE is to provide a competitive event for agricultural education students, provide opportunities for participants to develop technical knowledge, and demonstrate practical skills in the field of veterinary science.SponsorThis event is sponsored by Novartis Animal Health.State Event SuperintendentMr. Jason Davis, State FFA Coordinator, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, NCSU, Box 7654, Raleigh, NC 27695-7654. Phone: 919.515.4206 Fax: 919.513.3201 Email: jason_davis@ncsu.eduEligibility and General GuidelinesThis event is open to all FFA chapters and FFA members in good standing. FFA Members may not participate in a Career Development Event that leads to a state level event after July 1, following the high school/early college graduation. Members winning a previous state event in this area or that have participated in a previous national event in this area are ineligible. Each chapter may send one team to compete at the state event. Teams shall consist of three or four members. Four scores will count towards the team total (A three-member team will earn a zero for the 4th score).? No alternates are allowed in state events. Any alternate found participating in a state event will result in team disqualification. FFA members in good standing may also participate as individuals in this event. A chapter may have up to two members participating as individuals as long as the chapter does not have a team participating in the event. Their scores will only count toward individual recognition and will not be tallied as a team score. The use or possession of cellular phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) or any other mobile electronic communication device is prohibited during any state-level career development event. Any violation of this rule by any team member will result in total team disqualification.Calculators used for this event must be only basic five function (add, subtract, multiply, divide, and square root only) calculators. Possession of scientific calculators and other programmable calculators or other non-basic calculator by any team member shall result in a team disqualification. Calculators will be provided unless otherwise notified. Any member found cheating in any state-level career development event will result in total team disqualification for that event.Dress CodeParticipants are required to follow the North Carolina FFA Career Development Event Dress Code. A ten percent reduction in the total team score will be taken off if a participant violates the dress code. Participants in this event are required to wear long pants and an appropriate shirt with a collar or an appropriate FFA or school t-shirt. Students may also wear scrubs.Procedures for Administering the EventPart I: Multiple Choice - 100 PointsThe written test will be twenty-five (25) multiple-choice items designed to determine each team member’s understanding of the Veterinary Science industry. All questions will come from the Veterinary Assisting: Fundamentals and Applications textbook written by Behth Vanhorn and Robert Clark published by CENGATE Learning. Students will have 30 minutes to complete the written test. Test will come from the following topics and chapters by year:2015- Veterinary Medical Terminology and Abbreviations (1), Dog Breed Identification and Production Management (8), Avian Breed Identification and Production Management (10), Circulatory System (29), Musculoskeletal System (27), Animal Nutrition (37), and Veterinary Assisting Procedures (47)2016 – Veterinary Medical Terminology and Abbreviations (1), Cat Breed Identification and Production Management (9), Rabbit Identification and Production Management (12), The Structure of Living Things (26), The Renal System (32), Animal Nutrition (37), and Veterinary Assisting Procedures (47).2017 - Veterinary Medical Terminology and Abbreviations (1), Pocket Pet Health and Production Management (11), Ornamental Fish Identification and Production Management (14), Equine Breed Identification and Production Management (19), The Digestive System (28), The Reproductive System (33), Animal Nutrition (37), and Veterinary Assisting Procedures (47).2018 - Veterinary Medical Terminology and Abbreviations (1), Reptile and Amphibian Breed Identification and Production Management, Beef and Dairy Cattle Breed Identification and Production Management (18), Zoo and Exotic Animal Production Management (16), The Respiratory System (30), The Endocrine System (31), Animal Nutrition (37), and Veterinary Assisting Procedures (47).2019 – Veterinary Medical Terminology and Abbreviations (1), Poultry Breed Identification and Production Management (24), Sheep Breed Identification and Production Management (22), Goat Breed Identification and Production Management (23), The Immune System (34), Microbiology and Parasitology as Disease Processes (38), Animal Nutrition (37), and Veterinary Assisting Procedures (47).Part II: Practicums – 150 PointsEach participant will complete each of the three practicums:Math practicum (100 points): Students will complete clinical math problems similar to those include in the National FFA CDE. Students will have 30 minutes to complete this practicum.Clinical practicum (25 points): Students will complete one of the following: pill counting, applying topical medication, surgical preparation, or filling a syringe clinical skills practicum from rubrics provided by the National FFA Veterinary Science CDE.Handling and restraint practicum (25 points): Students will complete one of the following: square knot, “cat stretch,” restraint of the cat for jugular venipuncture, restraint of the cat cephalic venipuncture, haltering a horse, or haltering cattle handling and restraint skill practicum from rubrics provided by the National FFA Veterinary Science CDE.Part III: Identification - 100 PointsEach participant will identify the following (See additional pages):Equipment from amended list from National – 10 piecesParasites from amended list from Nationals – 10 parasites Breeds from amended list from National – 5 breeds 2015 – Dog breeds 2016 - Large animal breeds2017 - Small animal breeds (including cats, rabbits, poultry, birds, small mammals and reptiles)ScoringMaximum Score 350 Multiple Choice Test 100Math Practicum 100Clinical Practicum 25Handling and Restraint Practicum 25Identification 100Procedure for Determining the State Event Winner When Scores are TiedIn the event a tie score exists, apply the following methods in sequential order until the tie is broken:Compare the total team scores for the multiple choice test and the higher scoring team is the pare the total team scores for the identification component and the higher scoring team is the pare the total team scores for the math practicum and the higher scoring team is the pare the total team scores for the clinical practicum and the higher scoring team is the winner. 5. If teams continue to be tied a new event will be held to determine the winning team.Procedure for Determining the High Scoring Individual When Scores are TiedIn the event that a tie score exists, apply the following methods in sequential order until the tie is broken.1. Compare the individual scores for the identification component and the higher contestant is the winner. 2. Compare the individual scores for the math practicum and the higher scoring contestant is the winner. 3. Compare the individual scores for the clinical practicum and the higher scoring contestant is the winner. 4. If individual continue to be tied present co- winners.State AwardsThe following awards will be presented annually at the state FFA convention provided sponsorship is available:State Winning Team$500, first place team plaque, team pins for memberSecond Place TeamSecond place team plaque, team pins for memberThird Place Team Third place team plaque, team pins for member National Career Development Event ParticipationState winning teams advancing to national career development event participation will be automatically registered for the national event. It is the responsibility of the Chapter FFA Advisor to complete all necessary national certification forms and return them to the State FFA Coordinator by the assigned due date.State winning CDE teams that choose not to participate at the national level should contact the state office by Sept. 1 prior to national convention. Teams that fail to inform the state office prior to Sept. 1 will be ineligible to participate in that same CDE for the next year (chapters may appeal to the State FFA Board of Directors). Teams that do not compete at the National Convention will be required to pay back the $500 travel award.Primary References Veterinary Assisting: Fundamentals and Applications. Vanhorn, Clark. ISBN: 978-1-4354-5387-6National FFA Career Development Events: Veterinary Science CDE guideEquipment List_____ Animal Clippers_____ Autoclave_____ Autoclave tape indicator_____ Backhaus towel clamps_____ Balling gun_____ Bands (castration or docking)_____ Bandaging material – roll gauze_____ Bandaging material – vet wrap_____ Betadine_____ Bulb syringe_____ Catch pole (dog snare)_____ Catheter – IV_____ Catheter – butterfly_____ Catheter – urine_____ Centrifuge_____ Chain twitch_____ Clipper blades_____ Surgical drapes_____ Cold sterile tray_____ Cover slips_____ Dehorner_____ Dental equipment (float, retractor or scaler)_____ Needle holder_____ Microscope slides_____ Muzzle – commercial_____ Nail clippers_____ Obstetrical chain and handle_____ Ophthalmoscope_____ Otoscope_____ Paste gun_____ Pig tooth nippers_____ Pill counting tray_____ Rumen magnet_____ Scalpel blade_____ Scalpel handle_____ Scissors – (bandage, lister bandage, littauer suture removal, mayo dissecting, metzenbaum dissecting)_____ Disposable hypodermic needles_____ Drench gun_____ Ear notcher_____ Ear tags_____ Ear tag pliers_____ Elastrator_____ Elizabethian collar_____ Emasculators_____ Endotracheal tubes_____ Fecal loop_____ Fecalyzers_____ Feeding tube for small animals_____ Fetal extractor_____ Forceps – Adson tissue_____ Forceps – Alligator_____ Forceps – Allis tissue_____ Forceps – Babcock tissue_____ Forceps – Brown-Adson thumb_____ Forceps – Halstead mosquito hemostatic_____ Forceps – Kelly_____ Gag mouth speculum_____ Halter and Lead Rope (calf, horse, goat)_____ Hoof equipment (knife, nippers, pick, rasp, or trimmers)_____ IV equipment_____ Laryngoscopes_____ Silver nitrate oxygen cage_____ Small animal oxygen cage_____ Snook ovariohysterectomy hook_____ Staple remover_____ Stethoscope_____ Surgical personal protective equipment)_____ Surgical tray_____ Suture equipment_____ Syringe_____ Tattooing instruments – small & large_____ Tourniquet_____ Weight tapeParasites ID_____ Blowfly (Family Calliphoridae)_____ Blowfly Maggot (Family Calliphoridae)_____ Cat Warble (Genus Cuterebra)_____ Cattle Grub (Genus Hypoderma)_____ Coccidia (Genus Isospora or Eimeria)_____ Demodectic Mite (Genus Demodex)_____ Ear Mite (Family Ascaridae; Genus Otodectes)_____ Fleas (Genus Ctenocephalides)_____ Flea Larva (Genus Ctenocephalides)_____ Flea Tapeworm Egg (Genus Dipylidium)_____ Flea Tapeworm Segment (Genus Dipylidium)_____ Giardia (Genus Giardia)_____ Hard Tick (Family Ixodidae; Genus Amblyomma or Dermacentor)_____ Heartworm Adult (Genus Dirofilaria)_____ Heartworm Microfilaria (Genus Dirofilaria)_____ Hookworm Adult (Family Ancylostomatidae; Genus Ancylostoma, Uncinaria, Bunostomum or Globocephalus)_____ Hookworm Egg (Family Ancylostomatidae; Genus Ancylostoma, Uncinaria, Bunostomum or Globocephalus)_____ Horse Bots (Genus Gasterophilus)_____ Horse Strongyles (Family Strongylidae; Genus Strongylus )_____ Lice - Biting (Order Mallophaga; Genus Bovicola or Trichodectes)_____ Lice - Sucking (Order Anoplura; Genus Linognathus or Hematopinus)_____ Liver Fluke (Class Trematoda; Genus Fasciola, Fascioloides or Dicrocoelium)_____ Lungworm (Family Metastrongylidae; Genus Metastrongylus, Dictyocaulus or Aelurostrongylus)_____ Mosquito Adult (Family Culicidae; Genus Anopheles, Culex or Aedes)_____ Mosquito Larva (Family Culicidae; Genus Anopheles, Culex or Aedes)_____ Pinworm (Genus Oxyuris)_____ Roundworm Adult (Family Ascarididae or Toxocaridae; Genus Toxocara, Toxascaris, Ascaris, Parascaris or Neoascaris)_____ Roundworm Egg (Family Ascarididae or Toxocaridae; Genus Toxocara, Toxascaris, Ascaris, Parascaris or Neoascaris)_____ Sarcoptic Mite (Family Ascaridae; Genus Sarcoptes or Notoedres)_____ Taenia Tapeworm (Family Taeniidae; Genus Taenia)_____ Taenia Tapeworm Egg (Family Taeniidae; Genus Taenia)_____ Taenia Tapeworm Segment (Family Taeniidae; Genus Taenia)_____ Soft Tick (Family Argasidae; Genus Otobius or Argas)_____ Whipworm (Genus Trichuris)_____ Whipworm Egg (Genus Trichuris)IdentificationSmall Animal BreedsPlace the number of the species beside the correct name (four points each).CATS_____Abyssinian_____American Shorthair_____Burmese_____Cornish Rex_____Devon Rex_____Exotic_____Maine Coon_____Manx_____Persian_____Ragdoll_____Russian Blue_____Siamese_____Sphynx_____Turkish AngoraRABBITS_____American Fuzzy Lop_____Angora_____Californian_____Dutch_____Dwarf Hotot_____English Spot_____Flemish Giant_____Jersey Wooly_____Holland Lop_____Netherland Dwarf_____New Zealand_____Polish_____Mini-Rex_____SatinBIRDS_____Cockatiel_____Cockatoos_____Love Birds_____Parakeet_____African Gray Parrot_____Canary_____Macaw_____Mynah_____Rainbow Lorikeet_____Society Finch_____Sun Conure_____Zebra FinchSMALL MAMMALS_____Chinchilla_____Degus_____Ferret_____Gerbils_____Guinea Pig_____Hamster_____Hedgehog_____Sugar GliderREPTILES_____Chameleon_____Gecko_____Iguana_____Lizard_____Bearded Dragon_____Snake_____Turtle_____Frog_____ToadPOULTRY_____Chicken-Cornish_____Chicken- Leghorn_____Chicken – Rhode Island Red_____Chicken – Plymouth Rock_____Duck_____Geese_____Quail_____TurkeyOTHER_____Potbellied PigIdentificationLarge Animal BreedsPlace the number of the species beside the correct name (four points each)DAIRY BREEDS_____Ayshire_____Brown Swiss_____Guernsey_____Holstein_____JerseyBEEF CATTLE BREEDS_____Angus_____Brahman_____Charolais_____Hereford_____Simmental_____ShorthornSWINE BREEDS_____American Landrace_____Berkshire_____Chester White_____Duroc_____Hampshire_____YorkshireHORSE BREEDS_____Appaloosa_____Arabian_____Belgian_____Clydesdale_____Haflinger_____Miniature _____Morgan_____Paint_____Paso Fino_____Percheron_____Quarter Horse_____Saddlebred_____Standardbred (w/cart)_____Tennessee Walking Horse_____Thoroughbred_____Donkey_____MuleGOAT BREEDS_____Alpine_____Nubian_____Angora_____Boer_____LaMancha_____Oberhasli_____Pygmy_____Saanen_____ToggenburgSHEEP BREEDS_____Cheviot_____Columbia_____Dorset_____Hampshire_____Jacob_____Merino_____Montadale_____Rambouillet_____Southdown_____SuffolkIdentificationDog BreedsPlace the number of the species beside the correct name (four points each)SPORTING GROUP_____Brittany_____Cocker Spaniel_____English Setter_____English Springer Spaniel_____German Shorthaired Pointer_____Golden Retriever_____Irish Setter_____Labrador Retriever_____WeimaranerNON-SPORTING GROUP_____Bichon FRise_____Boston Terrier_____Bulldog_____Chinese Shar-Pei_____Chow Chow_____Dalmatian_____Lhasa Apso_____PoodleTERRIER GROUP_____Bull Terrier_____Cairn Terrier_____Miniature Schnauzer_____Parson Russell Terrier_____Scottish Terrier_____Smooth Fox Terrier_____West Highland White Terrier_____Wire Fox TerrierHERDING GROUP_____Australian Cattle Dog_____Australian Shepherd_____Border Collie_____Cardigan Welsh Corgi_____Collie_____German Shepherd Dog_____Old English Sheepdog_____Pembroke Welsh Corgi_____Shetland SheepdogWORKING GROUP_____Akita_____Alaskan Malmute_____Bernese Mountain Dog_____Boxer_____Bullmastiff_____Doberman Pinscher_____Giant Schnauzer_____Great Dane_____Great Pyrenees_____Mastiff_____Newfoundland_____Portuguese Water Dog_____Rottweiler_____Saint Bernard_____Samoyed_____Siberian Husky_____Standard SchnauzerTOY GROUP_____Cavalier King Charles Spaniel_____Chihuahua_____Italian Greyhound_____Maltese_____Miniature Pinscher_____Papillon_____Pekingese_____Pomeranian_____Poodle_____Pug_____Shih Tzu_____Silky Terrier_____Toy Fox Terrier_____Yorkshire TerrierHOUNG GROUP_____Afghan Hound_____American Foxhound_____Basenji_____Basset Hound_____Beagle_____Black and Tan Coonhound_____Bloodhound_____Dachshund_____English Foxhound_____Greyhound_____Whippet ................

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