Endangered Species

WEEK 1 ENDANGERED SPECIESPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION:ENDANGERED SPECIES NOTESHEETWORKSHEETSEndangered SpeciesWhat is the difference between an endangered and extinct species?If a particular species has been reduced to the point where they are in danger of dying out. They are placed on the list of endangered species. When all organisms of a species have died, the species is termed extinct. e.g. dinosaurs.What are examples of endangered animal species in The Bahamas?Bahama Parrot(Abaco and Great Inagua Islands), Bahama hutias(East Plana Cay located between Acklins and Mayaguana), Iguanas (Andros , San Salvador, Exuma) , Hawksbill turtles,Loggerhead turtles,White crown pigeons,West Indian Flamingos (Great Inagua) , Bahamian Boa Constrictors.What are some ways humans have caused species to become endangered or extinct?Over harvesting/ over fishing–decreases the likelihood of juveniles and reproductive adults surviving. As a result, this leads to a decrease in the number of that particular species. Land development – destroying the habitat of small populations of species for building purposes. This would also lead to a decrease in their population.Pollution – may cause diseases to occur or death.What are methods used to conserve endangered species in the Bahamas?1. Protection by law e.g. crawfish closed season April 1 to July 31. 2. Establishment of national parks and marine reserves to protect endangered species. 3. Prevent pollution of the air, water and land.Section AFor each question there are FOUR possible answers. Choose ONE you consider correct and circle the letter next to the answer. Each question is worth one mark, giving a total of TEN marks for this section. What is the name given to species that are not native to a specific ecosystem, spreads rapidly, and causes environmental harm? Endangered Species Invasive SpeciesProtected Species Extinct Species -1333503619502. Which animal is not protected in The Bahamas? 3. What happens when all of the organisms in a species die? It adapts It diversifiesIt becomes endangeredIt becomes extinct4. How can we prevent the extinction of endangered turtles on Cat Island? By…Destroying their eggsEating themObeying the laws that protect them Selling their eggs to tourist. 5. Which bird cannot be hunted at anytime? Bahama Parrot Bobwhite Quail Chuckar Partridge Coot190502571756. Which animal is NOT protected by Bahamian Law? -381000Define endangered species________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)What is the name of the bird in this drawing? Which island these birds are found in abundance?Bird ________________________Island ________________________ (2)Name 2 other endangered species in the Bahamas and the islands they are found in abundance. Endangered SpeciesIsland(2)Why is it important to protect our endangered species?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)The birds in the drawing are endangered and protected by law. Study the habitat then answer the questions below. 628650394970What is ecology? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]What is the name of the bird in the drawing? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[1]On which Bahamian Island can these birds be found in abundance? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[1]Name two other endangered species in the Bahamas and the islands on which they are found in abundance.[4]SpeciesIslandState ONE reason for protecting our endangered species. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]State ONE way in which man has cause a named organism to become extinct or endangered. [2]Organism Reason________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOTAL POINTS [10]The organisms in the drawing are endangered. Study the diagrams and answer the questions.31735743740875062998126137174253695915527551219DCBAWrite the letter of the endangered animal that is a :Reptile _________________________________Mammal________________________________Bird____________________________________ [3]What is the name of the bird in diagram B? _______________________________________________________________________________ [1]On which Bahamian Island can these birds be found in abundance? ________________________________________________________________________________[1]Name two other endangered species in the Bahamas and the islands on which they are found in abundance. [2]SpeciesIslandi.State ONE reason for protecting our endangered species. _________________________________________________________________________________ii. Conservation refers to the wise use of resources.State a way to conserve endangered organisms in the Bahamas. _______________________________________________________________________________ [2]State the name of ONEorganism that may be extinct or endangered and give a possible reason for it. Organism Reason_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[1]TOTAL POINTS [10]WEEK 2AIRPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION:AIR WITH QUESTIONS AND VIDEO PRESENTATION NOTESHEETSWORKSHEETSAirAir Pollution Vocabulary Pollutant- something that causes damage to the environmentPollution- the contamination of the environmentDomestic Waste- garbage that is produced by people in a householdDumping- placing waste in an area that is not appropriate (ex. Dumping chemicals in the oceans)Hazardous waste- a form of garbage that is harmful to the health of plants, animals and requires careful disposal (ex. Batteries, paint)Pesticides- chemicals that are sprayed on crops to prevent insects from destroying themCarbon Dioxide-a colourless, odourless gas produced by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 per cent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.Exhaust emissions-emitted as a result of the combustion of fuels such as natural gas, gasoline/petrol, biodiesel blends, diesel fuel, fuel oil or coal. According to the type of engine, it is discharged into the atmosphere through an?exhaust?pipe, flue gas stack or propelling nozzle.Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)- any of several simple gaseous compounds that contain carbon, chlorine, fluorine, and sometimes hydrogen, that are used as refrigerants, cleaning solvents, and aerosol propellants and in the manufacture of plastic foamsSmoke-the gas given off by burning materials (as coal, wood, or tobacco) made visible by particles of carbon floating in it.Dust-fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air.Fumes (carbon monoxide)- Colorless, odorless, combustible, and lethal gas produced by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels?Oxides of nitrogen-?group of highly reactive gases, all of which contain nitrogen?and oxygen in varying amounts.Smog-Fog that has become mixed and polluted with smokeVentilation-the replacement of unclean air with fresh airWhat is air?Air is a mixture of different gases.What gases makes up air?GasesPercentage (%)Nitrogen78Oxygen21Carbon dioxide0.03Argon0.93Other noble gasesVery small quantitiesWater vapourvarying quantitiesDoes air have weight and mass?Molecules of air give air its mass. The weight of air is due to the force of gravity acting on its mass.What are properties of air?Air is realAir occupies space (volume)Air has mass and weight Air exerts pressure A is colourless, odourless, mass, weight, density ActivityComplete the table below, then use the information from the table to construct a bar graph on the grid.GasPercentage (%)NameW78X21Y1Title:________________________________________Title:Title:9080706050403020010GLOBAL WARMING Scientists who study the climate are still arguing about how fast the earth is warming and how much it will warm, but they do agree that the earth is warming and that it will keep warming if we don’t do anything about it.??Scientists agree that the burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal cause greenhouse gases to escape into the?air and that these gases are causing most of the warming. Another cause is deforestation (cutting down trees). Trees?soak up carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases,?from the air."Global warming" refers to the increase of the Earth's average surface temperature, due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. "Climate change" is a broader term that refers to long-term changes in climate, including average temperature and?precipitation.There are already some changes happening because of global warming. Sea level is rising and some animals are already moving to new homes. It’s already too late to stop global warming completely. If the warming gets worse, as scientists expect, there may be some kinds of plants and animals that become extinct (disappear completely) because they can’t move to new homes. There may be more storms and floods. Sea level may rise so much that people have to move away from the coasts. Some areas may become too dry for farming. Global warming is a very difficult problem to fix. People are having a hard time agreeing on what to do about it. For example, everyone agrees that wasting energy is a bad thing to do. But some people think that the federal government should make laws about it, while other people think it should be up to each person or business todecide what to doYou don’t have to wait until you are grown to do something about global warming. Scientists agree that the burning of fossil fuels is causing global warming. Since these fuels are burned for energy, and everyone uses energy, everyone can help stop global warming just by using less energy.Think about the things you do each day that use energy. The lights in your house use electricity. The TV and computer use electricity. The washing machine, dishwasher and dryer all use gas or electricity. Every time you?ride in your car, it uses gasoline.There are some simple things that you can do to help stop global warming:Wait until you have a lot of clothes to wash before using the washing machine. Don’t use the machine for one item just because it’s your favorite shirtTurn off the lights when you leave a room. Use fluorescent bulbs in your room.Turn off your computer or the TV when you’re not using it. Unplug chargers when not in use.?Close the blinds on a hot day if the sun is shining in. Dress lightly instead of turning?up?the air conditioning.? Or use a fan.?Dress warmly inside your house when it’s cold, instead of turning up the heat.50272956985Bike or walk short distances instead of asking for a ride in a car.Plant a tree.Take shorter showers. Heating water uses energy.??Key QuestionsDo scientists agree about global warming? (2pts)What is causing global warming?(2pts)What is the difference between "global warming" and "climate change?" (2pts)What will happen if global warming continues? (2pts)What is being done about global warming? (2pts)What can I do about global warming? (2pts)In a paragraph of 100 words, how can you educate fellow students at YOUR SCHOOL about saving the planet? (10pts)WEEK 3Carbon dioxide and oxygenPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION: AIR WITH QUESTIONS AND VIDEO PRESENTATION NOTESHEETSWORKSHEETSCarbon dioxideImportant termsOrganic matter- is matter that contains a large amount of carbon-based compounds.Density – The amount of mass in a given space or how tightly compact matter is. What is carbon?Carbon is an element that is inside all living organisms. When organic matter is roasted it turns black. This means that carbon is present. Soot is also a form of carbon.Soot is a black powdery substance that is a product of incomplete combustion (burning).What is the carbon dioxide?Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound composed of one carbon and two oxygen atoms. It is often referred to by its chemical formula CO2.What are uses of carbon dioxide?It is dissolved in water under pressure to make “fizzy” drinks.It is used in fire extinguishers. It is easily changed to a solid called dry ice. Dry ice is used for creating a smoky atmosphere (Halloween) and freezing and removing warts.What are the properties of carbon dioxide?Carbon dioxide is a colourless and odourless gas Carbon dioxide is denser than airSlightly soluble in water It does not support combustion (burning). It turns limewater milky.It turns damp blue litmus paper pink as carbonic acid is a weak acid.How is carbon dioxide prepared in the lab?Carbon dioxide is prepared in the laboratory from the reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and marble chips (a form of calcium carbonate). How to test for the presence of carbon dioxide?Bubble the unknown gas into a test tube containing lime water. If the lime water turns milky, this confirms that the gas is carbon dioxide.Lime water turns milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate.Place lighted splint in the gas. If the splint goes out the gas is carbon dioxide.ActivityWhich gas is inflating the balloon in flask B?________________________________________________________(1)Name the elements and state the number of atoms in a molecule of this gas?ElementNumber of atoms (2)Explain how this gas can be prepared in the lab.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)State two uses of this gas._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)Carbon CycleWhat is the carbon cycle?The carbon cycle is the pathway along which carbon travels in nature. Carbon dioxide in the air is the source of most of the carbon in living thingsHow is carbon taken from the atmosphere?Photosynthesis – this is the process by which plants make food. Plants take in carbon dioxidefrom the air and water from the soil in the presence of sunlight to make food (glucose) during the day.Bodies of water absorb some carbon from the atmosphere. This is used to build up shells, rocks and skeleton of coral.How is carbon released into the atmosphere?Respiration – this is the process by which energy is released from food and made available to the organism. Animals release carbon dioxide back into the air as a waste product from respiration. Also, in the night plants give out carbon dioxide during respirationDecomposition- this is the breakdown of dead plants and animals to be used as food by bacteria or fungi. When decomposers (organisms that carryout decomposition) break down dead organic matter they release carbon dioxide into the air. Combustion – this is the act of burning substances.Carbon is also stored in fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline and natural gas. When these are burned carbon dioxide is released back into the air. Humans burn fossil fuels to power factories, power plants, cars and trucks.What is the relationship between the emission of carbon dioxide and global warming?The build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in recent decades is causing global warming. The carbon dioxide behaves like the glass of a greenhouse. It lets the Sun’s rays through to the earth’s surface but stops heat from escaping. This causes the trapping of heat which results in global warming. What is the ozone layer and why it is so important?The ozone layer refers to a protective layer made up of naturally occurring ozone gas that shield us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays by absorbing them before they make their way to Earth.Damage to the ozone layer can cause skin cancer, cataracts and death of plants and animals. center0Name the processes taking place at X and Y X_______________________ , Y_______________________ (2)Why is decomposition important? Give one example of a decomposer._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(3)Explain the purpose of factory emissions in the carbon cycle.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)What would be the result of excessive amounts of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere?___________________________________________________________(1)OxygenImportant termReactive - easily take part in chemical reactions to make new substances.Corrode – destroy or damage slowly by chemical action.Catalyst – speeds up a reaction.What is oxygen?Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8.It is very important because we need it to live.What are properties of oxygen?Oxygen is colourless and odourless gas Oxygenis slightly soluble in waterThe density of oxygen is slightly greater than density of air.Oxygen is a very reactive element - it reacts with most elements forming oxides. Oxygen supports combustion - it allows many substances to burn in it forming oxides.Metals will corrode when they are exposed to oxygen in the air – iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of water to form rust. Salt acts a catalyst for this reaction.What is an oxide?An oxide is a compound of an element with oxygen. For example : magnesium oxide, copper (cuprous/cupric) oxide, sulphur dioxide, sulphur trioxide, calcium oxide and iron (ferrous/ferric) oxide.What is the difference betweencombustible and non-combustible? A combustible substance is one that burns in air or oxygen,e.g. iron , wood, paper and plastic. A non -combustible substance is one that do not burn in air or oxygen,e.g. water , sand, glass and cement.What are uses of oxygen?As a respiratory aid in deep sea diving , in high altitude flying or climbing and in hospitals Welding and cutting metals – oxygen is mixed with acetylene to produce a very hot flame.Oxygen is used to produce ozone (O3).How to prepare oxygen in the lab?Oxygen is prepared in the laboratory by the catalytic breakdown (decomposition) of hydrogen peroxide. Manganese dioxide is used as a catalyst.How to test for the presence of oxygen?Placing a glowing splint in gas, if it relights the gas is oxygen.ActivityName the process taking place in Diagram A.________________________________________________________________(1)Why did the candle go out in Diagram B?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)Briefly explain why the water level, in Diagram B, gradually raised.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)What conclusion a student can draw based on the results of this experiment?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)State which jar will have a higher concentration of carbon dioxide. Explain your answer.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)WEEK 4SOIL &Digestive system POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: digestive system NOTESHEETWORKSHEETSSoilImportant termsParent/Bed Rock - the original rock from which soil was formed.Soil permeability - a measure of the ability of air and water to move through soil.Soil fertility – the ability of soils to supply essential nutrients in the correct amounts and forms needed for healthy plant growth.Soil porosity - refers to the amount of pore, or open space between soil particles.What is soil?Soil is the layer of the earth’s surface in which plants grow and have their roots.Why is soil important?The soil is a habitat for many animals. Animals that live in the soil break down the plant and animal remains to produce nutrients which increase soil fertility. Soil provides support and nutrients for plant growth that gives us medicine, food, wood etc.What is the composition of soil?Soil Particles: they are made up of sand(large particles), clay (small particles) and silt (medium particles)Humus: This is the dead remains of plants and animal that adds nutrients to and improves the texture of soil.Water: Important to keep plants alive.Air: Provides the oxygen needed by the plant roots for respiration. It is found in the spaces of the plant roots.Dissolved mineral salts: Enters the soil from the surrounding rock or humus. They are needed for healthy plant growth because it provides plants with the important elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.Soil organism: these are organism that live in the soil. Fungi and bacteria which are microscopic decompose organic matter (dead plants and animals). This releases nutrients into the soil that are needed by plants to grow well. Earthworm, millipedes and small mammals burrow through soil and improve aeration (air circulating through soil).What is a soil profile?left253365A soil profile is the arrangement of soil layers from top to bottom.How is soil formed?Soil can be formed during the following processes:ProcessDescriptionWeatheringThis is the process through which rocks are broken down. Parent or bed rocks are gradually broken down by violent or sudden movements, temperature change etc.DecompositionAcids from decaying plants and animals breaks down rocks into smaller particles.What are the types of soilTypes of SoilDescriptionClayClay consist of very small particles. It has tiny air spaces which causes water to take a long time to pass through.SandySandy soil consist of large particles. It has large air spaces which allows water to pass through it quickly carrying valuable nutrients with it (leaching). As a result, sandy soil is not suitable for agriculture.LoamLoam contains a balanced mixture sand, silt and clay.Also, it contains humus which adds the black colour to soil and increases soil fertility. This type of soil is suitable for agriculture because it holds sufficient water and allows the access to drain away.What is a fertilizer?Fertilizers are substances that are added to soil to increase plant growth. Some substances that are added to fertilizers are as follows: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium , sulfur , iron etc.What are the types of fertilizers?Types of FertilizerDescriptionArtificialThese are substances made in factories that contain the three elements, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This type of fertilizer works very quickly and is often washed out of the soil by rain. E.g.Ammonium nitrate, potassium phosphate and potassium sulphate.Natural These are organicsubstances that have been extracted from living things or from the earth. This type of fertilizer takes a longer time to work and doesn’t damage plants when used incorrectly. E.g. manure, compostActivityBAWhat type of soil A and B represent?A_______________________B_______________________ (2)Name the process by which soil is formed from bedrock.______________________________________________________________(1)Identify the type of soil , in the diagram, which water drainsVery fast and is poor at holding water ________________________Very slow and is excellent at holding water __________________(2)A mixture of soil and water was stirred then allowed to settle. Identify layer A and explain its purpose.Layer A ________________________________________________Purpose ____________________________________________________(2)Read each statement then complete the table by writing the type of fertilizer being described in the allotted space.StatementsType of fertilizerNaturally occurring organic matter.Can cause damage when used incorrectly.CostlyWorks faster than the other type of fertilizer.Subject to leaching (4)Your Digestive System and How It WorksEnzymesWhat are enzymes?These are proteins that speeds up a chemical reaction. The names of enzymes usually end in “-ase”, e.g. amylase, lipase, sucrase etc.How enzymes work?The molecules that an enzyme works with are called substrates, e.g. proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The substrates bind to a region on the enzyme called the active site. Eventually, the substrate changes into products which are released when the reaction is completed.What are properties of enzymes?Enzymes:can act on only one type of substrate always produce the same end product can be used repeatedly work best at a particular temperature and ph are denatured (change in shape) by heat.The Digestive SystemWhat is Digestion?Digestion is the process of breaking down food so that its small enough to be absorbed and used by the body for energy or other bodily functions. It begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine. There are two types of digestion.Type of DigestionDescriptionExamplesMechanicalThe physical changes and movement of food through the digestive systemChewing food, swallowing food and the mixing and churning of food in the stomach ChemicalWhen food is changed chemicallyenzymes that work together to change the food we eat into substances the body can use.What is the Digestive System?This is the group of organs that break down the food we eat in order to absorb its nutrients.What are the parts of the Digestive System?The digestive system is made up of five connected organs (mouth, esophagus , stomach, small intestine and large intestine). These organs are called the digestive tract or alimentary canal or gastrointestinal tract. They do most of the work in breaking down food, but several other organs (salivary glands, pancreas and liver) help them along the way as they do their jobs.ActivityLabel parts 1 – 13. After you are done you may color your diagram.How does digestion occur?Your MouthWhen food is placed into your mouth you begin to chew it using your teeth (mechanical digestion). As you chew saliva is added to moisten the food and break down starches into simpler sugars (chemical digestion). The enzyme found in saliva that breaks down starch is called amylase. While this is going on your tongue helps to roll the food into tiny balls called bolus which makes swallowing easier. The EsophagusWhen you swallow your food, it enters a muscular tube call the esophagus. As you swallow involuntary muscles contract and relax pushing food toward your stomach. The movement created by the contracting and relaxing muscles is called peristalsis. The StomachWhen food enters the stomach it mixes with gastric juices (enzymes, acids and mucus).Enzymes called pepsin help to break down proteins and fats. Hydrochloric acid is responsible for breaking down proteins as well. The mucus protects the walls of the stomach from strong acids and enzymes. Mechanical digestion takes place as the food and gastric juices are mixed together. Chemical digestion takes place as enzymes and acid break down the food eaten. When the food and juices are fully mixed, the resulting mixture is called chymeThe small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum)As chyme enters the small intestine digestive juices made by the pancreas, small intestine and liver is added to it . The juices made by the pancreas breaks down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The juices made by the small intestine finish the work started by the pancreatic enzymes and neutralize the acidity of the chyme. Bile made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder is responsible for breaking down fats. Chyme moves along this organ by the process of peristalsis.In the small intestine digestion of food is completed.Absorption (the movement of digestive food into the blood stream) takes place with the help of villi. Inside the many folds of the intestine there are millions of villi. Villi are tiny finger like projections with a large surface area. These villi are surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries. The nutrients that have been broken down in the process of digestion are small enough to move out of the villi and into the capillaries.The large intestine Waste materials and fiber move into the large intestine. During their journey water from the waste material is absorbed by the blood from the large intestine. The substance left behind (waste) travels to the rectum where it is stored. This waste material is called feces. When the rectum becomes full the fecal wastes are removed from the body through the anus.ActivityComplete the table below by writing the letter of the part of the digestive system that matches the statement on the space provided.StatementsLetter of PartDigestion starts here.The part water is absorbed.Have small finger like projections.Food is mixed with saliva.Connects the mouth to the stomach.Contains hydrochloric acid.Mixes food to produce chyme.What are the other organs that help the digestive system?Salivary GlandsThese are the glands located under the lower jaw , the tongue and at the front of the ears. They are responsible for making saliva which makes food softer and easier to swallow.The PancreasThis organ is responsible for making enzymes. The enzymes are sent to the small intestine through a tube called the pancreatic duct. The pancreatic enzymes help the body breakdown carbohydrates, proteins and fats.The LiverOne of the jobs of the live is to create bile. Bile is a fluid containing special salts. These salts are important for breaking down fats into smaller molecules. The bile is made in the liver and is stored in a nearby organ called the gall bladder. The gall bladder sends bile into the duodenum. The bile travels from the gallbladder to the small intestine through a tube called the bile duct.Where digestion begins and ends for each class of nutrient?NutrientWhere digestion beginsWhere digestion endsCarbohydratesin mouthileumProteinsstomachileumFatsduodenumileumVitamins, minerals and water are readily taken up into the bloodstream and do not have to be digested.What are all the enzymes involved in digestion?Digestive Enzymes are chemicals that speed up the breakdown of food. These are made in the digestive glands and secreted in the digestive juices. With the aid of these enzymes food can be digested an Digestive GlandEnzymeFood Acted On(Substrate)Substance Produced(Product)Mouth Salivary GlandsSalivary AmylaseStarchMaltoseStomachGastric GlandPepsin RenninProteinMilk PeptidesClots ItSmall IntestinePancreasTrypsin_________________Lipase ____________AmylaseProtein____________Fat__________StarchAmino Acid____________________Fatty Acids and Glycerol _______________________MaltoseIntestinal GlandMaltase_________________Sucrase________________LactaseMaltose __________Sucrose____________LactoseGlucose_________________Fructose_______________Glucose and galactoseLiver Bile salts (not an enzyme)Emulsifies FatSplits into dropletsWhat are the end products of chemical digestion of fats , proteins and carbohydrates?End-Products of DigestionResults from the breakdown of:FunctionGlucoseCarbohydrates/starchesProduces energyAmino acids ProteinsBuilds enzymes, help maintain cell structureFatty acids and glycerolFatsEnergy storageActivityWhat process does the arrows at the sides of the esophagus represents?___________________________________________________________(1)Name the substance moving through the esophagus. Note: don’t use food.___________________________________________________________(1)What organ produces bile and where is it stored?Organ _________________________________Stored _________________________________ (2)Complete the table belowEnzymeSubstrateProductPepsinFatsFatty acidsStarchSucroseFructose (6)Match the following with the correct answer.____ A. incisor a. place where digestion begins____ B. stomach b. tooth that are used for biting____ C. canine c. place where digestion ends____ D. mouth d. tooth used for tearing food____ E. liver e. contains bile____ F. peristalsis f. water is absorbed here____ G. large intestine g. movement of food through the esophagus ................

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