Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) - American Red Cross

-115570-7620Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA)Country / Region: Disaster 00Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA)Country / Region: Disaster DREF / Emergency Appeal (select / delete as appropriate) n° MDRxx123Glide n° XXFor DREF; Date of issue: X Month YearFor Emergency Appeal: Date of launch: X Month Year (select / delete as appropriate)Expected timeframe: X months, Expected end date: Month Year; if the operation (appeal) timeframe is extended, indicate here to XX months and therefore ending at XX Month, Year. (delete this timeframe extension reference if not applicable).DREF allocated: CHF XX; Appeal budget: CHF XX; if the appeal budget is revised (increase / decrease), indicate here to CHF XX. (delete this budget revision reference if not applicable).Total number of people affected:Number of people to be assisted: if the total number of beneficiaries is revised, indicate here to XX. (delete this revised number of beneficiaries reference if not applicable)Host National Society(ies) presence (n° of volunteers, staff, branches):Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners actively involved in the operation:Other partner organizations actively involved in the operation:A. Situation analysisDescription of the disaster [Provide a summary of the situation based on the information available at this time, including the type of disaster, the location, the scope/size, the damage caused, the numbers of the affected population and how the situation has developed or evolved. Include the actual and potential needs and problems faced by the affected population.If this operation is to prepare for an imminent crisis, provide as detailed information as possible on the pending event, including the expected dates and likely areas of impact, the number of people who are likely to be affected and the expected effects of the event]Note: An initial Emergency Plan of Action for DREF is likely to be based on the limited assessment information available at this time but the National Society should carry out further assessment during the operation and revise the operational plan as necessary.Summary of the current responseOverview of Host National SocietySummarise the action already taken by the National Society to respond to the disaster. Include any information about their work in the country that is relevant for the management of the operation: core activities of the NS, previous experience and capacity, previous DREF operations, DM training, contingency planning, pre-positioning of stocks etc. that has allowed the NS to respond rapidly and appropriately.Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in countryDescribe the IFRC presence in-country and/or the region, what any partner National Societies and the ICRC are doing / planning, and Movement coordination mechanisms in place.Movement CoordinationFor Emergency Appeals, include the expected or planned processes or protocol for coordinating RCRC Movement support to and implementation of the operation.Overview of non-RCRC actors in countryIn available at this stage of the operation, describe what others are doing (Government, Civil Protection/Defence, Military, UN, INGOs, local NGOs) and any coordination mechanisms in place, such as clusters or government coordinating body.Needs analysis, beneficiary selection, risk assessment and scenario planning [This section should include a summary of the emergency assessment data on the immediate needs of people affected at the time of the request and other potential emergency needs on which the relief operation will be based. In case of imminent crisis indicate most likely needs. The source of the data should be indicated (i.e. RCRC assessment, government figures, and other organisations’ figures][Give the likely evolution of the situation based on forecasts and if possible and applicable, include a description of the best, middle, and worst case scenarios for the following weeks.]Risk Assessment[Summarize any known or anticipated risks which might impact on the implementation of the operation (i.e. the security situation, state of the roads and difficulty of access) and then give the mitigation action that the National Society will take to limit the effects of these risks].B. Operational strategy and planGuidance: This plan should be prepared by the National Society, with support from the Secretariat technical departments and support services. It should be developed in stages as necessary and revised as more information becomes available or the situation changes.There are 9 sections in a full emergency plan of action: Early warning and emergency response preparedness (for response to imminent crisis) Needs assessment, monitoring and evaluation (areas common to all sectors), Health & Care; Water Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion; Shelter & Settlements; Food Security, Nutrition & Livelihoods, Restoring Family Links, Disaster Preparedness & Risk Reduction (DPRR) and National Society Capacity Building (NSCB). For a DREF Operation Plan of Action DPRR (not eligible for inclusion in a DREF operation) and NSCB (only to be considered a secondary or indirect outcome of the DREF operation) should not be included. For the initial plan of action for an operation to be covered by an Emergency Appeal it is unlikely that plans for DPRR and NSCB will be developed at that point, but they should be developed in the more detailed Emergency Plan of Action as it evolves.The outcomes and outputs chosen for each sector should be linked to the detailed needs assessment information which should be given in the needs analysis at the beginning of each sector. If the detailed needs assessment has not yet been completed, the needs will be estimated based on the information available. The actual sectors of intervention are obviously an operational decision taken by those on the ground, and should be developed as relevant to the operation. Sectors that are not relevant may be removed from the plan.Refer to Annex 1 for a menu list (examples) of outcomes and outputs by sector. These have been developed for both Emergency Appeal and DREF Plan of Action, so appropriate examples chosen will reflect the emergency response covered by DREF: meeting immediate needs.Each element can be modified or removed as needed. Wherever there are objectives or activities which are not covered by the standard “menu”, new statements should be written, but in the same simple and concise style of the standard statements. Note: Cash Transfer or Based ProgrammingUnconditional and conditional cash and voucher based distributions can be an effective way of meeting a range of diverse and immediate needs that promotes dignity, choice for disaster affected populations and supports local markets and economies to recover quicker. They are often most appropriate and effective when used in combination with in–kind goods and services. As unconditional cash distributions are multi-sectoral in nature, they should be included in the ‘Common to all areas’ section. For conditional cash distributions, these are given to meet a specific set of needs and therefore should be planned for in the relevant sectoral area. For example if you are providing vouchers to be encashed at a local seed fair these should be planned for in the Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods section. If you are providing a cash grant to a household that is conditional on completion of an emergency shelter this should be planned for in the Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items section. Overall objective[Give a short summary of the overall objective of the operation, including preparedness for imminent crisis if appropriate or why the National Society is concentrating on certain sectors only if relevant. One suggestion given as an illustrative example is:The disaster-affected population’s survival and immediate needs are met through the provision of food and non-food items for xxxxx households.Provide a summary of the overall target population for the operation (detail to be given by sector below].Proposed strategy [Explain how the National Society will ensure that the operation meets the immediate needs of most vulnerable affected people, including how it will:Carry out continuous needs assessment and analysisEnsure integrated programming between sectorsPromote early recovery].Note on assessment: The Federation is increasingly asked to identify or generate more accurate beneficiary data and information. You should indicate the approach to continuous assessment and analysis: How will further assessment be carried out?How will we be accountable to the people we reach, how will we consult with beneficiaries, including what feedback mechanisms will be put in placeHow will we include beneficiary participation, building on local capacities and knowledgeHow we will ensure that specific needs are taken into consideration in relation to gender, ethnicity, age, disability, people living with HIV/AIDS, or other factors that may increase vulnerabilityRefer to the Sphere standards and how they have been considered and respected in the proposed response.Operational support servicesThis section should summarize areas necessary for key functions that support the overall operation, i.e. (processes common to supporting the implementation of all sectors – Human resources; IT; Logistics; Administration, Finance; PMER; Communications; Security; Resource mobilization) Individual support areas may choose to develop their own, internal more detailed planning (log frame / activity planning) documents, but these would not normally be included here. Human resourcesConsider personnel needed to complete the operational plan – this can be volunteers, NS staff, surge capacity i.e RDRT/RITs, consultants, IFRC country/regional staff, delegates, etc.. Based on the specific operation, specify and reflect projected HR needs and include the costs in the operational support budget.NOTE: administrative costs of permanent staff, including salaries, or costs related to the maintenance of permanent office structures, either of the National Society or Federation offices are not eligible for cover by DREF. The DREF will cover the costs of volunteers mobilized for the operation, including insurance, travel costs and per diems and travel costs for permanent staff directly supporting the operation and/or the costs of temporary staff recruited to support the operation..].Logistics and supply chain[Logistics planning to support the operation including procurement should be discussed and agreed on with the Federation logistics representatives to ensure the fastest solution is found and budgeted with their support to ensure good practice and accountability.Provide bullet point information on:Procurement plansWarehouse and storage plansTransport and fleet needs].Quick linksEmergency Items Catalogue 2009 Logistics Standards OnlineProcurement Portal Information technologies (IT)Include the cost of communications (telephone etc.) in the operational support budgetNote: The purchase of computers, telephones, printers etc. are not eligible for a short-term DREF operation and specific approval should be requested before including this in a DREF budget. CommunicationsGive a brief summary of how the National Society and the Federation will use the media to promote the operation and the profile of the National Society and include costs in the operational support budget.SecurityIndicate any potential security issues and how the National Society or the Federation will handle them.Planning, monitoring, evaluation, & reporting (PMER)[Monitoring and Evaluation: Indicate how monitoring of the implementation will be carried out and whether an evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction survey, lessons learned workshop are planned. (Refer to Annex 2 for a template for a DREF operation monitoring report)Indicate here any support that will be provided to monitoring and evaluation of the operation, for example:Monitoring or Evaluation training for the National Society staff or volunteers;Lessons-learned workshop; Technical support from the IFRC Zone or country)Include the costs of the planned activities in the operational support budget.Administration and FinanceNational Society and Federation operational administrative support and office costs and financial charges should detailed (avoid lump sums) and included in the operational budgetC. DETAILED OPERATIONAL PLANRefer to Annex 1 -8 for a menu list of standard sectoral outcomes, outputs, indicators, means of verification and activities. Note: the week / month timelines in the main sectoral tables below should be added to or amended to fit the operation. It is assumed that the first week / month represents the initial start of the operation.Early warning & emergency response preparednessUse this section for activities planned during preparedness for imminent crisisOutcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Output 1.2Activities planned Quality programming / Areas common to all sectorsUse this section to include multi-sectoral activities that improve the quality of your programme. Include elements from the programme cycle such as needs and capacity assessments, rapid assessments for markets, planned and budgeted monitoring and evaluation activities and learning opportunities, unconditional cash transfer programming, and activities relating to any cross-cutting issues such as gender, PLWHA, age, dis abilities and the environment. Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month123456789101112131415Add week / month columns as neededOutput 1.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Outcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Health & care(Remove if not applicable)Needs analysis: Provide a short description of the anticipated (if at initial assessment stage) or confirmed needs (following detailed needs assessment) in this sector which the PoA will seek to meet. Summarize from the needs analysis section above with any sector specific detail.Population to be assisted: Provide a short summary of the target population (the number, location etc), including the selection criteria as they apply to their perceived or confirmed vulnerabilities and the sector. Include how they will or have been consulted and to what degree they have or will participate in the program implementation. Summarize from the needs analysis section above with any sector specific detail.Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Output 1.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Outcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededWater, sanitation and hygiene promotion(Remove if not applicable)Needs analysis: Provide a short description of the anticipated (if at initial assessment stage) or confirmed needs (following detailed needs assessment )in this sector which the PoA will seek to meet.Population to be assisted: Provide a short summary of the target population, (the number, location etc), including the selection criteria as they apply to their perceived or confirmed vulnerabilities and the sector. Include how they will or have been consulted and to what degree they have or will participate in the program implementation.Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 1.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Outcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededShelter and settlements (and household items)(Remove if not applicable)Needs analysis: Provide a short description of the anticipated (if at initial assessment stage) or confirmed needs (following detailed needs assessment) in this sector which the PoA will seek to meet.Population to be assisted: Provide a short summary of the target population (the number, location etc),, including the selection criteria as they apply to their perceived or confirmed vulnerabilities and the sector. Include how they will or have been consulted and to what degree they have or will participate in the program implementation.Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 1.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Outcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededFood security, nutrition and livelihoods(Remove if not applicable)Needs analysis: Provide a short description of the anticipated (if at initial assessment stage) or confirmed needs (following detailed needs assessment) in this sector which the PoA will seek to meet.Population to be assisted: Provide a short summary of the target population (the number, location etc),, including the selection criteria as they apply to their perceived or confirmed vulnerabilities and the sector. Include how they will or have been consulted and to what degree they have or will participate in the program implementation.Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 1.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededOutcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededRestoring family links(Remove if not applicable)Needs analysis: Provide a short description of the anticipated (if at initial assessment stage) or confirmed needs (following detailed needs assessment) in this sector which the PoA will seek to meet.Population to be assisted: Provide a short summary of the target population (the number, location etc),, including the selection criteria as they apply to their perceived or confirmed vulnerabilities and the sector. Include how they will or have been consulted and to what degree they have or will participate in the program implementation.Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Output 1.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededOutcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededNational Society capacity building(Remove if not applicable – this sector should not be included in a DREF operation plan of action)Needs analysis: Provide a short description of the anticipated (if at initial assessment stage) or confirmed needs (following detailed needs assessment) in this sector which the PoA will seek to meet.Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 1.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededOutcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededDisaster preparedness and risk reduction(Remove if not applicable – this sector should not be included in a DREF operation plan of action)Needs analysis: Provide a short description of the anticipated (if at initial assessment stage) or confirmed needs (following detailed needs assessment) in this sector which the PoA will seek to meet.Population to be assisted: Provide a short summary of the target population (the number, location etc.), including the selection criteria as they apply to their perceived or confirmed vulnerabilities and the sector. Include how they will or have been consulted and to what degree they have or will participate in the program implementation.Outcome 1:Output 1.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 1.2Activities planned Week / Month12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededOutcome 2Output 2.1Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Output 2.2Activities planned Week / Month 12345678910111213141516Continue adding or deleting rows for outputs and activities as neededBudgetThe budget template (Annex 3) must be filled out by sector once the activities have been defined. The outcome and the activities can be copied and pasted into the budget format under the appropriate sector. For each activity it is necessary to budget all the costs incurred, i.e. for a distribution of relief items the costs of procurement of the relief items themselves, any warehousing and transport costs, the volunteer costs for distribution, monitoring of the distributions, etc. These can be budgeted under the sector and activity concerned or under operational support costs.Where there are supplementary operational support costs which are not budgeted under the activities, they can be included in the operational support costs. This includes human resources, logistics, communications, office costs, financial charges. The completed budget should be transferred by the FedBudget template by IFRC Secretariat staff 1 – 8 CONTAIN A LIST OF SUGGESTED OUTCOMES, OUTPUTS, INDICATORS, MEANS OF VERIFICATION, ASSUMPTIONS AND ACTIVITIES TO SUPPORT OPERATIONAL DESIGNANNEX 1: AREAS COMMON TO ALL SECTORSOutcome 1: Continuous and detailed assessment and analysis is used to inform the design and implementation of the operation Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:N° of assessments conducted (general and/or sectoral) Output 1.1 Initial needs assessment are updated following consultation with beneficiariesAssessment reports which show beneficiaries are consulted (assessment reports, plan of action)Assessment reports which provide data on affected population disaggregated by sex, age and vulnerabilities (assessment reports)Sectoral plans which clearly outline activities to meet specific beneficiary needs, including consideration of identified vulnerability factors including gender, age, handicaps, PLWA etc.(Plan of action, operation reviews)Operation objectives and activities which reflect the needs, concerns and values of disaster-affected people, particularly those belonging to vulnerable groups [Sphere p28] (Assessment reports, plan of action, operations reviews)Output 1.2 The emergency plan of action is updated and revised as necessary to reflect needs Plans of action which clearly outlines how decisions are based on assessment and analysis (assessment reports, plan of action, operation reviews)Sectoral plans which clearly outline how decisions are based on assessment and analysis (assessment reports, plan of action, operation reviews)Plans of action which show that decisions are made based on consultation with beneficiaries (assessment reports, plan of action, operation review)Output 1.3 Cash / voucher solutions (food, NFIs and livelihood asset replacement) are considered where appropriate and incorporated into the plan where feasibleMarket assessments and feasibility studies which inform programme design (assessment report, plan of action)Sectoral plans which show that use of cash / voucher solutions have been considered and incorporated where appropriate based on consultation with beneficiaries (plan of action)Outcome 2: The management of the operation is informed by a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system(see Sphere p 37-39) (internal planning, monitoring and evaluation records, public and management reports)Plan of action and sectoral plans for which a monitoring and evaluation plan has been developedPlanned evaluations which take place with lessons learned and management response providedOutput 2.2: Monitoring information informs revisions of plan of action where appropriateSectoral plans of action which show that revisions are made if necessary based on M&E information (monitoring reports, plan of action)Sectoral plans which are revised or confirmed based on indicator-based reports received on a regular basis (through an indicator tracking table or similar tool)Plans which are revised and confirmed based on consultation with beneficiaries (monitoring reports, plans of action)Output 2.3: The findings of evaluations lead to adjustments in on-going plans and future planning as appropriate Plan of action and sectoral plans where revisions are made if necessary based on recommendations of real-time evaluationsLearning from operation reviews, lessons learned and evaluations which are incorporated into planningManagement feedback on evaluations which leads to well informed planningANNEX 2: HEALTH AND CAREOutcome 1: The immediate risks to the health of affected populations are reduced. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: Crude Mortality Rate (secondary sources (MOH & WHO).Under 5 mortality rate (secondary sources (MOH & WHO).% of people in the IFRC catchment area who can access appropriate health services (1c household survey of NS/IFRC target areas, ERU and PNS reports).Output 1.1 The health situation and immediate risks are assessed using agreed guidelines. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of assessments conducted based on standard IFRC and / or WHO assessment guidelines (Host NS & IFRC assessment reports).List of activities planned to choose as options:Distribute XX (number) of health supplies to XX (number) of families/beneficiaries within XX (number) of days/weeks/months.Train XX volunteers on communicable disease surveillance in coordination with MoH and District Health OfficesSupport mass vaccination campaign through XX (number) of volunteers through social mobilization and/or independent monitoring in coordination with MoH/WHO/UNICEF Output 1.2 Target population is provided with rapid medical management of injuries and diseases. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people reached by First Aid services (HNS treatment logs. See also Federation Wide Reporting System (FWRS) Indicator guidelines).n° patients treated in health facilities (if possible disaggregated by type of treatment) (Facility patient register)n° of health facilities (ERU or other) established (can be disaggregated by primary/specialized and/or by type)( Internal records).n° of health kits delivered (can be disaggregated by type)(Beneficiary registration/distribution records).Output 1.3 Community-based disease prevention and health promotion is provided to the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people reached by community-based health activities (can be disaggregated by type: health promotion, training etc.) (ERU/PNS/HNS reports based on project monitoring system (see FWRS Indicator guidelines).Output 1.4 Epidemic prevention and control measures carried out. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of people reached with community-based epidemic prevention and control activities (ERU/Host NS reports. beneficiary tables).n° of people/children vaccinated (Vaccination campaign records).n° of mosquito nets distributed (Beneficiary registration/distribution records).Output 1.5 Psychosocial support provided to the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people reached by psychosocial support (Participant records from trainings and community sessions).Output 1.6 Severe Acute Malnutrition is addressed in the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process. Please refer to the Food security and nutrition section of this guidance. Output 1.7 HIV / AIDS prevention and essential management provided. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people living with HIV already on ART who are receiving continuation therapy (Patient records (ERU/ HNS/PNS reports).n° of affected people reached with HIV/AIDS prevention messages and material (Awareness sessions reports (ERU/ HNS/PNS).n° of condoms distributed (Beneficiary registration/distribution records. (ERU/PNS/HNS reports).Output 1.8 Minimum initial maternal and neonatal health services provided to target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of clean home delivery kits distributed to all visibly pregnant women and birth attendants (Beneficiary registration/distribution records)n° of midwife delivery kits distributed at health facilities (Beneficiary registration/distribution records)IFRC/NS has a role in a referral system (where it exists) to manage obstetric emergencies established (Y/N) (internal reports)Refer to 1.5a n° of people reached by psychosocial support specifically for survivors of sexual and/or gender based violence.( c.f. 1.5a)Outcome 2 The medium-term risks to the health of affected populations are reduced. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: Crude Mortality Rate (secondary sources (MOH & WHO).Under 5 mortality rate (secondary sources (MOH & WHO).% of people in the IFRC catchment area who can access appropriate health services (household survey of NS/IFRC target areas, ERU and PNS reports).Output 2.1 The health situation and immediate risks are properly assessed. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of recovery- specific assessments conducted and shared (Internal register of assessment reports).Output 2.2 Gaps in medical infrastructure of the affected population filled. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of local health facilities supported by IFRC (disaggregated by type of support) (Internal records).n° size of catchment population of health facilities supported by IFRC (MoH records / interagency population mapping).Output 2.3 Community -based disease prevention and health promotion measures provided. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people reached with community-based disease prevention and health promotion programming (ERU/PNS/HNS reports based on project monitoring system (see FWRS Indicator guidelines).Output 2.4 Epidemic prevention measures carried out. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people reached with community-based epidemic prevention and control activities (Participant register from sensitization sessions/trainings/other events).n° “Epidemic Control for Volunteers” activities carried out (Participant register from sensitization sessions).n° of people/children vaccinated (Clinic/other Vaccination records).n° of mosquito nets distributed (ERU/HNS Distribution records).Output 2.5 Mainstream and cross cutting psychosocial support provided. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of people reached by PSP services and programmes (Patient register & participant register (see FWRS Indicator guidelines).% of health and other programmes with PSP component (Sectoral plans).Output 2.6 A minimum set of longer-term comprehensive reproductive health services are planned and implemented. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: agreements in place (sites, staff and training identified) for future delivery of comprehensive RH services (Copy of RH service delivery agreements).ANNEX 2: WATER, SANITATION, & HYGIENE PROMOTIONOutcome 1 Immediate reduction in risk of waterborne and water related diseases in targeted communities. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: % of target population that has access to sufficient safe water (Household survey and inspections).% of target population that is using adequate sanitation (Household survey and inspections).% of target population that has increased knowledge of hygiene practices (specify according to context) (Household survey and inspections).Assumption: FACT or RDRT includes WatSan specialist(s) at the onset of the operation. (Applicable to all outputs).Output 1.1 Continuous assessment of water, sanitation, and hygiene situation is carried out. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of site assessments carried out and shared (Assessment report (rapid and comprehensive).Output 1.2 Daily access to safe water which meets Sphere and WHO standards in terms of quantity and quality is provided to target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people provided with safe water (according to WHO standards). (Field reports and ERU records; water quality tests conducted: 1) at the point of distribution and 2) at the point of use).n° of litres safe water distributed (cumulative). (Field reports and ERU records; water quality tests conducted: 1) at the point of distribution and 2) at the point of use).Average amount of safe water distributed per person per day. (Field reports and ERU records; water quality tests conducted: 1) at the point of distribution and 2) at the point of use).n° of water distribution points (Field reports and ERU records).% of people practicing good water handling practices which includes use of sufficient water storage container (Focus groups or household survey).Output 1.3 Adequate sanitation which meets Sphere standards in terms of quantity and quality is provided to target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: Indicators (and means of verification):n° of people provided with excreta disposal facilities (Field reports and ERU records).Average n° of people per toilet (Field reports and ERU records).n° of households involved in one or more environmental sanitation interventions according to context (i.e. solid waste management, drainage, vector control) (Field reports and ERU records).Facilities are designed after consultation with affected population (Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household level).% of facilities that are regularly cleaned and maintained (Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household level).Output 1.4 Hygiene promotion activities which meet Sphere standards in terms of the identification and use of hygiene items provided to target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people reached by hygiene promotion activities (Field reports and ERU records)n° of volunteers involved in hygiene promotion activities (Field reports and ERU records)% increase in 3-5 aspects of personal hygiene knowledge ( specify according to context) (Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household levelIndicator of evidence of key hygiene practices (e.g.: % of handwashing facilities which show evidence of use & regular maintenance) (Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household level)Output 1.5 Hygiene-related goods (NFIs) which meet Sphere standards are provided to the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of households provided with a set of essential hygiene items (e.g. hygiene kits, water storage containers, soap, household water treatment, and cleaning kits) (Detailed beneficiary registration records)Output 1.6 Training on how to use hygiene-related goods is provided to the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of households trained in the use of distributed items (Training records).% of households using items properly (Household survey / focus groups & water quality tests (where appropriate).Outcome 2 Sustainable reduction in risk of waterborne and water related diseases in targeted communities. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: % of target population that both has access to and uses sustainable water supply (Household survey and inspections).% of target population using sanitation facilities (Household survey and inspections).% of target population that are practicing good hygiene behaviours (specify according to context) (Household survey and inspections).Output 2.1 Community managed water sources giving access to safe water is provided to target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: % of target population with access to an improved water source (Household surveys and water quality tests conducted: 1) at the point of distribution and 2) at the point of use).% of target communities with financial resources to operate and maintain water facilities, access to technical support, and access to spare parts (Community surveys using GWSI Evaluation Tools).Output 2.2 Improved access to and use of adequate sanitation by the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people with access to an improved sanitation facility (Field reports; Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household level).% of constructed sanitation facilities maintained by target population (Field reports; Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household level).n° of households involved in one or more environmental sanitation interventions according to context (i.e. solid waste management, drainage, vector control) (Field reports and household surveys).Output 2.3 Hygiene promotion activities are provided to the entire affected population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of people reached by hygiene promotion activities (Field reports and ERU records).n° of volunteers involved in hygiene promotion activities (Field reports and ERU records).% increase in personal hygiene knowledge (e.g. critical times to wash hands with soap)( Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household level).Indicator of evidence of key hygiene practices (e.g.: % of hand-washing facilities which show evidence of use & regular maintenance) (Random surveys and facility inspections at community and household level).ANNEX 3: SHELTER & SETTLEMENTSOutcome 1 The immediate shelter and settlement needs of the target population are met. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: % of households living in shelters meeting agreed standards for emergency shelter for the specific operational context (e.g. Sphere, national or cluster standards) (Household survey, Visual checks on site and/or the use of site photos. Key informant interview).Assumptions: No security problems in the affected area. (relevant for all Outcomes), Existing access to the affected areas is not threatened. Agreement on applicable standards.Output 1.1. Emergency shelter assistance is provided to the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of households provided with emergency shelter assistance which meet the agreed standards for the specific operational context (e.g. Sphere, national or cluster standards) The goods provided should be specified (e.g. covering kit, tent, emergency shelter kit, cash, construction materials, etc., and disaggregated where possible) (Beneficiary registration/distribution records, Good distribution quality check report, Beneficiary satisfaction surveys).Assumptions: Availability and access to space and sites (original, temporary or relocation), Agreement and consent of the national and local authorities. Agreement on applicable standards.Activities plannedDevelop Emergency sheltering strategyIdentify volunteers and staffs to support the operationProcurement and transport of shelter kits/tents and timber complementing the shelter kitProcure construction materials for core wooden shelterProvide volunteers with training temporary shelter set upDistribute of Shelter kit (with timber if require) and tents (in coordination with 3 relief teams) distribution XXX units/dayIn parallel of the distribution sensitisation session on setting up tents or using shelter kitOutput 1.2 Emergency settlements are accessible to the target community. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of target population, provided with access to an emergency settlement that meets agreed standards for the specific operational context (e.g. Sphere, national or cluster standards), including access to basic infrastructure and essential services (disaggregated by population in situ/population in host families/ in self-settled camps/in temporary planned camps/in collective centres etc.) (Beneficiary registration/distribution records, Beneficiary satisfaction surveys).Assumptions: Availability and access to space and sites (original, temporary or relocation), Agreement and consent of the national and local authorities. Agreement on applicable standards.Output 1.3 Essential Household Items (EHI)/non-food items (NFI) are provided to the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of households provided with Essential Household Items that meet agreed standards for the specific operational context (e.g. Sphere, national or cluster standards)(Beneficiary registration/distribution records with sign-off for receipt, Beneficiary satisfaction surveys).Assumptions: Agreement on applicable standards. Output 1.4 Awareness of target communities on basic safe shelter and settlement is raised. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° (or %) of the target population provided with awareness messages who can correctly identify agreed safe shelter and settlement features (Records of beneficiaries/recipients of awareness raising action, Training or campaign materials)Assumptions: Opportunity to include awareness-raising activities as part of emergency programming, Affected population have time and interest to commit to awareness raising activitiesOutput 1.5 Shelter and settlement – related income generating opportunities are provided to the affected communities in accordance with the livelihood strategy. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of people taking part in cash-for-work (CFW) schemes related to shelter and settlement activities (List of CFW beneficiaries).Assumptions: Functioning market to absorb the cash, Affected population have time and interest to commit to CFW activities.Output 1.6 Increased capacity is available to the National Society to implement the relevant emergency shelter and settlement activities (in accordance with the OD strategy). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of staff and volunteers provided with on-the-job trainings relevant to emergency shelter, settlements and EHI/NFI activities. (can disaggregate by new/existing staff & volunteers) (Lists of staff and volunteers provided with training, Number of awareness/training sessions provided, NS rosters with identified skill sets, knowledge, etc.)n° of national and international technical staff available to the NS (Lists of staff and volunteers provided with training, Number of awareness/training sessions provided, NS rosters with identified skill sets, knowledge, etc.)Assumptions: NS is willing to scale up or delegate the implementation to the IFRC.Outcome 2 The target population have temporary shelter and settlement that will remain adequate until durable solutions are achieved (in accordance with watsan/health/livelihood/DRR sections of the plan of action). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: % of target households living in shelters meeting agreed standards for early recovery for the specific operational context Sphere/national/cluster to be specified (Household survey, Beneficiary satisfaction surveys (shelter and community infrastructure).% of the target households who are living in settlements that meet agreed standards for early recovery for the specific operational context including access to basic infrastructure and essential services Sphere/national/cluster to be specified. (Household survey, Beneficiary satisfaction surveys (shelter and community infrastructure).Assumptions: No security problems. Agreements with national/local authorities remain valid. Agreement on applicable standards.Output 2.1 The target population have temporary/transitional shelter adequate until durable solutions are achieved. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of households who have received temporary/transitional shelter assistance to enable agreed standards for the specific operational context to be met (can be disaggregated by complete shelter solutionsconstruction materials, tools, contracted labour etc., cash/credit/vouchers to buy shelter material, tools, labour etc.othersDistribution lists/hand over certificate with sign-off for receipt, Visual checks on site/or site pictures.)Assumptions: Access to the affected areas is not threatened, Suitable land available, Agreements with national/local authorities remain valid, Agreement on applicable standards.List of options for activities planned:Conduct detailed assessment on early recovery needs to complement emergency shelter solutions Develop menu assistances for host families and implement the activity with technical assistance Develop mechanisms and plan of action to set-up wooden core shelter activities Develop mechanisms and plan of action to set-up host families support Provide volunteers with training and construction instruction Transport complementary materials assistances for wooden core shelter and monitor Develop “steel frame” building in urban area and implement the activity with technical assistance Develop safe community centres and implement the activity with technical assistance Community preparedness capacity building on risk reduction targeting the NS and communities Output 2.2 Temporary /transitional settlements are accessible to the target population and will remain adequate until durable solutions are achieved. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of households provided with access to a transitional settlement that meets agreed standards for the specific operational context (e.g. Sphere/national/cluster standards to be specified (Household survey, Visual checks on site/or site pictures)Assumptions: Agreement with authorities on the provision of settlement and is not overturned. Agreement on applicable standards.Output 2.3 Temporary/transitional communal facilities provided to target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of temporary/transitional communal facilities provided that meet agreed standards for the specific operational context (e.g. Sphere/national/cluster standards) (Household survey, Focus group interviews, Visual checks on site/or site pictures)Assumptions: Agreement with authorities on the provision of land remains valid and is not overturned. Agreement on applicable standards.Output 2.4 Training/awareness raising sessions provided to target communities on basic safe shelter and settlement for early recovery stage (in accordance with the DRR strategy). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of training/awareness raising sessions held (Training records)n° of people who attend training/awareness raising sessions on basic safe shelter and settlement for early recovery (Training records)n° of awareness material produced and disseminated (construction manuals, posters, leaflets, radio/media, prototype buildings etc) (Manuals & guidelines produced)Assumptions: No logistic constraints (production, printing etc), Affected population have time and interest to commit to training/awareness raising activitiesOutput 2.5 Income-generating opportunities are provided to the affected communities in the early recovery phase (in accordance with the livelihood strategy). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of people taking part in cash-for-work (CFW) schemes related to shelter and settlement activities (List of CFW beneficiaries)n° of people who receive professional certification on appropriate construction techniques (Certificates issued)Assumptions: Functioning market to absorb the cash/material production. Affected population have time and interest to commit to CFW and training activities Output 2.6 Increased capacity is available to the National Society to implement the relevant early recovery shelter and settlement activities (in accordance with the OD strategy). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of staff and volunteers provided with on-the-job trainings relevant to early recovery shelter and settlements activities (can be disaggregated by new/existing staff/volunteers) (Lists of staff and volunteers provided with awareness/training, Number of awareness/training sessions provided, NS rosters with identified skill sets, knowledge, etc)n° of national and international technical staff available to the NS (Lists of staff and volunteers provided with awareness/training, Number of awareness/training sessions provided, NS rosters with identified skill sets, knowledge, etc)Assumptions: NS is willing to scale-up or delegate the implementation to the IFRCOutcome 3 The target population has durable and sustainable shelter and settlement. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: % of target households who have durable shelter that meets national / cluster specify standards for recovery for the specific operational context. (Household survey, Beneficiary satisfaction surveys (shelter and community infrastructure), Monitoring and evaluation activities, Registration, hand over certificates and occupancy rates, Contingency plans (DRR).% of target households who have durable settlement that meets national/cluster specify standards for recovery for the specific operational context (Household survey, Beneficiary satisfaction surveys (shelter and community infrastructure), Monitoring and evaluation activities, Registration, hand over certificates and occupancy rates, Contingency plans (DRR).Assumptions: No security problems, agreements with national/local authorities remain valid, agreement on applicable standards.Output 3.1 Durable shelter that meets agreed standards is provided. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of target households who have received durable shelter/housing assistance that meet agreed standards for the specific operational context e.g. national/cluster standards) (complete shelters/houses, construction materials, cash etc.) (Distribution lists with sign-off for receipt or hand over certificates. Individual check/Pictures)% of the target households who have secure land and property tenure or use rights (Register of interim land title or property ownership title registered or use agreements)Assumptions: Access to the affected areas is not threatened, Suitable land available, agreements with national/local authorities remain valid, agreement on applicable standards.Output 3.2 Durable and sustainable settlement that meets agreed standards are made accessible to the target population. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of households provided with access to a settlement that meets agreed standards for the specific operational context (e.g. national/cluster standards) (Household survey. Visual checks on site/or site pictures)Assumptions: Agreement with authorities on the provision of settlement remains valid. Agreement on applicable standards.Output 3.3. Sustainable communal facilities provided within durable settlements to agreed standards. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° and % of people with access to communal facilities that meets agreed standards for the specific operational context (e.g. national/cluster standards)(Household survey).n° (number) of durable communal facilities provided with agreed ownership and maintenance (Hand over documentation, Operation and maintenance plan (financial and HR).Assumptions: Agreements with authorities remain valid. Agreement on applicable standards.Output 3.4 Training/awareness raising sessions provided to target communities on basic safe shelter and settlement for recovery (in accordance with the DRR strategy). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of training/awareness raising sessions held (Training records)n° people who attend training sessions on basic safe shelter and settlement relevant to recovery (Training records)n° (number) of awareness material produced and disseminated (construction manuals, posters, leaflets, radio/media, prototype buildings etc) (Manuals, guidelines produced)Assumptions: No logistic constraints (production, printing etc). Affected population have time and interest to commit to training/awareness raising activitiesOutput 3.5 Income-generating opportunities are provided to the affected communities in the recovery phase (in accordance with the livelihood strategy). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process:n° of people taking part in vocational training programmes related to shelter and settlement activities.n° (number) of people who receive certification on safer construction techniques.n° of individuals who access a new income generating activity through the shelter and settlement activitiesList of attendance. Professional certificates. Construction material. Pictures. Employment rates through social/economic survey.Assumptions: Functioning market to absorb the material production, Skilled labour availability, Affected population have time and interest to commit to training and income generating activitiesOutput 3.6 Increased capacity is available to the National Society to implement the relevant recovery shelter and settlement activities (in accordance with the OD strategy). Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° of staff and volunteers provided with on-the-job trainings relevant to recovery shelter and settlements activities (can disaggregate by new / existing). (Lists of staff and volunteers provided with awareness/training, Number of awareness/training sessions provided).n° of national and international technical staff available to the NS (NS rosters with identified skill sets, knowledge, etc.)Assumption: NS is willing to scale up or delegate the implementation to the IFRC.Output 3.7 Advocacy on sustainable construction and safe shelter and settlement provided at local, regional and national level. Indicators / methods of verification and assumptions to support the operation design process: n° (number) of institutional partnerships on sustainable construction established. (Lists of recipients of advocacy materials or activities, summary of training materials produced and disseminated):Assumption: NS mandate remains recognized, Government platforms for advocacy remains functional.ANNEX 4: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS & RISK REDUCTIONOutcome 1 Communities’ resilience to disasters is protected and restoredIndicators (and means of verification):1a Total n° of households covered by pre-positioned stock 1b Percentage (%) of community infrastructure which meet established criteria for safety against local hazards1c % of private assets restored which meet established criteria for safety against local hazardsOutput 1.1 Resource mapping of vulnerabilities, capacities and risks related to multiple hazards is conductedIndicators (and means of verification):1.1a n° emergency needs assessments conducted 1.1b n° assessments and plans for short – medium term imminent risks are conducted1.1c n° of people trained in vulnerability and capacity assessment or community based disaster managementOutput 1.2 Food security interventions are implemented SEE ALSO FOOD SECURITY SECTIONIndicators (and means of verification):1.2a n° of people (disaggregated by gender) reached by food security activities (see activities under food security section)1.2b n° people with access to productive assets and/ inputs to protect and restart primary production to pre-disaster levels, in accordance with agricultural calendarOutput 1.3 Livelihood interventions are implemented. SEE ALSO LIVELIHOODS SECTIONIndicators (and means of verification):1.3a n° of people (disaggregated by gender) reached by livelihood activities (e.g. cash for non-food items, asset protection and replacement , support to small-scale income generating activities)Output 1.4 Community contingency plans are developed or updatedIndicators (and means of verification):1.4a % of targeted communities with a contingency plan which include measures for households and schools 1.4b n° of communities served by contingency plans which include measures for households and schoolsOutput 1.5 Community-based early warning systems (EWS) to monitor disaster and climate risk are established or strengthenedIndicators (and means of verification):1.5a n° of CB-EWS established in target communities 1.5b % of linked to national or regional EWS 1.5c % of disasters predicted through the community early warning mechanismOutput 1.6 “safe havens” and evacuation centres with sufficient capacity are identified in target communitiesIndicators (and means of verification):1.6a n° of “safe havens” or evacuation centres which are accessible and equipped1.6b n° of people that can be accommodated by safe havens/evacuation centres Output 1.7 People from the community are trained as first respondersIndicators (and means of verification):1.7a n° of people trained in first aid (disaggregated where necessary by household/school training)1.7b n° people trained in community based disaster response (e.g. search and rescue, relief etc)Output 1.8 Community disaster response teams establishedIndicators (and means of verification):1.8a n° of community disaster response teams which are operational, equipped and linked with local authorities and RC RC BranchesOutput 1.9 Adequate information on the response operation and how to reduce risks is provided to the communityIndicators (and means of verification):1.9a n° of people reached by public messaging relating to the response operation 1.9b n° of people reached with information on community based risk reduction Outcome 2 National Societies capacity to deliver and sustain DRR and CCA programming is strengthenedIndicators (and means of verification):2a n° in CHF of new financial resources allocated to DRR2b % of staff / volunteers are working on DRR/CCA programmes who have passed a basic DRR /CCA trainingOutput 2.1 Risk reduction measures are incorporated in disaster response programmesIndicators (and means of verification):2.1a % of disaster response programmes that include explicit Outcomes related to risk reduction2.2b n° activities which include local people and local resources to ensure local engagement and link to recovery and resilience building as early as possibleOutput 2.2 Volunteer and staff capacity to deliver sustainable DRR and CCA programming is increasedIndicators (and means of verification):2.2a n° staff receiving skills training (updated or newly trained) in DRR and CCAANNEX 5: FOOD SECURITY, NUTRITION & LIVELIHOODSOutcome 1 Immediate food needs of the disaster affected population are metFor non-food items (NFIs /EHIs) please refer to the Shelter and Settlements section of this guidance, in particular indicator 1.3aIndicators (and means of verification):1a % of those assisted for whom food consumption is equal or greater than the minimum food basket equivalent (Survey of assisted beneficiaries)1b % of children below 5 with low weight-for-height (wasting)( Secondary data OR small sample survey)ASSUMTIONS: Further major disaster do not occur. Security situation remains stableOutput 1.1 Appropriate food rations are distributed to vulnerable households (where markets cannot meet need)Indicators (and means of verification):1.1a n° people/households who received distributed food (Food distribution /receipt records)1.1b % of people/hh reporting food assistance timely and appropriate to needs (Beneficiary satisfaction survey)ASSUMPTIONS: Further major disaster do not occur. Security situation remains stableActivities plannedRelief ERU deployment to support relief activities related to food aidConduct rapid emergency needs and capacity assessmentsDevelop beneficiary targeting strategy and registration system to deliver intended assistanceProcurement and transport of relief supplies and materialsEmergency food assistance distributedMonitor the relief activities and provide reporting on distributionsOutput 1.2 Cash transfers are provided to households to purchase food (where markets are functioning please refer to outcome 7)Indicators (and means of verification):1.2a n° of people / households reached with relief cash distributions.1.2b Average (USD) amount of a relief cash distribution per HH1.2c % of households (with no income sources) provided with income support (transfer or generation) (NATF)ASSUMPTIONS: Market continues to functionActivities plannedDevelop beneficiary targeting strategy and registration system to deliver intended assistancePilot distributionsEvaluation of the pilotOutput 1.3 Essential household items which support the production of food are distributed and/or accessedIndicators (and means of verification):1.3a No of Essential household items distributed (disaggregate by item where possible)(Distribution records)1.3b No of HHs receiving cash transfers for Essential household items (disaggregate by type of transfer where possible) (Distribution records)Activities plannedProcurement and transport of relief supplies and materialsDistribute supplies and control supply movements from point of dispatch to end userMonitor the relief activities and provide reporting on relief distributionsOutcome 2 Livelihoods are protected and negative coping strategies reduced among affected populations/households (please also refer to outcome 7)Indicators (and means of verification):2a % of households applying at least 2 key practices specify based on context to protect livelihoods (household survey (focus groups if limited resources)2b n° of communities implementing livelihoods protection strategies based on community plans (SEEP Standards)( records of community meetings)2c % HH showing improved coping strategies (specify) to the immediate crisis (SEEP Standards)(household survey, (focus groups if limited resources)Output 2.1 Household income is maintained where income sources are disruptedIndicators (and means of verification):2.1a n° people/household received cash grants (to reach pre-disaster monthly income levels)( Cash receipt records)2.1b % of targeted population covered by cash for work (CfW) projects (cash for work register)2.1c % of households with no income sources provided with income support (transfer or generation) (NATF) (Income distribution records & cash for work register)Output 2.2 Household and productive assets are protectedIndicators (and means of verification):2.2a % of affected households who report no further loss of assets (specify which) after the disaster (household survey (focus groups if limited resources)Output 2.3 Information regarding better knowledge, skills and practices to protect livelihoods is provided to targeted livelihoods groupsIndicators (and means of verification):2.3a n° of events (awareness sessions, campaigns, trainings) carried out on protecting livelihoods (Internal records) 2.3b n° of people reached/participated (awareness, campaigns, trainings etc) (attendance register)Outcome 3: Critical nutritional status of the targeted community is improvedIndicators (and means of verification):3a % of children under 5 with acute malnutrition (moderate and severe) (Child malnutrition survey using either MUAC measurements or weight-for-height)3b % of households with sufficient dietary diversity (based on Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) (Consumption survey)Output 3.1 Sufficient nutritious food accessed by children under 5 in vulnerable households/communitiesIndicators (and means of verification):3.1a n° of children provided with supplementary rations (Supplementary feeding distribution records)3.1b n° of children enrolled in therapeutic care programs (Supplementary feeding distribution records)Output 3.2 Daily nutrient requirements are covered for vulnerable households where acutely malnourished children resideIndicators (and means of verification):3.2a n° households with acutely malnourished children who receive the standard household ration (Distribution records)Output 3.3 Screening for acute malnutrition carried out for children under age 5Indicators (and means of verification):3.3a n° of children under 5 screened (Clinic/ field hospital records)Output 3.4 Referrals provided for children under 5 with acute malnutritionIndicators (and means of verification):3.4a n° of children referred for supplementary feeding (Screening referral records)3.4b n° of children referred for therapeutic care (Screening referral records)Output 3.5 Sufficient nutritious food accessed by pregnant and lactating womenIndicators (and means of verification):3.5a n° of pregnant and lactating women report access to sufficient nutritious food defined based on context (Household survey (focus groups if limited resources)Output 3.6 Information regarding better infant and young child feeding practices is made available and applied by to mothers of children under 5 and/or of malnourished children.Indicators (and means of verification):3.6a n° of education sessions held3.6b n° of mothers and pregnant women who receive counseling on IYCNOutcome 4 Reduced food insecurity among affected households (please also refer to outcome 7)Indicators (and means of verification):4a average production per household (kilos) (Household survey/focus groups)4b average n° months of food stock per household (access) (Field observations, focus groups)4c % targeted households report sufficient production or purchasing power to meet food needs (access) (HH survey)4d % of households with adequate dietary diversity (HH survey) 4e % of households with at least three daily meals for children <5 years (NATF) (HH survey)4f % HHs with physical access to markets (HH survey)Output 4.1 Continuous and detailed assessment, analysis and planning of food security, nutrition and livelihoods is carried outIndicators (and means of verification):4.1a n° of detailed assessments conducted 4.1b n° of livelihoods groups (zones) assessed in the disaster affected area (Assessment reports)Output 4.2 Productive assets/inputs for primary production provided in accordance with the seasonal calendar, via in-kind distribution, cash grants or vouchersIndicators (and means of verification):4.2a n° of households reached with agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer) (Distribution records – see also FWRS guidelines) 4.2b n° of households reached with productive assets (tools, animals, boats, fishing nets, looms, machinery, etc. ) (Distribution records – see also FWRS guidelines)4.2c % of households whose access to productive assets is restored to pre-disaster levels (HH survey)Output 4.3 Primary production practices are supportedIndicators (and means of verification):4.3a n° of people reached with extension services (i.e. agricultural, animal husbandry or fishing) (Register of recipient of services)4.3b n° farmers/households trained on post-harvest storage and handling practices and services (Participant register)4.3c n° hectares under production (Field observations & focus groups)Output 4.4 Natural resource management is supported for sustainable recoveryIndicators (and means of verification):4.4a n° households which have implemented Natural resource management (NRM) measures (i.e. small scale irrigation, soil or water conservation measures) (Register of NRM measures carried out /HH survey)4.4b n° of NRM activities at community level (quantify as appropriate, meters of canals cleared, numbers of trees planted, etc.) (Register of NRM measures carried out /HH survey)Output 4.5 Pastoralist livelihoods and animal husbandry are supportedIndicators (and means of verification):4.5a n° of households accessing animal health services (Register of service users)4.5b n° households participating in forage production activities4.5c n° of cisterns/ponds/wells rehabilitated or constructed/dug (Register of facilities constructed)4.5d n° of hhs engaged in value-added activities (eg. hides & skins, honey production, processing, other animal products etc) (HH survey)Output 4.6 Marketing of production is restored and improvedIndicators (and means of verification):4.6a Interventions are market based (specify type per project) (Project documentation)4.6b n° monitoring systems in place for of market functioning of key goods and services (Project documentation)Output 4.7 Support provided to help restore access to market goods and servicesIndicators (and means of verification):4.7a n° of assessments of market systems (eg, EMMA) carried out (Assessment reports)4.7b n° of meetings held with market actors (traders, govt) to restore/adapt market system to address needs of vulnerable/affected groups (Meeting minutes/register)Output 4.8 A diverse range of nutritious foods is made available to householdsIndicators (and means of verification):4.8a n° of household with Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) above the mean for the population (Household survey)Outcome 5 Livelihoods are protected and negative coping strategies reduced among affected populations/households (please also refer to outcome 7)Output 5.1 Livelihoods are restored among affected population/households (please also refer to outcome 7)Indicators (and means of verification):5.1a % of HHs who report their income and expenditure balance has returned to pre disaster levels (HH survey)5.1b % of households with agricultural production volume restored to pre-disaster levels (HH survey)5.1c % of households with paid labour restored to pre-disaster levels (HH survey)5.1d % of households applying at least 7 key practices defined according to context that support restoring livelihood (HH survey)Output 5.2 Productive assets are replaced and retainedIndicators (and means of verification):5.1a % of households who report that all assets lost due to the disaster have been replaced (HH survey)5.2b n° of households provided with productive assets to replace those lost in the disaster (HH survey)5.3c % HHs who retain productive assets for xxxx (specify appropriate duration) (SEEP Standards) (HH survey)Output 5.3 Working capital and inputs sufficient to resume activitiesIndicators (and means of verification):5.3a n° of households who resume normal activities (household survey) 5.3b % of households with no income sources provided with income support (transfer or generation) (NATF) (Income distribution records & cash for work register)5.3c n° of households who have been supported with cash transfers (Cash transfer register)Output 5.4 Information regarding better knowledge, skills and practices for restoring livelihoods is provided and used by among targeted groupsIndicators (and means of verification):5.4a n° of people participated in information events (awareness, campaigns, trainings etc) on restoring livelihoods (Participant register from information events)5.4b No of training participants reporting at least (participant 6 month post training follow-up form)Outcome 6 Affected people’s access to market goods and services as producers, consumers and traders is maintained/ improved (specify)Indicators:6a % HH with who maintain / increase their income through sale of goods / services in the market 6b % HH whose expenditure on food and essential items is reduced due to improved market access6c % HH physical access to any market (NATF)Means of verification: Household surveyASSUMPTIONS: Markets are functioningOutput 6.1 Assessments of market conditions are carried outIndicators (and means of verification):6.1a n° of interventions based on market assessment (specify per project) (Project documentation) 6.1b n° of critical markets that are monitored for availability and price of key goods used by affected HHs (market monitoring system)Output 6.2 Access to market related information is providedIndicators (and means of verification):6.2a % of HH with restored /maintained (specify per project) access to market related information (e.g. prices for inputs and production sale) (Household survey)Output 6.3 Productive livelihoods groups are restored / strengthenedIndicators (and means of verification):6.3a n° of livelihoods related community groups restored/strengthened to facilitate better production, terms of trade etc (specify) (Community group meeting minutes)6.3b % of participating HHs reporting that the services of the livelihoods community group are useful (group questionnaire)ANNEX 6: RESTORING FAMILY LINKSSector Goal: Family links are restored whenever people are separated from, or without news of, their loved ones as a result of the disaster.Outcome 1: Family contacts Contacts are re-established and maintained between family members separated by the disaster, within and outside the affected areasIndicators:1a % of individuals registered as separated (for active tracing or because they are vulnerable) who are reunified with their families1b % of dead bodies identified with families notified 1c % of families identified as separated who have made some kind of contact with their relativesMeans of verification: RFL data by NS and/or ICRC Field team (and/or CTA Geneva)ASSUMPTIONS:Functioning RFL service managed locally by the NS and/or ICRC delegation or by an RFL team deployed by the ICRC CTAWhen needed effective support received from other NS of the Family Links Network Cooperation, local authorities, CSO and local leadership.Cooperation with IO/NGO (e.g., sub-cluster on child protection)RFL needs taken into account in other relevant RC/RC actions (e.g. Health, Shelter) Access to affected areas and population without means of communication.NS abroad active in promoting RFL tools to relatives of affected people.Interaction with other IO/NGO, Companies or authorities active in providing emergency or regular communication services (phone, web…)Output 1.1 People in affected areas and relatives outside these areas have access to appropriate means of communication to re-establish and maintain contact with loved onesIndicators (and means of verification):1.1a n° of telephone calls with contact re-established positively (Field Team data)1.1b n° of people registered in the Family Links Website (Field Team data)1.1c n° RCM collected, distributed (Field Team data)ASSUMPTIONS: Regular review with authorities and Telecoms companies of progress in rehabilitating communication infrastructure and identification of gaps, area with strong potential crosscutting with other programs (e.g., health, shelter, detention)Activities plannedPeople in affected areas and relatives outside these areas have access to appropriate means of communication to re-establish and maintain contact with loved onesActive tracing is considered in support to persons who have not succeeded in re-establishing contact with loved onesMeasures are taken to provide necessary protection and relief to registered vulnerable individuals and their caretakersOutput 1.2 Active tracing is considered in support to persons who have not succeeded in re-establishing contact with loved ones (see outcome 2)Indicators (and means of verification):1.2a Criteria established for active tracing (Field Team data)Outcome 2: Tracing and family reunificationVulnerable individuals separated from their families have their families successfully traced and are reunifiedIndicators (and means of verification):2a % of registered vulnerable individuals whose families are traced2b % of tracing cases closedASSUMPTIONS: Access to affected population Access to closed institutionsCooperation with authorities, CSO, local leadership, consular servicesCooperation with IO/NGO/institutions (e.g., sub-cluster on child protection) and other RC/RC programs (e.g. Health, PSP, Shelter, Food) providing protection and reliefOutput 2.1: Vulnerable individuals separated from their families are registered and active tracing is carried out to search for their relatives Indicators (and means of verification):2.1a n° of UAM/SC and other separated vulnerable people registered 2.1b n° active, tracing casesActivities plannedVulnerable individuals separated from their families are registered and active tracing is carried out to search for their relativesThe situation of vulnerable individuals registered is regularly monitoredWhen active tracing is successful, measures are taken to re-establish and maintain contact between vulnerable individuals and their families and to reunify them.Output 2.2 The situation of vulnerable individuals registered is regularly monitoredIndicators (and means of verification):2.2a n° of UAM/SC and other separated vulnerable people registered (Field team dataASSUMPTIONS: area with strong potential crosscutting with other programs (e.g., health, PSP, shelter, food, child protection) Output 2.3 Measures are taken to provide necessary protection and relief to registered vulnerable individuals and their caretakersIndicators (and means of verification):2.3a n° of registered vulnerable referred to relief providersOutput 2.4 When active tracing is successful, measures are taken to re-establish and maintain contact between vulnerable individuals and their families and to reunify them.Indicators (and means of verification):2.4a n° of travel documents delivered (Field team data)2.4b n° of family reunions or visits organized (Field team data)Outcome 3: Dead Bodies management and identification; Appropriate action is taken to ensure the availability and collection of data on human remains and their identification and to provide information and support to familiesIndicators (and means of verification):3aASSUMPTIONS: Area with strong potential crosscutting with other actors and programs involved in managing dead bodies or providing possible support to families (e.g., search & rescue, health, PSP)Output 3.1 Capacities, roles and processes are assessed with regard to the collection, storage, identification and disposal of human remains and to related data management and notification to familiesIndicators (and means of verification):3.1a n° dead bodies collected (Field team data, Records from MoH or other authorities)3.1b n° and % identified / unidentified dead bodies (Field team data, Records from MoH or other authorities)3.1c n° families informed (Field team data, Records from MoH or other authorities)ASSUMPTIONS: More consistent operational involvement in the collection, storage and identification of human remains is to be agreed with relevant authorities and considered in a separate section of the Plan of Action.Activities plannedCapacities, roles and processes are assessed and if necessary support is provided (e.g., expertise, equipment, operating role) with regard to the collection, storage, identification and disposal of human remains and to related data management and notification to familiesForensic data is collected to aid in the identification of mortal remains and information is provided to family members using the appropriate means.Capacities, roles and processes are assessed and if necessary support is provided (e.g., expertise, equipment, operating role) with regard to the collection, storage, identification and disposal of human remains and to related data management and notification to familiesOutput 3.2 Forensic data is collected to aid in the identification of mortal remains and provide information and support to families using the appropriate meansIndicators (and means of verification):3.2a n° and % identified / unidentified dead bodies (Field team data, Records from MoH or other authorities)3.2b n° families informed (Field team data, Records from MoH or other authorities)3.2c n° tracing cases closed (Field team data, Records from MoH or other authorities)ANNEX 7: NATIONAL SOCIETY CAPACITY BUILDINGGoal: The quality of the operation is supported, through protecting and promoting the domestic National Society’s development, domestic capacities and future sustainability.Indicators (and means of verification):G1 n° Movement partners base their support on the Strategic OD guidance for planning in emergencies (Partner’s planning documents) G2 % of sectoral operational plan which incorporate the approach of the strategic OD guidance for planning in emergencies (Internal planning documents)Outcome 1 The emergency response planning is a collaborative effort by the domestic NS leadership and the Federation team (including the ICRC in conflict situations)Indicators (and means of verification):1a The emergency operation has a Steering Committee which includes host NS governance, host NS management, IFRC representatives, internal and external technical specialists, PNS/ICRC representatives where relevant (Steering Committee records)1b n° steering committee meetings with full participation (Internal planning documents)Output 1.1 A clear and fair description of the NS and its working environment is agreed upon and included in the planning exercise.Indicators (and means of verification):1.1a The description of the NS exists and includes detailed descriptions of key features (leadership, service delivery, community resource mobilization, organizational structure, funding sources )(internal documentation (summarized in this plan of action section 3.2)1.1b There is a consensus among the Steering Committee on the description of the NS and its environment (Steering Committee minutes)Output 1.2 Planning documentation is widely shared in an accessible mannerIndicators (and means of verification):1.2a n° of branch leaders, volunteers and staff who are provided with a copy of the key operational documents in a language they can understand (internal records of how the planning documentation was shared)Output 1.3 Domestic NS staff with detailed knowledge about the branches and services have a role in the emergency planning process.Indicators (and means of verification):1.3a % of people involved in the emergency planning process who are working for the domestic NS (internal meeting records)Output 1.4 Participatory analysis of the situation are carried outIndicators (and means of verification):1.4a participatory assessments carried out of the internal situation of the National Society (yes/no) (internal meeting records)Output 1.5 Expert support is given to the NS by local consultants or university professorsIndicators (and means of verification):1.5a local technical experts are consulted on the development of the emergency plan of action (yes/no)( internal records on consultations)Outcome 2 The emergency response planning is clearly designed to respond to both short and long-term needs.Indicators (and means of verification):2a % of sectoral plans which outline the main needs to support the NS work in the longer term (Internal planning documents)Output 2.1 A clear and comprehensive domestic plan covering the short- and long-term needs is developed by the NSIndicators (and means of verification):2.1a % of the NS organizational components that are covered in the domestic plan (Internal planning documents)2.1b % of the country covered by the plan (Internal planning documents)Output 2.2 Temporary capacity to be added to the NS through international partners’ support is definedIndicators (and means of verification):2.2a % of sectoral plans which outline the temporary capacity needed to support the NS operation (Internal planning documents)Output 1.3 Support activities are out-sourced to partners (to avoid overwhelm the NS and harming NS long-term interests)Indicators (and means of verification):1.3a n° of licence agreement between the domestic NS and external partners based on defined standards agreed by the NS (Licence agreements)1.3b % of domestic NS licence agreement covered by the licence fee (Licence agreements)ANNEX 8: PROGRAMMING AREAS COMMON TO ALL SECTORSHuman resources: Use the table below based on the specifics of your operation to specify the outcomes and outputs, and to list and reflect projected HR needs. Consider personnel needed to complete the operational plan – this can be in-country staff, delegates, consultants, volunteers, surge capacity, etc..HR planning tablePosition TitleSector AreaTime (months)Specific roles, responsibilities, tasksAdd rows and positions as requiredContinue with the other areas of operation support services:Information management: Relevant, reliable, and timely information is vital for key strategic and operational decisions. Information Management (IM), a relatively new concept and evolving function in IFRC disaster response, is:the function within every response that SUPPORTS & FACILITATES the Collection, Collation, Analysis, and Dissemination of relevant multi-sectoral data and Information.a sequence of linked activities, taking raw data, compiling and associating it with other relevant data and information, and presenting this in a format designed to assist analysis, decision-making and action. What IM is intended to do: support the development of outcomes and measuring impact enable decision-making leading to a robust Plan of Action facilitate accurate and evidence-based reporting and communications establish a foundation for an information management system that can be continued beyond the natural life of a response team (starting with the NS, FACT, e.g.) and into longer-term operations and through recovery. Logistics and supply chain: Provide a concise summary of the supply chain, including existing capacities and anticipated challenges. Elements to be considered here could also include: a logistics demand and service delivery plan; the IT (process and systems) that will be used to help manage the service delivery from source to requestor, and the infrastructure (installations), assets and equipment needed for service delivery. Guidance: The following guidance has been provided by the Logistics Department, and is intended to generally help in articulating the general role of logistics by providing support to operations in delivering a range of relief items in line with operational priorities. The primary tasks of the logistics team will be to:Establish a logistics hub to carry out all aspects of reception of air and sea freight (if applicable) of relief goods (both international and local procurement). Establish a central warehouse and arrange appropriate transportation to distribution points.Liaise and coordinate actions with all appropriate key logistics actors to ensure that the Federation logistics operation uses all information and resources as efficiently and effectively as possible.Assess and reinforce the local logistics capacity.These tasks will vary considerably depending on if an ERU logistics team or RDRT logisticians are deployed. If appropriate and available, give a link to an updated mobilization table on the Federation’s Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) eg. <click here to view the updated mobilization table>Quick linksEmergency Items Catalogue 2009 Logistics Standards OnlineProcurement Portal Security: The International Federation’s approach to security is one of prevention. The following contains guidance relating to the Federation’s security management, the MSR, individual roles related to security management, the processes involved and the importance of information management and briefings Security Management. CH 1 Stay Safe. Guide for Managers This EPoA should indicate any potential security issues and how the National Society or the Federation will manage or mitigate them.Planning, monitoring, evaluation, & reporting (PMER): Provide a concise summary of overall PMER needs for the operational plan, as well as any available PMER capacity (assets).This could include monitoring/reporting systems necessary for Federation-wide indicators and for the monitoring and reporting of the more detailed indicators in this Secretariat plan of action, cross-sector PMER activities/events such as planned real-time evaluations (RTE). The PMER support to the operation consists of: Technical support from the Zonal office and from Geneva on the establishment and implementation of a monitoring/reporting system both for selected Federation-wide indicators and for the monitoring and reporting of the more detailed indicators in this Secretariat plan of action; Capacity building of the operation team & National Society:3 x 1 day combined plan of action development & logframe refresher training in the first month2 day M&E training on how to set indicators and collect data on them – to be held after 1-2 monthsDedicated planning and M&E staff should be recruited to continue the support to operations mangers of their planning & M&E of the operation1 planning, M&E delegate either as part of the FACT and / or on 3-month contract to assist with the development of this plan of action and related documentation1 senior and 1 junior local staff or internationally recruited PME staff member for 1 year to support the continuous use of quality M&E systems in the operation.Support to the operation consists of:Technical support from the Zonal office and from Geneva on the establishment and implementation of a monitoring/reporting system both for selected Federation-wide indicators and for the monitoring and reporting of the more detailed indicators in this Secretariat plan of action. Capacity building of the operation team & national society3 x 1 day combined plan of action development & logframe refresher training in the first month2 day M&E training on how to set indicators and collect data on them – to be held after 1-2 monthsDedicated planning and M&E staff should be recruited to continue the support to programme mangers of their planning & M&E of the operation1 planning, M&E delegate either as part of the FACT and / or on 3-month contract to assist with the development of this plan of action and related documentation1 senior and 1 junior local staff or internationally recruited PME staff member for 1 year to support the continuous use of quality M&E systems in the operation.Logistics - supply chain operationGive a brief outline of the strategic thinking behind the design of the supply chain, its strengths and weaknesses and key success points. Additional guidance is below.Demand plan: make a consolidation of all operational needs AND a schedule of when the items will be required. This should initially be detailed for the first four weeks and then consolidated for the next four months. A model approach or template is provided below. This template should first be filled individually by all programmes, with the help of the logistics team for their operations and then summarized and attached to the PoA.Logistics service delivery: this section specifies in detail how the demand plan will be met and managed containing the following information in summary; it doesn’t contain all the detail of logistics assets, systems etc, rather it outlines which ones will be deployed and how they are used. Remember that this is not for the information of the logisticians (that will be in the logistics plan for the operation) but more to inform the programme users and donors. This section can also detail: the processes and systems that will be used to help manage the service delivery from source to requestor; infrastructure and assets (detail the infrastructure (installations), assets and equipment that will be needed to deliver the services. Include amounts, locations and timing of availability); delivery plan and budget (finalize the delivery plan summary using the templates below. A budget can then be created using standard IFRC templates for the logistics service delivery. The budget includes all costs for logistics activities mentioned above, but not the cost of procurement and international and local management of goods and services which should be budgeted in each of the programmes according to needs); supply chain and performance management (the main performance measurement for the supply chain for the overall project can be recorded in the delivery vs usage table. This should be used not only to measure performance but also to help programmes forward plan and adjust their demand needs. It is essentially an analysis of planned demand vs actual usage and then synchronised with supply plans / constraints. An example is provided below. Communications: Communications: Give a brief summary of how the National Society and the Federation will use the media to promote the operation and the profile of the National Society. Communications costs (telephone etc.) should be included in the operational support budget.Administration in emergency operations: guidance to be addedFinance in emergency operations: guidance to be addedResource mobilization in emergency operations: guidance to be addedInformation technologies (IT) in emergency operations: guidance to be addedANNEX 10: ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS TABLE TEMPLATEAssumptions and risks tableASSUMPTIONS & RISKSLIST IF SPECIFIC AFFECTED SECTORS OR STATE ‘ALL’LikelihoodImpactCAN CONTROL; MITIGATE / INFLUENCE; or only FACTOR-INList and describe the assumptions, anticipated risks, and impact/consequences on the operational context and program interventions. For the following two columns, rate the likelihood and impact of the risk according to the following scale: (H)igh / (M)edium / (L)owPlease refer to example below, and the REAPT Guidance for addition instruction. HorMorLHorMorLUse this column to describe if and how the risk may be controlled mitigated or influenced, or simply factored in and monitored1. (Example) Deterioration of security situation: internal and cross-border conflict and civil unrest can escalate and have a considerable impact on the local security and ability to implement programs by restricting access to program areas, and safety of program staff and volunteers.“Security situation remains stable, allowing for programming to proceed. Efforts are underway to mitigate or influence the situation by the following activities: 2. (Example) Monsoon season limits access to program area as dirt roads typically wash away and become impassable. This risk could be mitigated by logistical planning that factors in and avoids heavy travel during the monsoon period. Add rows and risks according to risk assessment.ANNEX 11: CAPTURING THE HUMANITARIAN-WIDE ACTIONThis table is simply intended to serve as an example of a coordination tool to capture or summarize the entirety of the humanitarian action in this operation.SectorOperational phaseTotal needs (n° of people to be reached based on latest needs assessments)Organizations delivering assistance (% of total number of people being assisted)Total (n° of people planned to be reached)GapsUnited Nations (specify agencies)INGO / NGO(specify)IFRC multilateralRC/RC bilateralHealth and careReliefRecoveryWater, sanitation & hygiene promotionReliefRecoveryShelter & settlementsReliefRecoveryDisaster preparedness & risk reductionReliefRecoveryFood security nutrition, & livelihoods ReliefRecoveryRestoring family linksEmergencyEarly recoveryNational society capacity buildingEmergencyRecoveryANNEXES xx:Assessment reports, including national society response capacity self-assessment and rapid field assessment forms for 24 / 72 hours after the disaster (see guidelines for assessment in emergencies, page 110-123)Country profileMaps & photosOrganization chart (HR setup) for the operationFood security and nutritionShelter and settlementsWater, sanitation and hygiene promotionDisaster preparedness and risk reductionNational Society capacity buildingOperation supportDescribe progress with the operation support strategy as outlined in the POA, focusing on any specific issues that need to be resolved. HRLogistics - supply chain operationITCommunicationsResource mobilizationSecurityMonitoring & evaluationFinance and administration AnnexesDistribution tables, charts and graphs can be included as annexes (or in the body of the report) where useful for the audience of this report (operation management and key stakeholders (primarily partners & donors). ................

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