Latin III-The Roman Empire and Its Emperors

The Roman Empire and Its Emperors

Due Date ____________

1. Complete map of the Roman Empire.

2. Complete the Emperor's information sheet.

3. Complete the province's information sheet.

4. Summarize the information in Items #2 and #3 above. Include the information in a creative presentation of your choosing (pamphlet, collage, poster, brochure, etc.)


6. Turn in all four of the above items as one packet by the due date. Extra credit (+1) for each class day early (for a maximum of +5) will be given. A subtraction (-5) for each class day late will be taken.


Completed map of Roman Empire 25%

Complete Emperor Information Sheet 25%

Complete Province Information Sheet 25%

(If you use Italy/Rome, 25 points will be deducted.)

Creative Presentation 25%

Extra Credit (1 point for each class day early)

Minus Credit (5 points for each class day late)

Emperor Information Sheet

Look up the following information on Emperor ________________ and write the answers to the questions below:

➢ When did he reign? (Include the beginning and ending dates)

➢ Where was he born?

➢ What part of the empire was he in when made emperor?

➢ How did he become emperor?

➢ How did he meet his end?

➢ Name at least two achievements of his reign.



➢ Find a picture of your emperor and copy it. (Include the copy in your creative presentation.)

➢ Give 4 full citations (2 Internet sources/2 printed sources) where you located information on your emperor:



author, book, publisher, year, page

author, book, publisher, year, page

Roman Province Information Sheet

Look up a province of the Roman Empire personally important to your emperor and/or his reign. ITALY IS NOT A PROVINCE. ROME IS NOT A PROVINCE. Write the answers below.

➢ Name of province during the Roman Empire.

➢ Name of nation in today's modern world.

➢ Importance of the province to your emperor or his reign.

➢ Name of a city/place in ancient Roman times in your province that was of historical importance. (Preferably related to your emperor.)

➢ Importance of the city in ancient times.

➢ Find a map of your Roman province other than the one you made. Make a copy of just your province. Include it in your creative presentation. Include on your map the location of the city or place that in ancient Roman times was of historical importance.

➢ If you were to visit the Roman province today, what would be significant to see?

(preferably Roman-related)

➢ Give 4 full citations (2 Internet sources/2 printed sources) where you located information on your Roman province. THESE MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM THE SOURCES USED ON THE EMPEROR INFORMATION SHEET.



author, book, publisher, year, page

author, book, publisher, year, page


1. Augustus 16. Diocletian (Diocletianus)

2. Tiberius 17. Constantine (the Great)

3. Caligula 18. Julian (the Apostate) (Iulianus)

4. Claudius 19. Theodosius I

5. Nero 20. Honorius

6. Vespasian (Vespasianus) 21. Romulus Augustulus

7. Titus 22. Justinian (Iustinianus)

8. Domitian (Domitianus) Other Emperors:

9. Trajan (Traianus) 23. Valentianus III

10. Hadrian (Hadrianus) 24. Valerian

11. Marcus Aurelius 25. Maximian (Maximianus)

12. Commodus 26. Maxentius

13. Septimius Severus 27. Antoninus Pius

14. Caracalla 28. Nerva

15. Aurelian (Aurelianus) 29. Galba/Otho/Vitellius (separately

or together)




The Roman Empire and Its Emperors

Students must learn to use separate sources. Otherwise only a limited amount of material is found.

Students have a tendency to use Italy and Rome (not the province itself) for background on the province and/or the emperor. I take off many points for this.

I generally cut up the list of emperors and have students draw the names out of my urn. I say the fates choose the emperor. They get to choose the information they use.

If it is a small class, I will assign or limit the selection of emperors to the historically major emperors. Sometimes I have the smaller classes choose their own emperors.

The map directions must be followed correctly.

Surprisingly PowerPoint presentations can be deadly. Students usually show few pictures and slide after slide of text. When presenting, they read off the screen.

Brochures and posters tend to have more spelling errors, but students spend less time reading and more time talking about the information.

Students have difficulty finding information if it appears in a name other than the one you have given them (variant spellings, nicknames, historically alternative names).

Suggestions for Adaptation by Other Target Languages

Use kings, queens, modern day rulers/presidents in place of emperors.

Write entirely in the target language (if language proficiency allows).

The “Roman Emperor Sheet” becomes the “Leader’s Informational Sheet.”

The “Roman Province Sheet” becomes the “Leader’s Birth-city or -region Sheet.”

Students learn about the leader, the region, and the importance of both to the target country.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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