Learning Objective (skill-concept-context) Name _____________________

Today we will use context clues to determine1 the meaning of unknown words.

1figure out.


What are we going to do today?

What are we going to (skill)?

What does determine mean?

Activate or provide Prior Knowledge (universal experience or sub-skill):


CFU (make-connection to LO)

We will use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words the same way we used clues to figure out the picture.

Concept Development (definition, examples, non-examples)

Context clues are surrounding words or sentences that help us determine the meaning of unknown words.


At the rodeo, famous cowboys show how they can ride and rope.

If fans line up to shake your hand and get your autograph, you know you are a celebrity.


My dad and I had fun at the rodeo.

The celebrity had a blue hat.

Today in school I learned about mitosis.


What are surrounding words or sentences that help us figure out what unknown words mean called?

Which sentence has context clues that can help me figure out the meaning of the unknown word, performers?

The crowd cheered when the performers finished their show.

The performers were happy.

Importance (LO)

1. Context clues will help you to understand what you are reading even if there are words you don’t know.

2. Detectives use context clues to solve problems.

3. It will be tested on the CST.


Does anyone else have any other reason as to why it is important? Which reason is most important to you? Why? You can give me my reason or your reason.

Skill Development & Guided Practice (concept-LO-steps or processes)


1. Read the sentences and look at the underlined word.

2. Circle clues in the sentence.

3. Decide what the underlined word means.

4. Go back and substitute to check.

1- “I Do”

I know where there are petroglyphs in the rocks. My favorite looks like a man with a shield. People carved these petroglyphs hundreds of years ago.

A.) paintings B.) birds

C.) carved pictures D.) fossils

2- “We do”

There is lots of space to rope and ride on my grandfather’s ranch. When I visit him, I love to see all the horses.

A.) a large farm B.) house

C.) apartment D.) zoo

3- “I do”

My grandfather’s horse is not solid white like my father’s. He is holding the dappled horse. The horse’s gray spots give his coat an interesting pattern.

Dappled means __________________________

4- “We do”

Every Sunday morning the old Mexican Mission church is packed. There are so many people there it can be hard to find a seat if you don’t get there early.

Packed means _____________________________.

CFU (strategic)

1. Tell your partner how I figured out what petroglyphs were?

2. How did you know that a ranch is not a house?

3. What did I do to determine the meaning of dappled?

4. How did you know what packed meant?

Closure: (Concept, Importance-pair-share, Skill)


1. What are surrounding words or sentences that help us figure out what unknown words mean called?


Years of practice turned the sisters into roping experts. They know how to do almost every trick!

A.) people who can dance.

B.) people who have lots of knowledge or training

C.) tired people

D.) beginners

We smash the piñata with a stick until all the candy falls out. Then we quickly scramble to grab as much as we can hold.

Scramble means to ___________________.


3. What is something important you learned about using context clues?

Independent Practice

1.) We meet tourists from all over the world. They tell us about where they are from and why they are visiting.

A.) dancers B.) students

C.) travelers D.) swimmers

2.) People ask us to pose for pictures with them. I make sure I stand tall and hold my rope high for them.

A.) model B.) ride

C.) run D.) play

3.) My dad says he has passed the Mexican Rodeo tradition on to me. Now it is up to me to keep it going year after year. I cannot wait to teach the new baby.

A.) performance B.) practicing

C.) something people enjoy D.) something families do year after year

4.) Slide Rock is a natural water slide where kids have played for many years. The water is frigid today! When I stuck my little toe in, it made me shiver. I’d rather come back in the summer when it’s hot.

Frigid means _______________________.

5.) My rope goes around and around so fast. Even Dad can’t spin his rope as rapidly as I can.

Rapidly means ____________________.

6.) I get a little anxious watching the other performers. I sure don’t want to mess up in front of all these people!

Anxious means ___________________________.


Differentiating Strategies (Skills, time, questions)

Teaching Strategies (Explain, Model, Demonstrate)

Cognitive Strategies (Rehearsal, Elaboration, Organization)


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