Would be Godzilla


“If you could be any superhero, who would you be, and WHY?”

Amazing Man: He is amazing at everything. –Patrick O.

Aquaman: Because he talks to fish and I can’t swim –Peter W.; Because I love the water. –Anna M.

Batman: Because he doesn't need super powers to kick butt! –Marc R.; Because he is trained in every single martial art.  He has an awesome cape and a million gadgets.  Also, he is still alive and indestructible. –Emily L.; I mean who else fights criminal injustice with sweet gadgets and the knowledge of dozens of different kinds of martial arts.  I mean Batman is awesome and it is for that reason that I would like my choice to be The Dark Knight. -Zach E.; Because Christian Bale is really good looking. –Anne G.; Because he is a CEO, a hardcore crime fighter, a billionaire, and is Katie Holmes’ boyfriend in the movies! Let’s not forget about Morgan Freeman being your business partner/gadget research and developer... –Ryan M.

Blossom: Because she’s smart, level headed, and the leader of the three girls. –Steph V.

Captain America: He was given enhanced strength and reflexes in order to aid the United States war effort. He is all that America stands for. He has no superhuman powers, but he is transformed from a frail young man into a "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. Captain America is as intelligent, strong, fast, agile, and durable as it is possible for a human being to be without being considered superhuman. –Cole Y.; Because he's backed by Stephen T Colbert. 'Nuff said. -Will M.; He is patriotic, strong, amazing, and oh so helpful in times of need. –Lauren S.

Captain Planet: His animate concern for the well being of our planet and Mother Nature is inspiring. He is the most ambitious and selfless superhero of all time, combining the forces of Wind, Water, Earth, Fire and Heart to save the planet. Remember, “The Power is yours!” –Justin P.; Because I love the great outdoors and seeing the world, and he can fly! –Sean K.

Female Captain Planet: Because he can fly and he is all about keeping the world a beautiful place to live. –Megan Gombold

Captain Underdog: He is lovable and a family pet by day and a hard-hitting crime fighter at night. –John G.

Cat Woman: Since my name is Cat, and cats have 9 lives. –Catherine W.; Because I wouldn't have to do a whole lot to become her... I've already got the name. –Cat K.

Colin Laffey: I would be psychologically far more destructive than any superhero's physical might. –Colin L.

Dash Parr: Because I wish I could be in different places at once. –Meg Geyer

The Flash: It could be fun to live life that fast. –Scott P.; Because of his super speed. –Werner N.

Godzilla: He knows what he wants, and doesn’t let the little things keep him down, and he can breathe fire. –Garret N.

He-man: He gets all the ladies with this ridiculous sculpt that he's always flashing. Plus he has his own posse that he roles with, the: "Masters of the Universe". He has all sorts of powers, I mean they guy can sneeze and knock people into next week. -Alex K.

Inanimate Object Man:  He can become whatever he touches.  –Michael A.

The Incredible Hulk: Because he’s green and can crush stuff. –Meg B.

Iron Man: I took a quiz on what superhero are you? It told me I was Iron Man: If I am Iron Man then he must be a stud. –Christ B.

Jean Grey: Because she’s stronger than all the boys. –Sally B.

Kirby: Because although he may seem to be just a cute pink puff of happiness, he actually will eat you and then take all your powers. –Moira K.

Mario: He can do so many things, such as fighting Bowser and other ferocious beings with little power at all.  Plus being modest he shows people that anyone can do anything! -Michael M.

Myself: With the ability to control time.  –Anna B.

Nightcrawler: Because teleporting is sweet! Also he's got those tattoos for everything he's done thats bad, he's blue, and has a tail! –Seth R.

Optimus Prime: He’s still got that new car smell, gets 40 miles per gallon, with standard leather seats, 5 CD changer, and an enormous gun to shoot Decepticons. –Nate T.; Because he does good things and robots are awesome. – Katie W.

Pineapple Man:  Just go and check it out! –Nathan M.

The Pink Ranger: Because I used to dress in all pink and run around my living room imitating her sweet moves. –Beth S.

PorKchoP: So I Can figHt criMe wiTh DyLan! -BoBs

Quail Man: Because Doug is amazing, he has Quail Doug as a sidekick and a super-stylish uniform. –Kendal A.; QuaiLmAN sO hE can Be like douG!! AnD DouG iS cOOl! –Dylan S.; Quailman: He kicks injustice in the mouth while remaining business casual. He's not the strongest, but style over grace any day. –Zach E.; Who doesn't love a super hero with the super hero ensemble of whitie-tighties over the shorts and a mini-me sidekick named Pork Chop? – Jenny T.

The Red Ranger: People only liked the Green Ranger because he had a sweet ride. –Jacob S.

Spiderman: His wickedness is self-explanatory, and it would be sweet to fly high in the city. –Aimee W.; Because he can swing from buildings, wears a skin tight spidey suit, is a hit with all the ladies, and just plain rocks! I'll take on anyone. –John D.

Female Spiderman: So that I could make out with people upside down! –Whitney B.

Storm: Not only does she have like the sweetest hair on the planet, she is able to control when it rains, snows and when the sun shines! –Melissa M.

Super-Awesome Man: Primarily because he's super awesome, but also because in his spare time, he like to plant daisies and read to small children. That's the kind of man I hope to become some day. A daisy-planter-kid-reader-to...guy. –Nate A.

Super Brady: With the ability to eat gallons of ice cream, without brain freeze, and to carve extremely intricate jack-o-lanterns with a series of pinpointed karate chops. –Brady K.

Super Man: Because I already have his rockin’ body, so why don’t I just pick up a few of his powers while I’m at it? -Austin G.; Because he can fly through the air, and has super vision. –Kelly S.; He can fly and that's just awesome! –Cara T.

Super Woman: Because she has the lasso of truth and that would be sweet. –Corrie C.

Violet Parr: Because she can make her own force fields. So, I'm studying and can't be bothered, I'll just put up my force field and study! –Andrea M.; So that I would be able to be invisible! –Lisa M.

Wolverine: Because no matter how much people hurt him, it will always heal and what girl doesn't like a big hairy guy with claws? –Dan M.

Wonder Woman: She inspires me to be the independent, impowered woman that I strive to become. –Jana C.; Because she is a beautiful princess with great strength of character. –Jessica P.; becauSE shE reaLLy liKes thE goLden Lasso! –Maria

Thanks for all of the great responses to the October Question of the Month! Please e-mail your responses to the November Question of the Month to Steph or Will M. by Tuesday November 6th. There will be a reminder e-mail sent out Monday, but that is it!

The question is: If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why? Thanks for all of the support!


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