Sample file

Sample file



Sample file






ADDITIONAL IDEAS, MATERIAL, AND EDITING BY Casey Loufek, Steven "Cyborg Trucker" Rohde, Brian Smaka, Carlos Ferr?o, Iv?n de la Osa


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: Team Members Chapter 2: Statistics Chapter 3: Abilities and Powers Chapter 4: Playing Field Chapter 5: Sequence of Play Chapter 6: Combat Chapter 7: Toy Battle System

Pg. 2 Pg. 4 Pg. 9 Pg. 11 Pg. 28 Pg. 32 Pg. 36 Pg. 47

Sentai Heroes is copyright ? 2011 Radioactive Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author with the exception of the Team record sheet

and the quick reference sheet, both of which may be duplicated as needed.



INTRODUCTION Sentai Heroes is a turn based combat game for two or more players set in a world where a team of high tech heroes is the earth's only chance of stopping an alien invasion.

Sentai Heroes gives players complete control over the creation of their team. Players can create an existing team from popular media or one from their own imagination. The possibilities are endless.

The object of the game is to stop the opposing player's team from succeeding in their plans.

Sentai Heroes is a standalone game that can also be used as an expansion for any other Toy Battle SystemTM game.

Unfortunately for him by the time he had succeeded in creating a weapon capable of fighting the Jin his health had begun to fail.

Unable to use the weapons he created Anki had no choice but to entrust a group of young Earth warriors with the alien technology in the hopes that they could do what he was no longer able to.

Thus the Sentai Heroes were created, a group of young warriors hidden behind the protective secrecy of alien battle suits and armed with alien weapons. They are the Earth's only hope of ever bringing an end to the terror of the Jin.


Sample file


The Jin first arrived on the planet in


Below is a series of steps to help guide you through the creation of your

the late 50's. No one knew of their arrival or even suspected their existence until the late

team. All of the steps will be discussed in greater detail in their appropriate chapters.

70's when their name became associated with several well known terrorist attacks


around the world.

The first thing you need before you can

At first it was thought that they were

create your team is a group of figures to

just another extremist group with a political

represent it.

agenda however, their use of highly

All figures being used should be similar

sophisticated alien technology and total

in scale to one another. The recommended

lack of regard for life of any kind quickly

figure size is 2-4", but figures of any size

distinguished them for the invaders they

can be used.

really were. If it wasn't for the timely arrival of an


ailing alien known only as Anki the Jin

Before you can create your team all

would have succeeded in throwing the

players must agree on how many creation

entire world into total chaos.

points you will have to buy statistics and

Anki was the last of a species whose

powers. An average team costs 200

planet fell victim to the destructive Jin.

creation points.

Because of this he dedicated the rest of his

life to developing a way to fight the Jin.



The first thing you must decide for your team is what member types it will contain.

The different archetypes are used to determine the team members' starting statistics as well granting each individual member a special ability.



To play Sentai Heroes you will need the following items:

Sentai Heroes core rulebook

1 team per player (5-7 figures per) Pen or pencil A copy of the team record sheet or a

blank piece of paper.

Tape measure or similar measuring device marked in inches

At least three 10-sided dice (abbreviated d10)

A place to play that is at least 3' x 3' with suitable terrain

Sample file


Once you have picked your team members' archetypes you need to buy their statistics. Some statistics are not bought. These are discussed further in Chapter 2: Statistics


Now buy special abilities and powers for your individual team members. Abilities and powers are the unique skills granted to a team member from his gear.


This step is not required but it does help enhance the atmosphere of the game if you give your team a name and a history. How did they get their abilities? Is their gear from an alien source or a magical source? The details are for you to decide.






In order to create a great team of heroes the team must have a well balanced selection of members that complement each other.

When you are building your team you must first determine how many members it will contain. All teams must have between 3 and 7 team members. Each player gets to choose how many members their team will contain within that range.

Once you have chosen how many members your team will contain you must assign each member an archetype. When assigning archetypes no team member may be given the same archetype as another team member


Below is a list of the different archetypes that can be chosen for the members of your team. All archetypes are laid out as follows.

Name: This is the common name for that archetype. It can be changed to fit the concept of your team.

Initiative Bonus: When rolling for initiative some team members add a bonus to the die roll.

Sample file

Common Color: It is common for each team member to wear an outfit of a different color. This is where you will find the color that is commonly used by that archetype.

Description: This is where you will find a brief description about the role that archetype plays in the team.

Special Ability: Every archetype has a special ability. This is where it will be detailed.

Starting Statistics: When you include an archetype in your team the team member that has that archtype starts the game with the statistic ratings listed in the starting column of his archetype's statistics table. These statistics may be altered with creation points.

Maximum Statistics: When raising a team member's statistics they cannot be raised above the rating listed in his archetype's max column.


Initiative Bonus: +2 Common Color: Red

The alpha is the leader of the team. It is his responsibility to keep the team working together as a whole and to know the strengths and weaknesses of his teammates.

Special Ability, Teamwork: The alpha is skilled at leading his team into



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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