
Kemono Sentai Anthroranger

Episode 2 - Loxy's Revenge/ Kemono Cannon Charge On!

Concept by Inktail & Nibblahfrog

“Hmm... Which one should I start with...” Orse said as he browsed the huge shelf of dvds. He would run his large plush paw across the selves and skim the titles until he found one that caught his eye.

“Ahh... whats better then beginning at the beginning?” He said as he opened the box and put it into the player. The small tv would suddenly come to life and begin playing.

“E Himitsu Sentai Go-Go-Go-Gorenjaa E” The show would start and Orse would sit down on a large bean bag to begin watching. Ever since he and Wilda started to live at the Tanuki Leaf Arcade, he had started to make Conway's back room his private sanctuary, something that Conway was not quite happy about.

“BANG BANG BANG! Orse! Let me in! I told you that isn't a bed room!” he said said as he desperately tried to unlock the door. Wilda would watch this with Azura, who was in the Tanuki-san costume.

“Does Orse do stuff like this often?” The bunny asked.

“He likes to have his moments of solitude, one time he locked him self in a toybox for a month just to sip a cup of tea.” Wilda said as Conway looked like he was ready to resort to ramming the door. Just then a few kids would come in, looking happy before they saw the large tiger anthro trying to break the door down.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!! “ they all screamed in unison. Conway would turn his head in surprise and yelped.

“N..n..n..WAIT! It's not what it looks like!” he said quickly, accidentally flashing his fangs. This would terrifying the kids even more, and prompt them to flee the arcade in fright.

“No wait come back! I'm not a bad guy honest!” Conway said trying to run after then, stopping only when he realized that he would only be scaring them even more. He would sigh and sulk back inside. “I could have wound up something innocent looking like a sheep or even a chinchilla, but no, I had to be the ferocious tiger.” he said as Wilda came over and hugged him.

“Aww it's ok dear, I know your a nice kitty” she said while rubbing behind his ears, Conway would suddenly go wide eyed and purr a bit out of instinct, blushing in embarrassment when he realized what he was doing.

“Hehehe I honestly love my new body! I feel so soft, and warm, and I can jump 10 times as much as I use to.” Azura said happily before they heard a crash outside. Conway would blink.

“Oh, looks like Russel's here.” he said, as if it was no big deal. No sooner did Russel walk in the door, his fur a mess, his cloths in shambles and his tail bandaged in several places. Everyone looked at him in shock.

“Oh my god, what happened to you?” Azura said as the fox stumbled in. He would look at them and pant helplessly form exhaustion.

“What happened to me? WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?” he said suddenly grabbing his tail. “THIS HAPPENED TO ME!” he shouted.

“Your tail?” Wilda said

“Seriously, I don't know how you guys have managed to get use to them so fast! This morning I got out of bed, and tripped over this thing and banged my head on the night stand. Then I got to get a shower and slam my tail in the bathroom door!, then when I am riding to work, it gets caught on a fence and I got yanked off my scooter!” he said as he looked ready to keel over.

“Geez, and I thought you were a klutz before.” Conway said a bit jokingly before Russel shot him a glare.

“This thing is gonna be the death of me!” he said as Wilda suddenly picked him up.

“You just need to get use to it more dear, now then, how about we get you cleaned up?” she said carrying him to the bathroom.

“Hey put me down! I'm not a kid! Wilda!” he said just as Irvin walked in.

“Um... did I miss something?” the Mouse anthro said as the others looked at him.

“Russel thinks his tail is secretly trying to murder him, other than that not much.” Conway said

“Oh Irvin, how was school this week? Did you have trouble getting use to your new body too?” Azura asked him. Irvin blushed a bit, since besides Auzra, not many girls talked to him.

“Well actually, I didn't have much trouble at all... minus flossing takes longer now... But the part I still don't understand is that no one seems to notice we've changed!” he said. The others had noticed too after they defeated Big Bad. No one had even raised an eyebrow at there new appearances.

“Orse must be more powerful then we thought... I mean we all saw what he could do before, who knows what other tricks he has up his sleeve.” Conway said before a certain bat walked in.

“Hey! Whats everyone standing around for?” Mellony said as she walked in, wearing yet another punk outfit, this one modified to accommodate her new wings. “Shouldn't we, you know, be figureing out what those A.T.C. Guys are up too?” she said bluntly. Conway would suddenly clear his throat.

“I wouldn't worry much yet. In the offical sentai series, the evil organization doesn't become a real threat until the 3rd episode. All we can do is wait until they strike again.” Conway said quite proudly, earning a groan form Mellony.

“I worry a lot about how you know stuff like that...” she said as Wilda walked out with Russel in tow.

“See isn't that much better?” Wilda siad as Russel blushed helplessly. Everyone would turn and see that his fur had been combed, fluffed and had a big bow tied to the end of his tail. Azura would giggle a little while Mellony fell on rear laughing.

“Why me?” he said in utter humiliation.

“Why can't.... I ever have the happy ending... “ Big Bad said before he exploded in a hail of stuffing. Mus would be be looking at the screen of the tv she was playing the battle footage on. She would soon turn back to the dark figure sitting on the throne before her.

“Um... so as you can see... the test subjects have proven more resilient then initially anticipated... and apparently now have the ability to transform into multicolored superheroes... but you can't really point fingers here right?” The plush mouse said nervously before she hear a snotty snort.

“Oh please, we all know you screwed up! We just want to see if King Leon is gonna turn you into a mouse pad or something.” a large and very plump pig plush said. She stood on the right side of the throne and wore ruby red armor. It would barley cover up he fat features and looked almost like she was wearing a bikini almost. She had a red cape that would bear the A.T.C. emblem on the back, and at her waist a large fork, that was in scabbard like a sword.

“Don't you have a buffet you need to close down Swinella?” Mus said bluntly, causing the pig to grunt and glare at her.

“Hehehe... buffet... funny.” A large elephant/rhino hybrid plush chuckled. He was large as well, but more due to muscle then fat. He would have deep navy armor and a cape similar to Swinella's. He would have a large club at his belt and a dumb look on his face.

“You think paint drying is funny Punchaderm” Swinella said smugly. “If only you too had a fraction of my intelligence, we wouldn't have lost those humans like that...” she said causing Dr. Mus to grr in anger before the figure in the throne stood up.

“ENOUGH!” he said in a deep bellowing voice. “Now is not the time to fight among ourselves like mere children.” he said as the 3 bowed obediently. The large lion plush would have dark golden brown fur across his body. His eyes were bright red and his right eye would be have large scare stitched on it and he would have a pair of goat horns on the top of his head. On his head was black crown with purple gems of various shapes and sizes. He wore a long set of purple and black royal robs and had a belt with the A.T.C. emblem on the buckle. His tail was not a tail at all, but a living plush snack that had been sewn onto him. It hissed and flicked it's tongue as the king looked at his minions.

“Now then, the matter of these Anthrorangers is indeed an impediment on our plans, but it is a problem we will have to deal with.” he said before turning to Dr. Mus. “Doctor, I know that this was an unforeseen mishap beyond your control. But I am putting you in charge of correcting it.” he said before the mouse gulped and saluted nervously

“Y... Yes my majesty! I'll whip up a monster to deal with them right away!” she said before the king nodded.

“Good... I trust you will deal with them swiftly.” he said returning to his throne. “We must not forget our sacred mission, to avenge our forgotten brethren used and abandoned by humanity, by eliminating them from the earth!” as his minions cheered him. Dr. Mus would then quickly retreat to her lab to get started on a monster that would bring the Anthrorangers to there knees...

“Hmm... lets see here... which one.” Dr. Mus said as she looked at the large shelf of toys in her laboratory. A pink Teddie wearing maid's outfit would hold the mouse in her paws, helping her scan the collection of monster marital. “Aghh! I can't decide! What do you think?” she asked the Teddie.

“Teddie?” she said causing the doctor to sigh.

“Why am I talking to a Teddie? I must be losing it...” she said before she noticed the empty spot on the shelf where Big Bad once sat. “Oh B.B. You were one of my best creations, I remember when the Teddies brought you here with that lady friend of....yours...” Mus said before a sly grin appeared on her face. She would soon locate said “Lady Friend”, a small fox plush with blue overalls, and carry him to a large machine in the center of the lab.

“Activating mana injector, power levels stable, chamber secured...” Dr. Mus said before lowering her goggles over her eyes. “... and begin activation!” she said throwing a switch on a small control panel on the side of the machine, causing to roar to life. It would spark and glow as it was filled with energy and a purple light. It would continue as such for a few seconds before it steamed and the door opened. The silhouette of a tall curvy figure would slowly step out, causing Dr. Mus to smile. “Oh they are gonna have a great time with you missy” she cackled evilly...

“AKA RANGER!” The T.V. said as Orse watched. He was already up to episode 25 when he suddenly sensed something. He went wide eyed and his ears would twitch wildly. He would step out back into arcade, just as Wilda was trying to ad another bow to Russel's tail.

“A.T.C.” Orse said as everyone blinked and looked at him.

“Wait what? How can you tell?” Russel said before Wilda spoke up.

“Easy, me and Orse can sense our creator's magic and when it's being used.” She said, right before she snuck the extra bow on Russel's tail while he wasn't looking. He would eep at that and grumble a bit.

“You need to go to the city park, and hurry!” Orse said as they others nodded and ran out the door... except Russel who had to wrestle himself free of Wilda's motherly before he could join the others.

“Wait! I need to brush you still!” Wilda said hopping after them. Orse sighed at that and slowly followed.

Meanwhile in the park, people were in a major panic as Teddiez were running amuck and snatching up helpless victims to be taken back to King Leon's castle. When the rangers got to park, they would see the chaos and look at one another. They pulled out their Morphers sprung into action.

“MORPH ON!!!” They all shouted before they transformed into there Ranger forms.

“The hot blooded hero! Anthr...” Russel begain too say before he cut off by Mellony rushing in swinging her guitar wildly. “HEY! Wait for us will you!” Russel said as they other rushed in after her. Wilda and Orse would arrive a few seconds later panting form exhaustion.

“Oh dear... this can't end well” Orse said as he saw the ranger fighting in disorganziation.

“TEDDIE!” they Teddiez shouted as they crowded around Conway, trying to pile on him. Suddenly the yellow ranger would burst out sending them flying. “RAWR! Not this time!” he said. Unfortunately for him, one of the Teddiez he sent flying would come crashing down on a totally oblivious Irvin.

“OMPFFH!” he yelps as he tried to push the heavy plush bear off.

“Opps...um sorry!” Conway said. Meanwhile, Russel and Azura were fending up a small group of Teddiez, fighting back to back with one another.

“Man there is no end to these guys!” Russel shouted. He would let out a few vicious slashes with his sword before suddenly he felt something come crunching down on his tail... Azura's foot. “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOUCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!” He yelped loudly, drawing the attention of all the Teddiez and rangers onto him as he held it in pain. Azura put her hands on her face in shock.

“Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!” she said trying to sooth the pain, only making it worst by touching his sore tail, The Teddiez were on sure if they should still attack them or not. Mellony would just finish off the group she was fighting when she saw the mess her fellow team members were in.

“What are you guys doing!?” she said before they heard a laugh from the top of a hill.

“Hehehehe so you guys are the Anthrorangers huh? I gotta say, you really don't really live up to your reputations!” a female voice said. Soon a large figure of a fox emerged. It was clear form the curves on there body they were female. She had bright orange fur and seams up and down her body, showing that she was definitely plush, and had a set of denim overalls covering her frame up to her chest, complete with the A.T.C. emblem on the front pocket of them. She swished her tail playful and grined.

“So your the C.O.?” Mellony said as the others broke away from there fights and joined her.

“Yes I am, though form the looks of it. I could have just gotten the Teddiez to finish you off themselves. Then again I would get to have any fun now would I?” she said.

“Hey we kicked that Big Bad's butt last time. What makes you think you can do any better?” Russel said as the vixen smiled.

“Oh? Your the cheeky little fox who took out my boyfriend, arn'tcha?” she said as everyone blinked.

“Boyfriend!?” Russel said

“Yep, I'm his loving widow Foxy Loxy” she said giving a suggestive pose towards the rangers. “Don't think I will be a big push over like my ex” she giggled

“Oh lets just get this over with!” Mellony said charging with her guitar swinging wildly.

“Mellony wait!” Azura said as the black ranger began to swing at Loxy, only for her to effortlessly side step her at every strike. Mellony soon would get tired out and let her guard down for a second, long enough for Loxy to sweep her feet out from under her and soon pinning her under her large plush foot paw.

“Ompph! Get off of me!” she said struggling and epping a bit. Loxy would grin and look down at her.

“You got some spunk! I like that! I think i'll have fun with you”she said reaching into her overalls pocket and pulling out a big chicken feather. With a swift movement, she would stick said feath behind the bat's ear and release her. Mellony would uneasily stand and feel the feather.

“What is this?” she said trying to take it out. To her surprise it was stuck on like glue. “Ugh! Get this thing off!” she said violently tugging on it. Soon Russel would rush in with his sword while Loxy was watching her handy work. He managed to get a few hits in on the C.O. before suddenly she pointed behind him

“Oh whats that?” she said before Russel blinked and turned to look. Loxy grabbed his tail and yanked it hard, causing Russel's face to take on an pained look. The others covered there ears before Russel gave out another shout.

“YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” He yelped. Before he could recover, Loxy pulled him close and planted a surprise kiss right on the red ranger's lips. Russel would soon blush deeply become momentarily confused.

“You know your pretty cute, it's a shame the doc couldn't fully convert you. Oh well, I can still make you mine ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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