Endocrine Gland Project

Endocrine Gland Project

o Choose one endocrine gland of the 9 discussed in class.

o Research your gland

➢ Description of gland- location, appearance

➢ Hormones produced

➢ Action of hormone in body (what it does in the body)

➢ Hyper/hypo diseases associated (overproduction and underproduction)

➢ Common causes of dysfunction

➢ Other interesting information

o Build a model of this gland using your creativity and ANY material

o Present your findings to the class in an interesting and creative manner such as:

Poster, brochure, game, video, skit, PowerPoint etc.

Due Monday, October 25th!

Counts as a test grade. There will not be a test on the endocrine system.

All sources need to be included. Plagiarism will result in a zero on a test.

Everyone’s notes will depend on the quality of your presentation.

Endocrine Gland Project

o Choose one endocrine gland of the 9 discussed in class.

o Research your gland

➢ Description of gland- location, appearance

➢ Hormones produced

➢ Action of hormone in body (what it does in the body)

➢ Hyper/hypo diseases associated (overproduction and underproduction)

➢ Common causes of dysfunction

➢ Other interesting information

o Build a model of this gland using your creativity and ANY material

o Present your findings to the class in an interesting and creative manner such as:

Poster, brochure, game, video, skit, PowerPoint etc.

Due Monday, October 25th!

Counts as a test grade. There will not be a test on the endocrine system.

All sources need to be included. Plagiarism will result in a zero on a test.

Everyone’s notes will depend on the quality of your presentation.

Rubric for Endocrine Project

__________ Model: Accurate, colorful, creative, evidence of effort (30 points)

__________ Presentation: eye contact, clear speech, equal participation (10 points)

__________ Colorful and creative illustrations (5 points)

__________ Description of gland (10 points)

__________ Hormones produced (10 points)

__________ Action of hormone (functions) (10 points)

__________ Diseases (10 points)

__________ Causes of diseases (10 points)

__________ Interesting Information (5 points)

__________ Total Points


Rubric for Endocrine Project

__________ Model: Accurate, colorful, creative, evidence of effort (30 points)

__________ Presentation: eye contact, clear speech, equal participation (10 points)

__________ Colorful and creative illustrations (5 points)

__________ Description of gland (10 points)

__________ Hormones produced (10 points)

__________ Action of hormone (functions) (10 points)

__________ Diseases (10 points)

__________ Causes of diseases (10 points)

__________ Interesting Information (5 points)

__________ Total Points



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