Juanita High School Drama


Name: She Kills Monsters

Makeup Partner(s):  ALL Drama print this sheet, and place in your Drama Binder.

‘CREATE A KIT’:  THINGS YOU NEED TO BRING (Use a caboodle or other carrying device - label your stuff)

• ·ð        O•        Oversized button-down shirt (Very, very important! Make sure you have this. Pick one up cheap from Value Village, or borrow your dad's old shirt!

• •        Facial Cleanser, soap for hands (Start with a clean face)

• •        Astringent (or cold water . . . closes the pores)

• •    Face wipes

• •        Light Moisturizer (for after you take off your makeup)

• •        Hair Needs (including Brush, Comb, Pins, Gel, Hairspray, curling iron, flat iron, etc. Bring extra. DON’T FORGET A COMB – it’s good to have a wide tooth and a normal tooth comb in your makeup kit)

• •        Makeup:  your own KIT OR checked out from the makeup table

• •        All those extras, like needles, pins, scissors, Kleenex, covered rubber bands


1.Clean face thoroughly!

2.  Apply astringent or cold water splash

3.  Let dry naturally - do not pat or rub dry

4. If USED: Apply YOUR base or BEN NYE (we have that for you) evenly over face and blend just under the chin (don't forget behind ears!)

5. Use concealer if you wish to erase blemishes (the Ben Nye Base will do this for most of you)

6. Apply the Translucent Powder (waft/brush method)

7. Apply YOUR Blush or BEN NYE (we have that for you) to cheek bone areas (We will be using colored blush - this should complement your skin tones ranging from the pinks to the browns)

8. Lightly apply Translucent Powder over blush

9.  Lightly brush Pencil under eyes (color should complement and not overwhelm)

10. Shadow above eyes (brown tones or lavender for ‘non-makeup; color for effect)

11. Lightly powder over eyes

12. Define eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil (be subtle!)

13. Do your lips for makeup check (I will check everyone on stage at the same time) BUT you will need to do them again just before you go on AND probably throughout the show if you can. They should look freshly done.  Put on color (line, fill), powder, then gloss if you need it - make sure you are doing touch ups as your makeup absorbs

We have loads of character makeup to do that takes the above and tweaks it to create the looks we need for the fantasy characters. Monsters: I will want you to try dark maroon or black lips for the goblins, wipe that off and put on your masks for the Wraiths, and then ‘dirty up’ your faces for the Bugbears (use a dark brown or purple that we have – if you are in 6th or 7th you will be helping to get this ready so you will be able to help others).

Hair: You have two things to think about with hair: 1. Your hair should fit your character’s world (time and place) and personality (helps to define YOU). 2. Your hair should be able to withstand the rigors of the show and still look great. TIP: make it simple because you need to do this over and over and it should look the same every time. PRACTICE until you get what you like. Mac and your makeup partner will give you feedback and help as needed.



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