Regular Verbs in All 5 Tenses

Regular AR Verbs in All 5 Tensesafeitarsealquilaranunciararreglarsebailarba?arsecaminarcantarcasarse (con)cepillarsecobrar (un cheque)coleccionarcontestarcortarse (el pelo)corrercrear una página Webcuidar a charlardibujardoblarducharseechar una cartaescucharfelicitarganargastargrabar (una canción/disco)lavarselevantarsellenar (el tanque)llevarlimpiarllorarmanejarmolestarmontar en bicicletamontar en monopatínnadar pararparticiparpasarpasar tiempopatinarpelearsepintarseportarseprepararseprestar atenciónquedarseregalarsaltar (a la cuerda)saludarsetomar el sol/leccionestrabajar usar la computadoravisitar salones de chatRegular ER Verbs in All 5 TensesaprendercorrerbeberdebercomerrompercomprenderRegular IR Verbs in All 5 Tensesabrirrecibircompartirsubircumplir a?ossufrirdecidirvivirescribirCar/Gar/Zar change in Preterit and Commands**Regular Verbs in Present Tense**brincarbuscarcalificarmarcarpescarpracticar deportescargarjugar* (uue in present and commands)llegarnavegar en la Redpagarapagarabrazar(se)bostezarcruzargozar**(OUE) boot verb in present tense and commands onlyalmorzar**(EIE) boot verbs in present tense and commands onlycomenzar (a) empezar (a) BOOT VERBS (present tense and commands ONLY)EIEdespertarsesentarseOUEacostarsecostarcontardevolverencontrarprobarserecordarvolverAccents in all forms present tense but all normal conjugationsenviar (over “i”)esquiar (over “i”)reunirse (over “u”)Regular in present tense, irregular in preterit onlyandar (“UV” group)Regular in present tense (except yo form, GJ), irregular in commands “GER/GIR”escoger exigir proteger elegirrecoger Irregular in yo form only present tense (CZC) and commands“CIR/CER”conducirconocernacerofrecerobedecerreducirproducirtraducirBOOT VERBS (present tense and commands) & SANDALS (preterit, P.P.)Present OUE, Preterit / Present.Progressive. OUdormirmorirpodrirPresent EIE / I, Preterit / Present Progressive EIdespedir(se)preferirdivertirserepetirmedirsentirsementirservirpedirvestirseVery Irregular VerbsCAERSE(“caigo”) “go” verb with irregular yo form only in present, CLOC verb in preterit and present progressive (i—y)CREERnormal in present tense, CLOC verb in preterit and present prog. (i—y)CONSEGUIR(e—i) (“consigo”) go/boot verb in present, Sandal in preterit and present progr. and commands (e—i)DAR(“doy”) irregular in yo form only in present, “I” group in preterit, irregular in commands (all except tú +)ESTARIRREGULAR IN ALL 5 TENSESHACER(“hago”) “go” verb with irregular yo form only in present, “I” group in preterit, irregular affirmative tú command (“Haz”)IRIRREGULAR IN ALL 5 TENSESLEERnormal in present, CLOC group in preterit and present prog. (i—y)O?R(“oigo”) “go” verb with all irregular forms in present (i—y), CLOC group in preterit and present prog.. (iy)PONER(“pongo”) “go” verb with irregular yo form only in present, “U” group in preterit, irregular affirmative tú command (“Pon”)RE?R(e—i) boot in present with accents in all forms, Sandal in preterit and present prog. (e—i)SALIR(“salgo”) “go” verb with irregular yo form only in present, irregular affirmative tú command (“Sal”), normal in all other tensesSERIRREGULAR IN ALL 5 TENSESSEGUIR(e—i) (“consigo”) go/boot verb in present, Sandal in preterit, present prog. and commands (e—i)SONRE?R (e—i) boot in present with accents in all forms, Sandal in preterit and present prog. and commands (e—i)(MAN) TENER(e—ie) go/boot in present, “UV” group in preterit, irregular tú affirmative command (“Ten”)TRAER(“traigo”) “go” verb with only irregular yo form in present, “J” group in preterit, sandal in present prog. (iy)VENIR(e—ie) go/boot in present, “I” group in preterit, sandal in present prog. (EI), irregular affirmative tú command (“Ven”)VER(“veo”) only irregular yo form in present; “I” group in preterit, irregular in imperfect Verbos Locosaburrir(me aburre/n, te aburre/n, le aburre/n, nos aburre/n, os aburre/n, les aburre/n)doler (me duele/n, te duele/n, le duele/n, nos duele/n, os duele/n, les duele/n)encantar (me encanta/n, te encanta/n, le encanta/n, nos encanta/n, os encanta/n, les encanta/n)fascinar(me fascina/n, te fascina/n, le fascina/n, nos fascina/n, os fascina/n, les fascina/n)gustar(me gusta/n, te gusta/n, le gusta/n, nos gusta/n, os gusta/n, les gusta/n)importar (me importa/n, te importa/n, le importa/n, nos importa/n, os importa/n, les importa/n)interesar(me interesa/n, te interesa/n, le interesa/n, nos interesa/n, os interesa/n, les interesa/n)parecer(me parece/n, te parece/n, le parece/n, nos parece/n, os parece/n, les parece/n)Práctica para el examen final:Identifica el tenso.A=Presente B=Pretérito C=Imperfecto D=ProgresivoE=Mandato1. tuvo21. hablemos2. me estoy arreglando22. recomiendo3. hacía23. siéntense4. condujiste24. creyeron5. me gusta25. decís6. acuéstate26. mintió7. está buscando27. estás sirviendo8. pagué28. veían9. miremos29. hablabais10. íbamos30. llegué11. bebemos31. véte12. consiguen32. estás jugando13. no me digas33. saltábamos14. sonreían34. vámonos15. os acostasteis35. anduviste16. están durmiendo36. produjeron17. haz37. estás viniendo18. tengan 38. empiezan19. estamos rompiendo39. dibujabas20. eran40. pidió ................

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