STATEMENT OF PROCEEDINGSCounty of San Diego Board of SupervisorsREGULAR MEETINGMeeting agendaTUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2013, 09:00 A.MBoard of Supervisors North Chamber1600 Pacific Highway, Room 310, San Diego, CaliforniaREGULAR SESSION – Regular Meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m.Present: Supervisors Greg Cox, Chairman; Dianne Jacob, Vice Chairwoman; Dave Roberts; Ron Roberts; Bill Horn; also Thomas J. Pastuszka, Clerk.Invocation was led by Reverend Dr. Richard Freeman of Community Congregational Church in Chula Vista.Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Arends, a former Naval Aviator in the United States Navy and a member of the Chula Vista Veterans Home Support Foundation.Approval of Statement of Proceedings/Minutes for meetings of the Regular Board of Supervisors on January 7, 2013 and January 8, 2013.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the Board of Supervisors approved the Statement of Proceedings/Minutes for meetings of the Board of Supervisors on January 7, 2013 and January 8, 2013.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, HornNOTICE: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY TAKE ANY ACTION WITH RESPECT TO THE ITEMS INCLUDED ON THIS AGENDA. RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY COUNTY STAFF DO NOT LIMIT ACTIONS THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY TAKE. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT RELY UPON THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE BOARD LETTER AS DETERMINATIVE OF THE ACTION THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY TAKE ON A PARTICULAR MATTER.Board of Supervisors' Agenda ItemsCategoryAgenda #SubjectPublic SafetyDISTRICT ATTORNEY –VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT 2011[FUNDING SOURCE(S): revenue from the State of California, Local Revenue Fund allocated to the County Local Revenue Fund 2011, Local Community Corrections account](4 VOTES) SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT WITH NINE INCORPORATED CITIES[FUNDING SOURCE(S): revenue from the nine contract cities] SHERIFF – REQUEST TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE GRANT AWARD FUNDS AND TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE GRANT FUNDS IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS FOR THE PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS REGIONAL GUN VIOLENCE SUPPRESSION PROJECT[FUNDING SOURCE(S): grant revenue from the U. S. Department of Justice passed through the San Diego Association of Governments] (4 VOTES) SHERIFF – ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND DONATIONS PROBATION – APPLICATION FOR AND ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FUNDS[FUNDING SOURCE(S): California Department of Transportation](4 VOTES)Health and Human ServicesMENTAL HEALTH PLAN CONTRACT AND REVENUE STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR MEDI-CAL SPECIALTY MENTAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH AND THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 CERTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR CHILD HEALTH AND DISABILITY PREVENTION AND CALIFORNIA CHILDREN SERVICES PROGRAMS[FUNDING SOURCE(S): State General Fund, Federal Title XIX, Federal Title XXI and Realignment] COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT 2013 REVENUE AGREEMENT[FUNDING SOURCE(S): Community Services Block Grant from the California Department of Community Services and Development] HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY BOARD POLICIES SUNSET REVIEWCommunity ServicesNOTICED PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL SERVICES - MACROBUTTON NoMacro SALE OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF LA MESA - FORMER LEMON GROVE MAINTENANCE STATION - 7410 WAITE DRIVE, LA MESA (COUNTY PARCEL NO. 2012-003-A) (4 VOTES)Financial and General GovernmentNEIGHBORHOOD REINVESTMENT PROGRAM (DISTRICT: 1) PROPOSITION 30, SCA 1 & CALIFORNIA’S CREDIT RATING(Note: this item WAS withdrawn at the request of supervisor horn) NEIGHBORHOOD REINVESTMENT GRANTS (DISTRICT: 5)[FUNDING SOURCE(S): Neighborhood Reinvestment budget](4 VOTES) ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:APPOINTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO REPLACE THE TITLE OF THE OFFICE OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS WITH THE TITLE OF OFFICE OF ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE AND REDEFINE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE (1/8/2013 – First Reading; 1/29/2013 – Second Reading) ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: AMENDMENTS TO THE LABOR RELATIONS ORDINANCE (1/8/2013 – First Reading; 1/29/2013 – Second Reading)Communications ReceivedCOMMUNICATIONS RECEIVEDAppointmentsADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:APPOINTMENTSFinancial and General GovernmentRE-APPOINTMENT TO THE FIRST FIVE COMMISSIONClosed SessionCLOSED SESSIONPresentations/ AwardsPRESENTATIONS/AWARDSPublic CommunicationPUBLIC COMMUNICATION1.SUBJECT:DISTRICT ATTORNEY –VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT 2011 (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:Public Safety Realignment 2011, as enacted by the State of California in Assembly Bill 109, 117, 118 and other implementing legislation, represents a fundamental and long term change in State and County responsibilities for managing criminal offenders. These changes cause a ripple effect that creates additional challenges and unintended consequences, including impacts to programs that provide assistance to crime victims and witnesses of crimes. The District Attorney’s Office is constitutionally mandated to ensure and uphold the rights of crime victims as required by the Victims’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008. This is a request to approve the addition of two staff years and to approve the appropriation of funds from the County Local Revenue Fund 2011 to ensure the San Diego District Attorney’s Office can continue to properly fulfill the requirements of the law with respect to the rights of crime victims.Fiscal impact:Funds for this request are not included in the Fiscal Year 2012-14 Operational Plan for the District Attorney’s Office. If approved, this request will result in estimated current year costs and revenue of $56,942. Annual costs and revenue of $227,768 will be included in the Fiscal Year 2013-15 CAO Proposed Operational Plan. The funding source is revenue from the State of California, Local Revenue Fund allocated to the County Local Revenue Fund 2011, Local Community Corrections account. There will be no change in net General Fund cost and the request will result in an increase of two (2.00) additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:DISTRICT ATTORNEYApprove the request to add two (2.00) staff years to support the District Attorney’s Office and direct the Department of Human Resources to classify the positions at the appropriate level.Establish appropriations of $56,942 in the District Attorney’s Office for salaries and benefits to support the addition of Victim Assistance staff based on unanticipated revenue from the State of California, Local Revenue Fund allocated to the County Local Revenue Fund 2011, Local Community Corrections account. (4 VOTES)ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn2.SUBJECT:SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT WITH NINE INCORPORATED CITIES (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:On December 4, 2007 (2), your Board approved and authorized the execution of a five-year law enforcement contract between the County of San Diego, through the Sheriff’s Department, and nine incorporated cities in the County. This action requests authorization for the execution of a new five-year law enforcement services contract for the period beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2017.Fiscal impact:Funds for this request in the amount of $79,116,429 are included in the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operational Plan. The funding source is revenue from the nine contract cities. If approved this request will result in estimated costs and revenue of $79,474,482 in Fiscal Year 2012-13 and $85,727,569 in Fiscal Year 2013-14 and will not require additional staff years. The current year revenue is estimated to be $358,053 higher than the budgeted revenue because the Contract City contract is based on prior year actual expenses. Actual expenditures for salaries and vehicles were higher in Fiscal Year 2011-12 than the amount included in the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operational Plan. Requests for increased services from cities may result in increased staff years during the term of the agreement.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:SHERIFFWaive Board Policy B-29, which requires full cost recovery for fees, grants, and revenue contracts.Waive Board Policy B-29, Fees, Grants, Revenue Contracts – Department Responsibility for Cost Recovery that requires docketing Revenue Contracts with the Board at least 60 days prior to effective date of the contractApprove and authorize the Clerk of the Board to accept and execute, upon receipt, the Agreement For General and Specialized Law and Traffic Enforcement Services (Contract) and the Contract Law Enforcement Program Joint Operating and Financial Plan (Attachment B) between the County of San Diego, through the Sheriff’s Department, and the cities of Del Mar, Encinitas, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach and Vista for the period beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2017.Authorize the Sheriff to approve the Contract Law Enforcement Program Joint Operating and Financial Plan (Attachment B) documents for each Contract City for each subsequent year, including mid-year service level changes, amendments and/or revisions for the period beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2017.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn3.SUBJECT:SHERIFF – REQUEST TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE GRANT AWARD FUNDS AND TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE GRANT FUNDS IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS FOR THE PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS REGIONAL GUN VIOLENCE SUPPRESSION PROJECT (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:This request is to authorize the Sheriff to accept and establish appropriations of grant funds from the U. S. Department of Justice passed through the San Diego Association of Governments in the amount of $17,978 for the Project Safe Neighborhoods Regional Gun Violence Suppression Project. This is also a request to authorize the Sheriff to accept grant funding in subsequent years if there are no material changes to the grant terms and funding level. This grant program supports the reduction of gun and gang crime and will be used by the Sheriff in multi-jurisdictional gun violence suppression operations.Fiscal impact:Funds for this request are not included in the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operational Plan for the Sheriff’s Department. If approved, this request will result in current year costs and revenue of $17,978. The grant award recovers all Sheriff Department direct costs but does not include costs associated with administrative support. The funding source is grant revenue from the U. S. Department of Justice passed through the San Diego Association of Governments. There will be no change in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:SHERIFFWaive Board Policy B-29, Fees, Grants, Revenue Contracts – Department Responsibility for Cost Recovery, which requires full cost recovery for grants, as these grant programs do not recover full cost.Authorize the Sheriff’s Department to accept grant funds from the U. S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) passed through the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), for the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Regional Gun Violence Suppression Project totaling $17,978 for the project period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.Establish appropriations of $17,978 in the Sheriff’s Department for salaries and benefits for overtime ($16,728) and services and supplies for contracted services ($1,250) based on unanticipated revenue from the USDOJ passed through SANDAG for the PSN project. (4 VOTES)Authorize the Sheriff to enter into an expenditure agreement related to the PSN project with the La Mesa Police Department to reimburse for project-related overtime not to exceed $1,250.Authorize the Sheriff to accept PSN grant funding from the USDOJ passed through SANDAG in subsequent years, if there are no material changes to the grant terms and funding levels, and in such subsequent years, review and execute all required grant and grant-related documents, including agreements with other local and government agencies for the distribution of grant funds where necessary to carry out the purposes of the grant, and any annual extension, amendments, and/or revisions thereof that do not materially impact or alter the services or funding levels.Authorize the Sheriff to review and execute all required PSN grant and grant-related documents, including agreements with other local and government agencies for the distribution of grant funds where necessary to carry out the purposes of the grant, and any annual extension, amendments, and/or revisions thereof that do not materially impact or alter the services or funding level.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn4.SUBJECT:SHERIFF – ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND DONATIONS (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:The Sheriff’s Department received numerous gifts from individuals and groups to support law enforcement services. This is the semi-annual report of such gifts and donations received by the Sheriff’s Department from June 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012, as required by San Diego County Administrative Code section 66. Fiscal impact:Funds for this request are not included in the Sheriff’s Department Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operational Plan. If approved, this request will accept donations received between June 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 in the amount of $11,075. There is no change in net General Fund costs and no additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:SHERIFFIn accordance with Administrative Code Section 66, accept the Sheriff’s Department Report of Gifts for the period June 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, for $11,075 worth of donations from Golden Acorn Casino, Encinitas Elks Lodge, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Ms. Faye Sherbert, Fallbrook Vintage Car Club, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Vivanco, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomas.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn5.SUBJECT:PROBATION – APPLICATION FOR AND ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FUNDS (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:This is a request to authorize the San Diego County Probation Department (Probation) to apply for and accept grant funds from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). If approved, Probation will use the funds awarded to administer a probation work crew program for litter removal, weed/brush removal and drain cleaning services. Today’s action will authorize Probation to apply for and accept grant funds from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in the amount of $3,000,000, for the period April 1, 2013, through March 31, 2016. Today’s action will also authorize Probation to apply for and accept Caltrans funds in subsequent years if there are no material changes to the agreement terms and funding levels. Fiscal impact:Funds for this request are not included in Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operational Plan in the Probation Department. If approved, this request will result in costs and revenue of $3,000,000 ($250,000 in Fiscal Year 2012-13, $1,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2013-14, $1,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2014-15, and $750,000 in Fiscal Year 2015-16). The funding source is the California Department of Transportation. The grant award recovers all Probation Department direct costs but does not include indirect costs estimated at $293,660 over the term of the grant. There will be no change in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERAuthorize the Chief Probation Officer to apply for and accept California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) funds in the amount of $3,000,000 for the period April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to apply for and accept Caltrans grant funds in subsequent years if there are no material changes to the grant terms and funding levels. Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to review and execute grant documents, sign and submit related contracts, including any extensions, annual amendments and/or revisions that do not materially impact or alter services or funding level.Waive Board Policy B-29, Fees, Grants, Revenue Contracts – Department Responsibility for Cost Recovery, which requires full cost recovery for grants.Establish appropriations of $250,000 in the Probation Department for services and supplies for work crews based on unanticipated revenue from Caltrans. (4 VOTES)ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn6.SUBJECT:MENTAL HEALTH PLAN CONTRACT AND REVENUE STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR MEDI-CAL SPECIALTY MENTAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH AND THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:Since July 21, 1998 (27), the Board of Supervisors has continuously approved a revenue agreement with the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) to provide Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services to eligible persons in San Diego County. This agreement specifies the federal and State requirements that counties must meet to participate as a Mental Health Plan (MHP) and claim Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for the Specialty Mental Health Services provided. The most recent agreement, approved on August 7, 2012 (9), covered the period April 1, 2012 to no later than December 31, 2012; the indeterminate end date was the anticipated period of time needed to finalize a five-year successor contract between the counties and DHCS. The interim contract and revenue agreement combined the services provided under the previous Managed Care Revenue Agreement with services provided under the Mental Health Plan. At this time, the State continues to work with counties on a successor contract but has experienced an unanticipated delay in the provision of the contract documents. As a result, all California counties are being asked to complete a Standard Agreement Form STD 213A to amend the term of the current MHP contract with DHCS. This amendment will be effective December 30, 2012, and implements a four-month, one-time-only extension that will extend the term of the contract through April 30, 2013. This amendment is being provided to ensure counties can continue to claim federal reimbursement for specialty mental health services provided January 1, 2013 through the end of the revised contract term.Today’s action seeks Board authority to ratify the Standard Agreement from DHCS with the County of San Diego’s Behavioral Health Division. This item supports the County’s Live Well, San Diego! Initiative by supporting mental health treatment to vulnerable populations of mentally disabled children, youth, adults, older adults and families in San Diego County. Fiscal impact:There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the request to ratify the proposed Standard Agreement from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). Funds for this request are included in Fiscal Year 2012-14 Operational Plan. The most recent agreement covered the period April 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. The proposed agreement extends to no later than April 30, 2013. This contract with DHCS provides up to $112,942,886 of Federal Financial Participation from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). There will be no change in net General fund cost and no additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERRatify the proposed Standard Agreement from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) beginning January 1, 2013 and ending at the time when the DHCS and the County of San Diego’s Behavioral Health Services have finalized a successor Contract and Revenue Agreement, but to be no later than April 30, 2013 and authorize the Director of Health and Human Services Agency and/or his designee to sign this agreement.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn7.SUBJECT:FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 CERTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR CHILD HEALTH AND DISABILITY PREVENTION AND CALIFORNIA CHILDREN SERVICES PROGRAMS (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:The Board of Supervisors has demonstrated a long-term commitment to helping children reach their full potential by supporting programs that encourage healthy behaviors, link eligible children to low or no-cost health care coverage, provide case management and therapy services for low income children with serious medical conditions and provide support for at-risk children in the dependency system. Today’s action furthers the County’s commitment to improving health opportunities and outcomes for children through the Health and Human Services Agency’s Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) program and California Children Services (CCS) program. If approved, today’s action will continue the activities of the CHDP and CCS programs.As required by the State as a condition of funding, this action requests the annual approval and execution of the State’s Fiscal Year 2012-13 CHDP and CCS Certification Statements. Additionally, this action requests the approval and execution of the CHDP and CCS Certification Statements for the subsequent four fiscal years through Fiscal Year 2016 -17.Today’s action supports the County’s Live Well, San Diego! Initiative by supporting preventive health care, early intervention and treatment programs for at-risk children and families.Fiscal impact:Funds for this request are included in the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operational Plan for the Health and Human Services Agency. If approved, this action will result in current year costs and revenue of $18,250,295 ($7,103,584 for CHDP and $11,146,711 for CCS). The sources of funding are the State General Fund, Federal Title XIX, Federal Title XXI and Realignment. There will be no change to net General Fund costs and no additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERApprove and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the Fiscal Year 2012-13 through Fiscal Year 2016-17 State Child Health and Disability Prevention Certification Statements.Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the Fiscal Year 2012-13 through Fiscal Year 2016-17 State California Children Services Certification Statements.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn8.SUBJECT:COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT 2013 REVENUE AGREEMENT (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:The Community Services Block Grant was established by the Federal Government to fund a national program, administered locally, for the purpose of assisting persons in becoming self-sufficient. The County of San Diego is the region’s designated Community Action Agency and is eligible to receive an annual allocation of federal Community Services Block Grant revenue. These funds are provided through a revenue agreement with the State Department of Community Services and Development. On May 24, 2011 (13), the Board of Supervisors approved a two-year Community Action Plan with the State Department of Community Services and Development for calendar years 2012 and 2013.Today’s item requests Board authority to adopt the attached resolution and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the Community Services Block Grant 2013 Revenue Agreement for the period, January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 and any amendments. Due to the timeline imposed by the State of California, it is necessary to bring this item forward at this time.Fiscal impact:Funds for this request are included in the Fiscal Year 2012-14 Operational Plan for the Health and Human Services Agency. If approved, this request will result in annual costs and revenue of approximately $3,145,036. The funding source is the Community Services Block Grant from the California Department of Community Services and Development. There will be no change in net General Fund costs and no additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERAdopt the resolution titled: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE 2013 COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT.Authorize the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to execute, upon receipt, the Community Services Block Grant Revenue Agreement with the State Department of Community Services and Development for an estimated amount of $3,145,036 for the period January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013, and any extensions and amendments that do not materially alter the program, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent, adopting Resolution No. 13-007, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE 2013 COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn9.SUBJECT:HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY BOARD POLICIES SUNSET REVIEW (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:In accordance with Board of Supervisors Policy A-76, Sunset Review, the Health and Human Services Agency (Agency) periodically reviews Board policies and Administrative Code articles to ensure that policies and Code provisions reflect current standards and policies. Today’s action seeks Board approval to revise the following:Board Policy A-67, Primary Care ServicesBoard Policy A-114, County Prevention PolicyBoard Policy A-127, Domestic Violence Prevention PolicyToday’s action supports Live Well, San Diego! As these policies help promote a county that is healthy, safe and thriving.Fiscal impact:There is no fiscal impact as a result of this recommendation.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERApprove revisions and amendments to Board Policy A-67, Primary Care Services; Board Policy A-114, County Prevention Policy; and Board Policy A-127, Domestic Violence Prevention Policy and update the sunset dates to December 31, 2019.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn10.SUBJECT:NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING:GENERAL SERVICES – MACROBUTTON NoMacro SALE OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF LA MESA – FORMER LEMON GROVE MAINTENANCE STATION – 7410 WAITE DRIVE, LA MESA (COUNTY PARCEL NO. 2012-003-A) (DISTRICT: 2)OVERVIEW:The County owns approximately three acres of land located at 7410 Waite Drive in La Mesa at the northwest corner of Waite Drive and Murray Hill Road in the city of La Mesa. The property is identified as County Parcel Number 2012-003-A and was acquired in 1915 for use by the Department of Public Works as the Lemon Grove Maintenance Station. The road station closed in 1996 and since that time has only been used as a temporary construction staging area. An independent appraisal established the current market value of the property at $650,000. County staff has reviewed and approved the appraisal.On January 8, 2013, the La Mesa City Council approved the purchase of the County-owned property for the appraised value and appropriated the necessary funding to complete the transaction. The City of La Mesa has indicated its intent to acquire the property for a future neighborhood park. Acquisition of this property by the City of La Mesa is consistent with its General Plan. As part of the purchase consideration, the City of La Mesa will make an initial payment of $250,000 and will pay the remaining balance of $400,000 in monthly installments over four years at 3.5% interest. The Board is requested to declare the property surplus to the County’s needs and approve the sale of the property to the City of La Mesa at the appraised value with the proposed financing terms. The net proceeds of the sale will be deposited into the Department of Public Works Road Fund. MACROBUTTON NoMacro Escrow services, title services, other transaction expenses and staff costs are estimated to be $10,000 and will be paid from the sale proceeds.Fiscal impact:Funds for this request are not included in the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operational Plan for the Department of Public Works Road Fund. If approved, sale of the property will result in total revenue of $679,235, realized over four years, as follows: an initial one-time payment of $250,000 in Fiscal Year 2012-13, and monthly payments of principal and interest of $8,942 ($107,308 annually) for four years commencing upon the close of escrow. Transaction costs for the Department of General Services – Real Estate Services Division are estimated to be $10,000, including escrow, title and staff costs. The transaction costs will be reimbursed from the initial payment received from the City of La Mesa, and the remaining revenue of $669,235 (figures are approximate due to rounding) will be deposited into the Department of Public Works Road Fund. There will be no change in net General Fund cost and no additional staff yearsBusiness impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERFind, in accordance with Article 19, Section 15312 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, that the sale of County Parcel No. 2012-003-A (APN 474-500-15) is categorically exempt from the provisions of the CEQA Guidelines as it involves the sale of surplus government property.Declare County Parcel 2012-003-A surplus to County needs.Find that the conveyance of County Parcel 2012-003-A pursuant to Government Code Section 25365 to the City of La Mesa involves real property not required for County use. (4 VOTES)Find that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors has advertised the County’s intent to sell County Parcel 2012-003-A pursuant to Government Code Section 6061.Approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions with the City of La Mesa for County Parcel 2012003-A and authorize the Director, Department of General Services to execute the purchase agreement and perform all necessary actions to complete the sale.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board of Supervisors closed the Hearing and took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn11.SUBJECT:NEIGHBORHOOD REINVESTMENT PROGRAM (DISTRICT:1)OVERVIEW:The County of San Diego is fortunate to have an opportunity to reinvest taxpayer money into our communities for the benefit of the public. This action will assist the County in meeting the needs of the community.Fiscal impact:The total allocation of these 2 grants is $20,227. These actions will result in the addition of no staff years and no future costs.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHAIRMAN GREG COXAllocate $3,500 from the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program budget (Org 15650) to San Diego Coastkeeper to purchase water testing supplies, a lab computer, software, brochures, posters and volunteer t-shirts for their “Tracking Down Water Pollution” pilot study.Allocate $16,727 from the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program budget (Org 15650) to the Arc of San Diego to assist with the purchase of an 8-passenger van.Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute grant agreements with these organizations establishing terms for receipt of the funds described above and to make minor amendments to the agreements that are consistent with the general purpose of the grant but do not increase the grant.Find that the grant awards described above have a public purpose.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn12.SUBJECT:PROPOSITION 30, SCA 1 & CALIFORNIA’s CREDIT RATING (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:On November 6, 2012, California voters passed Proposition 30 by a 55% to 45% margin. It will temporarily increase income taxes on earnings over $250,000 for seven years and add a ? cent sales tax for four years. According to Standard & Poor’s, these tax increases will add an additional $6 billion to state revenue over the next several years. Since the election, investors have been bullish toward California municipal bonds, and some investors, according to The Wall Street Journal, think this could indicate a future upgrade for California debt. Currently, Standard & Poor’s as well as Fitch rank California the lowest among the 50 states with an A- credit rating.With an influx in capital, the State has an opportunity to get serious about dealing with its structural and fiscal issues or maintain the status quo. While higher credit ratings don’t necessarily guarantee a better outcome for San Diegans, it is a step in the right direction. Credit ratings are earned based on a number of factors, including the underlying ability for the issuer of debt to meet its financial obligations. The lower the credit rating, the less likely the issuer is to meet its financial obligations, especially in a changing economy. How the State navigates their uncertain future will directly affect the County of San Diego because over 25% of the County’s general fund financing comes from the State. Especially since the tax increase is only temporary, the State should successfully control spending to fix its long-term credit problem. Controlling spending is the key to improving the State’s credit rating.Fiscal impact:N/ABusiness impact statement:N/Arecommendation:SUPERVISOR BILL HORNDirect the Chief Administrative Officer to draft a letter for the Chair’s signature to Senator Mark Wyland and all members of the San Diego delegation in support of California Senate Constitutional Amendment 1 (SCA 1).Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to include in the Board’s Legislative Program legislation that will increase the transparency of the State Auditor, thereby potentially adding further spending controls on the State.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board withdrew this item, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn13.SUBJECT:NEIGHBORHOOD REINVESTMENT GRANTS (DISTRICT: 5)OVERVIEW:Neighborhood Reinvestment Program funding assists non-profit organizations in providing essential services to citizens of San Diego County. Reinvesting taxpayer money in worthwhile organizations is a benefit to the citizens and communities of North County.Fiscal impact:The fiscal impact of these recommendations is $189,737.49. The funding source is the Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670). This action will result in the addition of no new staff years and no future costs.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:SUPERVISOR HORNAllocate $15,000 from Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670) to the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce to pay for production of the Chamber Visitors Guide and other printed materials to promote events in Fallbrook.Allocate $14,085 from Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670) to the Fallbrook Music Society to purchase an integrated, box office ticket sales technology upgrade including hardware, software, set up and installation.Allocate $60,000 from Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670) to Mainly Mozart, Inc. to expand its presence in North County by purchasing supplies, educational materials, signage, and new ticketing technology.Allocate $100,000 from Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670) to North County Solutions for Change to help build an aquaponics farming system at 948 La Rueda Drive, Vista, CA 92084.Establish appropriations of $50,000 in the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program budget for reallocation to other projects based on the return of the unused portion of the 01/24/2012 (15) allocation of $50,000 to Oral Health For Those In Need. (4 VOTES)Establish appropriations of $1,847.51 in the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program budget for reallocation to other projects based on the unused portion of the 4/27/2010 (22) allocation of $100,000 to Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. (4 VOTES)Allocate $31,000 from Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670) to the Pauma Valley Community Association to pave the main roadway and parking lots of the Pauma Valley Community Center.Allocate $1,500 from Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670) to the Pride of Vista Lions Club to pay for glasses for adults and children as well as dictionaries for third grade students.Transfer appropriations of $20,000 from Neighborhood Reinvestment budget (15670) to the Sheriff’s Department (39560) to help renovate the Vista Station Gym by purchasing new weight equipment, TV, and accessories such as rubber mats, medicine ball sets, and mirrors.Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute a grant agreement with the organizations listed above, establishing terms for receipt of the funds described above and to make minor amendments to the agreement that are consistent with the general purpose of the grant but do not increase the grant.Find that these grant awards have a public purpose.Find that the allocation to the Pauma Valley Community Association is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn14.SUBJECT:ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:APPOINTMENT (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:This appointment is in accordance with applicable Board Policy A–74, Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees.Fiscal impact:N/ABusiness impact statement:N/Arecommendation:SUPERVISOR DAVE ROBERTSRe-appoint Peder Norby to the Planning Commission, for a term to expire January 2, 2017.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn15.SUBJECT:ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO REPLACE THE TITLE OF THE OFFICE OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS WITH THE TITLE OF OFFICE OF ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE AND REDEFINE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE (1/8/2013 – First Reading; 1/29/2013 - Second Reading) (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:On January 8, 2013 (13), the Board of Supervisors introduced the Ordinance for further consideration and adoption on January 29, 2013.To assist in establishing an integrated and more robust County-wide ethics and compliance program, the County’s ethics and compliance functions will be merged under the Office of Internal Affairs (OIA). As a consequence, the OIA will be renamed the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC). The OEC will be responsible for managing the County’s ethics and compliance programs with an emphasis on program oversight, education, training, monitoring and reporting. As such, the OEC will play a key role in assisting the County in continuing to promote an organizational culture of ethical conduct and compliance with federal and State laws, rules, regulations, ethical standards, statutes, County of San Diego-specific policies and procedures, and the identification of alleged non-compliance for corrective action purposes. The proposed amendments to County Administrative Code sections 122, 125, 125.2 and 496(d) would replace the title “Office of Internal Affairs” with the title “Office of Ethics and Compliance”, as well as redefine the responsibilities of the office.Today’s request requires two steps. On January 8, 2013, it is requested that the Board approve the introduction of an Ordinance amending sections 122, 125, 125.2 and 496(d) of the San Diego County Administrative Code. If the Board takes the actions recommended on January 8, 2013, then on January 29, 2013, the Board is requested to adopt an Ordinance amending sections 122, 125, 125.2 and 496(d) of the San Diego County Administrative Code.Fiscal impact:There is no fiscal impact associated with the approval of these recommendations. There are no additional staff years and no net General Fund impact.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERAdopt the Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO REPLACE THE TITLE OF THE OFFICE OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS WITH THE TITLE OF OFFICE OF ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE AND REDEFINE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent, adopting Ordinance No. 10246 (N.S.) entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO REPLACE THE TITLE OF THE OFFICE OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS WITH THE TITLE OF OFFICE OF ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE AND REDEFINE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn16.SUBJECT:ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: AMENDMENTS TO THE LABOR RELATIONS ORDINANCE (1/8/2013 – First Reading; 1/29/2013 – Second Reading) (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:On January 8, 2013 (14), the Board of Supervisors introduced the Ordinance for further consideration and adoption on January 29, 2013.The proposed amendments to the San Diego County Labor Relations Ordinance provide updates to the Ordinance to account for technical and legal changes since its last revision in September 1995, and to account for recent legislative actions implementing a mandatory fact-finding dispute resolution process. These amendments include 1) modifying existing and adding new definitions and making non-substantive, grammatical changes; 2) modifying language to be consistent with and to comply with current law; 3) eliminating duplicative language; 4) clarifying ambiguous language; 5) reformatting various sections; and, 6) adding new provisions to address recent law changes. The County consulted with the recognized employee organizations regarding these proposed changes as required by law.Fiscal impact:There will be no increase in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years.Business impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERAdopt the Ordinance entitled:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LABOR RELATIONS ORDINANCE.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent, adopting Ordinance No. 10247 (N.S.) entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY LABOR RELATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVISING THE IMPASSE PROCEDURE, THE APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE TO THE NEUTRAL APPELLATE AUTHORITY, UNIT MODIFICATION PROCESS AND OTHER ADJUSTMENTS.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn17.SUBJECT:COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:Board Policy A-72, Board of Supervisors Agenda and Related Process, authorizes the Clerk of the Board to prepare a Communications Received for Board of Supervisors' Official Records. Routine informational reports, which need to be brought to the attention of the Board of Supervisors yet not requiring action, are listed on this document. Communications Received documents are on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Board.Fiscal impact:N/ABusiness impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERNote and file.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn18.SUBJECT:ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:APPOINTMENTS (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:These appointments are in accordance with applicable Board Policy A-74, “Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees,” Board Policy I-1, “Planning and Sponsor Group Policies and Procedures,” and Board Policy A-77, “Appointments to Fill Vacancies and Cancellation of Election where Insufficient Nominations Filed Prior to Uniform District Election and Citizen Planning Group Election.” Fiscal impact:N/ABusiness impact statement:N/Arecommendation:VICE-CHAIRWOMAN JACOBRe-appoint Judy Lynn Bowen to the CREST / DEHESA / GRANITE HILLS / HARBISON CANYON COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP, Seat No. 1, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Jason Harris to the CREST / DEHESA / GRANITE HILLS / HARBISON CANYON COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP, Seat No. 11, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Ralph J. Slagill to the CREST / DEHESA / GRANITE HILLS / HARBISON CANYON COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP, Seat No. 3, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Bob Martin to the CUYAMACA SPONSOR GROUP, Seat No. 1, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint George L. Merz to the CUYAMACA SPONSOR GROUP, Seat No. 3, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Kathy Goddard to the CUYAMACA SPONSOR GROUP, Seat No. 5, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Melinda Trizinsky to the CUYAMACA SPONSOR GROUP, Seat No. 7, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Helen-Maria Erawan Ofield to the HISTORIC SITE BOARD, Seat No. 2, for a term to expire January 2, 2017.Waive Board Policy A-74, "Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees," and re-appoint Bobbi Zane to the JULIAN HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD, Seat No. 1, for a term to expire January 2, 2017.Waive Board Policy A-74, "Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees," and re-appoint Michael Beck to the PLANNING COMMISSION, Seat No. 2, for a term to expire January 2, 2017.Waive Board Policy A-74, "Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees," and re-appoint Bryan E. Woods to the PLANNING COMMISSION, Seat No. 3, for a term to expire January 2, 2017.Re-appoint Bob Eble to the SPRING VALLEY COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP, Seat No. 1, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Little Ben Motten to the SPRING VALLEY COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP, Seat No. 15, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.Re-appoint Clifton Cunningham to the SPRING VALLEY COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP, Seat No. 9, for a term to expire January 9, 2017.SUPERVISOR DAVE ROBERTSAppoint Fred Baranowski to the City of Escondido Oversight Board, Seat No. 1, for a term to expire at the discretion of the appointing authority.SUPERVISOR HORNAppoint Jonathan Usuka to the AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT HEARING BOARD (APCDHB), Seat No. 10, for a term to expire January 29, 2016.CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERConfirm the appointment of Sherryl Parks as the primary representative from the City of Del Mar to the COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO. 17 – SAN DIEGUITO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 2. In accordance with the Committee bylaws, “the term of office shall be at the discretion of the appointing organization.”Confirm the appointment of Al Corti as the alternate representative from the City of Del Mar to the COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO. 17 – SAN DIEGUITO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 9. In accordance with the Committee bylaws, “the term of office shall be at the discretion of the appointing organization.”ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn19.SUBJECT:ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM:Reappointment to the First Five Commission (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:Reappointment to the First Five Commission.Fiscal impact:N/ABusiness impact statement:N/Arecommendation:CHAIRMAN GREG COX Waive Board Policy A-74, “Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions, and Committees” and re-appoint Sandra McBrayer to the FIRST FIVE COMMISSION for a term to expire on 1-29-15.ACTION:ON MOTION of Supervisor R. Roberts, seconded by Supervisor D. Roberts, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.AYES: Cox, Jacob, D. Roberts, R. Roberts, Horn20.SUBJECT:ClOSED SESSION (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:A.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION(Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9)Claud Morrison v. County of San Diego, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. 37-2011-00100685-CU-PO-CTLB.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION(Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9)Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) v. County of San Diego, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. 37-2012-00100958-CU-TT-CTLC.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATIONInitiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code section 54956.9: (Number of Cases – 1)D.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS(Government Code section 54957.6)Designated Representatives: Don Turko, Jeannine SeherEmployee Organizations: AllE.PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Government Code section 54957)Title: County CounselACTION:Any reportable matters will be announced on Wednesday, January 30, 2013, prior to the start of the Board of Supervisors Planning and Land Use meeting.21.SUBJECT:PRESENTATIONS/AWARDS (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:Casey Family Programs made a Special Presentation to recognize Debra Zanders-Willis, Director of Child Welfare Services.Chairman Greg Cox presented a proclamation declaring January 29, 2013, Parent Institute for Quality Education Day throughout the County of San Diego.Supervisor Ron Roberts presented a proclamation declaring January 29, 2013, Francis Parker Girls Volleyball Team Day throughout the County of San Diego.22.SUBJECT:PUBLIC COMMUNICATION (DISTRICTS: ALL)OVERVIEW:Reginald Tisdale spoke to the Board regarding the HIV Planning Council.Kevin Swanson spoke to the Board regarding the economic future for the region and 2015.Robert Germann spoke to the Board regarding Gillespie Field.ACTION:Heard, referred to the Chief Administrative Officer.There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 11:25 a.m. in memory of Larry Mabee, Robert Fehlman, Michael Christino, Larry Urdahl, James Schmidt, Maxine Free, and Robert Santos.THOMAS J. PASTUSZKAClerk of the Board of SupervisorsCounty of San Diego, State of CaliforniaConsent: VizcarraDiscussion: PanfilNOTE: This Statement of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up. ................

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