MINUTES OF JULY 1, 2009 AGENDA MEETING - Allen County, …



Commissioner Begg opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m. on the 11th day of September, 2013 with the following members present: Commissioner Greg Sneary, Commissioner Jay Begg, Commissioner Cory Noonan and Clerk of the Board Kelli Singhaus.

Brad Niemeyer led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Noonan moved for the approval of the minutes for September 9, 2013. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and minutes were approved as submitted.

Action Items:

Resolution #553-13. Approve travel expenses.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #554-13. Authorize intradepartmental transfers.

Commissioner Noonan moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #555-13. Authorize a warrant of transfer from the Sanitary Engineering Department Surplus Fund 5035 to the Debt Service Fund 5303.

This warrant of transfer is in the amount of $420,000.00 to fund a portion of the 2013 debt service payment on the revenue bond.

Commissioner Sneary moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Begg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #556-13. Authorize a warrant of transfer from the Sanitary Engineering Department Surplus Fund 5035 to the Springbrook Subdivision Sewer Improvement Area Fund 4580.

This warrant of transfer is in the amount of $10,000.00 to fund preliminary design engineering services to Kohli and Kaliher Associates.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #557-13. Authorize a warrant to return advanced funds from the East Road Waterline Fund 3170 to the County Water Fund 5036.

This warrant to return funds is in the amount of $2,900.00.

Commissioner Noonan moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #558-13. Supplemental appropriation to the Springbrook Subdivision Sewer Fund 4580.

This is a new appropriation in the amount of $105,800.00 for preliminary design expenses.

Commissioner Sneary moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Begg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #559-13. Supplemental appropriation to the DRETAC Treasurer Fund 2016.

This is an increase in the appropriation in the amount of $40,000.00 for a new appropriation of $110,000.00.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #560-13. Supplemental appropriation to the Escrow Interest Fund 2017.

This is a new appropriation in the amount of $577.48 for equipment purchase.

Commissioner Noonan moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #561-13. Supplemental appropriation to the Mental Health Fund 8009.

This is a decrease in expected revenue in the amount of ($483,681.00) for a new appropriation of $6,180.556.00.

Commissioner Sneary moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Begg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #562-13. Approval of “Then and Now” purchase orders.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #563-13. Accept the resignation of Becky Saine from the Law Library Board.

Said resignation is retroactive to August 1, 2013.

Commissioner Noonan moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution #564-13. Accept the resignation of Marcel Wagner from the Allen County Revolving Loan Fund Advisory Committee.

Commissioner Sneary moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Begg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Discussion Items:

A. Brad Niemeyer, Sanitary Engineer’s Office, presented the following:

1. Request to adopt Resolution #488-13, accept bid and award general work contract to Beaverdam Contracting, Inc. for the Indian Village Sewer Improvement Area Project. (Previously tabled August 6, 2013 agenda) Niemeyer stated that three (3) bids were received with Beaverdam Contracting, Inc. being the lowest bid in the amount of $729,921.50. The engineer’s estimate for the general work contract was approximately $780,000.00. No bids were received for the electrical portion of the project and was re-bid.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

2. Request to adopt Resolution #565-13, accept bid and award electrical work contract to Sidney Electric Company for the Indian Village Sewer Improvement Area. Four (4) bids were received with the Sidney Electric Company being the lowest bid in the amount of $62,850.00. The engineer’s estimate for the electrical portion was approximately $70,000.00.

Commissioner Noonan moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

B. Jennie Horner, Family and Children First Council, presented the following:

1. Request to adopt Resolution #566-13, authorize submission of an Assurance Statement to the Ohio Family Children First Council for Family Centered Services and Supports (FCSS) Funding, SFY’14. This is for support for the county’s FCSS funding, which is the family center and support. This statement states that services will be provided to meet the standards for at risk youth.

Commissioner Sneary moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Begg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

2. Request to adopt Resolution #567-13, accept MIECHV Grant Funds from the Ohio Department of Health for SFY’13. MIECHV stands for Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting. This is an evidenced based program home visiting for infants and toddlers and their families.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

3. Request to adopt Resolution #568-13, enter into contract with the Allen County Board of DD for MIECHV Services for SFY’13. This contract is necessary to deliver the services for the MIECHV grant.

Commissioner Noonan moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

4. Request to adopt Resolution #569-13, authorize the Allen County Family and Children First Council to submit application to the Ohio Department of Health for SFY’14 MIECHV Grant Funds. This program has been going very well and through this application, they are requesting an additional coordinator for the county so that this service can be provided. The amount of the application is $134,657.22.

Commissioner Sneary moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Begg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

5. Request to adopt Resolution #570-13, authorize the renewal of a contract with the Allen County Board of DD for the administration of the Help Me Grow Program for FY’14. Help Me Grow program is a birth to 3 program to improve the health of children, prevent child abuse and provide school readiness.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

6. Request to adopt Resolution #572-13, enter into a Help Me Grow Central Coordination/At-Risk Contract with the Ohio Department of Health. This is accepting funds in the amount of $52,199.00 for the program so that services can be provided to the county.

Commissioner Noonan moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Sneary seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

C. John Folk, Department of Job and Family Services , presented the following:

1. Request to adopt Resolution #571-13, amend Resolution #257-13, authorize a contract with Focus Youth, Inc. and the Lima City Schools Opt Center for the administration of the TANF Summer Youth Program. DJFS received a letter on August 30th that funds can be extended from August 31st to October 31st. Focus Youth, Inc. expressed interest in extending their contract. They still have a balance of $62,000 left on their contract as of July 31st that can be used. Through this program, they were able to place 133 youth at minimum wage and utilized 37 employers.

Commissioner Sneary moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Begg seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

D. Dana Sterling, Building and Grounds, presented the following:

1. Request to adopt Resolution #573-13, accept proposal and enter into contract with Sidney Electric for the replacement of breaker panels at the Allen County Juvenile Court. The Juvenile Detention Center has two (2) sub panels that they are having trouble finding breakers. Recently they had a motor problem which didn’t trip the breaker. They received a quote from Sidney Electric to replace the panels with new breakers at a cost of $5,850.00.

Commissioner Begg moved to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.


Rhonda Eddy-Stienecker, Allen County Auditor, discussed some current debt of the county. There was a loan last year for $438,000.00 at a rate 1.90%. Approximately $139,000 was paid down on the loan leaving a current balance of $299,000.00. The county also has another loan from last year that was non-bank qualified due to conduit debt. Additional debt is being added from the County Engineer’s Office and Allen Soil and Water. These totals will be rolled into a new one year note totaling $982,787.00. Chase Bank indicated the rate will be 2.28%.

New Business

Eric Davis, AEDG, presented an opportunity to apply for a grant through the Office of Economic Adjustment. It is being recognized that Allen County has seen some changes with our workforce on defense industry downsizing over the last few years. They have reached out to assist the county to figure out a way to assess the skills needed for those individuals who may have lost their jobs in the past, how we best enhance the skills, develop a curriculum and how do we develop a process to support them as they transition back and forth with changes in the economy. This is a pro-active process for the county and taking the opportunity to move forward by diversifying our economy, finding out what those skill sets are and diversifying those skill sets and building those curriculums, processes and programs for future diversification in our region. This is a grant application and there are no guarantees. Commissioner Noonan further stated the Board has sat in a number of meetings regarding this issue and has looked at the workers and suppliers that have been affected over the last few years. Noonan further stated that when the product line ramps back up, with the diversified products and available workforce available will be a “win win” situation for the county.

Commissioner Noonan made a motion to pass a resolution to act as fiscal agent on the grant application. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sneary. The roll was called and the Resolution was approved unanimously.

Jennie Horner, Coordinator, stated that the Family Children First Council is self sufficient.

She announced they are holding their $5,000 sweepstakes. Cost of the ticket is $100 but can be purchased as a team. She stated they would appreciate the support. They have a link on their Facebook page.

With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Sneary moved to adjourn. Commissioner Noonan seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by: Approved by:


Kelli A. Singhaus Greg Sneary

Clerk of the Board

Jay Begg

Cory Noonan


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