Mr. Tucker's Classroom

Status Update: Canada in 1939Leader: _________________________________________Population:______________________________________Economy: _______________________________________Military: _______________________________________________________________________Status Update: Europe 1939______________________________________________________________Germany is becoming aggressive under_______________________________________ rule.People can see another war is about to break out498157520510500Status Update: Leading Figures Allies19393190875349250015716252540000-2762251406525Country:Name:020000Country:Name:4762525400008369300635000083083402115185FranceCharles De Gaulle 00FranceCharles De Gaulle 4686618136525Country:Name:020000Country:Name:3019743138113Country:Name:020000Country:Name:1381760123190Country:Name:020000Country:Name:462597532004000250190032004000-14605032004000Status Update: Leading Figures Joined Allies Late:4362450166052Country:Name:020000Country:Name:2181225175260Country:Name:020000Country:Name:-137795-494347Country:Name:020000Country:Name:Status Update: Leading Figures Axis-19050010541000469582510541000243840010541000-2952751457325Country:Name:020000Country:Name:20955001457325Country:Name:020000Country:Name:43243501447800Country:Name:020000Country:Name:Causes of the Second World War:There are two Broad Factors:__________________________________________________________________________________Treaty of Versailles The peace settlement that __________________________________________Punished Germany for starting the warRequired Germany to: Territorial: _______________________________________________Military: _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Economy: ________________________________________________Reparations: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________General:__________________________________________________.Consequences:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Treaty of VersaillesHitler’s Rise to Power (Political):1932: ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ is gaining a popular following under Hitler's LeadershipThe government offers Hitler a role as Vice Chancellor (partial leader) to gain the support of his following.He________________ saying he will only take the role of _________. They _______________Hitler’s Rise to Power (Personal): Hitler was a great _______________________________________________________________________The depression caused the German people to lose faith in ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ was effectiveGerman people were ____________ about the ___________________________________He was given money from_____________________ to support his campaignThe Treaty of Versailles:When Hitler comes to power he begins breaking the treaty:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Annex: _____________________________________________________.___________________________________________________________This brings him into conflict with the allies… but not war… yet…2. Appeasement:The leaders who had imposed the Treaty of Versailles ______________________ when Hitler began to break the terms.They _______________________________________________________.They believed that if they __________________ the terms it would ___________________ Hitler.Appeasement: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________This did not work… Hitler demanded more and more.On ___________________________________________ Hitler invaded ________________________________________________ __________________________________ Declare war on GermanyOn what date does the Second World War start?6.2 Canada`s Contribution to the Second World WarCanada is _________________________entered into the First World War in 1914 because it was part of _____________________________________________In 1931 Canada is made Independent by the _______________________________Canada has to choose to enter the war on its own______________________________________________?Conscript: ___________________________________________.Mackenzie King comes up with a compromise:________________________________________________________________Canada declares war on German on ________________________________________Phase 1: September 1939- June 1940Stage known as the _________________________________After Germany initially invades ______________ ___________________.Soviet Union and Germany sign __________________________________Germany and Soviet Union agree to split __________________ between them and to work together.Phase 1: A Global Context(Asia) _____________________________ were at war since 1937.(Europe) ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________.Britain and France mobilized their armies in case Germany attacked Western Europe. After World War I, _________________________ (a line of fortifications) was built between Germany and France (near the Rhineland)The Maginot Line was designed to combat trench warfare like that seen in World War I.France relied on the Maginot Line to defend against a German attackIn April of 1940 the Phony War ends.Germany attacks Western EuropeBlitzkreig: (Lightning War) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This created holes in the defense line that the main German army could quickly overrun. Using Blitzkreig the Germans are able to defeat the Allies in EuropeThey are forced to retreat to the port of ____________________Dunkirk Movie TrailerAfter Dunkirk, France surrenders to Germany. Europe is entirely in Nazi handsCanada’s Involvement in Phase 1:_________________________________________________________________.This is impressive due to the cuts to the military after the First World War, and the Depression_________________________________________________________________.Canada only has 38 Merchant Marine shipsThe first wave sent in September 1939 is completely sunk by German U-boatsDas-Boot: Hunting ConvoyBattle of the Atlantic:Canada uses its Merchant Marine to transport goods and troops to BritainMerchant Marine:_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________Canada only has ____________Merchant Marine shipsThe first wave sent in ________________________________ is completely sunk by German _____________________ (Submarines)Das-Boot: Hunting ConvoyThe Battle of the Atlantic was the longest running military campaign of World War II (3 September 1939-8 May 1945) and arguably the most important At stake was the survival of Great Britain and the liberation of Europe from German occupationMerchant convoys were escorted by __________________________The closest North American territory to Great Britain was ___________________Canada’s navy and merchant marine included many seamen from Newfoundland Newfoundland had a naval base in _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ was a strategic and very important location for the ___________________________________________________*Remember: Newfoundland was NOT part of Canada at this time. By mid-1943 ___________________________________________________ decreased the number of ships lost to German U-boatsDespite the Allies’ success in the Battle of the Atlantic, it came at a high cost: The Royal Canadian Navy lost _____ warships and suffered ____ fatalitiesThe Canadian Merchant Navy lost over ___ ships and over ____ fatalitiesThe Royal Canadian Air Force lost more than ___________ aircrew British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP)In ______________________________________________________ begin a training program for pilots in Canada.Before this time Canada has ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________.By the end of the war this program trains over _______________ air crew.Dozens of airfields are created, many still exist today.National Resource Mobilization Act (NRMA):In 1940 King wins another electionHis promise _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ is very popular.This move aims to reduce the amount of ___________________.Conscription: _________________________________.NRMA moves Canada from __________________________ into the war to a state of ____________________.Phase 2: June 1940 – July 1943The second phase of the war began _______ for __________________________Global context In June 1941, German armies tried to invade the _______________________ The Soviet Union suffered more than ___________________________ casualties in its war against GermanyBy 1941, ________________ was at war with ______________ in an attempt to become the dominant power in Asia. On _______________________________, Japan attacked the US peacetime fleet at ____________________________________ without warning. Neutral in the war against Hitler until then, the US declared war on both Germany and Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbor.These events changed the course of the war. Canada’s Involvement in Phase 2:In the Pacific theatre, ______________________________________________. __________________________: Canadian forces were sent to reinforce the British garrison located in H______________________._____________________________: Japan attacked Hong Kong (a British colony)By Christmas day the Japanese defeated the British and Canadians, despite their best efforts to defend Hong Kong. Of the 1,975 Canadian soldiers defending Hong Kong, __________ were killed and _____________ were taken as Prisoners of War (POWs), ________ of whom died in captivityThe Dieppe Raid:A failed attempt to attack a Deepwater French port.____________________________________________________________The raid was a disaster with __________________________________________.****Both of these battles raise questions about the preparedness of Canadians for battle in the war.*****Phase 3: July 1943 to June 1944The tide of the are begins to change with three major victories:___________________________________________________________________________________________________By the end of July 1943 the Allies are on the offensive on all fronts.Phase 3: Global ContextThe Americans begin to make their way across the Pacific toward JapanThe Soviet Union begins to make their way toward GermanyThe Allies begin to bomb GermanyPhase 3: Canada’s ContributionCanada’s air force ______________________________, and by 1943 there was an_______________________________________.Earlier in the war, Canadian pilots were assigned to other allied bomber groups. The bombing of __________________________________________ with the goal of destroying Germany’s industries and therefore its ability to wage war.After the war, these bombing raids became controversial because ________________ ______________________________________________________________________. However, the allies believed that achieving their goal was their most important consideration. Not all losses were civilian; ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. The Canadian fighting force _________________________________________________After El Alamein, the Allies, including the First Canadian Division, __________________ ____________________. Sicily fell to the Allies, _____________________________, Germany’s ally. The loss of Sicily led to the eventual overthrow of the Italian government. It was replaced in August 1943, and the new government surrendered in September. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________As the fighting intensified in Italy____________________________________________, dividing the Canadian army into two groups.The Italian campaign was a slow, hard-fought battle.German soldiers were skilled combatants and inflicted heavy casualties. Canadian soldiers distinguished themselves in the Battle of the city of _______________________in 1943. Canadian soldiers continued to fight in Italy until February 1945, when they were moved to northwest Europe to rejoin the rest of the Canadian army.Phase 4: June 1944-September 1945Global Context The final year of the war began with the Allied invasion of Europe. The plan to invade Europe was named ____________________________, but the landings in _____________________, France are often called the __________________________. The German army now had to fight the Allies on ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. Under assault from two sides, German resistance eventually collapsed. In the Pacific, the _______________________________________________________, and work was accelerating on the development of a new weapon that the US hoped would shorten the war. Canada’s Contribution6 June 1944: Canadian, British, and US forces landed at a series of beaches on the coast of Normandy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Preparations for the landings were meticulousSending troops to invade a defended coastline proved to be one of the most difficult and dangerous ______________________________________, as shown previously by ____________________________________ The capture of the ___________________________________, a road and rail centre, was the major objective for the ______________________________________________ __________________________ after the landing. This objective took most of the summer because it was held by some of Germany’s best soldiers. While the Canadian and British armies held down large German lines, the US forces broke through German lines at Falaise and began _______________________________.________________________ Canadian troops helped the US army assist in capturing Falaise.After the allied victory at Falaise, the German army _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. However, armies need supplies, especially fuel and munitions. As the Allied armies increased in size in France, ________________________________. ___________________________________________________________--they needed to be captured and opened.The First Canadian Army was assigned the task of clearing the coastal areas and opening the ports. The key port was __________________________________________, which was then as now one of the major ports in Europe. Though the city of Antwerp was quickly captured, the actual port of Antwerp was _____ _______________________________________________________________________.The region between the city and port was located in low-lying areas, mostly behind dikes (land that protects from flooding) ____________________________________________________________________.Casualties were heavy in this battle because __________________________________ ______________________________________ and the infantry did most of the fightingOnce the Canadians captured Antwerp in the Battle of the Schedlt, they were tasked with liberating the Netherlands. To this day, the people of the Netherlands remember and honour the role of Canadian soldiers who freed them from Nazi oppression. When the war in Europe ended on ___________, Canadian soldiers remained on duty in northern Germany to participate in the return to peace. The Canadian air force helped control the skies over Germany, and the Canadian navy patrolled the North Atlantic. War in the Pacific The war in the Pacific became the focus of Allied efforts after _____________________.After the fall of _______________________________________________, Canada focused the majority of its war efforts on the struggle in EuropeThe Canadian ____________________________ continued to play a small role in the Pacific during this time. In May 1945, ______________________________________ volunteered to join the Pacific war. However, before these soldiers had time to take part in the Pacific war, it abruptly ended in September 1945. 6.3 Moral And Ethical Issues: The Atomic BombThe Manhattan Project_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________A race began in 1940 between the Germans and the Allies to______________________ ______________________________________.The Americans recruit a group of scientists from around the world.This group includes __________________________________________It is called the Manhattan Project because _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________The project cost over ________________________________________________The first Atomic Bomb is detonated on ___________________________________ on an ___________________________________________________________It was placed on top of a __________________________ and watched by scientist from ________________________________away The explosion came as an intense light flash, a sudden wave of heat, and later a tremendous roar as the?shock wave passed and echoed in the valley. _____________________________________________________________________The bomb generated an explosive power equivalent ____________________________ ________________________________________________________The tower was completely vaporized and the surrounding desert surface fused to glass for a radius of 800 yards (730 metres)The Bombing of Hiroshima and NagasakiOn _______________________________________, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of __________________________. The explosion wiped out ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.Tens of thousands more would later die of ____________________________________. __________________________________, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on ____________________________, _________________________________________.Even though the bomb dropped on Nagasaki is more powerful the features of the natural landscape in the area, a deep valley, reduce its effectiveness. Japan’s Emperor Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II in a radio address on ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________?Coroner's Report: Atomic BombThe Morals Behind the DecisionWhen ____________________________________________________ Japan is alone.Even though defeat seems inevitable _________________________________________.They fight harder, American casualties are increasing.The Americans have two options___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bombing and invading is expected to cost over _____________________ __________________________________________.In the bombing of Germany nearly _______________________ ____________________________________________________.This plan is known as ________________________________________Using the Atomic Bomb to end the war in a decisive blow.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pro Atomic BombAnti Atomic Bomb6.4 The HolocaustWhat is Anti-Semitism?? ___________________________________________________________________________ ? It is a form of racism ? In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many scientists believed they could prove ______________________________________________________________________________◆ We know today that this is not trueHitler’s Germany? As dictator, Hitler wanted control over ____________________________________________ ? To do this, he used: ○ ___________________________________________ (Schutzstaffel) ■ created in the 1920s ■ had a large role in the “Final Solution” ○ ___________________________________________ ■ Secret State Police under the SS ■ investigated cases of sabotage, treason, espionage and attacks again the Nazi Party ? Used _________________________________________ to spread racism (anti-Semitism)Nuremberg Laws? ___________________________________________________________________________ ? Meant to restrict and humiliate “unwanted minorities” ? ________________________________________________________________ ? ________________________________________________________________? Classified Jews according to ancestry○ A Jew was classified as ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________○ A part-Jew (Mischlinge) was classified as _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________German Youth? Hitler Youth ○ ____________________________________________________________________________ ○ _________________________________________________________ ○ ________________________________________________________? German Girls League ○ _________________________________________________________○ _________________________________________________________Kristallnacht? _______________________________________________________________ ? The “spontaneous” pogrom against the Jews of Nazi occupied Europe in reaction to the murder of Nazi Ernst vom Rath by a Jewish man. ○ ______________________________________________________○ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Voyage of the M.S. St. Louis? The M.S. St. Louis was a German ocean liner that sailed from Hamburg, Germany to Havana, Cuba in May 1939 with about 938 passengers ○ _________________________________________________________ ■ The majority of whom applied for US visas and planned to stay in Cuba until they were allowed to enter the US ● __________________________________________________? __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ? The St. Louis was forced to return to Europe ○ _____________________________________________________________________ ■ Many died during the HolocaustThe Kindertransport? _______________________________________________________________________ ? Was the transport of 10,000 Jewish children from Nazi occupied Europe to Great Britain from December 1938 to August 1939 ○ After Kristallnacht, there was pressure on the British government to help Jews in Nazi occupied Europe ○ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ○ Children were placed in foster homes, boarding schools, or camps in England ■ _______________________________________________________________○ About 9 out of 10 children lost their parents in the HolocaustThe Deportation and Concentration of Unwanted Minorities, 1939-1941? Part of Hitler’s plan to rid Europe of it’s ___________________________________________ __________________________________ included the deportation and concentration of these unwanted minorities ○ The establishment of concentration camps (began in 1933)Ghettoization? Lodz Ghetto ○ ________________________________________________________________○ ________________________________________________________________○ Forced and slave labour ? Warsaw Ghetto ○ Largest ghetto in Nazi occupied Europe, established 1940 ○ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________Concentration and Extermination Camps? Between 1933 and 1945 the Nazis established over _______________________________to imprison its millions of victims ? Camps were used for a variety of purposes: ○ _____________________________________________________ ○ _____________________________________________________ ○ ______________________________________________________? Concentration camps were built as early __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________? To carry-out the Nazi’s “Final Solution,” ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Auschwtiz? Auschwitz ○ ______________________________________________________________________○ ______________________________________________________________________○ Consisted of three main camps: ■ Auschwitz I (est. May 1940) ■ Auschwitz II (est. early 1942) ■ Auschwitz III (est. October 1942)? Auschwitz I (main camp) ○ First held transferred prisoners from Sachsenhausen camp and the ?ód? ghetto. ○ Imprisoned enemies of the Nazi regime, supplied forced labor for Nazi own enterprises, and eliminated small groups of unwanted minorities.? ___________________________________________________________________________ ? ___________________________________________________________________________ ? Birkenau ○ _________________________________________________________________ ○ Had a large killing centre ■ Preparation or disrobing areas ■ Gas chambers ■ Crematorium ovensWho else was targeted?? People with mental and physical disabilities ○ Sterilization of 360,000 __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ occurred between 1933 and 1945. ○ The Euthanasia Program (Operation T-4) killed _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________? Homosexuals ○ The Nazis declared ____________________________________________________ ○ Between 1933 and 1945, _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ○ Female homosexuality was not directly targeted however, lesbians were often imprisoned on other charges such as political subversion.? Jehovah’s Witnesses ■ __________________________________________________________■ Banned from practicing their faith in 1935 ■ In 1939, there were 6,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses held in concentration camps. ● These prisoners were often beaten and tortured when they refused to concede their faith. ■ By 1945, 10,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses were imprisoned, 200 were executed for refusing military service, and 5,000 were killed in concentration or extermination camps.? Roma/Tsigani and Sinti (Romani or “Gypsies”) ○ Always secluded for their traditionally nomadic and secluded lifestyle. ○ ____________________________________________________________________ ○ Approximately _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________A Plan for Extermination: The “Final Solution,” 1941-1945The Wannsee Conference? Held in January 1942 at Wannsee in Berlin, Germany ? Meant to organize the implementation of the “Final Solution”? Who gave up their Jews for deportation? ○ France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Hungary and ItalyEinsatzgruppen? _______________________________________________________________________ ? Found Jewish men, women and children in Eastern Europe with the help of informants ? Took captives to secluded area, forced them to dig large pit, give up valuables, undress, stand in front of or lie face down in pit to be shot ? ______________________________________________________________________The System of Death and Harmful Medicine? Selektion ○ Separated the living and dead ○ _________________________________________________________________○ “Able bodied” prisoners between 18 and 40 years old were kept for slave labour ■ Their hair was shorn, they were disinfected, tattooed, and given a camp uniform ○ _____________________________________________________________________■ _______________________________________? Human experimentation ○ Used prisoners as “guinea pigs” ○ ______________________________________________________________ ○ ______________________________________________________________■ Tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria ○ Dr. Josef Mengele ■ Experiments based on racial beliefs ■ Tested on twins, Romani people and “dwarfs”Protest and Resistance? The Bielski Partisans ○ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________■ The Bielski Partisans were the largest group (1,200 people) ○ _____________________________________________________ ○ Intended to save Jewish lives but also raided Germans who massacred Jews ○ One of the partisans later moved to Stephenville, Newfoundland? Non-Jewish resistance ○ Largest underground resistance movements in Poland ○ ______________________________________________________________ ○ Partisan groups in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Greece ■ Conducted acts of sabotage ? Warsaw Ghetto uprising ○ Small group of 700 to 750 ghetto residents prepared to resist being deported and save remaining Jews in the ghetto ○ Group was unable to stop their deportation ● ________________________________________Death Marches? The Allies and Soviets were closing in on the Third Reich by the summer of 1944 ○ Germany’s military worsened ? __________________________________________________________________________ ? Prisoners forced to march West ○ Were not given food or water, little rest ? __________________________________________________________________________Liberation? Nazi Germany unconditionally surrendered on 8 May, 1945 ? When the Allies and Soviets moved closer to Nazi Germany they found _________________ _____________________________________________________________________________? American, British, Canadian and Soviet troops liberated prisoners, gave them food and medical attention ? Historians believe about _______________________________________________________ Conclusion: The Aftermath Nuremberg Trials? _________________________________________________________________________ ○ International Military Tribunal (IMT) included American, British, French, and Soviet judges ○ Criminals were charged of war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and conspiracy to commit these crimes ? Most defendants admitted to crimes ○ Said they were ordered by higher authorities ? __________________________________________________________________________How is the Holocaust Remembered?? Memorial institutions, monuments, museums ? Literature and documentations (including primary sources)Why study the Holocaust?? ______________________________________________________________________ ? The Holocaust occurred because individuals and governments rationalized the hatred, prejudice, persecution, and attempt of total annihilation and extermination of unwanted minorities through the radicalization of 19th and early 20th ideals and beliefs ? Brings attention to all acts and attempts of genocide in history ○ Beothuk (1800s) - this is debated ○ Armenian genocide (World War I) ○ Rwandan genocide (1990s)How was Canada involved in the Holocaust?? Negative: ○ _________________________________________________________________ ○ Anti-Semitism, and dislike and paranoia of immigrants increased in the 20th century ○ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ○ There was employment discrimination in Canada during World War II, and many Jews were rejected from some units in the Canadian Forces? Positive: ○ Canada helped to liberate the _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________○ Canada allowed over ___________________________________Holocaust survivors to enter Canada after World War II ○ Since the early 1970s, Canada has embraced a multicultural identity thus advocating the acceptance of all religions, ethnicities, cultures, etc. ................

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