March 28, 2021

Address/Direcci?n: 2961 Day Rd. Deltona, FL 32738 Phone/Tel?fono: (386) 7899990 Website/P?gina de Internet:

Contact/Contactar: info@

Weekday Mass Tuesday Friday 9:00 AM

Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM English, 6:00 PM Spanish

Sunday Mass 9:00 AM English, 11:00 AM Spanish

Signup Online at to RSVP to attend weekend Mass. Weekend and Daily Masses are

Live Streamed.

Misa de la Semana MartesViernes 9 de la ma?ana

Misa de la Vigilia del S?bado S?bados 4:00 PM Ingl?s, 6:00 PM Espa?ol

Misa Dominical 9:00 AM Ingl?s, 11:00 AM Espa?ol

Inscr?base en l?nea en a RSVP para asistir a la misa del fin de semana.

Las misas de fin de semana y las diarias son transmitidas en vivo.

March 28, 2021

Our Mission

We, the Catholic Church of St. Clare, inspired by our patroness Clare, commit ourselves to handing on our Catholic faith. We do this though prayer and service. As believers we welcome all to witness joyfully the love of Christ to everyone. Nosotros, la Iglesia de Santa Clara, inspirados por nuestra patrona Clara, nos comprometemos a propagar nuestra fe

Cat?lica. Esto lo haremos a trav?s de la Liturgia, la Oraci?n y el servicio. Como creyentes les llamamos a ser testigos jubilosos del amor de Cristo a todos.

Parish Staff Pastor: fr. Hector A. V?zquez Saad Deacons / Di?conos: Deacon Pedro Nieves

Deacon Jos? Bustillo Deacon Phillip Giordano Receptionist: Lydia Roman Maintenance / Mantenimiento: Victor Hernandez

Parish Office Hours: TuesdayFriday 8:30 AM1:30 PM Horario de Oficina Parroquial: MartesViernes 8:30 AM1:30 PM

Sacrament Information Baptism Preparation: Is offered to parents and godparents and is required prior to scheduling a baptism. Please register for the class by calling the Parish Office (386) 7899990 or emailing info@ Marriage: Arrangements may be made at least six months prior to the anticipated celebration. Confession: Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment. Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the parish office if you or your loved one is in need of this Sacrament immediately.

Saint Clare Catholic Church / Iglesia Cat?lica Santa Clara

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Readings and Mass Intentions Week of March 28

Sunday, March 28, domingo 28 de marzo PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD'S PASSION Mk 11:110 or Jn 12:1216/Is 50:47/Ps 22:89, 1718, 1920, 2324 [2a]/Phil 2:611/Mk 14:1?15:47 or 15:139 DOMINGO DE RAMOS DE LA PASI?N DE CRISTO Mc 11, 110 o Jn 12, 1216/Is 50, 47/Sal 21, 89. 1718. 1920. 2324 [2]/Flp 2, 611/Mc 14, 1?15, 47 o 15, 139

9:00 AM Mass Michelene Valerus 11:00 AM Spanish Mass Special Intention for

Pro Populo Monday, March 29, lunes 29 de marzo Is 42:17/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 1314 [1a]/Jn 12:111 Is 42, 17/Sal 26, 1. 2. 3. 1314 [1]/Jn 12, 111 Tuesday, March 30, martes 30 de marzo Is 49:16/Ps 71:12, 34a, 5ab6ab, 15 and 17 [cf. 15ab]/ Jn 13:2133, 3638 Is 49, 16/Sal 70, 12. 34. 56. 15 y 17 [cfr. 15]/ Jn 13, 2133. 3638 9:00 AM Mass Florence Wilson 9:30 AM10:30 AM Adoration Wednesday, March 31, mi?rcoles 31 de marzo Is 50:49a/Ps 69:810, 2122, 31 and 3334 [14c]/ Mt 26:1425 Is 50, 49/Sal 68, 810. 2122. 31 y 3334 [14]/Mt 26, 1425 9:00 AM Mass Barbara Esturo 9:30 AM10:30 AM Adoration Holy Thursday, April 1, jueves 1 de abril Chrism Mass: Is 61:13a, 6a, 8b9/Ps 89:1, 23, 34, 56 [2a]/ Rv 1:58/Lk 4:1621 Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:18, 1114/ Ps 116:1213, 1516bc, 1718 [cf. 1 Cor 10:16]/ 1 Cor 11:2326/Jn 13:115 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord's Supper (bilingual)

Howard Linnert Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight

Good Friday, April 2, viernes 2 de abril Is 52:13?53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 1213, 1516, 17, 25 [Lk 23:46]/ Heb 4:1416; 5:79/Jn 18:1?19:42 Is 52, 13?53, 12/Sal 30, 2. 6. 1213. 1516. 17. 25 [Lc 23, 46]/ Heb 4, 1416; 5, 79/Jn 18, 1?19, 42 9:00 AM Stations of the Cross (English) 11:00 AM Via Crucis (espa?ol) 3:00 PM Passion of the Lord/Adoration of the

Holy Cross (bilingual) Holy Saturday, April 3, s?bado 3 de abril 9:00 AM Blessings of the Easter Breads & Baskets Vigil: Gn 1:1?2:2 or 1:1, 2631a/Ps 104:12, 56, 10, 12, 1314, 24, 35 [30] or Ps 33:45, 67, 1213, 2022 [5b]/ Gn 22:118 or 22:12, 9a, 1013, 1518/Ps 16:5, 8, 910, 11 [1]/ Ex 14:15?15:1/Ex 15:12, 34, 56, 1718 [1b]/Is 54:514/ Ps 30:2, 4, 56, 1112, 13 [2a]/Is 55:111/Is 12:23, 4, 56 [3]/ Bar 3:915, 32?4:4/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/ Ez 36:1617a, 1828/Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3, 4 [42:2] or Is 12:23, 4bcd, 56 [3] or Ps 51:1213, 1415, 1819 [12a]/Rom 6:311/ Ps 118:12, 1617, 2223/Mk 16:17 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Special Intentions for

Dyami Garcia, Alvin & Brianna Morel

Weekend and Daily Masses are Live Streamed. Las misas de fin de semana y las diarias son transmitidas en vivo.

Sanctuary Candles

The Tabernacle Candle is lit for:

Amada Andujar

Flowers for the Sanctuary

If you would like to donate flowers that adorn our Sanctuary in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion, please contact the parish office (386) 7899990.

Sacrificial Giving

Thank you for your financial support! You can send your Offertory CHECK by mail to the parish address:

2961 Day Rd. Deltona, FL 32738 Or you can donate to Saint Clare through our website ; select "Giving" Or donate by giving through the Give Plus App by

downloading the app on your phone Or Give by Text Number: 8449262147

Thank you for your generosity!

Want to stay uptodate on what is happening in our


Visit our website

to sign up for our ENewsletter.

Saint Clare Catholic Church / Iglesia Cat?lica Santa Clara

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion



And we begin the Holy Week...

Unlike last year's Lent, today we gather, although not with the number of people we are used to, to begin Holy Week.

Today we commemorate the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Everyone sang hosannas to the son of David and cheered as he passed by. The beginning of a celebration that showed the joy of a people receiving and recognizing the person of Christ.

That same people and in those same streets would be condemning him, spitting on him and humiliating him on his way to Calvary. Today we celebrate him and, in a few days, before the week ends... we crucify him.

In the time in which we are living in, where we have participated in a different time of Lent, in which many people have lived Lent since last year, today we gather to celebrate the triumphal entry of Christ... the question we should ask ourselves is if this celebration of joy and jubilation of the arrival of Christ will last in our soul...or will we simply crucify Him with our actions that contradict the message of salvation that He preached to us.

Today many people will come for the branches... but how many will come for Christ?

Let us ask God to give us the grace to live this Holy Week with much love, disposition and openness of heart so that we can not only celebrate Christ, but also die to our sin with Him on the cross and thus be resurrected to the life of Grace that He promises us.

In the spirit of St. Clare,

El padre

Y comenzamos la semana santa...

A diferencia de la cuaresma del a?o pasado hoy nos reunimos, aunque no con la cantidad de personas que acostumbramos, para dar comienzo a la semana santa.

Hoy conmemoramos la entrada triunfal de Cristo a Jerusal?n. Todos cantaban hosannas al hijo de David y vitoreaban a su paso. El principio de una celebraci?n que mostraba la alegr?a de un pueblo recibiendo y reconociendo la persona de Cristo.

Ese mismo pueblo y en esas mismas calles estar?an conden?ndolo, escupi?ndolo y humill?ndolo camino al calvario. Hoy lo celebramos y en unos d?as, antes que la semana termine... lo crucificamos.

En este tiempo en que estamos viviendo donde hemos participado de un tiempo distinto de cuaresma, en la cual muchas personas han vivido la cuaresma desde el a?o pasado, hoy nos reunimos para celebrar la entrada triunfal de Cristo... la pregunta que nos debemos hacer es si esta celebraci?n de jubillo y alegr?a de la llegada de Cristo va a perdurar en nuestra alma... o simplemente le crucificaremos con nuestras acciones que contradicen el mensaje de salvaci?n que El nos predico.

Hoy muchas personas vendr?n a buscar los ramos... pero ?cuantos vendr?n a buscar a Cristo?

Pidamos a Dios que nos otorgue la gracia de vivir esta semana santa con mucho amor, disposici?n y apertura de coraz?n para poder no solo celebrar a Cristo, sino que podamos morir a nuestro pecado con e en la cruz y as? resucitar a la vida de Gracia que nos promete

En el esp?ritu de Santa Clara

El padre


Our Catholic Appeal Goal:


Paid to Date: $14,024.26

Still Needed: $30,440.21

Thank you for your generosity!

a]y 9MM\ @_K @mpMl 0ITMKq]M

Holy Thursday ? April 1 Mass of the Lord's Supper 7pm (bilingual) followed by Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight.

Good Friday ? April 2 9am Stations of the Cross (English) 11am Via Crucis (espa?ol) 3pm Passion of the Lord/Adoration of the Holy Cross (bilingual)

Holy Saturday ? April 3 9am Blessings of the Easter Breads & Baskets

Easter Vigil Mass ? April 3 @ 8pm Easter Sunday Masses ? April 4 @ 9am (English) & 11am (espa?ol)

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