Burlington City High School

Order of Operations A WebQuest for 6th-8th Grade Math Students Designed by: Wendy Esquivel- wkyle@sanjuan.eduAdopted by: Felicia Andorko- fandorko@burlington-IntroductionCan you go to your classes whenever you want or do you have to follow the order of the schedule you were assigned? Will your locker open if you use the three numbers in any order? Does it matter if you turn the lock to the left or to the right first? Does 2 + 5 x 3 equal 21 or 17? You will be using this WebQuest to find out the order of operations that must be followed when evaluating mathematical expressions so that everyone gets the same answer.TaskYou are going to determine the order of operations that is used to evaluate mathematical expressions. Once you have done this, you will discover memory devices the United States uses to remember the order of operations and compare them to those that other countries use. Then create your own mnemonic and illustrate it using Microsoft Word. There will be several checks for understanding along the way including a matching challenge and an online quiz. Finally, you will work with a partner to analyze a problem that was done incorrectly and create a PowerPoint presentation that identifies the error in the problem and demonstrates the correct way to evaluate the problem with a step-by-step explanation.Process1. What is the order of operations? Go to Order of Operations - PEMDAS and answer questions 1-3 on your WebQuest handout. Play the Matching Game, assess how you did and circle your response on your WebQuest handout (#4). If you feel you need more practice, try playing the Matching Game again or read the lesson Order of Operations With Exponents and try the five problems after the tutorial. 2. What are some memory devices used to remember the order of operations? Go to Wikipedia's definition of Order of Operations and scroll down to the Acronyms and More examples sections. Answer questions 5-6 on your WebQuest handout. View the illustrated mnemonic Panda Express Makes Delicious Avocado Soup. Create your own mnemonic and illustrate it using Microsoft Word. Fill in #7 on your WebQuest handout. 3. Find the error. With a partner, take the online Order of Operations Quiz. Answer questions 8-9 on your WebQuest handout. You and your partner will create a small PowerPoint slideshow . The answers to each problem are NOT correct. You will need to identify the error that was made, find the correct answer, and explain how to evaluate the problem. You will present your slideshow to the class if time allows. Check to make sure you have met all the requirements for your slideshow by filling in question 10 on your WebQuest handout. Order of Operations WebQuest Order of Operations - PEMDAS1. List five operations____________________________, ____________________________, ____________________________, ____________________________, ____________________________2. What is the order of operations? First P_______________________________ Second E_______________________________ Third MD_______________________________ Fourth AS_______________________________3. What saying can you use to help you remember the order of operations? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Matching Game4. How did you do on the Matching Game? Circle OnePerfectGreatI need more practiceI didn’t make any mistakesI only got a few wrongI made several mistakesWikipedia’s definition of Order of Operations5a. Canada uses the acronym BEDMAS. The “B” stands for what operation?____________________________5b. This operation is the same as what operation in PEMDAS? ___________________________________________6. The United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand commonly use the acronym BODMAS but it is sometimes written as BOMDAS. Sometimes the “D” for division is listed before the “M” for multiplication and sometimes the “M” for multiplication is listed before the “D” for division. Why can the “M” and the “D” switch places without changing the order of operations? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. PEMDAS is sometimes expressed as the mnemonic "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally", "Please Execute My Dumb Assassin Sam", "Panda Express Makes Delicious Avocado Soup”, or "Please Excuse My Deadly Angry Samurai." Make your own mnemonic on Microsoft Word and print it. Write your mnemonic here as well. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Order of Operations Quiz8a. After taking the quiz, submit your answers. What was your score?_____________% 8b. How many points did you earn out of 21? _____________9. If you missed any questions, what numbers were they? ____________________________________________Finding My Error PowerPoint Slideshow10a. Are the title of the project, your names, the problem, and a description of the error on the first slide? _______b. Do you have your problem with step-by-step instructions on how to do it and the correct answer on the second slide? ______c. Did you print your slides? _______EvaluationOrder of Operations WebQuest Rubric Beginning1Developing2Accomplished3Exemplary4ScoreWebQuest Handout 5 correct answers 6-7 correct answers 8-9 correct answers 10 correct answers ParticipationOff task, talkative during presentations, frequently requires assistance Requires frequent reminders to stay on task, needs assistance, some talking during presentationsStays on task, self-motivated, good listener during presentations Stays on task, self-motivated, good listener during presentations, helps others Microsoft Word Mnemonic Mnemonic is the same as the example, no graphics, unorganizedMnemonic uses many of the same words from the examples, few graphics Mnemonic is mostly original, graphic exists for each word, organized Mnemonic is completely original, graphic exists for each word, organized Finding My Error PowerPoint Slideshow Made several formatting mistakes, was unable to correctly identify the error and failed to explain how to solve the problemMade several formatting mistakes, was unable to correctly identify the error or correctly explain how to solve the problemFollowed almost all of the formatting requirements, great description of the error and how to evaluate the problemChoose one of the challenge problems, followed all of the formatting requirements, excellent description of the error and how to evaluate the problem ................

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