Killer Business Plan Template

Company:BUSINESS PLANCurrent Month:Year:Name:Title:Address:City: State: Zip:Tel:Fax: Email:CONFIDENTIALNo offering is made or intended by this document. Any offering of interests in ________ will be made only in compliance with Federal and State securities laws.This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding ________. This document is provided for informational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational purposes, and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent of [Company Name]. By accepting this document, you agree to be bound by these restrictions and limitations.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u I. Executive Summary3II. Company Overview PAGEREF _Toc285528279 \h 4III. Industry Analysis PAGEREF _Toc285528280 \h 5Market Overview PAGEREF _Toc285528281 \h 5Relevant Market Size PAGEREF _Toc285528282 \h 6IV. Customer Analysis PAGEREF _Toc285528283 \h 7Target Customers PAGEREF _Toc285528284 \h 7Customer Needs PAGEREF _Toc285528285 \h 8V. Competitive Analysis PAGEREF _Toc285528286 \h 9Direct Competitors PAGEREF _Toc285528287 \h 9Indirect Competitors PAGEREF _Toc285528288 \h 10Competitive Advantages PAGEREF _Toc285528289 \h 11VI. Marketing Plan PAGEREF _Toc285528290 \h 12Products, Services & Pricing PAGEREF _Toc285528291 \h 12Promotions Plan PAGEREF _Toc285528292 \h 13VII. Operations Plan PAGEREF _Toc285528294 \h 14Key Operational Processes PAGEREF _Toc285528295 \h 142014 Company Milestone Expectations PAGEREF _Toc285528296 \h 15VIII. Management Team PAGEREF _Toc285528297 \h 22Management Team Members PAGEREF _Toc285528298 \h 26Management Team Gaps PAGEREF _Toc285528299 \h 27Board Members PAGEREF _Toc285528300 \h 28IX. Financial Plan PAGEREF _Toc285528301 \h 29Revenue Model PAGEREF _Toc285528302 \h 29Financial Highlights PAGEREF _Toc285528303 \h 30Funding Requirements/Use of Funds PAGEREF _Toc285528304 \h 31I. Executive SummaryBusiness OverviewStart with a CONCISE one to two line explanation of your business such as:We help (YOUR AREA) homeowners control their indoor air qualitySuccess FactorsOur company is uniquely qualified to succeed due to the following reasons:List as many reasons you can think of regarding why your company will succeed. Below are several examples/areas you can choose from. Add specific examples to the bullets that work for your business, and delete ones that are not relevant.Services: Our services are superior to our competitors because Human Resources: People like to work for us because Location: Our location allows us to better serve customers because Operational Systems: We have developed systems that enable us to provide higher quality services at a reasonable cost. These systems include Customers: We are already serving key customers which our competitors are not. These customers include Marketing: We have unique marketing skill sets that enable us to attract new customers at a low cost These skill sets include Successes achieved to date: We have already accomplished the following which positions us for future success. Financial PlanBelow is an overview of our expected financial performance over the next three years:To achieve these projections, we need to raise $___________ in financing.201420152016Revenues__________________II. Company OverviewBelow is a snapshot of our company since its inception:Date of formation: Legal structure (LLC vs. C-Corp., etc.): Office location(s): Business stage (start-up vs. undergoing R&D vs. serving customers, etc.): Prior funding rounds were received (amount/date): Products and services were launched (names/dates): Revenue milestones were reached (e.g., date when sales surpassed $X): Key partnerships were executed (names/dates): Key customer contracts were secured (names/dates): Key employees were hired (names/dates): Other key events: Other key events: Other key events: III. Industry AnalysisMarket OverviewThe market in which our company is operating can be characterized by the following:Go to website and find:Median household income:Average home value:Population: Households: 663Family households:Non-Family households:White Population:Hispanic Population:Median household income:Median house or condo value:Median contract rent:Unemployment:Residents below the poverty level:Median resident age:Males:Females:Market trend 1 (e.g., growth/decline): Market trend 2 (e.g., changing customer needs): Relevant Market SizeOur relevant market size is the annual revenue that our company could attain if we owned 100% market share.Our relevant market size is calculated as follows:Number of customers who might be interested in purchasing our products and/or services each year? Amount these customers might be willing to spend, on an annual basis, on our products and/or services? $ Our relevant market size (#1 X #2): As the analysis shows, our relevant market is large enough for our company to enjoy considerable success.IV. Customer AnalysisBelow is a description of who our target customers are, and their core needs.Target CustomersBelow is a profile of our target customers:Age: Income: Gender: Location: Marital status: Family size:Occupation: Language: Education: Values/Beliefs: Activities & Interests: Business size: Below is a snapshot of the size of our target customer market:To find this information, go to (for demographics by zip code)Customer NeedsBelow is a profile of the needs that our target customers have:Here you will specify why customers want or need your products and/or services. Below are several examples and customer need areas. For the relevant areas, modify to detail the needs of your customers (e.g., customers want products that work faster). Feel free to add to or delete from these customer needs.Speed: Quality: Location: Reliability: Comfort:Price: Value: Customer Service: Convenience: Ease of use: Other: Other: Other: Other: V. Competitive AnalysisThe following is an overview of our competitors.Notes for completing this section of your business plan: Any company or action that serves your customer’s needs is a competitor to youThere are Direct and Indirect competitors. Here are examples for a pizza shop:Direct competitors (fills customer need with same solution)Other plumbing shopsIndirect competitors (fills customer need with different solution):Other home improvementsHome centersDirect CompetitorsThe following companies are our direct competitors.Direct Competitor #1: Products/services offered: Price points: Revenues (# units sold/dollars generated): Location(s): Customer segments/geographies served: Competitor’s key strengths: Competitor’s key weaknesses:Direct Competitor #2: Products/services offered: Price points: Revenues (# units sold/dollars generated): Location(s): Customer segments/geographies served: Competitor’s key strengths: Competitor’s key weaknesses:Direct Competitor #3: Products/services offered: Price points: Revenues (# units sold/dollars generated): Location(s): Customer segments/geographies served: Competitor’s key strengths: Competitor’s key weaknesses:Indirect CompetitorsThe following companies are our indirect competitors.Indirect Competitor #1: Products/services offered: Price points: Revenues (# units sold/dollars generated): Location(s): Customer segments/geographies served: Competitor’s key strengths: Competitor’s key weaknesses:Indirect Competitor #2: Products/services offered: Price points: Revenues (# units sold/dollars generated): Location(s): Customer segments/geographies served: Competitor’s key strengths: Competitor’s key weaknesses:Competitive AdvantagesMy company is positioned to outperform competitors for the following reasons:Products and/or Services:Human Resources: Our Location: Operational Systems:Intellectual Property (IP):Customers: Marketing: Other Reasons: VI. Marketing PlanOur marketing plan, included below, details our products and/or services, pricing and promotions plans.Products, Services & PricingProduct/Service #1 Name: Product/Service description/features: Product/Service benefits: Product/Service price: Product/Service expected purchase frequency/quantity: Product/Service strengths: Product/Service weaknesses: Product/Service #2 Name: Product/Service description/features: Product/Service benefits: Product/Service price: Product/Service expected purchase frequency/quantity: Product/Service strengths: Product/Service weaknesses: Promotions PlanOur company will use the following tactics to attract new customers:For the tactics you do/will use, include relevant specifics (e.g., magazines you advertise in). Delete the tactics you do/will not use and add tactics that aren’t included.Blimps, Banners, and/or Billboards Blogs, Podcasts, etc. Catalogs Classified Ads Contests Coupons Direct Mail Door Hangers Email Marketing Event Marketing Flyers Gift Certificates Networking Newsletters Newspaper/Magazine/Journal ads Online Marketing Partnerships/Joint Ventures Postcards Press Releases/PR Radio Ads/TV Ads/Infomercials Telemarketing Trade Shows Word of Mouth / Viral Marketing Yellow Pages Pay Per Click: Other: Other: VII. Operations PlanOur Operations Plan details:The key day-to-day processes that our business performs to serve our customersThe key business milestones that our company expects to accomplish as we growKey Operational ProcessesThe key day-to-day processes that our business performs to serve our customers are as follows: Below are key operational functions that your business may need to fulfill. For functions that are relevant, leave them and add details (e.g., our manufacturing team produces our widgets; our customer service team ensures that all customer requests are handled). Delete operational functions that are not relevant to your business. Add relevant operational functions that are not included below.New Services Development: Sales Management: Marketing Ideas & Implementation: Finance: Customer Service: Dispatch: Inventory Management: Accounting/Payroll: Human Resources: Legal: Purchasing: Service Techs: Sales People: Other: 2014 Company Milestone Expectations The key business milestones that our company expects to accomplish as we grow include the following:In this section, you need to list the key milestones that you hope to achieve in the future and the target dates for achieving them. Sample milestones include:New products and services introductionsAdding tech or sales profit centers dateRevenue milestones (date when sales exceed $50K, when sales exceed $100K, etc.)Key partnerships executedKey customer contracts securedKey financial events (future funding rounds, IPO, etc.)Key employee hiresInclude individual team member 1-3 accomplishments per pany Environment Changes NeededI. Office - To Be Completed By: ________________ Accomplishments: (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. Warehouse - To Be Completed By: ________________ Accomplishments: (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. Trucks OR Field - To Be Completed By: ________________ Accomplishments: (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Company Management I. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Marketing DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Customer Service DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Dispatch Service DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Service DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Sales DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Inventory DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Financial DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Education & Training DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:Leadership DepartmentI. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: II. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: III. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: IV. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: V. To Be Completed By: ________________ (include day, month, quarter and/or year)Accomplishments: Accomplishment #1: Accomplishment #2: Accomplishment #3: Estimated Investment Needed:VIII. Management TeamOur management team has the experience and expertise to successfully execute on our business plan.Management Team MembersFor each key person on your current team, including yourself, complete the information below. Name: Title: Key Functional Areas Covered: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Title: Key Functional Areas Covered: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Title: Key Functional Areas Covered: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Title: Key Functional Areas Covered: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Title: Key Functional Areas Covered: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Management Team GapsIf your management team has gaps (key people you expect to hire in the future), include what position(s) is/are missing and who will fill the positions. Delete this section if not applicable.Title/Role: Key Functional Areas Covered: Qualities of the individual who will be sought to fill this role: Title/Role: Key Functional Areas Covered: Qualities of the individual who will be sought to fill this role: Title/Role: Key Functional Areas Covered: Qualities of the individual who will be sought to fill this role: Board MembersIf you have a Board of Directors or Board of Advisors, include the Board members below. If not, delete this section.Name: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: Name: Past positions, successes and/or unique qualities: IX. Financial PlanRevenue ModelMy company generates revenues via the following:Include each of the ways in which your company generates revenues. Examples are below. Delete non-relevant bullets. Better define relevant bullets.Equipment Sales Service Sales Planned Service Revenue Referral revenues Internal Follow Up SalesNew client revenue Pay per click or web Other Financial HighlightsProject next 5 years P & L Highlights:20142015201620172018Revenues ______________________________GP%______________________________Gross Profit______________________________Overhead %______________________________Overhead______________________________Net Profit %______________________________Net Profit______________________________Funding Requirements/Use of FundsFill in the blanks using figures from your financial model. For the primary uses of funding, only include the 3-5 biggest expense areas. The areas below (e.g., product development) are examples. Feel free to delete those and include your own.To successfully execute on our business plan, we require $_____________ in outside funding.The primary uses of this funding include:Facility: Marketing: Training: Trucks: Inventory: Other: Other: High Leverage Activities SummaryEnvironment HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Management HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Marketing HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Customer Service HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Dispatch HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.High Leverage Activities SummaryService Department HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Sales Department HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Inventory HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Financial Department HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.Leadership HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.High Leverage Activities SummaryEducation & Training HLA’sHigh Leverage ActivityWho’s Responsible?Completion Date1. 2.3.2014 High Leverage Theme“2014 will be the year we finally…._______________________________________________This will allow us to achieve our revenue goal of $_________ at a net profit of _____% for a total earnings of $__________ which will allow me to finally _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________685800738505Your Brand - Personal Branding Summary #ElementDescriptionDetails About YouBrand DescriptionWhat is the essence of my brand positioning? (10 word phrase summarizing the 20 items below)Core Value PropositionCore characteristics that are valuable to our effectivenessBusiness PrioritiesParameters and priorities for how we operate on a daily basis_______ isCharacteristics that describe us_______ is NotCharacteristics that do not describe usUniquenessWhat truly makes us unique? What distinctions separate me in my niche?PackagingThe tools, expertise, image, etc. to be leveraged to the marketVisual ImagePhysical image/appearanceMission Stmt.What drives my decisions?Brand PowerThe “thrust” behind our reputationTaglineBenefit-driven, descriptive (what I say often)PositioningRole(s) within the market/organizationBusiness MottoStatement of approach to business lifeWhat People Think Of YouMy perception of how we are perceivedWhat People Are MissingMy beliefs on what others are misunderstanding about usAttributes Prized in the WorkplaceWhat attributes do we possess that the market (my organization) values?PassionsWhat things am I passionate about?Top Communication Opportunities Top meetings/presentations where my brand is impactedMy Audience/Prospect?Who are those I most want to impact?External BarriersReal world roadblocksInternal BarriersSelf-imposed roadblocks00Your Brand - Personal Branding Summary #ElementDescriptionDetails About YouBrand DescriptionWhat is the essence of my brand positioning? (10 word phrase summarizing the 20 items below)Core Value PropositionCore characteristics that are valuable to our effectivenessBusiness PrioritiesParameters and priorities for how we operate on a daily basis_______ isCharacteristics that describe us_______ is NotCharacteristics that do not describe usUniquenessWhat truly makes us unique? What distinctions separate me in my niche?PackagingThe tools, expertise, image, etc. to be leveraged to the marketVisual ImagePhysical image/appearanceMission Stmt.What drives my decisions?Brand PowerThe “thrust” behind our reputationTaglineBenefit-driven, descriptive (what I say often)PositioningRole(s) within the market/organizationBusiness MottoStatement of approach to business lifeWhat People Think Of YouMy perception of how we are perceivedWhat People Are MissingMy beliefs on what others are misunderstanding about usAttributes Prized in the WorkplaceWhat attributes do we possess that the market (my organization) values?PassionsWhat things am I passionate about?Top Communication Opportunities Top meetings/presentations where my brand is impactedMy Audience/Prospect?Who are those I most want to impact?External BarriersReal world roadblocksInternal BarriersSelf-imposed roadblocksList of Possible Core Business ValuesAccuracyThe precision, exactness, and conforming to fact in details of work.Cleanliness--of offices, production and warehouse facilities, equipment, customer service areas, raw material and finished product inventory, closets, bathrooms, and so onMaximum Utilization of ResourcesThe desire and ability of the company to improve its performance by full utilization of its current resources (i.e. as time, money, equipment, materials, space, people, etc.).Orderliness--in offices, drawers, file cabinets, shelves, paperwork, files, phone numbers, priority of work, daily and weekly planning, etc.Punctuality and Timeliness--in arriving on time to work, from breaks, from lunch, to meetings, in replying to letters and phone calls, in paying bills on time, etc. Occurring at the most suitable or opportune time.Quality of Products and Services--in terms of presentation, functionality, choice, value, speed, timeliness, suitability, repeatability, reliability, life span, repeatability, courtesy, friendliness, etc.Regularity--of meetings, reports, sales calls, performance reviews, and so forthReliabilityThe way system or persons consistently produce the same results, preferably meeting or exceeding its specifications. Dependability.ResponsivenessThe way people, the organization, systems, etc. react to a need coming from within or without.SafetyIn offices, warehouses, vehicles, for employees, customers. etc.Speed of OperationsThe measurement of whether actions occur in the fastest time. Accountability--of individuals, departments and divisions for performance, results, problems, and so onCommunications--up, down, and sideways within the company, with customers and vendors, in terms of openness, frankness, clarity, frequency, accuracy, timeliness, and brevityCooperation (Teamwork)--among individuals, departments, divisions, branches, and so onCoordination--horizontally between departments in terms of plans, activities, and systemsDiscipline--in adherence to company policy, rules, systems, procedures, schedules, standards, ethics, and so onFreedom for Initiative of Employees--to make suggestions, develop plans, make decisions, carry out or modify actions, and so onIntegration--for smooth operation vertically between different levels of the organization in terms of plans, decisions, and prioritiesStandardization--in terms of forms, files, procedures, reports, performance evaluations, equipment, training, recruitment, orientations, communications, and so onSystemization--in sales, marketing, customer service, accounting, research, production, engineering, estimating, recruitment, training, promotions, communications, coordination, reporting, and so on Continuous ImprovementThe desire and ability of the company to develop and incorporate ways to improve itself.Creativity--in terms of new products, new ideas, new systems, new production methods, new applications of technology, new methods of financing, new marketing strategiesCustomer DelightThe positive emotional response and joy that the customer feels from interaction with our people and our products and services.Decisiveness--in solving problems, planning, executing plans, in terms of speed and commitment to decisions once made.Develop PeopleThe desire and ability of the company to improve the lot of its employees, including, ultimately, their personal growth. HarmonyThe overall atmosphere and interaction between people, departments, divisions, systems, activities, rules, and policies within the company and between these elements and the external environment, customers, vendors, community laws, and so on.InnovationThe desire and ability of the company to venture into new, breakthrough areas of opportunity. (e.g. in the industry, in emerging trends in society, etc.)Honesty & IntegrityKeeping to one's word, promises, agreements, being truthful, non-deceitful etc. with employees, customers, vendors, government, etc.Loyalty--to and from suppliers, customers, and employeesResourcefulnessThe ability to deal resourcefully, i.e. creatively, imaginatively, self-reliably with unusual problems, difficult situations, or unanticipated opportunities.Respect for the Individual--in establishing rules and policies, design of systems, making decisions, executing instructions, and so on in terms of people's health, safety, self-esteem, feelings, and opinionsService to SocietyCommunity welfare, environmental protection, development of products and services that meet real physical, social, or psychological needs. Will To Succeed--in any aspect of workMy Leadership Value SystemsValue #1:Explain:Value #2:Explain:Value #3:Explain:Value #4:Explain:Value #5:Explain: ................

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