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Lewis & Clark: The Great Journey West DVD

Thanks to IMAX film technology, you will travel some of the waterways and landscapes that Lewis and Clark journeyed upon more than 200 years ago. As you watch the movie, look for clues to answer the questions below.

Preview some of the film’s vocabulary by trying to match each word with it’s meaning. Put the letter on the blank. We will fill in a synonym during the film.

| | |

|____ Elusive synonym ____________ |a. substances intended to be eaten |

| | |

|____ Encounter synonym ____________ |b. hard to find, capture or keep |

| | |

|____ Provisions synonym ____________ |c. to stop living |

| | |

|____ Perish synonym ____________ |d. to come upon unexpectedly |

| | |

|____ Portage synonym ____________ |e. involving potential loss or injury |

| | |

|____ Perilous synonym ____________ |f. the carrying of boats and goods from one |

| |body of water to another, over land. |

1. Full of curiosity, what type of pre-historic animal did Lewis & Clark think they might come across on their journey?


2. To lead this dangerous mission, President Thomas Jefferson chose his

chief aide, M___________________ Lewis, a skilled soldier and


3. How old was Lewis when he was selected to lead the expedition? _________

4. Clark was asked to join the expedition team as he was

an expert m_______________, river man and a proven


5. What was the name of Clark’s slave and companion since childhood who went with him on

this expedition team and became a member of the Corps of Discovery? ____________

6. On this journey, Lewis and Clark were looking for the long-hoped for

N__________________ Passage.

7. The first native tribes the expedition met, were the Oto and the Missouri. As a gesture of friendship, Lewis & Clark had some roasted meat sent over to them. What did the natives send back as their gesture of friendship?


8. What name did Lewis & Clark give to the new species of animal they found that barked?


9. What was the most powerful tribe in the middle Missouri River that the expedition team came close to fighting with?


10. How far had the Corps of Discovery traveled in five months? ____________________

What present day state did they spend the winter in with the Mandan? ____________________

How cold did it get that winter? _________________

11. Lewis & Clark met a French fur-trapper who had a young Shoshone wife. She was to become an indispensable interpreter to Lewis & Clark when dealing with the Native Americans. What was her name?


List at least four ways that she was important to the journey:

a. __________________________________

b. __________________________________

c. ___________________________________

d. ___________________________________

12. Who became the final member of the Lewis & Clark expedition?


13. How much time did Lewis & Clark and their party lose when they decided to take the 17 mile detour, called a portage, around the five cascade waterfalls on foot instead of going through the falls by boat?


14. In order to ask for horses needed to make the mountain crossing, Sacagawea translated the request between the expedition team and the Shoshone tribe. Who did she meet unexpectedly during this encounter?


15. What hospitable and honest Native American tribe did Lewis & Clark find when they came out of the Rockies?


16. What was the last great river that Lewis & Clark journeyed before reaching the Pacific Ocean?


17. What was the phrase used when Lewis & Clark finally saw the Pacific?


18. There was an historic vote taken on where the Corps of Discovery would winter with prior to their return journey. It was the first time recorded that a black man and a woman were able to cast a vote in the United States. Who were they?

________________________________ and __________________________________

19. Lewis & Clark’s expedition west took almost two years to complete. How long did their return trip east to St. Louis take?


20. In total, how many miles long was Lewis & Clark’s adventurous odyssey?

21. President Jefferson asked Lewis to document all the plants and animals he would see on his expedition. How many plants and how many animals did Lewis write about in his journal?

______________ plants

______________ animals

22. Make a connection, text to text, text to self, or text to world, between the Lewis and Clark story and something in your life or something else you know:




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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