At this point, you should be done (or almost done) reading ...

At this point, you should be done (or almost done) reading the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. While reading the novel, you were asked to take detailed notes and compile evidence that could be used to analyze Hurston’s treatment of the motifs of love and identity. Now, in a small group, you will create an analytical poster that assembles the information you have gathered while you read.

Your poster should

• locate a sentence (cite the page number) that explains the meaning of love/identity and provide a detailed explanation of how that sentence can be used to define your assigned motif

• identify a symbol from the novel that represents love/identity, locate a sentence that illustrates the symbol’s use (cite the page number), and provide a detailed explanation of how that sentence illustrates the symbol’s use throughout the novel in relation to your assigned motif

• provide a well-written paragraph that details the evolution of your assigned motif throughout the novel

• identify a sentence that shows the greatest lesson Janie has learned about love/identity in the novel (cite the page number) and provide a detailed explanation of how that sentence relates to Janie’s new awareness

• contain three examples of how family, friends, and neighbors have influenced Janie’s understanding of love/identity throughout her lifetime

• include several pictures that relate to both the motif and the content of the poster

• be neat, colorful, and creative in design

|Categories |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Definition |One or more elements is missing and the |One element is missing or the paragraph |Identifies a sentence that explains the |Appropriately identifies a sentence that |

| |explanation is underdeveloped |explanation is underdeveloped |meaning of love/identify, provides a page |explains the meaning of love/identity, |

| | | |number, and gives an explanation of the |provides a page number, and gives a |

| | | |quotation and its relation to the motif |detailed, well-written explanation of the |

| | | | |quotation and its relation to the motif |

|Symbol |One or more elements is missing and the |One element is missing or the paragraph |Identifies an object that represents or |Appropriately identifies an object that |

| |explanation is underdeveloped |explanation is underdeveloped |indicates a deeper meaning (not just |represents or indicates a deeper meaning |

| | | |something literal), provides a quotation |(not just something literal), provides |

| | | |and a page number, and gives an explanation|quotation and a page number, and gives a |

| | | |of the symbol and quotation in relation to |detailed, well-written explanation of the |

| | | |the motif |quotation and symbol and its relation to |

| | | | |the motif |

|Evolution Paragraph|The paragraph is too simplistic, grossly |The paragraph misses key elements of love |Provides a paragraph that detail how love |Provides a detailed, well-written paragraph|

| |underdeveloped, or predominately untrue. |or identity in the novel |or identity begins and how it ends in the |that details how love or identity begins |

| | | |novel |and how it ends in the novel |

|Greatest Lesson |One or more elements is missing and the |One element is missing or the paragraph |Identifies a sentence that explains what |Aptly identifies a sentence that explains |

| |explanation is underdeveloped |explanation is underdeveloped |the biggest lesson Janie learned about |what the biggest lesson Janie learned about|

| | | |love/identity is, provides a page number, |love/identity is, provides a page number, |

| | | |and gives an explanation of the quotation |and gives a detailed, well-written |

| | | | |explanation of the quotation |

|Family, Friends, |Provides one paraphrased example of how |Provides two separate paraphrased examples |Provides three separate paraphrased |Provides three separate, well-written |

|and Neighbors |family, friends, and neighbors influence |of how family, friends, and neighbors |examples of how family, friends, and |paraphrased examples of how family, |

|Influence Examples |Janie’s understanding of love or identity |influence Janie’s understanding of love or |neighbors influence Janie’s understanding |friends, and neighbors influence Janie’s |

| |in the novel |identity in the novel |of love or identity in the novel |understanding of love or identity in the |

| | | | |novel |

|Pictures |Poster contains few well-drawn (or |Poster contains some well-drawn (or |Poster contains several well-drawn (or |Poster contains many well-drawn (or |

| |well-selected) pictures that relate to the |well-selected) pictures that relate to the |well-selected) pictures that appropriately |well-selected) pictures that appropriately |

| |motif and content |motif and content |relate to the motif and content |relate to the motif and content |

|Neatness and |Few of the pictures and content are legible|Some of the pictures and content are |Most of the pictures and content are |All pictures and content are legible and |

|Creativity |and neat, and the poster is not very |legible and neat, and the poster is |legible and neat, and the poster is mostly |neat, and the poster is colorful and |

| |colorful or creative |somewhat colorful and creative |colorful and creative |creative |


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