Disney II PreSchool News

Disney II Preschool News!

Room 102: Preschool for All

Ms. Wang lwang1@cps.edu Quarter 4, Week 1: April 16-20, 2012

Our Class News

We head into our final quarter together with bittersweet emotions. One is of great excitement of summer around the corner and graduating to the next grade level. Another is of bittersweet feelings as we prepare to leave preschool (leave me! () and go forth onto new and exciting ventures. And yet another is to get as much fun, play and enjoyment of each other’s company in before it’s all over! With that in mind, the next ten weeks will include our last two field trips (more details to come very soon), our final theme unit (Animals), approximately 40 more hours of playing in the Sensory Table or Duplos or Dramatic Play Area or etc…., about 4+ hours of Chicken Dancing (give or take 1.7 hours depending on the demand), Hawaiian Spirit Day, a Spring Concert, a school Book Fair, Fun Fair Field Day, Preschool Family Picnic, and so on and so on and so on!

Literacy Group Changes

Starting on Monday, 4/16, there will be a change in which literacy groups your child is in. This may not affect every student. Some students may stay the same candy as they were before, others may get a new candy name. Additionally, students will not receive Guided Reading books for Monday and Tuesday. During this time, students will be assessed in sight words and get used to their new group. Students will still bring home a book for the two days, chosen from the lending library.

Homework = Special Party

I am thrilled with how well and how diligently our preschoolers have been completing their homework on a daily basis! I truly do believe that huge academic milestones are achieved through consistent practice and review outside of the classroom. Thank you for working with your child every day and answering their questions, reviewing concepts, coloring together, praising their accomplishments, and most importantly, participating in their learning together. Your support and encouragement has gone a long way and I see it in their progress and sense of pride every day!

As a way to continue this home extension and learning, and to reward their hard work and effort, I am offering a special opportunity for each child: For any student who continues to complete and submit their daily homework in the 4th quarter, they will be invited to a special party! Hint: It involves pizza, and ice cream and two Ms. Wangs! Keep up the great work Preschoolers!

Parent-Teacher Conference: Wednesday, April 18

Thank you to all parents who responded promptly with their conference time slot choices. I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. You will receive a confirmation letter in your child’s blue Communication Folder on Monday notifying you of your time slot. If you do not receive a time, please let me know. To respect the time schedule, please be prompt! I suggest at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. This will also give you a chance to complete our survey. Please let me know if this date/time does not work at all so that we can reschedule. I look forward to a 100% attendance! And more so, I look forward to discussing with you your child’s performance and future!

Disney II Spring Auction (4/9 to 4/19)

If you haven’t already, take a moment to check out the Disney II Spring Auction! To register your own login, go to and create a user name and password. Then register your credit card to your account. Next browse around for some awesome goodies! Happy Bidding!

Pre-school Class T-Shirts (4/23)

Disney II is currently taking orders for Class T-shirts! The T-shirts will have the Disney II logo on the front and each student’s signature” on the back! This is not only a great way to show school spirit, but a wonderful way to remember their time as a Disney II preschooler. T-shirts are $15 each and the order form is attached to the email. If you need another copy, please ask me or Ms. Colon. Deadline for orders and payment is Monday, April 23.

Spring Concert: Change of Date!

The date of Disney II’s Spring Concert has been changed from June 6th to May 24th. Please update your calendars to reflect this year’s Spring Concert to be held on Thursday, 5/24. Additional details will be shared as we near the date.

Coming Up in Math…

We will continue the practice of analyzing data on a graph and focus on asking questions such as, “Which has the fewest?”, “Which has the most?”, “Which have the same amount?”, “How many more x are there than y?” and so on.

Coming Up in Science…

This week we discussed what a roof is and why all houses, apartment buildings, big buildings, small buildings, tents, igloos, and more, all have roofs! Some thoughts included, “So we don’t get wet!”, “Roofs protect us from all the stuff falling from the sky,” and “I know a song where the roof is on fire!” ( (I kid you not!). We talked about the different materials used to make rooftops, such as shingles. We talked about its colors and design of shingles. Later, we added shingles (felt rectangles) onto our house that we have been working on! Our long term house project is almost complete! Next week, we will discuss other different tools that are used when building a home. In addition, a special guest will visit our classroom.

Coming Up in Literacy/Writing…

We will continue working on our Writing Assessments for the month of April by answering the prompt, “Tell me something you don’t like”.

Letter of the Week: Xx

Believe it or not, but we will be studying the very last letter of the alphabet next week! We have almost completed studying all the alphabet letters! We will learn what Xx looks like, sounds like and identify words that begin with Xx, such as x-ray and xylophone, and words that end with Xx such as fox, box, six, mix, and lox.

At home, continue reviewing the letters Gg, Mm, Tt, Ff, Nn, Hh, Aa, Pp, Zz, Bb, Ii, Ss, Dd, Vv, Ll, Ww, Oo, Rr, Gg, Jj, Cc, Kk, Yy, and Qq.

Sight Words: for, on, are

This week’s new sight words are for, on, are. We will spend some time this week assessing how well the students remember their sight words. I will share with you the results soon thereafter.

At home, keep practicing and reviewing past sight words the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it, he, was. Continue using sight word flashcards as a resource and do not hesitate to mix the cards up once in a while!

What We’ve Been Reading!

“Some we’ve planned on reading, Some we read together, Many times we read it, We’ll know the story better!”

The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat by Nurit Karlin

The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss

The Recess Queen by Alexi O’Neill

The Quilt Story by Tomie dePaola

The Name Quilt By Phyllis Root

Homes in Many Cultures By Heather Adamson

Happy Birthday to… Teddy Bilicki (4/19) & Eren Mutlu (4/21)


4/13 (Fri): End of 3rd Quarter.

4/16 (Mon): Scholastic April Book Club Orders Due.

Order online at bookclubs Class Activation Code: HDLL9.

4/18 (Wed): Parent-Teacher Conferences – No School.

4/19 (Thurs): Disney II Online Auction Ends

4/20 (Fri): Disney II Spirit Day – Pick your favorite decade and dress up in its style!

PTA Board Nominations (2012-2014 term) Due

Save the Dates!

4/23 (Mon): Class T-shirts and Disney II Spirit wear Order Forms Due.

“One for Books” Fundraiser Begins.

4/27 (Fri): Field trip slips and money to Emerald City Theatre DUE!

PTA Movie Night

5/1 (Tues): Spring Picture Day

5/2 (Wed): Field Trip to Emerald City Theatre.

5/4 (Fri): “One for Books” Fundraiser Ends

5/7 to 5/11: Book Fair Week

5/9 (Wed): PTA Parent Coffee

5/18 (Fri): Field trip slips and money to Brookfield Zoo DUE!

May Book Orders Due

Disney II Spirit Day – Hawaiian Day

Thank You to…

Tissue (wrapping) paper: Mia Sanchez

Cornmeal: Sean Aucapina

Magazines/Catalogs: Ginevra Kellogg

Baby Wipes: Mark Fitzgerald, Sean Aucapina, Janiyah Johnson

Toilet roll tubes: Reese Bradley, Xavier Murphy, Mia Sanchez, Julianna Brockland, Johan Thomas, Makeyla Ariza, Chloe Campa, Abigail Machuca, Sean Aucapina

Plastic bottle caps: Christina Quizhpi, Reese Bradley

Boxes: Luca Hackleman, Reese Bradley, Xavier Murphy

Box Tops/Campbells Soup Can Labels: Ginevra Kellogg, Mark Fitzgerald, Xavier Murphy

Egg Carton: Maggie Knox, Mia Sanchez, Abigail Machuca

Book Donation: Maggie Knox, Mrs. Stone

Classroom Volunteers: Allison Mutlu, Georgina Bautista, Amy Kellogg

Mystery Reader: Steve Kendrick

We Need…

Below are items that will be used for activities. If you have some, please consider sharing. It is greatly appreciated – Thank you!

• Used postage stamps (We will reuse these in our letter writing experience in the Writing Center. You may just rip around the stamp or bring in the entire envelope :-)

• Q-tips

• Tissue (wrapping) paper – any color, design or size; does not need to be new

• Corn meal (We will explore cornmeal in the sensory table)

• Toilet tubes

• Used golf balls

• Box Tops & Campbell’s Soup Can Labels


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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