Alphabet Agency Posters - Weebly

Alphabet Agency Posters

US History

Directions: The New Deal introduced government agencies to address the problems that Americans faced. You will investigate one agency and then create a poster that explains the agency’s role to the American people. Examples of some of the actual posters from the 1930’s are attached.

Materials: Books, the Internet, colored pencils, approx 18” x 24,” drawing paper.

Your design will be graded on the following criteria:

Grading Rubric and Requirements:

Your Poster Will...

1. Show its agency’s work and how the public benefits from the agency to solve the problems of the depression.

2. Advertise and win public support for the agency.

3. Be neatly and creatively completed

4. Include a 3-paragraph explanation about your agency and poster. (Cite any information you take from websites or books.)

Paragraph 1: State the year the agency was founded, its main purpose and, and if it was created by FDR in an “executive order” or enacted by Congress. State if this agency is still around today? If not, when did it cease and why? *You will need to research this.

Paragraph 2: Explain “who” the workers were, where (the state/region) they worked, and the specific type of work they performed, training they received, and how much they were paid. Include information of how many people worked in this agency if available. *Attach a photograph of the workers.

Paragraph 3: Describe your poster, the designs and colors you used, and how it represents the agency that you studied. How does your poster depict your agency and its work? If there are words on your poster, explain them.

Websites to find more information about the New Deal alphabet agencies:





You may choose any of the following agencies, one per person.

The New Deal, Alphabet Agencies and Acts

|AAA: |Agriculture Adjustment Act | |

|CCC: |Civilians Conservation Corps | |

|CWA |Civil Works Administration | |

|EBA |Emergency Banking Act | |

|HOLC |Home Owners Loan Corporation | |

|NLRB |National Labor Relations Board | |

|NRA |National Recovery Administration | |

|FDIC |Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | |

|FERA |Federal Emergency Relief Administration | |

|FHA |Federal Housing Administration | |

|FLSA |Fair Labor Standard Act | |

|FSA: |Farming Security Administration | |

|PWA |Public Works Administration | |

|REA |Rural Electrification Administration | |

|SEC |Securities and Exchange Commission | |

|SSA |Social Security Act | |

|TVA |Tennessee Valley Authority | |

|WPA |Works Progress Administration | |

New Deal Posters

NRA, 1934 WPA

Travel Poster



CCC Poster, 1935 WPA Poster, 1939

By Albert Bender Unknown Artist

WPA, Federal Art Project

WPA Poster

National Parks Poster


United Mine Workers of America Federal Music project



Name ___________________________________________

|Criteria |Superior |Above Average |Average |Not completed |

| |(5 points) |(4 points) |(3 points) |(0 points) |

|Define the Topic/Issue |Completely, clearly, |Sufficiently defined |Topic/issue defined but lacks|Did not complete. |

| |and accurately |the |completeness, clarity, | |

| |defined the topic/issue. |topic/issue. |accuracy. | |

|Graphics |Visual |Visual pictures/ |Visual |Visual pictures do not |

| |pictures/illustrations/ graphs |illustrations/ graphs |pictures/ illustrations/ |pertain to the |

| |pertain |pertain to the topic/issue. |graphs pertain to the |topic/issue. |

| |to the topic/issue. Organization|Organization clear. |topic/issue. | |

| |and purpose are clear. | | | |

|Spelling and Grammar |No spelling or grammatical |Few spelling or grammatical |Six spelling or grammatical |More than six spelling or |

| |errors. |errors. |errors. |grammatical errors. |

| | | | | |

|Explanations and/or |Completely, clearly, |Sufficiently explained |Organization, purpose and |Presenter does not explain |

|Descriptions |and accurately |and/or described the |success described but lacks |or describe the |

| |explained and/or |organization, purpose and |completeness, |organization, purpose and |

| |described the organization, |success. |clarity, and/or |success. |

| |purpose and success. | |accuracy. | |

|Visual Appeal |Very colorful, neat, |Colorful, neat, |Lacking color, |Completed during advisement|

| |detailed, inviting, |detailed and |neatness, and/or |this morning. |

| |professional, and eye catching. |professional. Shows effort. |details and effort. | |

| |Shows extra effort. | | | |

|Total points | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Grade | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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