HW1: Querying the IMDB movie database - Northeastern University

CS3200 sp18 section 2

HW1: Querying the IMDB movie database


Each student should work independently on this assignment.


To practice writing complex SQL queries, and to get familiar with the IMDB dataset, which

will be used in the group project.

Assignment tools:


What to turn in:

These files: IMDBschema.sql and IMDBqueries.sql. Your files should be executable using

the commands psql -f IMDBschema.sql and psql -f IMDBqueries.sql, from a Unixbased prompt, or with the commands \i IMDBschema.sql and \i IMDBqueries.sql,

within PostgreSQL, or by copy and paste into PostgresAdmin. Your submission files should

contain comments that explain what you do. This will facilitate grading and partial credit.

Remember, use two dashes (--) to add comments in SQL.

Dataset (in our SQL folder):


In this project you are asked to write several SQL queries on a relational movie database. The

database consists of six tables:

ACTOR (id, fname, lname, gender)

MOVIE (id, name, year)

DIRECTORS (id, fname, lname)

CASTS (pid, mid, role)


GENRE (mid, genre)

All id fields are integers. Movie.year is also an integer. All other fields are character strings. You

can use either text or varchar(xx) for the character strings (people's names have maximum 50

characters, genres have maximum 50, roles have maximum 100, and movie titles have maximum

200). You should define the gender field to be one single character long.

In addition, impose the following constraints:

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CS3200 sp18 section 2

ACTOR.id, MOVIE.id, and DIRECTOR.id are primary keys for the corresponding tables.

CASTS.pid is a foreign key to ACTOR.id,

CASTS.mid is a foreign key to MOVIE.id

MOVIE_DIRECTORS.did is a foreign key to DIRECTORS.id

MOVIE_DIRECTORS.mid is a foreign key to MOVIE.id

Interestingly, the IMDB dataset is not perfectly clean and some entries in GENRE.mid refer to nonexisting movies. While we could clean-up the dataset, we chose to leave it unchanged to point-out

that dirty data is a huge problem in practice. In this assignment, simply do not specify that

GENRE.mid is a foreign key. If you do, the data will fail to load.

A. Importing the data

First, download the data file from our sql directory on our website, and extract it. This will create a

folder named imdb2015, containing 6 .txt files. Now, you need to create a database. Make sure

that the PostgreSQL server is running, and connect to psql. You should see something like

=# as your prompt. Create a new database and connect to it with the following


wolfgang=# CREATE DATABASE imdb;

wolfgang=# \c imdb

Your prompt will then switch to "imdb=#". Then you can use the CREATE TABLE SQL statement to

create the tables, choosing appropriate types for each column and specifying all key constraints as

described above.

imdb=# CREATE TABLE table_name (

. . . );

Once you create your tables, you can use the psql command \copy to import the data from the

corresponding text files:

imdb=# \copy actor from 'actor.txt' with delimiter '|' null as ''

The command above imports data from actor.txt into the table ACTOR. The delimiter specifies

how the fields are separated, whereas the last part of the statement specifies that the empty

string should be assigned as a NULL value.



The \copy commands may take a few minutes to complete for some tables (likely longer

than 10min for casts). The exact speed of these operations may vary depending on your


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CS3200 sp18 section 2



If psql is not running from your imdb2015 directory, you may need to include the absolute

path with the filename.

You may get an error when running the copy command that looks similar to this: ERROR:

invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc3 0x7c. That means that psql is

set to an encoding that does not match the file. Try changing the encoding, and try copying


imdb=# set client_encoding to 'latin1';

What to submit: Create a file IMDBschema.sql and include in it all your CREATE TABLE commands.

Make sure that you use the appropriate types, and specify all key constraints. Your file should be

executable with the command psql -f IMDBschema.sql, or \i IMDBschema.sql within

PostgreSQL. Submit your file through Blackboard

B. Queries





Unless otherwise specified, in every question below that asks you to return all actors, or all

directors, or all movies, you should return their names (first and last respectively).

Each question lists a suggested number of rows returned for a correct query. If your query

produces a slightly different number of rows, that does not necessarily imply that you

made a mistake.

These 6 problems are of increasing degree of complexity, but most should take only a few

seconds to execute.

Please write queries to answer the following questions:

1. List the first and last names of all the actors who were cast in 'Elastico: Experiment 345',

and the roles they played in that production. [3 - 15 rows]

2. List all the directors (first and last names) who directed a movie that casted a role for 'The

Problem Solver'. [5 - 20 rows]

3. List all the actors who acted in a film before 1900 and also in a film after 2000. (That is: <

1900 and > 2000.) [> 200 rows]

How can this be? Actors can't have been acting for more than 100 years, right? Please find

the explanation. For that you need to investigate a bit, perhaps run 1-2 additional queries.

Once you identify one logical explanation why some actors appear in movies more than

100 years apart, write it in your SQL code, as a comment to the SQL query; keep your

answer short (1-2 sentences).

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CS3200 sp18 section 2

4. List all directors who directed 30 or more thrillers, in descending order of the number of

thrillers they directed. Return the directors' names and the number of thriller movies each

of them directed. [1 - 20 rows]

5. We want to find actors that played five or more roles in the same movie during the year

2015. Notice that CASTS may have occasional duplicates, but we are not interested in

these: we want actors that had five or more distinct roles in the same movie in the year


a. Write a query that returns the actors' names, the movie name, and the number of

distinct roles that they played in that movie (which will be ¡Ý 5). [50 - 70 rows]

b. Write a query that returns the actors' names, the movie name, and all the distinct

roles (five or more) that the actor played in that movie. [> 400 rows]

What to submit: Create a file IMDBqueries.sql and include in it all the queries in this section. Make

sure that you include comments to explain your work, and help us give you partial credit. Your file

should be executable with the command psql -f IMDBqueries.sql, or \i IMDBqueries.sql

within PostgreSQL. Submit your file through Blackboard.

Version: January 15, 2018



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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