FAHRENHEIT 451 Final Project

FAHRENHEIT 451 Final Project

Working in a group of 2 or 3 (or by yourself if you’d like), choose one of the following projects to complete. You will be able to work on it during class for the week.



Fahrenheit 451 ABC Book

Create a book/pamphlet that reviews the story of Fahrenheit 451 by using every letter of the alphabet. Be creative. When thinking of material from the novel to include, be sure to include themes, characters names, character traits, setting, ideas, objects in the story, events, etc.

Each page of your book/pamphlet should be devoted to an individual letter. On each page there should be the letter, what the letter stands for, an illustration, and a few sentences explaining why the significance of your choice.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fahrenheit 451 Master Mix CD

Create a play list of at least 16 songs that help explain or summarize Fahrenheit 451. Include songs that represent the themes, characters names, character traits, setting, ideas, objects in the story, events, etc.

You should think of a creative way to display your play list that shows the song title, artist, and a few sentences that explain why the song should be significant to the story. You should also design a CD cover to go with your play list.


- All students in the group will each receive the same grade.

o If there are issues of group members not “pulling their weight”, this needs to be discussed with Ms. Smith BEFORE Friday. These problems will be address individually.

- This will be graded as a MAJOR grade. (i.e. TEST grade)

- Although you MAY work on this outside of class, it is expected that every minute of classtime will be used to work on your project.

o This should be part of the day Monday, all day Tuesday, possibly part of Wednesday, and all day Thursday.

o You will have NO class time on Friday to work- projects are due at the beginning of class.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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