Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Pre Reading …………………………………..…………… 2

Racer……………………………………………………………page 3-4

Similies and Metaphors……………..………………….. page 5

Onomatopoeia …………………………..………………….. page 6

Starters……… …………………………..………………….. page 7-10

Chapter 2………………………………..………………….….page 11-12

Chapter 3………………………………….……………..…….page 13

Comprehension Chp 1-3..………………….………..…….page 14

Chapter 4……………………………………….………....… 15

Chapter 5……………………………………..…………...… 16-17

Chapter 6………………………………..…………………….page 18

Comprehension Chp 4-6.…………..…………….……….page 19

Chapter 7…………………………..………………………….page 20

Chapter 9……………………………………………...……….page 21-22

Chapter 10…………………………………………………..…page 23

Chapter 11 ………………………………………………….…page 24

Comprehension Chp 7-11..……………..……….……..…page 25

Chapter 12…………………………………………………..…page 26

Chapter 13…………………………………………..…………page 27

Chapter 14………………………………………….…….……page 28

Chapter 16 …………………………..……………………..…page 29

Comprehension Chp 12-16…………..………..…….……page 30

Chapter 17………………………………………………..……page 31

Chapter 18…………………………………………………..…page 32

Chapter 19…………………………………………………..…page 33

Chapter 20…………………………………………………..…page 34

Comprehension Chp 17-20………………………….……page 35

Chapter 22……………………………………………….……page 36

Chapter 23…………………………………………...…..……page 37

Chapter 27……………………………………………...…… 38

Graphic Organizer …………………………..……..…….. page 39

T-Shirt ………………………………………………..…….…page 40

Crossword Puzzle ………………………………...…………page 41

Word Search……………….…………...………………….…page 42

Loser Pre-Reading Activity

Brainstorm some characteristics that may make someone a target for bullying. (Examples may include their choice of friends, size, personality characteristics, etc.)

________________________ _______________________

________________________ _______________________

________________________ _______________________

________________________ _______________________

________________________ _______________________

What character traits make a person “popular?”______________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Do you think people are “popular” for the right reasons? Explain why.



Were you ever friends with someone and people made fun of you for being friends with that person? What happened? ___________________________________________


Have you ever worried about fitting in with your peers? Why is that important to middle school students? _______________________________________________


If you notice someone who doesn’t “fit in,” how should you treat them? What could you do to make their life easier so they feel better about themselves? ___________________




Northley Middle School’s unbeatable method of answering open-ended questions!

How do you do it ?

When giving a writing prompt that you have to write an essay on, follow these simple steps :

R – restate the question

A – answer the question

C – cite evidence from the text (this should be at least 3 or 4 good sentences)

E – end your essay with a great conclusion

R – review your answer for any mistakes

Similes and Metaphors

Directions: In this novel, there are a lot of metaphors and similes. Find at least 3 examples of each and list the page numbers.


Find 5 words in the story that suggest sounds. Write the word and the page number where you found it.

Write about a time when you felt that you were free of constraints. Explain how you felt about this feeling of freedom. Were you alone or with someone else? Give as many examples as possible in your written answer.

Write about a time when you felt that you were free of constraints. Explain how you felt about this feeling of freedom. Were you alone or with someone else? Give as many examples as possible in your written answer.

**Use your “I Chart” graphic organizer to help you!**




Review your answer. Fix any mistakes and check here when complete._______

Journal Prompt

Chapter 3

In Chapter 3, “Win,” the author lists various scenarios in which children might compete against each other. Create a list of ten really silly competitions that children might have against each other.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________


3. __________________________________________________________________


4. __________________________________________________________________


5. __________________________________________________________________


6. __________________________________________________________________


7. __________________________________________________________________


8. __________________________________________________________________


9. __________________________________________________________________


10. __________________________________________________________________


Comprehension Questions

Chapters 1-3

1. Why do you think Zinkoff is so happy? ________________________________________


2. What is Zinkoff’s only constraint? _____________________________________________

3. Who is the author referring to the “let-loose sidewalk pups”? _____________________

4. What big discovery is made by the children in Chapter 3? _______________________


5. “You grow up with a kid but you never really notice him.”

List 5 reasons why some students can go unnoticed.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________


Journal Prompt

Chapter 4

Journal Prompt

Chapter 5

Journal Prompt

Chapter 5

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Review your answer. Fix any mistakes and check here when complete._______

Journal Prompt

Chapter 6

Pick 6 important events from chapter 6. Place them in the correct order in the chain of events. Be sure to write in complete sentences!

Comprehension Questions

Chapters 4-6

1. What causes Miss Meeks to wonder if Zinkoff is going to be a problem student? __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What changes Miss Meeks mind? ______________________________________________

3. Explain how Miss Meeks arrives at the number 2160. __________________________


4. What appears to be Zinkoff’s favorite one-word expression when he is excited? ___________________________________________________________________________________

5. When the fourth grader told Zinkoff that his hat now belongs to him, what was Zinkoff thinking? ______________________________________________________________

6. Why is dad’s current car known as “Clunker Four”? ____________________________


7. Think of a teacher that sticks out in your mind and you admire. Create a list of why you admire this teacher.

a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________

What kind of connection did you just make? ___________________________________

Journal Prompt

Chapter 7

Miss Meeks had to give Zinkoff a yellow button that made him settle down in class. Think about yourself and what makes you behave and listen attentively. Write down (in your own button) what it is that makes you the best listener that you can be, or the most focused student that you can be, or what it takes for you not to get distracted in class.

Journal Prompt

Chapter 9

Think of something that you won that makes you feel proud. How did you win what you did? What did you get as a result of this win?

Journal Prompt

Chapter 9

Think of something that you won that makes you feel proud. How did you win what you did? What did you get as a result of this win?


Review your answer. Fix any mistakes and check here when complete._______

Compare and Contrast

Chapter 10

Compare and contrast Miss Meeks and Mrs.Biswell. How are they the same and how are they different?

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

______________________________ ___________________________

______________________________ ___________________________

______________________________ ___________________________

______________________________ ___________________________

Which teacher would you have rather had? Why?


Journal Prompt

Chapter 11

Write a journal entry from Zinkoff’s point of view describing his special day with his father.

Comprehension Questions

Chapters 7-11



3. Provide at least two character traits during the trophy incident.


Journal Prompt

Chapter 12

Write a letter to the editor of the local paper expressing why you think mailmen should be able to bring their children to Take Your Child to Work Day.

Must be at least 8 lines!

Date: _______________________

Dear Editor,


Until next time,


Journal Prompt

Chapter 13

Directions: Complete all boxes in the graphic organizer below in complete sentences based on this information from chapter 13 only.

Journal Prompt

Chapter 14

Zinkoff attempts to get over his fear of the Furnace Monster. What is your greatest fear and how did you, or can you, try to get over this fear?


Draw a visualization of what you think Zinkoff’s “Furnace Monster” looks like in your mind.

Journal Prompt

Chapter 16

Write a summary of what happened on Field Day on the lines below.

On field day the characters _____________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________First, ________________________________________________________________________


Next, ________________________________________________________________________


Then, _______________________________________________________________________


After that, ___________________________________________________________________


At the end of field day ______________________________________________________


My connection (text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world) is____________________



Comprehension Questions

Chapters 12-16

1. When he is stuck at home after his operation, why does Zinkoff think about the Waiting Man? _______________________________________________________________


2. What does Zinkoff learn about himself by doing his test? ___________________________________________________________________________________


3. Pretend that you are Zinkoff. Explain the Furnance monster scene from his point of view. (Include emotions on how he was feeling.)





4. How is Zinkoff discovered? Why is he discovered this time and not before? ___________________________________________________________________________________


5. Why is Zinkoff a target for bullying? ___________________________________________________________________________________


Journal Prompt

Chapter 17

List some of the ways that show both you and Zinkoff have grown up.

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

Predict & Support

Chapter 18

Make a prediction as to what the friendship between Donald Zinkoff and Hector Binns is going to be like.

|Prediction: |Support: |

|I think Zinkoff’s and Hector’s friendship will be…… |What in the story made you have this prediction? Cite evidence from the |

| |story. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Draw your prediction below.

Journal Prompt

Chapter 19

What is your definition of a best friend? What are some qualities that a best friend should have? What are some things that you and your best friend do together?

Journal Prompt

Chapter 20

Comprehension Questions

Chapters 17-20

1. At the beginning of fifth grade, Zinkoff gets a new name. What is it? __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why do the kids call him this name? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. Is Zinkoff aware of his new name? ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

How do you know? _______________________________________________________________


4. After Zinkoff writes Hector Binns's name as his best friend, how does Zinkoff try to make it true?_______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why doesn’t this friendship work? ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

6. Why does Zinkoff spend Field Day with the old lady on Willow Street?


Journal Prompt

Chapter 22

Create a list of lessons that Zinkoff learned in elementary school. Choose the best lesson and put a star next to it!

Lesson #1: __________________________________________________________________


Lesson #2: __________________________________________________________________


Lesson #3: __________________________________________________________________


Lesson #4: __________________________________________________________________


Lesson #5: __________________________________________________________________


Journal Prompt

Chapter 23

At the end of Chapter 23, the author states that Zinkoff is no longer a loser in middle school. “He is less than that. He is nobody. Long before the first snowfall, he sinks into nobodyness.” What does the author mean by this? How did Zinkoff become a nobody? Which do you think is worse for Zinkoff, being a loser or being a nobody? Explain. (Use RACER!)


Journal Prompt

Chapter 27

Why do you think that Chapter 27 is entitled “Himself”? (Use RACER!)




Loser Word Search

|U |V |F |






Reason #1:


Reason #2:



❖ ________________________

❖ ________________________

❖ ________________________

Welcome to Northley Middle School!!!

Miss Meeks explained to her first graders that over the twelve years of their education, they will be learning many things and will be having wonderful new experiences. What are some of the things you are looking forward to learning amd experiencing in your three years of middle school?

Details supporting your reason:

❖ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

❖ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Details supporting your reason:

❖ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

❖ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

In your opinion, should students in classrooms be arranged in alphabetical order? (Circle)



❖ ________________________

❖ ________________________

❖ ________________________

Welcome to Northley Middle School!!!

Miss Meeks explained to her first graders that over the twelve years of their education, they will be learning many things and will be having wonderful new experiences. What are some of the things you are looking forward to learning amd experiencing in your three years of middle school?

**Use your “I Chart” to help you answer this question.**


Miss Meeks

Mrs. Biswell

How are they alike?


How are they different?


Analyze your last name

Determine the pros and cons.

Example: length, letter, etc.


Ways Zinkoff has grown up (list)

Ways you have grown up (list)

Definition of a best friend:


Character traits of a best friend:


Best Friend

What are some things that you and your best friend do together?




Character Traits to describe how Zinkoff is feeling


2. ________________________

3. __________________________

Character Traits to Describe Gary Hobin


2. ________________________

3. ________________________

Imagine that you found out what Gary Hobin said to Zinkoff. What would you say to Hobin?



Simile: a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as

Metaphor: a comparison of two unlike things NOT using the words like or as



Onomatopoeia: Words whose sounds express their meaning

Create a Character T-Shirt

Left sleeve must include:

At least ONE quote from the character

Right sleeve must include:

Good qualities or strengths of the character

Front of t-shirt must include:

--Character’s name

--Picture of character

--Description of character


1. Who was Donald's first man teacher?

2. What is Donald's dad's occupation?

3. What kind of hat did Donald wear on the first day of school?

4. Who was the fastest kid in 4th grade?

5. What was the occupation of Donald's neighbor's father?

6. Did Donald run fast or slow?

8. What was the name of Donald's sister?


1. What was Donald's first grade teacher's name?

6. What sport does Donald play?

7. What is Donald's last name?

9. What kind of cookie did Donald give his neighbor?

Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Clues from the text to support your prediction:

1. _______________________________


2. _______________________________


My prediction for the novel:









Tell More:

Big Ideas:

Let’s apply RACER to what we already use…





Review your answer. Fix any mistakes and check here when complete._______

Journal Prompt

Chapter 2

Journal Prompt

Chapter 2

Review your answer. Fix any mistakes and check here when complete._______





Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________




Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________



Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________



Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________


Date: _____________

Answer: ________________________________________________________________












List at least 5





(Jot Dots)























Zinkoff is constantly throwing up.

Punishment from Miss Meeks

Reward from Zinkoff’s mom








Zinkoff cannot go to Take Your Kid to Work Day





Zinkoff gets bored and decided school must come to him!

Polly yells “Bye! Bye!”






Zinkoff miss his entire 3rd grade school year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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