Title of the Paper (Times New Roman 13pt, Bold, Centred)Name of the author1, Name of other author2(s) (Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, Centred)University1, 2 (Times New Roman 11pt, Centred)Institute or Faculty, Department (Times New Roman 11pt, Centred)Address (Street No, City, ZIP code) (Times New Roman 11pt, Centred)Country (Times New Roman 11pt, Centred)e-mail1, 2: emailaccount@domain.nationalabbreviation Abstract The abstract is a summary of the whole paper. It presents all the major elements of the paper in a highly condensed form and should contains 8-12 lines, Times New Roman 10pt, block-aligned. The abstract is a summary of the whole paper. It presents all the major elements of the paper in a highly condensed form and should contains 8-12 lines, Times New Roman 10pt, block-aligned. The abstract is a summary of the whole paper. It presents all the major elements of the paper in a highly condensed form and should contains 8-12 lines, Times New Roman 10pt, block-aligned. The abstract is a summary of the whole paper. It presents all the major elements of the paper in a highly condensed form and should contains 8-12 lines, Times New Roman 10pt, block-aligned. The abstract is a summary of the whole paper. It presents all the major elements of the paper in a highly condensed form and should contains 8-12 lines, Times New Roman 10pt, block-aligned. The abstract is a summary of the whole paper. Keywords: 3-5 keywords, Times New Roman 10pt, Block-aligned, in alphabetical order, all in small letters (capital letters only for names), separated by commasJEL Classification: 3-5 JEL codes, Times New Roman 10pt, Block-aligned, separated by commas; please check: jel/guide/jel.php1. Introduction (First-level heading, Times New Roman 12pt, Bold)Normal (regular) text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt, Block-aligned. First paragraph of?the section, lacking indentation at the beginning of the first line. Space of 6pt is?below heading.Second and following paragraphs of the text have no initial indentation as well. Normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt. Space of 6pt is between (below) each paragraph.1.1 Subsection (Second-level heading, Times New Roman 11pt, Bold, Italic)The article must be entirely original, not previously published, and must not be under concurrent consideration or scheduled for presentation elsewhere. Your paper will be part of the conference proceedings. Therefore we ask that authors follow the guidelines explained in this example. The article should be written in the Microsoft Word format (*.docx). Please note the changed style. Be?advised that papers in a technically unsuitable form will be returned for retyping. After returned the manuscript must be appropriately modified.Second and following paragraphs are not indented either, normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt. Space of 6pt is below heading. Space of 6pt is between (below) each paragraph.1.1.1 Subsection- optional (Third-level heading, Times New Roman 11pt, Italic)Normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt, Block-aligned. Again first paragraph is without indentation.Second and following paragraphs are not indented either, normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt. Space of 6pt is between (below) each paragraph.2. Problem Formulation and Methodology Normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt, Block-aligned. Again first paragraph is without indentation.Second and following paragraphs are not indented either, normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt. Space of 6pt is between (below) each paragraph.2.1 Model and DataMathematical equations must be numbered as follows: (1), (2), …, (99) and not (1.1), (1.2),…, (2.1), (2.2),… depending on your various sections.2.1.1 Model CalibrationFigures should be numbered as follows: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Tables should be numbered as follows: Table 1, Table 2, etc. 3. Problem SolutionNormal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt, Block-aligned. Again first paragraph is without indentation.Second and following paragraphs are not indented either, normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt. Space of 6pt is between (below) each paragraph.4. ConclusionPlease, follow our instructions faithfully otherwise you have to resubmit your full paper. This will enable us to maintain uniformity in the conference proceedings.If your paper deviates significantly from these specifications, Conference organization committee may not be able to include your paper in the Proceedings.AcknowledgementsSupporting authors and institutions (including Science Foundation) go here. For?example: This paper was created within the project GA CR Macroeconomic Models of the Czech economy and economies of the other EU Countries. Project registration number 402/08/1015.Disclosure statement: State if there is any potential conflict of interest, otherwise state “No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.” ReferencesUse the provided citation style for references. Make the list of references in alphabetical and?numbered order. The list of references must contain only materials cited in the text. References will be written in normal text of the paper, Times New Roman 10pt, Block-aligned. Space of?6pt is between (below) each paragraph.Citation of a bookMolle, W. (2007). European Cohesion Policy. London: Routledge.Annoni, P. and Kozovska, K. (2010). EU Regional Competitiveness Index 2010. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.Categora, P., Graham, J. and Gilly, M. (2012). International Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.Citation of a book chapterMcCarty, T. and Yaisawarng, S. (2003). Technical Efficiency in New Jersey School Districts. In Fried, H.O., Lovell, C. and Schmidt, S. (eds.). The Measurement of?Productive Efficiency: Techniques and Applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 98–120. Citation of a journal paperStaní?ková, M., Meleck? L. and Poledníková. E. (2011). Data Base Analysis for?Exploration of EU Cohesion and Competitiveness. ACC Journal, vol. 3, iss. C, pp.?136–146. Citation of a working paperBarro, R. J. and Sala-i-Martin, X. (1990). Economic Growth and Convergence across the United States. Working Paper No 3419. Cambridge: NBER Working Paper Series. Citation of a paper published in conference proceedingsMeleck?, L. and Staní?ková, M. (2014). Regional Efficiency Evaluation by DEA Approach: Comparison of Selected EU15 and EU13 Countries. In?International Conference on European Integration. Ostrava: V?B-TU Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, pp. 465–475.Citation of electronic publicationsKutscherauer, A. et al. (2010). Regional disparities in regional development of the Czech Republic. Disparities in country regional development - concept, theory, identification and assessment [online]. [cit.2017-09-22]. Available at: of web sidesEurostat (2017). Statistics [online]. [cit.2017-09-22]. Available at: any, the appendix should appear directly after the references without numbering, and not on a new page. Paper Format GuidelinesTables and figures should be numbered and references to them must be in the text. Acceptable labelling for a table is Table 1 and Figure 1. The title of the table or figure is placed above left-aligned and the source below the table or figure left-aligned. The text should be composed in such a manner that there are not a greater number figures or tables on a single page. Tables and figures in landscape format are not acceptable. Tables should be properly numbered, centred and should always have a caption positioned above it. The font size used in the tables is Times New Roman, 10pt, centred. Tables must be in text format (not figure). 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Do not draw charts, schemes and diagrams in Microsoft Word, use other more suitable program.Table 1: Title of the Table (Times New Roman, 10pt, Bold, left- aligned, with each row 0,5 mm height)CategoryFigure 1Figure 2Figure 3A123B456C101112Source: Source.Source: please provide a source website, paper, author’s calculations, elaboration, etc., Times New Roman, 10pt, left-alignedFigure 1: Title of the Figure (Times New Roman, 10pt, Bold, left- aligned)Source: SourceSource: please provide a source website, paper, author’s calculations, etc., Times New Roman, 10pt, left-aligned, e.g. European Commission (2015); own elaboration (2017)Equations and formulas are denoted by numbers in round parentheses and it is recommended to be produced by Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType add-on for equations in your paper ().(1) (2) (3)(4)?j ???????? j = 1,2,…,n (5)For separation of text-parts, you may use a numbered list, if necessary:First component,Second component,Third component;or a multiple-choice list:First option,Second option,Third option.Reference Text and CitationsReferences and citations should follow the Harvard (Author, date) system convention. As example you may consider the citation (Smith, 1998) or (Young, 2010, p. 23) or (European Commission [online], 2016). Besides that, all references listed at the paper should be cited in the text. No numbers with or without brackets should be used to cite or to list the references.For more instructions about the references and citations usage please see the?appropriate link to Harvard System Convention on the web.References and citations from the Web of Science and the Scopus are preferred to be used in larger scale in the paper. We strongly require using at least 3 articles from Web of Science database and 1 article from Scopus database (both including journal and conference proceedings citations). Citations from previous ICEI conference proceedings are required.Additional InformationLanguage: British English.Acronyms: Acronyms should be defined the first time they appear.Paper size: B5 (JIS) (182 mm by 257 mm).Justification: Full justification of the document.Page numbers: No page numbers.Footnotes: Generally no footnotes. Document should be not shorter than 6 pages and should not exceed 8 pages. Participation fee is for the paper length of 8 pages, each extra page costs 10 EUR.The authors, already by sending their paper, confirm originality of their paper. These rules are binding for all parties participating in the publication of Conference Please send the paper in Microsoft Word format only (*.docx). ................

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