ArtFul Touch

Procedures ManualMilton Arts GuildRevised September 2017Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u ArtFul Touch PAGEREF _Toc492651737 \h 4Planning PAGEREF _Toc492651738 \h 4Paperwork PAGEREF _Toc492651739 \h 4Registration PAGEREF _Toc492651740 \h 4Money(see money procedures) PAGEREF _Toc492651741 \h 4The Event PAGEREF _Toc492651742 \h 4Communications PAGEREF _Toc492651743 \h 5Purpose PAGEREF _Toc492651744 \h 5Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc492651745 \h 5MAG Current Public Relations Strategy (update ongoing) PAGEREF _Toc492651746 \h 5Press: PAGEREF _Toc492651747 \h 5Social Media (Facebook Pages): PAGEREF _Toc492651748 \h 5Docents PAGEREF _Toc492651749 \h 6Scheduling PAGEREF _Toc492651750 \h 6Training PAGEREF _Toc492651751 \h 6Duties PAGEREF _Toc492651752 \h 6Facilities Usage PAGEREF _Toc492651753 \h 7Common Room PAGEREF _Toc492651754 \h 7Fundraising PAGEREF _Toc492651755 \h 7Gallery PAGEREF _Toc492651756 \h 8Inventory PAGEREF _Toc492651757 \h 8Cleaning and maintenance PAGEREF _Toc492651758 \h 8Holly Days Checklist PAGEREF _Toc492651759 \h 9Hospitality PAGEREF _Toc492651760 \h 11Committee PAGEREF _Toc492651761 \h 11Preparation PAGEREF _Toc492651762 \h 11During the Event PAGEREF _Toc492651763 \h 11After the Event PAGEREF _Toc492651764 \h 11Paperwork PAGEREF _Toc492651765 \h 11Meetings PAGEREF _Toc492651766 \h 12Board Meetings PAGEREF _Toc492651767 \h 12Agenda PAGEREF _Toc492651768 \h 12Timeline PAGEREF _Toc492651769 \h 12Membership Meetings PAGEREF _Toc492651770 \h 12Agenda PAGEREF _Toc492651771 \h 12Timeline PAGEREF _Toc492651772 \h 12Membership PAGEREF _Toc492651773 \h 13Electronic Records PAGEREF _Toc492651774 \h 13Yearly Membership Renewal PAGEREF _Toc492651775 \h 13Preparation Activities: PAGEREF _Toc492651776 \h 13Membership Coordinator activities: PAGEREF _Toc492651777 \h 13After the membership renewal mailing: PAGEREF _Toc492651778 \h 14Late December reminder: PAGEREF _Toc492651779 \h 14January Newsletter and reminders: PAGEREF _Toc492651780 \h 14Removal of members who have not renewed by January 31st: PAGEREF _Toc492651781 \h 14New Members that join during the year: PAGEREF _Toc492651782 \h 15Who is informed about the new member: PAGEREF _Toc492651783 \h 15To be mailed to the new member: PAGEREF _Toc492651784 \h 15Other Duties PAGEREF _Toc492651785 \h 15Monthly Report: PAGEREF _Toc492651786 \h 15General Correspondence with Members: PAGEREF _Toc492651787 \h 15Correspondence Writing: PAGEREF _Toc492651788 \h 15Money Handling PAGEREF _Toc492651789 \h 16Due Care PAGEREF _Toc492651790 \h 16Reimbursements PAGEREF _Toc492651791 \h 16Sales PAGEREF _Toc492651792 \h 16PayPal PAGEREF _Toc492651793 \h 16Nominations PAGEREF _Toc492651794 \h 17Purpose PAGEREF _Toc492651795 \h 17Process and ethical conduct PAGEREF _Toc492651796 \h 17Nominating Committee Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc492651797 \h 17Requirements for Nominees PAGEREF _Toc492651798 \h 18Responsibilities of Executive Directors in Nominations. PAGEREF _Toc492651799 \h 19Sales PAGEREF _Toc492651800 \h 19Artist Payment Process PAGEREF _Toc492651801 \h 19Shows PAGEREF _Toc492651802 \h 19Scheduling PAGEREF _Toc492651803 \h 19Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc492651804 \h 20Hanging the Show PAGEREF _Toc492651805 \h 20Summer Art Camp for Youth PAGEREF _Toc492651806 \h 21Sunshine Coordinator PAGEREF _Toc492651807 \h 21Workshops PAGEREF _Toc492651808 \h 21Planning PAGEREF _Toc492651809 \h 21Paperwork PAGEREF _Toc492651810 \h 21ArtFul TouchPlanningSurvey the membership/ community for those willing to be instructorsCreate a yearly calendar of instructors for the third Wednesday of each month. Completion of calendar for the following year to be completed by September 15.PaperworkComplete Communications Worksheet for each classGet image(s) from instructors of product(s) from the class. Maintain records of the number of participants for each ArtFul Touch to include: No-showsDrop-insNew members who sign up during the eventRegistrationProvide information to communication director about the class at least one month in advanceKeep track of registrations. Inform communications director if class is full and a waiting list is needed. Money(see money procedures)Verify that all participants have paid for the class. Individuals do not participate until payment is verified.Hold onto monies until the class has been heldUpon completion of the class, inform treasurer that monies can be transferred from PayPal and give treasurer any checks that have been received. The EventAsk instructor if help is needed during the event: taking payments, setting up, etc.?Provide a sign in sheet, to include email address.Serve as host(ess) for the event to include:Opening the room and helping to set up the roomHelping the instructor during the class (getting water, distributing supplies, etc.) Distribute MAG flyer and calendar of events to participants.Have membership forms available for non-membersDistribute and collect evaluation forms.Making sure the room is put back in place after the eventAdjusting heat or air conditioner to standard settingClean-up the spaceWalk out with the instructor to make sure they get to their carsTurn off lights and lock up the galleryAfter the Artful Touch:Give a copy of sign in sheet for treasurer with the money in the file cabinet, Give a copy to Communications to update Friends of MAG listGive a copy to membership for them to contact non-members CommunicationsPurposeThe Communications Chair creates, implements and oversees communications in print, internet, social, and other media that effectively describe and promote the organization and its members for special events, art shows and outreach programs. The role is responsible for managing all external communications for the MAG ensuring its messages are consistent and the MAG brand is promoted in a positive manner and to maximize representation of the artist members. ResponsibilitiesDevelop communications plans strategizing promotion for MAG events including announcements, shows and classesDevelop media relations strategy for placements in print, broadcast, social and online mediaDirect social media team to engage audiences across multiple Facebook pagesCreate content for press releases and web siteEvaluate opportunities for partnerships, sponsorships and advertising on an on-going basis.Build relationships with publications and related associations to grow awarenessMake appropriate recommendations regarding communication strategy Copy writing and editing of all publicity and distribution to web and social media coordinatorsDirect production of a Monthly Newsletter for members also appropriate for Website.MAG Current Public Relations Strategy (update ongoing)Press: Cape Gazette (deadline Tuesday for Friday Arts and Entertainment) Jen@ and newsroom@Coastal Delaware (deadline Mondays at noon) jbleiweis@dmg.Milford Beacon editor@News Journal events@Delaware Today (8 weeks in advance) publisher@Coast Press (deadline Sunday 2 weeks prior to event) News @Social Media (Facebook Pages): posted concurrent with press releasesMilton Arts Guild - public pageMilton Arts Guild - members only pageShare to FB pages Milton 684 Residence, Delaware Life & Leisure, Beach living, I Love LewesDocentsSchedulingDocents are scheduled by Docent ManagerIf a docent cannot make their scheduled time, they should call the substitute docents on the list. They should also let the docent manager know of the change. If they cannot find a substitute, they are to inform the docent manager.TrainingDocents are trained by a board member at the gallery prior to their first time as docentDutiesOpening Put the “Open” flag out and place the MAG gallery signs out by the mail box and on the corner in the empty lot - Walnut and Atlantic/Cave Neck Road.Turn on the lights - top switch near side door.Unlock the file drawer. Return key to lock box.Check cash in box. Note amount on slip in cash box. If cash needed, run to M&T prior to opening.Welcome guests. Ask them to sign the guest book.Tally how many visitors come into the gallery by placing the number on the desk calendar and on the monthly schedule.Sweep out or dust - whatever is needed to spruce up a bit. (Make sure leaves are swept away from the door)To access the WiFi: Almond-6734 Password: sylvia$goldCheck iPad for charge…if needed plug it in. Making a SaleAn iPad will process credit card sales using the “square” program. Directions for the Square are under the plastic on the desk and on second page. The sales receipts are in the desk drawer.Sales Receipts: ALL sales require a receipt (cash, check, or charge). Fill out with customer name, date, item sold and artist name. Place your name at the bottom. Place receipt with check or cash in cash box in the file drawer. White slip goes to the customer. Yellow goes in the Cash Box. Be sure it can be read!If credit card sale please make note on the paper receipt “credit card”, get their name and phone number plus the code from back of card then place in cash box.IPad directions are located on the desk in the galleryCheck inventory form in book. Note sale of item on form. If a piece of artwork is sold call artist to notify them of the sale and the need to replace the piece. Call or email Gallery Manager, Donna Sheppard and let her know as well. All work can be removed at time of sale with the exception: if it’s days prior to the opening reception. Once we’ve had the reception then the artwork can be removed. Inventory Forms: If an artist drops off or picks up art work they must fill out or sign off on the inventory sheets. Extra forms are found in the file cabinet. Put any new forms into the inventory book. Collect any checks (if due) and keep them separate from other monies in the cash box. Membership Forms: If someone asks for a membership form they are in the top file drawer. Place completed membership form and payment in file drawer in Treasurer’s file.For Bookkeeping and records the preference is to get separate checks/receipts for art sale, membership and/or entry fees.NOTE: All sales require paper receipt. Keep membership sales separate from inventory sales. End of day: Call the next docent on the schedule.Bring in the signs and the flag. Set thermostat at 60 degrees during heating season and 78 degrees during air conditioning season. Please take out the trash (use trash containers between the gallery and the neighbor) and sweep those darn leaves. Turn off the lights.Make sure keys are in the lock box, the number is scrambled, and the lock box is closedFacilities UsageCommon RoomCheck the calendar in the main room for possible conflicts.Schedule room usage with NickAfter use, set room up as you found itClean up the space, including wiping down tables, sweeping, and wet mopping as neededFundraisingMAG does a Capital Campaign mailing in December to local patrons and businesses. All other fundraising efforts are to be brought before the board of directors for approval.Gallery ManagerInventoryMonitor all art pieces in the Gallery.Make sure all pieces have completed paperwork filed in bookCurrently the display time for the above items is 6 months. The 6 month time frame may change especially as the number of artisans increasesPut expiration sticker date on back of bin work and cards for ease in monitoringNotify artist of when they would need to pick up or replace their items within a month of expiration dateNotify artist when their pieces have passed the 6 month display timeResponsible for all MAG inventory, i.e. Aprons, Hats and Tote bagsDisplay them in gallery and at Membership MeetingsRe-order items as neededCleaning and maintenanceInform board of any needed cleaning and /or maintenanceHolly Days Checklist Committee TasksWhoTimelineHospitalityArrange for foods for morning and afternoonSend reminders for food volunteersGet tablecloths for food tableGet poinsettias for food tableArrange for drinks and iceGet cups and serving dishesPut out foods and drinksClean up after event. Put away leftoversShowArrange for docents for salesMake sure that the cash box has changeHang and tag showMake nametags for workersVendorsContact membership regarding table spaceArrange tablesGet tickets for raffleAssign table spaceMake sure items are individually prices and tagged with artist’s nameDecorationsInventory current decorationsGet volunteers for decoratingArrange for decorating datePut up treeRemove decorations after the holiday.PublicityCoordinate with Woman’s Club regarding press releaseGet pictures for use in press releaseSend press release to local pressSend press release to local pressClean-upPut tables back in long rowSweep out leavesMake sure foods put awayTake in flagTurn down heatLock up building Sign-up Sheet for Holly DaysWorkersX out all cells below your name when you will be presentWho?1010:301111:301212:3011:3022:3033:3044:3055:3066:30Food Sign-UpAfter your name, put what of food you are bringing in the appropriate column please.Whoa.m. food sweeta.m. food savoryp.m. food sweetp.m. food savoryDrinks / iceHospitalityCommitteeKeep abreast of members who volunteer for hospitality on the Membership MasterCommunicate with volunteers about upcoming events and coordinate calendars.PreparationSelect committee for the eventAssign duties to committee membersSolicit local businesses to either provide foods or funds for hospitality for events or solicit members for donations.Contact volunteers to remind them of drop off times and dates.Purchase food stuffs as needed to include paper products, wine, additional foodsNotify Communications of event sponsorDuring the EventSet up tables for foodsSet out foodsReplenish as neededConsolidate and remove empty dishesAfter the Event Clean up food stuffs.Empty trash.Dispose of leftovers.Notify secretary of need for thank you letter for food sponsor.PaperworkTurn in receipts and reimbursement form to treasurerKeep record of foods, costs, and donators for each event.MeetingsBoard Meetings AgendaAgendas for board meetings are the responsibility of the president with input from the executive board. The agenda will be sent to the board at least one day prior to the board meeting.The agenda will consist of ReportsSecretary – minutesTreasurerMembershipOld businessNew businessAction itemsBoard members are responsible for preparing for the board meeting by reading the agenda and minutes from the previous meeting and completing assigned action items from the previous meeting. TimelineBoard meetings will take place once a month at a time mutually agreed to by a majority of the board. Membership MeetingsAgendaAgendas for membership meetings are the responsibility of the president with input from the board. The agenda will be sent to the membership at least one week prior to the membership meeting.The agenda will consist of ReportsSecretary – minutesTreasurerOld businessNew businessAction itemsAn effort will be made to include a demonstration or learning opportunity for the membersTimelineMembership meetings will take place at least 4 times a year at a time determined by the executive board. MembershipMembership in MAG runs for the calendar year. New members joining MAG in October, November, or December will be grandfathered into membership for the following year. Electronic RecordsMAG uses a Google account and an associated Google Drive to maintain documents for MAG. In order to access the MAG Google drive, obtain the username and password from the executive board. The MAG Google drive contains the master spreadsheet for the membership called MAG membership master. The only person to make changes to the spreadsheet will be the membership coordinator and the creator of the spreadsheet.There is also a folder of current documents being used for the membership activities, such as the documents that are mailed out when a new member has joined the group. See list of documents under items to be mailed to new members. Membership File BoxThe MAG membership file box is maintained by the Membership coordinator. This box contains the following items:Current Year binder of membership forms (as filled out by members)Prior Year binder of membership formsPaper copies of the membership formPaper copies of the New Member letterPaper copies of the Welcome InsertPaper copies of the Welcome SchedulePaper copies of the Website Information FormPaper copies of the Current List of the Board of DirectorsEnvelopes, stamps and return address labels.Another binder, not currently in use, as well as a few folders/envelopes of things not currently in use.Yearly Membership Renewal Preparation Activities:President & Membership Coordinator write a ‘time to renew’ letter to go out to all current members. (Be sure that all dates are current and any other wording changes are done) Membership Coordinator activities:At the beginning of November, an email blast with a membership application will be sent to the current members to renew their membership. A mass mailing will be sent out to members not responding in early December by the Membership Coordinator. Gather/print MAG return address stickers, envelopes, stamps.Print labels for all of the current members who have not returned membership forms from the email blast. Verify that printed labels look correct (or address the envelopes by hand).Print the ‘time to renew’ letter, which the President has ‘signed off’ on.Fold letter (maybe multiple pages), stuff envelopes, add return address labels and stamp envelopes.Mail the letters.Setup a new membership spreadsheet for the new year by copying the prior year’s sheet and updating the ‘year’ columns.After the membership renewal mailing:Gather mail each week from the gallery. Date each membership form with the date received and verify that the check# or cash is indicated as received on the form’s upper right corner (handled by the person who received the form) Email or call anyone who has not returned the proper information (volunteer area, new/updated information).Send out a thank you email for renewal to current members.Stuff envelope, stamp, return address label, and address the envelope.File all membership forms in alphabetical order in the ‘current year’ membership binder. Record the renewal payment on the ‘membership’ spreadsheet by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate column. If the person already has paid, this may be a duplicate payment! Be aware that this can happen and contact the individual and the Treasurer to return the check, if necessaryVerify and update any information that is to be added or changed for the individual in the membership spreadsheet, including their volunteer area selection.Update Gmail contact lists if any changes must be noted there (name or email account).Late December reminder:Membership coordinator may send an email to remind members who have not responded using the Gmail contacts list. Only send the email to those who have not replied.January Newsletter and reminders:Phone calls to those who have not responded by January 10th can also be made. Note the action resulting from the phone calls in the membership spreadsheet (left msg, will renew, not renewing, etc.). This responsibility is spread out between all board members.Removal of members who have not renewed by January 31st:On the membership spreadsheet, remove the members who have not renewed, by creating a second sheet, named ‘prior members’ and copying the names of those who have not renewed to that sheet. This is done so that if they rejoin later in the year, their information can easily be re-added to the membership sheet.Also, remove their names from the MAG Gmail contact lists.New Members that join during the year: General information:New members must pay for the entire year, even though they are joining mid-year.For those joining on October 1st thru December 31st, their following year dues are considered paid.Add the new member to the membership spreadsheet (if renewal, copy from prior members list).Add the new member to Gmail contact lists.If not already done, enter the check# and date received on the membership form.Write ‘NEW’ on the top if this is a new member, and not a late renewal of a prior member. File the membership form in the current year membership binder in alphabetical order by last/first name.Who is informed about the new member:Email the names and home towns of new members to the Newsletter editor, for inclusion in the next newsletter.Email the appropriate volunteer team coordinator for the team that the new member has joined To be mailed to the new member:New member ‘welcome letter’, be sure to sign the letter (5 pages currently sent)Paper copies of the New Member letterPaper copies of the Welcome InsertPaper copies of the Welcome SchedulePaper copies of the Website Information FormPaper copies of the Current List of the Board of DirectorsStuff above in envelope, name and address added, return address, and a stamp! Mail as soon as possible.Other DutiesMonthly Report:Membership Coordinator provides the board members with the membership totals prior to the board meeting for recording into the minutes. (# of new members for the month and the grand total of members).General Correspondence with Members:Other than the membership mailings mentioned above, there are no regular mailings to members. Information is disseminated via the Facebook pages, website and Email. There are a few members who do not have internet or email access. They are expected to pick up current information at the gallery.Correspondence Writing:There may be a need for membership letters and documents to be updated or created. To date, the Membership Coordinator and President have developed all membership correspondence.Money HandlingDue CareKeep all funds locked in the file cabinet at all time.Be sure checks are completed correctlyCheck is signedFigures and written amounts agreeCheck is not post-datedDate is correctReimbursementsMembers who purchase items for MAG are only to do so with pre-approval from the executive board. Reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the Milton Arts Guild (“MAG”) will be processed by the MAG Treasurer. Such expenses include, but may not be limited to, gallery operation expenses and supplies, Artful Touch class supplies, MAG exhibit reception costs and workshop expenses.A request for reimbursement of expenses should be accompanied by documentation of cost incurred, including a completed Reimbursement Form and all related receipts (or legible copies of receipts). A copy of the Reimbursement Form is available at the MAG Gallery or via email to the MAG Treasurer (refer to MAG website for Treasurer’s email address). Completed expense documentation may be left in the Treasurer’s folder at the MAG gallery or can be mailed emailed to the Treasurer.A check for expense reimbursement will be mailed within 60 days of the purchaseSalesAll sales or monies received by MAG are to be documented with a written receipt regardless of cash, check, or charge. The receipt is to include:DateAmountPayment type (cash or charge, check # if applicable)Artist (if applicable)Reason (sale, registration, membership, etc.)Signature of person receiving funds.Receipts are to be placed in cash box attached to the check or cash or by itself if it is from a charge paymentCharge payments done with the Square are to be associated with the artist or category of sale from the Square application.PayPalPayments made through PayPal are the responsibility of the treasurer. Email notifications to the Gmail account of PayPal payments are the responsibility of the treasurer who will take care of deleting or saving the emails.NominationsPurposeThe Nominating Committee will act impartially and in the best interest of the MAG to obtain highly qualified candidates to serve as members of the Board of Directors. The committee will seek candidates for election that possess the integrity, leadership skills and competency required to direct and oversee MAG’s management in the best interests of its members and the communities it serves. The committee’s major responsibility is to nominate the best qualified candidate(s) for each office up for re-election. This necessitates giving careful consideration, both as an individual and as a committee, to the requirements and scope of the offices to be filled as well as to the qualifications and abilities needed to fill them, and to match these requirements to the qualifications of the candidates. Process and ethical conductThe committee of volunteers should ask for recommendations from Milton Arts Guild members only and consider the vision and mission of the association as well. Regardless of the number of times someone is recommended, that individual must be evaluated equally and by the same criteria as all other possible nominees. The committee is obligated to seek out those who would best serve the Milton Arts Guild in a particular officer position. The committee will secure a copy of the current membership list so due consideration may be given to all qualified members. A presidential nominee should not be asked whom he or she would like as other board members. This decision rests with the nominating committee. Nominees for all other board members should be selected with the same care as a presidential nominee. Selection of nominees should be an orderly process. Open discussions about potential nominees must be held among members of the nominating committee. These discussions must be kept strictly confidential, and no information, including the reasons for accepting or rejecting a recommendation, should ever leave the committee meeting. The nominating committee should not meet to consider any potential nominee unless all committee members have been notified of the meeting. Select candidates who have demonstrated an interest and commitment to the association by serving on a variety of committees as well as in other ways. The committee will seek to develop a slate of candidates that should represent, insofar as feasible, a broad spectrum of membership across ethnicity, gender, age, length of service and interest. Nominating Committee ResponsibilitiesThe nominating committee will call all non-executive committee members for their opinion and suggestions for candidates. Split the call list evenly between committee membersIdentify yourself and the reason for the call – if necessary leave a message with a call back numberExplain which positions are up for electionShow enthusiasmDon’t rush the member but do not overly press for a nomination if they do not have an opinionMake the call as brief as possibleDo not discuss other member’s suggestions during the canvasingDo not offer an opinion to a member regarding a nomination during the call. Stay neutral.The nominating committee members may nominate themselves to another committee memberNot required to contact after 2 failed attempts with no return call from the member – document which members could not be reachedAfter a list of potential candidates is formed, determine the qualifications, positive attributes, willingness of those suggested candidatesConduct phone or in-person interviews with each nominee and explain: When office/position begins and endsRequirements of the office (from the job descriptions in the MAG by-laws)Membership and board meeting scheduleWho else is running, if askedMust never coerce a potential nominee into accepting a nomination. No means no and this is extremely important.Ask pointed questions, (for example): Where do you see the MAG in 5 years? What would you do during your tenure to set those wheels in motion?Have you served on a board in an organization in the past? When and what organizations?Are you willing to accept the responsibilities of the position?Interested candidates should submit a brief resume of their qualifications to the committee for the nominee reportMeet on a regular basis to discuss potential nominees and track progress and develop a list of candidatesWill consider continuity versus turnoverThe written nominee report must be signed by all committee members. The nominee report will be presented to the MAG board at least 2 weeks prior to the election. The nominating committee has no role in conducting the election. The nominating committee is automatically discharged from service after the officers are declared elected. Requirements for NomineesMust be a MAG member 30 days preceding the election; it is very important that this is confirmed. Must be willing to attend required MAG board and member meetingsMust be enthusiastic and supportive of the MAG and believe in the purposes of the MAG Previous experience is preferred though other association work may also be considered. Should have knowledge of the MAG and its role in the community. Should be relied upon to give the MAG a satisfactory level of priority and a minimum of 1-year commitment. Should have good relationships with people; it is very important that this be confirmed. Must be fair and objective and able to put aside personal interests in the interests and well-being of the entire MAG. Should have vision and be innovative. Must be at least 18 years old to be elected as a MAG officerResponsibilities of Executive Directors in Nominations.Neither suggests candidates nor attends meetings of the nominating committee, but assists on matters of procedures, specific deadlines, etc.Supplies a list of the offices and positions to be filled along with membership rosterVerifies the current membership of each candidate.Confirms the candidate's consent and informs him/her on the process to submit biographical information for the municates the slate of nominees and incumbents and notice of election to membersNotifies the candidates of the election resultsSalesArtist Payment ProcessPayments to artists related to the sale of their artwork are processed by the Milton Arts Guild (“MAG”) Treasurer. Such artwork includes works shown in rotating MAG gallery exhibitions and permanently exhibited MAG gallery art (including pottery, jewelry, cards, card sets, notecards, etc.). All gallery sales require legible sale receipts that include the buyer’s name, type or title of artwork, artist’s name, sale price, payment method and name of person recording the sale.All payments to artists for the sale of their artwork will reflect a 20% reduction to the sale price for the 20% MAG commission. In addition, credit card sales of artwork are subject to the credit card company’s transaction fees. The actual transaction fee charged to MAG for each individual artist credit sale will be deducted from the artist’s 80% payment amount. Payments by check to artists for their artwork sold during rotating gallery exhibitions will be made as soon as possible after the close of the exhibit. Payments related to all other sales will be made as soon as possible after the sale.ShowsSchedulingShows for the next calendar year are decided in August of the previous year. Solicitation for topics are gathered from the members’ meeting immediately preceding the August board meeting. ResponsibilitiesDevelop prospectus for show. Send to members, web master, and communication director.Determine and schedule committee for show hangingHanging the ShowShow Hanging ChecklistCommittee TasksWhoTake Down and Pick-upRemove old show from galleryLine up pictures in common roomMake sure inventory sheets are availableArtists pick up work and sign off for receiptInventory sheets moved to picked upIntakeMake sure inventory form is completed in its entiretyMake sure prospectus has been followedMake sure artist info tags fully completed on back of workType up show tagsHangingLayout work around the galleryArrange for aesthetics (darks vs lights, big vs small, etc.)Hang workAttach hang tag to bottom of workArrange non-hanging items in windows and on shelves. Summer Art Camp for YouthSurvey the membership for those willing to be instructors for a day.Set date: First week in August for Summer Art Camp for youthCreate a calendar for the week that offers diversity in media. For example: pottery, acrylic and watercolor painting, card making, collage, photography etc. Develop a budget to include rent for studio space, materials, instructor fees, refreshments.Collect and report all financials to treasurer to include tuition, material costs, and all other expenses. Coordinate with PR for advertising.Reserve studio space for the week and coordinate with the treasurer for the rent.Sunshine CoordinatorIn the event that we learn about a member who is ill, or has had a death in the family cards will be sent. On the death of a member, flowers or a card will be sent to the family. The coordinator will buy/mail cards and/or order and pay for the flowers to be sent by a local florist near the member’s home town (usually $30 to $40 range). The sender would be reimbursed via the expense report process. WorkshopsPlanningSurvey artists and community for suggested instructorsResearch each instructor for cost of materials, instructor’s fees, and possible housing.Research cost and availability of workshop space and reserve space with landlord.Create a yearly calendar for workshops.Coordinate materials for publicity such as artist bio, photo of their work and fee schedule to be submitted to PR chair.Select committee for the workshopAssign duties to committee membersPaperworkPrepare and send contract to plete Communications Worksheet for the classWorkshop ChecklistCommittee TasksWhoContractsContact artist for interestComplete Instructor WorksheetSend contract to artist or obtain artist contractBring signed contract to board meeting to determine workshop fee and minimum participantsDetermine cost per participant based upon instructor fee (to include room rent, refreshments, and MAG profit)Determine minimum number of participantsSend information about workshop to communications directorPreparationFind location for workshop – consider parking, restrooms, tables, chairs, kitchen area, coffee pot, floor covering, etcCan items be left overnight locked?Is there a cleaning fee?How early can we arrive for setup and take down?Purchase refreshments (coffee, water, few snacks)Determine lunch arrangementsDetermine housing for instructorDetermine meals for instructor ($40 per day)Make travel arrangement if necessary (.535 per mile) – shuttle, airfare, tolls, etc.Determine if instructor will be selling materials at workshop. There is a 20% commission for MAGComplete instructor worksheetAt the WorkshopSet up room for workshopHelp instructor with materials set-upMake coffee, set up refreshmentsWelcome participantsIntroduce instructorHand out and collect evaluation formsWalk out with last participant or instructorAfter the WorkshopClean up areaSecure buildingIf at MAG, reset heat or air conditioning to standard temperaturesNote number of participant on calendar at MAGRead through evaluation forms for suggestions ................

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