Standard alphanumeric outline format - GELB LIGHTING


Standard alphanumeric outline format

What is standard outline format. How to do an alphanumeric outline.

The tutorial covers topics such as parallelism, heading and subheadings, coordination, subordination, division, alphanumeric outlines (e.g., Roman numerals, Arabic numerals, etc.), topic vs. Process informative speech outline examples using phrases An example of a process informative speech outline, this outline informs how to eat healthy with a busy lifestyle. Examples include creating an outline, developing an outline, outline examples, and much more. Reverse Outline Example Reverse outlining is a technique often used to determine whether your research paper meets its goals. 13. In the body section, you state the problem, show the problem exists, and show that it is significant and harmful. On this page, you will find information on writing an outline, and many outline examples and tools. On this page, you will find two example introductions using the topics of genetically-altered foods and child abuse. It begins with one full alphanumeric APA format outline on the topic of the college application process with the main headings in capital letters. This is a simple topic outline containing a title and seven main headings using Roman numerals, with subheadings alternating between letters and numbers. The outline uses the example of an essay on abortion to help you plan for the pros and cons of your argument. Argumentative Outline Templates This persuasive/argument outline page from Mesa Community College contains three different outline patterns with descriptions of each, two blank outline templates with ample space to fill in your information, and additional persuasive paper outline instructions at the bottom. For example, a speech outline may include a notation about visual aids you are using or when to emphasize using gestures or pauses, which would not be necessary in an informative essay outline. It is downloadable as a Word document, and it includes both an example of a complete sentence object informative speech outline about a person (you) and also an abbreviated version suitable for a speaking outline. State who the issue concerns and why it is relevant and important. In addition, some outlines are for your own personal use, while others are formal and need to be turned in along with the rest of an assignment. 24. Sample Argument Outline on Lifting Economic Sanctions in Iraq The University of Central Florida provides a detailed outline sample of an argument to lift sanctions in Iraq. For example, each point could have a claim, supporting facts and examples to back up your claim, and refutations of opposing arguments. 15. Illegal Immigrant Essay Outline In this example of argumentative writing, a Penn State student has an in-depth outline that showcases two major views on illegal immigration. Argumentative Essay Outline When writing an argumentative essay, it can be difficult to cover every aspect of your topic while also keeping it succinct. A strong persuasive outline allows you to stay on point and use the most compelling arguments to effectively present your case. This outline goes into more depth, helping you structure the sentences of each body paragraph within your argumentative essay. The last sentence or two of your introduction should be your thesis statement, which is the central idea behind your presentation. Both outline examples include detailed introduction, body, conclusion, and reference sections. Psychology Research Paper Outline This is a research paper outline for a psychology paper provided by Wolfe County Schools. This outline format includes the topic, specific purposes, proposition, attention step, need step, satisfaction step, visualization step, action step, and references. This sample outlines an informative speech about the history of Halloween; however, it also discusses the concept of conformity, making it a good example of this type of informative speech. 21. Below that, there is a blank outline format followed by the gun control outline sample. In the conclusion, there is a visualization step and an action step. The introduction lists the stakeholders (children & teens, parents, schools), the problem, and the thesis statement. Below the sample outline, you will find more topics and detailed instructions. The document also includes an instructional outline to make it easier for students to write their own paper. The basics of writing persuasive outline When writing a persuasive outline, the first thing to think about is your topic. Alphanumeric, Full Sentence and Decimal Outline Examples This template from the Purdue Owl in Google document format provides three good APA research paper outline examples. You must sign up for a free account to Course Hero to view the entire outline. Include several body paragraphs with the main points you will make to support your thesis. This PDF document contains instructions on writing a persuasive/argument essay and detailed descriptions on what should be included in the introduction, body, and conclusion. Powerpoint Outline Tutorial Leetonia Exempted Village School District provides a detailed PowerPoint tutorial on creating your outline. This outline gives ideas to get you thinking about how to make claims and refutations in your argumentative essay. Below are examples of strong outlines. Argumentative essay outline samples and tools The sections above offer a great starting point to craft your argumentative essay outline. Topical pattern of organization outline example From the Monmouth College, this outline is an example of the most commonly used pattern of organization, topical. Argument Outline Template This fill-in-the-blank style template from Mesa Community College is an excellent way to develop your topic idea. Write a brief summary of the major points you plan to make, and why readers should be interested. Begin with a strong argument, followed by a stronger one, and end with your strongest argument to support your major points. Argumentative Essay Outline on Abortion Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) provides a full-sentence argumentative outline on the merits of legalized abortion. The pattern of organization is topical rather than chronological and this outline uses phrases, rather than full sentences, showing an alternative to the complete sentence speech outline. The persuasive speech topic for the fact-based speech is the main cause of the Civil War. Writing persuasive speech outline There are four main sections that are typically included in a general persuasive outline: Introduction: Start out with a hook to grab your audience's attention. Make sure your introduction has these three elements to grab readers' attention and compel them to read your essay: Hook ? Open your essay with an attention getter, like a quote, fact, or statistic. AP Persuasive Essay Rubric Wallingford Public School District provides a detailed persuasive essay rubric in AP format for instructors. A good rule of thumb is to use at least three supporting arguments for each point you are making. Research Paper Tool Kit St. Thomas More Parish School provides a research paper tool kit in the instructional technology section of their website. Use this outline to help you shape your argumentative thesis on animal testing, the effects of a violent video game, drug-testing a college athlete, or any other controversial topic. Persuasive Speech Outline Persuasive speeches and essays are presentations with a specific purpose to convince the audience to adopt a certain point of view and/or compel them to take concrete action. The outline includes the basic elements (introduction, body, conclusion) used in most persuasive papers. Writing research paper outline Your research paper outline should contain three main parts: Introduction: Craft a thesis statement that clearly conveys the main idea and purpose of your essay. It uses a chronological pattern of organization, describing steps in the order you would perform them. The first page of the document provides three example topics; the first for a fact-based speech, the second for a value-based speech, and the third for a policy-based speech, along with additional tips on choosing a good topic for yourself. Containing a thesis statement, nine main headings marked by Roman numerals, several subheadings, and a conclusion, this outline is a great sample to follow for your own argument, either for or against abortion. From developing your argument's topic to refuting the opposing argument, an outline is your roadmap. Sample Persuasive Speech Outline on Organ Donation Model High School provides this persuasive speech outline example about the growing need for organ donors. Read a detailed explanation of the difference between topic and sentence outlines, as well as an explanation of outline patterns, by clicking on the link. The conclusion is an action step that contains a summary, call to immediate action, and a memorable close. Cade Library contains detailed instructions on how to write an outline, as well as a sample outline for an informative essay on the topic of former U.S. President Barack Obama. For the value-based speech, the topic is states' rights. This document provides a useful exercise to help identify various essential elements as they are used in a persuasive outline. Before the introduction, it lists the topic, specific speech purpose, and thesis statement. The basics of writing research paper outline After you have chosen a topic, carefully review your instructions to determine the research paper outline format that the assignment calls for. This particular example outlines the factors that influence a restaurant's success. Below the example organ donation outline is another sample outline with instructions in each section, followed by several more pages detailing various approaches and persuasive techniques you can use. Persuasive Speech Outline on Milk The University of Delaware provides this persuasive speech outline example on the topic of the benefits of drinking milk. Informative Speech Outline The basics of writing an informative outline There are many different purposes for writing an informative outline, therefore there are several different types of informative outlines. This informative research paper outline contains five main headings, numerous subheadings, a conclusion, and references. In addition, it shows how to develop your points in the body paragraph, starting with a broad idea, then a supporting statement, then specific details. Persuasive Speech Template on Impaired Driving This MS Word document from Santa Monica College is a persuasive speech outline example on the dangers drunk drivers pose to society. The body section includes three main points and two or three supporting details for each. Basic Paper Outline Format Example This outline from Crestmont College provides the basic format that is followed for most academic research papers. On the right side are outlining indications. These three are essential for your planning and helps you stay focused on the topic in order to be informative for your audience. Persuasive Outline on Cyberbullying This basic persuasive speech outline from Penn State University is on the topic of cyberbullying. 1. Write down your topic, the purpose and specific purpose of your speech. Once your preparation outline is complete, you'll also want to consider if you need a speaking outline. Whether you need to deliver a speech for a class, you have a presentation to give at work, or you're writing an essay, a solid outline is the starting point for success.DR From drawing an audience in with an attention-grabbing opening to keeping their interest with relevant main points and smooth transitions, an outline helps to organize your thoughts and to make sure all the bases are covered. Please Note. A full-sentence process speech outline in pdf format, this outline describes the process of spray paint art. In the introduction, there is attention material, a thesis, motivation statement, and transition statement. It contains mostly complete sentences and includes an introduction (with the topic, issue and thesis statement), four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Sample MLA Paper Outline Mountain View College provides this MLA-format outline example for an argumentative paper on the risks of cell phones and the need to take action. In conducting research to support your claims, find evidence based on facts, studies, and quotes. Three Sample College Research Paper Outlines Austin Community College provides a brief explanation of how to write your outline, followed by three example outlines showing varying levels of detail. Concept informative speech outline examples A concept informative speech can be a bit more subjective. Object informative speech preparation outline and speaking outline This is an assignment used at Bakersfield College. Women's Rights Paper Outline The Lindberg School District in Missouri provides this sample paper outline for a high school project on the topic of women's rights. In the body section, there is a need step with four main points, and a solution step with five main points. The template also offers a checklist for citations and writing a thesis statement. Below that, there is a sample organization section on the topic of no-till farming. Next, there is a partial full-sentence outline about global warming. Supporting details may include examples, specific data, or facts which sustain the truth of the point. Alzheimer's Disease Research Paper Outline Buffalo State University provides this APA outline for a research paper on Alzheimer's disease. Each will include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You have to present both sides of an argument to be able to convince others that your position is the right stance. Conclusion: Restate your thesis and summarize the arguments you made. Argumentative Paper Structure The University of Washington provides a template for an argument paper as well as a fill-in-the-blank worksheet to help you brainstorm ideas. Argumentative Essay Outline This in-depth outline from The Fresno City College Writing & Reading Center gives plenty of guidance for each section of your argumentative essay. Event informative speech outline examples This full sentence event informative speech outline about the sinking of the Titanic is from Central Michigan University. This PDF document details the basic outline for an essay or research paper (intro, body, conclusion), additional tips to make your outline better, and a sample fill-in-the-blank outline. If you have a brief speech to give or are confident in your abilities to prepare and deliver your speech, this outline may suit your needs. In the conclusion, there are closing thoughts and a concluding remark. Sections include Introduction, Need, Satisfaction, Visualization, Action, and References. Types of informative speeches include: Object (people, places, animals, products) Process (patterns of action, including both demonstrative "how to" speeches and more broad processes) Event (things that have happened, are happening, or will happen) Concept (more abstract ideas such as theories, beliefs, and ideas) Based on your speech type, you'll want to consider the following patterns of organization for your speech outline: Topical Chronological Spatial Causal Another difference when preparing an outline for a speech is that you'll benefit from two outlines: the preparation outline and the speaking outline. 12. In the conclusion, there is more attention material, a restatement of the thesis, and a final thought. Persuasive speech outline examples and tools On this page, we provide links to 27 good persuasive outline examples covering a wide range of topics and formats. Within the introduction section, there is the attention step, which includes an attention getter, credibility statement, and preview. Sample Student Persuasive Speech Outline on Second-Hand Smoke Here is a sample student outline from the University of North Carolina about the problems caused by secondhand smoke. Using a three-part thesis to support its main idea, this is a good argumentative or persuasive essay rubric. Part II of the body states the solution and five main supporting points. Persuasive Essay Outline Sample Good persuasive essay outline with explanation and blank Outline Persuasive Essay section. The body contains three main points and several subpoints, and the conclusion contains a summary statement and call to action. By clicking on the link, you will find a short tutorial on how to create an outline, a video on how to structure an outline, and tabs at the top with links to help on developing a topic, locating information, and other essential steps. This document was used for a departmental exam. Complete sentence outline example This informative process speech outline demonstrates how to create a personal recipe collection cookbook. Basic Argumentative Essay Outline This outline from Amelia Earhart Elementary School is a basic rubric for young students to follow for an argumentative essay. Persuasive Outlines on the Civil War and States' Rights McMurray University provides two persuasive speech outline examples. Use this template to flesh out your thesis claim on gun control, capital punishment, solitary confinement, or any other argumentative essay topic. Free proofreading and copy-editing included. The first part of the outline helps you focus your thinking and planning efforts. The first is a topic outline on Frederick Douglass, the second is a detailed, (mostly) full-sentence outline on the Federalist Papers, and the third is a full-sentence outline on Thomas Paine's book Common Sense. Persuasive Presentation Outline Motivated Sequence Format Houston Community College provides this persuasive speech outline template using Monroe's Motivated Sequence. 25. If you're needing a version to get you started towards developing a more complex outline, this is a good starting point. For example, were you instructed to write an APA-style research paper, or does your professor want you to use MLA style? Some instructions appear in red and blue lettering on the sides to specify certain formatting requirements. It shows how to incorporate a visual aid in the introduction. A preparation outline is typically full sentences and is used to help write your speech. The page also includes links to three more outlines you can use to help with your paper. State the counter arguments and offer valid evidence that debunks them, helping others to see your point of view. Are you required to turn in a completed copy of your outline to your professor, or is the outline for your own personal reference? Sample Persuasive Speech Outline on Exercise Monmouth College provides this example problem-solution persuasive speech outline on the benefits of exercise. Generic Speech or Essay Outline Here is basic format example that can help you create a well organized outline. 16. Next, include a sentence or two to help your target audience relate to the topic. At the bottom is a partial decimal outline about choosing colleges. The introduction contains an attention getter, common ground, credibility, and preview statement. This outline is downloadable as a Word document and provides an example of an event informative speech outline describing the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. 20. Is your essay or speech topic compelling enough to keep both you and your audience interested? Within the introduction, there is an attention grabber, thesis, audience tie-in, and preview. The body consists of three main points, each with three to four subpoints. In this rubric, there are five main criteria for instructors to use when they grade the students' persuasive papers. If not, you may want to revisit your topic selection before you proceed with the outline. Career Research Paper Outline Ontario High School in California provides a good sample outline for a mini-research paper on career choice in M.S. Word format. 7. It may also follow a structure: Restate your thesis. 23. Persuasion Speech Outline Format with Examples Outline for a persuasion speech from Seton Hall University. In the introduction, there are blanks to enter your hook (attention grabber), thesis statement, and three arguments. There are also good instructions provided to point you in the right direction. 22. Sample Thesis Paper Outline Woodbridge Township School District of New Jersey provides an Microsoft Word document with an example thesis paper outline on the topic of ice cream. 9. 26. 6. Instructions on what to enter in each section are provided throughout. In the body section, there is room to state three reasons with three examples followed by a transition statement. This outline works well for more in-depth argumentative essays and term papers. The first is a detailed outline for a speech on the question of fact. In each of the three body paragraphs, there are blanks to enter your argument, three examples, and a transition. This format uses Roman numerals for the main heading, and subheadings alternate between letters and numbers. Concluding Statements The conclusion is a where you summarize all of your primary points. The introduction shows a clearly defined thesis statement. The introduction generally needs to: Grab the reader's or audience's attention Present your thesis statement Establish your credibility Preview what is to come Transition to the body The body: Outlines your main points, with subpoints and supporting facts Includes transitions between main points The conclusion: Signals the end is coming Restates your thesis Ends strongly, but quickly, wrapping it up and driving your point home You are likely already familiar with the basic outline format, which uses Roman numerals for the introduction, body (main points), and conclusion, and letters and numbers for subpoints and supporting facts. A thesis sentence or statement lets the reader know what to expect in the essay. In the conclusion, you can fill in a summary and memorable ending/challenge to the audience. With spaces for an attention getter, your solution to the problem, and reasons to back your claim, this outline template will help you brainstorm ideas for your essay while keeping them neatly structured. This organizer contains easy, fill-in-the-blank boxes to enter your introduction, body paragraphs with key points and supports, and conclusion. Research Paper Outline When writing a research paper, an outline is essential for helping you stay on track. Regardless what type of informative outline you are writing, the basic parts remain same. After the conclusion, there is a short list of references/sources cited. Argumentative and Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Template University of California-Berkeley provides two sample outlines. Informative brief outline format This is a short outline example from the University of Delaware that covers the main parts of an informative outline without being overly complex. The introduction includes an attention getter, restatement of thesis, preview of main points, and a transition statement. Sample Argumentative Outline on Assault Weapons Valencia College provides this classic model for an argumentative/persuasive essay. Below the outline, there are instructions for preparing a post-speech question and answer period. The sample outline includes an introduction, two body paragraph sections, and a reference section with examples to help you cite sources. The body and conclusion follow a basic format with main points, subpoints, summary of argument, call to action, etc. It also shows how to use transitions between main points in your outline. The outline is very detailed and contains a thesis statement, nine main headings marked by Roman numerals, several subheadings, and a conclusion. This page contains dozens of helpful links to instruct students on how to write their research papers. To help you accomplish these goals and more, your essay outline should include: Introduction: While the opening of your essay should be short, this first paragraph (or two) also has a structure to follow. Causal Argument Format Examples The University of Kentucky provides short samples of various approaches to a persuasive presentation using a causal argument. Pose a question to readers to get them thinking about your argument. Generic outline example Your Name: Class Time: General Purpose: Specific Purpose: Thesis Statement: This sample paper outline is presented in PDF format on the topic of prejudice and social influence. This will recap the main ideas that you shared with the audience and bring it all together for a closing. 14. Your main points should be structured in a logical sequence. Start with a good outline to help you structure your claims and evidence, and make sure you defend your case in a concise fashion. Throughout each section, there are good instructions on what should be included along with example statements using the topic of assault weapons. As always, check with your instructor to determine exactly what is expected before you begin your project. The instructions above the sample outline apply to a specific assignment given by a BSU professor. Within the body, there is the need step, satisfaction step, and visualization step. Persuasive Speech Outline on Global Warming Valencia College provides this action-oriented persuasive speech outline example on the topic of global warming. You can reference these outlines to see what others have done and help ensure you are on the right track. Persuasive and Informative Speech Outline Examples Central Michigan University provides two sample outlines; one for a persuasive speech, and the other for an informative speech. High School Persuasive Speech Outline Schurz High School provides this MS Word-based persuasive speech outline for a 3-5 minute speech. Classic Model for an Argument This sample argument outline from Valencia College is a great template to use for your essay on cosmetic surgery, corporal punishment, child labor, or any argumentative topic. On the left side of the box is the text of the presentation. Body: The length of this section will depend on the parameters of your assignment. In the introduction section, there is room for your attention grabber, thematic/thesis statement, establishment of credibility, and preview statement. There is no hard rule on how many supporting details are needed for each point. The original source of this outline is Diana Hacker Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006. The second is a compare and contrast topic outline about the three major political theories. The body contains the need/problem step, satisfaction/solution step, and visualization. Use them to help you structure your own essay. Body: Present your arguments for your thesis statement and your main points. Sample Persuasive Outline on Random Acts of Kindness The University of Hawaii provides this persuasive outline example using the Motivated Sequence pattern. Thesis Statement ? In the last sentence or two of your introduction, form a thesis statement that establishes your position on the topic. The conclusion contains a transition, summary statement, tie-back to the audience, and call to action. Sample Persuasive Speech Outline This is a sample persuasive speech outline template from Klein Independent School District. Take the time to fully understand the guidelines before you begin your outline. Writing generic speech or essay outline The Introduction The introduction should be comprised of four components: attention-getter, revealing/relating the topic to the audience, credibility, preview of the topic The introduction is where you will reach or lose your audience so make sure the audience can relate to the informational topic and connect with you. Roman numerals are used in the main headings, with alternating letters and numbers for subheadings. Give one or two sentences that summarize your argument. The outline uses the Motivated Sequence format with sections to fill in the title, general purpose, specific purpose, thesis/central idea, introduction, main body, conclusion, and works cited. This is a good example of a standard topic outline using the APA format. 5. It provides detailed instructions for each part of the outline, including how to cite your sources in MLA or APA format. Source Citation: If this is a formal persuasive outline that needs to be turned in, you may be asked to cite the specific sources for the facts and research you presented. If you click on the link, there are outlining strategies and instructions on putting together your background, introduction/context, thesis statement, major and minor points, and conclusion. Argumentative Essay Planning and Outline George Brown College provides a more visual outline to help you plan the structure of your argumentative essay. Develop the Argument: In the body of your essay, develop your position by making claims that are supported with evidence. Within each section, there is room to include essential elements such as attention grabbers, main ideas, subpoints, and summary. The outline contains the thesis statement, four main points, and plenty of space to fill in minor points. Instructions and questions for the student to answer are provided throughout, making it easy to put together your own career research paper outline. High School Persuasive Essay Outline Outline of a persuasive essay from Waterford Union High School. Persuasive Speech Outline on Renewable Energy Missouri Valley College provides this example persuasive speech outline on the need to support alternative energy. Claims ? The claims you make add to the validity and effectiveness of your argument. Conclusion: Re-word your thesis, summarize the arguments you made, and explain why you came to your conclusion. Writing an informative speech outline According to this writing guide from Colorado State University, the main point of an informative speech is "to provide interesting, useful, and unique information to your audience." Within that framework, there are still different types of informative speeches. Depending on the specifics of the topic, there may be several points that are necessary. In order to properly organize the ideas and research for your presentation, you need to create an outline. See how specific claims help the writer enforce his main argument that the policy is doing more harm than good. Can We Write Your Speech? Within the introduction, there is an attention getter, thesis, credibility and relevance statements, and a preview of the main points. University of Wisconsin-Madison provides a tutorial on how to create a reverse outline, along with an example outline for an engineering class on the topic of Apple's 1984 Super Bowl commercial. A speaking outline uses keywords and phrases, generally on note cards, and is designed to jog your memory during your speech, keeping you on track, without distracting you from delivering your message. If you have the basic format down, you'll then want to then master the differences specific to the type of informative outline you're writing. Persuasive presentations are not all the same, and there may be varying requirements regarding the outline format. 4. The introduction includes a hook/attention grabber, background information, and a thesis statement. The introduction contains two questions to grab the audience's attention, and the body section contains three main points and several subpoints. Argumentative Outline on the Cost of Obesity This is a tutorial from Ashford University on outline structure, followed by a sample argumentative essay outline on obesity and the need for government intervention to address the problem. Protecting Federal Wetlands The Georgia Tech Library provides this MLA format outline example about wetland protection. If you're feeling a bit stuck on getting started, it is a useful to break a pattern of procrastination and get some thoughts down on paper. The outline neatly lays out the necessary sections of an argument essay with examples to fit claims and evidence. The body contains three main points and several subpoints. This MLA-formatted argumentative outline has an introduction, body/arguments section, and a conclusion. With four sample structures laid out, this outline will help you test different possibilities for your argument. Whether your paper is on organ donation, standardized testing or school uniforms, this outline will help you develop your thesis statement into a structured and compelling argument. The outline follows up with great elementary essay topics, such as school uniforms, too much homework, and computers in the classroom. A few of the types include the informative essay outline, the informative presentation outline, and the informative speech outline. 10. If it's permitted, a speaking outline can be a useful tool to use when delivering your speech. Again, the key parts of your outline will remain the same, but the pattern of organization you use in your outline may vary based on which type of informative speech you are writing. Body The body is comprised of key points and supporting details. In the introduction, there is room for an attention grabber, thesis, and qualifications. The conclusion summarizes the main points, emphasizes the message as a whole, and closes with a call to action. Argumentative Abortion Research Paper Outline Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) provides this full-sentence argumentative outline on the the merits of legalized abortion. A good research paper outline provides the direction you need to keep you focused on the main points when you write the paper. For example, you may be asked to write a persuasive essay outline with a specific width, height, and other formatting guidelines. Please note. In the transition section, you state the solution, how the solution will work, and why it is practical and desirable. In the conclusion, there are blanks to restate the thesis, restate arguments, and tie everything together. When selecting your informative speech topic and beginning your outline, you'll want to keep in mind the type of speech you are writing and its overall objective. This quick guide will show you the main sections to include in your argumentative essay outline. The conclusion summarizes the main points with a call to action and impactful closing. Background Information ? Give a brief background about your argumentative topic. Evidence ? Back up each claim you make with supportive evidence. The outline includes an in-depth introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 17. This could be a question, quote, interesting fact, or any other strong attention getter. Persuasive Speech Example on Banning Guns This sample persuasive speech outline from Santa Monica College is on the topic of banning guns to help prevent school shootings and make the world safer. 3. The first is a full-sentence argumentative research paper outline on employees' rights in the workplace. Argumentative Outline on Health Care Costs This is an argumentative research paper sample outline from Walden University that seeks to draw a correlation between lower educational attainment rates and rising health care costs. Below the example outline is a blank sample paper outline format with room to fill in your main topic, important subtopic, detail, and sub detail. On this page, there is a detailed explanation of the difference between formal (to be turned in) and informal (for your own use) outlining. Persuasive Argument Outline on Cosmetic Surgery Keyword essay outline from Penn State University on the detrimental effects of plastic surgery. In the introduction, there is attention-getting material, a tie-in to the audience, thesis statement, preview, and transition statement. Persuasive Speech Outline on Chronic Homelessness This persuasive speech outline example from Youngstown University is for an action-based speech on how the U.S. has one of the highest rates of homelessness. The body lists the need, satisfaction, and visualization. Conclusion: Much like your introduction, the conclusion should be brief but powerful. Make your final case to persuade your readers/listeners on the benefits of acting on this issue, and close with a strong call to action. Persuasive speech topic is hearing loss, and informative speech topic is The Titanic. The topic for this persuasive speech is random acts of kindness. The general purpose and specific purpose are listed above the introduction. Science Fair Research Paper Organizer Here is a cool research paper organizer provided by the Mount Pleasant, California School District for an elementary school science fair project. Research paper outline examples and tools On this page, you will find links to 21 research paper outline templates covering a variety of topics and paper outline formats. In the body, there are two main ideas with three supporting facts for each, and a reflection with three supporting ideas. 2. The second is a condensed outline for a speech on the question of value. 11. It also shows the effective use of internal summaries and internal transitions between sections for a smooth speech. The introduction starts with an attention step with questions for the audience, followed by several statements to summarize the problem. 8. The specific purpose and central idea/thesis are listed above the introduction. This outline sample is a comprehensive guide from the University of Hawaii used for developing a preparation outline for your informative speech. Death Penalty Argumentative Essay Outline This Classic Argument Structure from Houston Community College is a great sample argumentative essay outline that uses the example of the death penalty. Give a warning of the consequences that could happen to society if the argument isn't followed. Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. She fully introduces her claims and evidence that support the different reasons for those two views on illegal immigration. It shows an effective attention getter and credibility statement in the introduction, as well as transitions between sections. Below the outline template, you will find a good list of transition words and phrases and a section with some questions you can use for a peer review. On the top, there is room for the title and statement of the specific purpose. Are you supposed to create a complete-sentence outline, or are bullet points with short topic statements acceptable? The conclusion includes a call to action and a zinger. Informative speech outline guide Here is an outline guide from the University of Hawaii that you can print and fill out. Writing an argumentative essay outline In a good argumentative essay, each section plays a part in your argument's defence. sentence outlines, and a basic outline format. Each claim should support the central argument. We also provide 11 free outline samples to guide you in writing a compelling argument. This outline sample includes a body and transition section with a main point checklist. Demonstration speech with chronological organization This informative outline example from Santa Monica College is a full sentence outline of a demonstrative, or how to, informative speech about CPR. Persuasion Speech Problem-Solution Outline Format Persuasion speech outline from Southwest Minnesota State University using the problem-solution format. Gun Control Research Paper Outline This is a full-sentence formal outline example provided by Kent State University on the topic of gun control. Refute the Opposing Argument: Every argument has an opposing side. 18. They are thesis & main points, quote selection/integration, organization & style, development, and format/mechanics. Sample Outline Format on Barack Obama This tutorial from John B. In the conclusion, you can reiterate your thesis statement and enter concluding remarks. Each point should have at least two or three points that help support the main idea and give credence to the statements being made. With countless ideas in your head and a myriad of ways you could approach your project, it is easy to become paralyzed by writer's block when you are creating your rough draft. Classic Argumentative Essay Outline This classic argumentative or persuasive essay outline template from the University of Washington is neatly laid out for you. These can be used as sample outlines to help you get started and give you a good idea of what your finished product should look like. From the labeled anecdote in the introduction to the transitions between sections, it is a great example of a complete sentence outline and is a Word document so the content could easily be replaced, while keeping the basic format to be used for any topic. In the body section, there is room to enter your information, deductive and inductive statements, carrot-stick, primacy/recency, and much more. Part I of the body states the problem and four main supporting points. Informative speech outline examples and tools 1. It uses full sentences and then shows how to use a central idea as a thesis statement. 19. Persuasive Outline on the Death Penalty This persuasive presentation from the City University of New York is on the topic of capital punishment. Informative speech outline checklist Once you've completed your outline, you can use this handy checklist from the University of Hawaii to make sure you haven't left anything out.

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