2006 Circulation Parameters Details - Innovative Interfaces

Circulation Parameters

Training Manual

Release 2011


Copyright © 2012 by Innovative Interfaces, Inc.

This publication is supplied for the exclusive use of customers of Innovative Interfaces with the understanding that it shall not be shown or distributed to anyone outside of the customer's organization without the prior written permission of Innovative Interfaces. This publication may be copied only if the copies are for the exclusive use of staff members of libraries that have purchased the Innovative system.


How to Use this Manual 4

Introduction 4

Log In 4

Custom Settings and Preferences 4

The Circulation Parameters contain tables which set the rules and parameters for Circulation within the Millennium System. 4

Codes 4

Patron Type (101826) 4

Item Type (101827) 5

Patron Codes 1, 2, 3, and (optionally) 4 (101819, 101828, 101829) 5

FIXED length codes— Admin | Parameters | General | Fixed-length codes (105775) 6

Tables 6

Days Closed (105403) 6

Hours Open (105406) 7

Loan Rules (105408) 8

Loan Rule Elements 8

Loan Period Variables 9

Renewal Variables 10

Recall Variables 11

Overdue Variables 12

Notice Content Variables 12

Fine Variables 14

Editable By 18

Automatic Patron Blocks (105402) 18

Locations Served (101730) 18

Hold Pickup Locations (106041) 20

Hold Thresholds 21

Time to Holdshelf (107805) 21

Time to Reshelve an item (105411) 22

Branch Addresses (106038) 22

Predefined Charges Table (105413) 23

Payment Types Table (106803) 23

Group call numbers for statistical reports (SCAT table) (101831) 24

What happens when notices are printed? (105213) 25

Text of Circulation Notices (105409) 25

Rule Selection Table (105407) 26

Examples of Loan Rule Determiner Tables 27

System Options (101838) 28

Circulation Options 29

How to Use this Manual

Parentheses contain page numbers from the Innovative Guide & Reference, which is accessible from or from the Millennium toolbar under Help | Manual. For details on editing records, please refer to the Basic Millennium tutorial on CSDirect at .


Circulation Parameters are the building blocks of the Circulation system. Many aspects of the Circulation system are governed by one of the parameters in this document. Proper setup of the parameters will ensure that Circulation operations are error free, that your patrons will have the materials they want for the correct loan periods, and that overdue notices will be generated at the correct times. If Circulation operations are not working properly, the Circulation Parameters are the first place to investigate the source of the errors.

Log In

Please see the System Administration Training Manual for details about logging into the system.

Custom Settings and Preferences

Many Millennium functions are customizable (for example: screen and text colors, font and font size, new record template creation and maintenance, print templates, and a number of other Millennium functions.) Please refer to the Millennium Login Manager Tutorial at for a detailed discussion and instructions on how to optimize the use of the Millennium Circulation module

The Circulation Parameters contain tables which set the rules and parameters for Circulation within the Millennium System.


Numeric and fixed-length codes are used for gathering statistics and grouping records in ‘Create Lists’. More importantly, Patron Type, Item Type, and Item Location are used by the system to determine which loan rule will be selected during circulation transactions. Note that if different patron groups have different borrowing privileges, each group will need its own Patron Type. If different types of material within the same location will circulate for varying amounts of time, it will be necessary to assign different Item Types.

Patron Type (101826)

▪ Patron Type is a 256 line numeric table, with values 0-255. Zero is the first line in the field, and normally is assigned first in the list.

▪ Patron types should be established for all different types of borrowers, particularly if there are differences in loan periods, or in the types of materials which may be borrowed. Some libraries may, for example, require a variety of patron types, e.g., teacher cards, shut-ins, corporate borrowers, bookmobiles, ILL patrons for borrowing libraries. Additionally, the patron type is an essential part of statistical gathering, and it will be important to establish codes accordingly.


▪ To edit Patron Type, choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Patron Type from the dropdown menu. Double-click the desired line for the numeric code and type the desired meaning in the label field.

Item Type (101827)

▪ Item Type is a 256 line numeric table, with values 0-255. Zero is the first line in the table, and normally is assigned as the first type in the list.

▪ If Item Type 0 is not being used, label it as “undefined” to avoid confusion.


▪ To edit the Item Type, choose Admin | Parameters | General | Item Types from the dropdown menu. Double-click the desired line of the numeric code and type in the desired meaning in the label field.

NOTE: If circulation policies dictate that different items in the same location will circulate differently to the same patron, Item Type for each particular item will be used to distinguish between the two circulation policies, e.g., 2 hour reserve and 4 hour reserve or 7 day video and 14 day video. The library may also choose to create additional item types for statistics gathering, even if library policy doesn’t require them for loan rule selection.

Patron Codes 1, 2, 3, and (optionally) 4 (101819, 101828, 101829)

▪ Patron Code 1 and Patron Code 2 are 32-value alphanumeric codes. Each code type may contain up to 32 values, with labels permitted as letters or numbers or a combination of the two. Patron Code 3 is a 256 line numeric code with values 0-255, which begins with line number zero. Patron Code 4 is a numeric code value available to libraries which have purchased the Consortium Management Extensions (CME) product.

▪ The Patron Codes are used to generate statistics regarding patron usage of the library collection. The codes are defined by the library, and may be as simple as gender, or as complex as the precise various postal code of patron addresses. It is advisable to think carefully about how the library might best use these available statistical codes. The field labels (PCODE1, PCODE1, etc.) can be relabeled to reflect the contents of these fields with more meaningful label. It is wise to think carefully about code labels and values. The Help Desk can relabel these fields after the implementaton process at no charge. This can be accomplished for established sites via a Service Commitment on the CSDirect website for customers.


FIXED length codes— Admin | Parameters | General | Fixed-length codes (105775)

• Patron Codes 1 and 2 are edited using the Fixed-length codes table and Patron Codes 3 and 4 are edited via the Circulation Parameters menu.

• To edit Patron Code 1 or 2, choose Admin | Parameters | General | Fixed-length Codes from the dropdown menu in Millennium; select PCODE1 or PCODE2 by highlighting and double-clicking on the line. Then select Edit (or double-click) to modify the character value or the meanings of specific codes. These fields generally arrive with only a “-“ value at the time of the first implementation.

• To edit Patron Code 3 or 4, choose Admin | Parameters |Circulation | and select Pcode 3 or Pcode 4, then highlight the line for the number you wish to define or edit and select Edit (or double-click) to add or change a label. These fields generally have no value at the time of first installation. If you do not wish to use one of these, enter a space as the label for the 0 value (the default) and this will stop the field appearing as red for incorrect value in a template or record.


The following tables form the foundation for the circulation module functionality.

Note that in some tables, the wildcard “?????” is used to signify “any location”. “*” is used to truncate a code to signify a group of location codes and “999” is used to signify any NUMERIC value. Please

note that any date in the tables should be in the date format established for your particular system (e.g., mm/dd or dd/mm).

Days Closed (105403)

▪ This is a dynamic table, maintained on an ongoing basis. The table designates the days each location is closed using a month/day format. The year is not necessary.

▪ The closed days table is used by the system to calculate due dates and assess fines. Closed dates will not be chosen as due dates for borrowed materials

▪ The table should always contain closed days for a year ahead of the current date. If this table is not carefully maintained on a regular basis, the library may encounter due dates which actually fall on a day the library is closed.

▪ The order of entries is not significant. However, maintaining the table in chronological order assures more easy readability and interpretation of the dates closed and the applicable locations. Normally it is recommended to position entries from most general (at the top) to the most specific (at the bottom) of the table.

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Days Closed from the dropdown menu in Millennium Circulation and click the Append button to add lines to the table.

▪ Errors in construction of the table or in acceptable values inserted in the table will be reflected in the System Messages section of the system (See the System Administration Training Manual for details)

▪ The system will accept the wildcard “?????” to mean all locations or a trailing “*” to mean codes starting with a value, (e.g., sci* represents any code that begins with "sci"). However, asterisks can appear only at the end of the code (e.g., *sci is not allowed).


NOTE: The days closed table can affect the maximum amount of fines that could accumulate for an overdue book if the library doesn’t charge for days closed. For example, if over the next 29 calendar days, the library is only open 20 days total, then a patron’s book that was due 29 days ago will only be considered 20 days overdue for fine calculation purposes. This table is very important to assure accurate fine calculations by the system.

Hours Open (105406)

▪ This table is unnecessary for those libraries which do not circulate materials for an hourly loan period. It is also unnecessary if the library does not plan to use the Material Booking Module of the Millennium system. However, if either of these two cases is applicable, it will be important to complete this table.

▪ If an hourly item would be due at a time the library is closed, the system calculates the due time as closing time, or the system may calculate one hour after opening time the next day the library is open. This is configurable in defining the Loan Rule Code (explained in a later section of this document). Rule Code.

▪ The order or position of entries in this table is not significant. However, it is recommended that libraries arrange entries from the most general (at the top of the list) to the most specific (at the bottom of the list) to simplify readability of the table.

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Hours Open from the dropdown menu and click on the Append button to add lines with location, day, open, and closed values for each line.

▪ This table will accept the wildcard “?????” to mean “all locations” or “*” to mean codes starting with a value. screenshot


Loan Rules (105408)

▪ The library should create a non-circulating loan rule. Many libraries set the loan period to one day, in the event that library staff override and allow a non-circulating item to circulate. This will also address any unanticipated events pertinent to unexpectedly circulating a normally non-circulating item.

▪ When creating the non-circulating loan rule, be sure to fill in all of the fields, so that in the event of a staff override, overdue notices and fines can be generated by the system if the item becomes unexpectedly overdue.

▪ Once created, loan rules should NEVER be deleted, although they may be reused for another purpose by reconfiguration of the parameters of the rule. Consult the document “Circulation Troubleshooting Guide”, which can be found on CSDirect at


Loan Rule Elements

Each Loan Rule consists of numerous elements which fall into several categories. The following is a description of these elements and examples of how they are used. In the Millennium Circulation module, Loan Rules are created by selecting Admin | Parameters |Circulation | Loan Rules from the dropdown menu. Loan Rule elements are discussed, beginning at #105408 of the Innovative Guide and Reference.

▪ Name is a descriptive term (up to 20 characters) to identify the purpose of the rule and when it is applied, e.g. 2-Hour Reserves, 21-Day Student Books, 30 Day Faculty Books, etc.

Loan Period Variables

▪ Code is a code indicating the time unit used to measure the loan period. One of the following codes must appear in each loan rule.

o A Absolute (fixed) Julian calendar date

o R Days ("Regular" loan period)

o H Hours, rounded to nearest hour, overnight loan allowed

o I Hours, rounded to nearest hour, no overnight loan

o J Hours, rounded to nearest minute, overnight allowed

o K Hours, rounded to nearest minute, no overnight

o N Non-circulating (if overridden, the system assumes units are days)

▪ Normal Loan Period is the length of time (in units specified by the Code) that the item is loaned in a "normal" check-out. The maximum value for this field is 3 digits, or a value of 999

o Examples:

▪ 135 (CODE=A) always due on May 15 (the 135th day of the year)

▪ 3 (CODE=H) for 3-hour loan

▪ 2 (CODE=R) for 2-week loan

Using Absolute Dates for Due Dates

This due date uses the Julian day of the year, e.g., 1 = January 1st, 32 = February 1st, 365 = December 31st. This date is always in the future. If today is '15' (January 15, 2006), then '16' means January 16, 2006, but '14' means January 14, 2007. If the system should a due date more than one year in the future, add 365 to the Julian date of the desired due date. For example, if today is '15' (January 15, 2006) and the items should be due on “30”( January 30, 2007), type 365+30 or '395' as the Normal Loan Period.

Absolute Due Dates must be maintained yearly, so that items are borrowed for the desired amount of time, and also so that items are not circulated with due dates when the library will be closed.

▪ Holdable specifies whether holds can be placed on items covered by this Loan Rule.

o Y Item is holdable.

o N Item is not holdable.

▪ Bookable specifies whether bookings (for the Materials Booking Module Product only) can be placed on items covered by this Loan Rule. Note that this element does not apply if the library has not purchased Materials Booking.

o Y Item is bookable.

o N Item cannot be booked.

▪ Home Pickup specifies whether patrons must pick up holds at the location(s) to which their held item(s) belong. This rule is applied to non-INN-Reach holds placed in Millennium Circulation or by patrons using the Web OPAC only.

o Y For item-level holds, patrons must pick up the item at its home location. For title-level holds, patrons can specify a pickup location, but the value will change to match the home location of the item that satisfies the hold.

o N Patrons can specify pickup locations.

▪ Shippable specifies whether requesting patrons can choose to have their held items mailed. This is only for libraries that have purchased the Held Item Delivery product.

o Y Requesting patrons can choose to have their held items mailed.

o N Requesting patrons cannot choose to have their held items mailed.

▪ Ship Time specifies the number of days by which the due date should be extended to account for the shipping time if the item is mailed. This is only for libraries that have purchased the Held Item Delivery product.

o 3 Extend due date by three days for held items that are mailed.

Renewal Variables

▪ Time Remaining B4 Renew is the number of days or hours remaining in the loan period when an item is considered renewable (up to 3 digits).

o 7 Item may be renewed only if there are 7 or fewer days remaining in the current loan period.

▪ First Renewal Period is the duration (up to 3 digits) of the first renewal period that follows the NORMAL LOAN PERIOD. Note that if the Immediate Rental Charge feature is enabled, Millennium Circulation does not use this element to determine the due date for a renewed rental item. Instead, the NORMAL LOAN PERIOD is applied.

o 2 hours for an item on 2-hour reserve that can be renewed for an additional 2 hours.

o 241 (August 29) for an item on semester loan using an absolute due date that can be renewed to the end of the next semester. If this number is equal to or lower than the NORMAL LOAN PERIOD, the item will be due that number of days into the following year.

▪ Additional Renewal Period is the loan period of each subsequent renewal, assuming such renewals are allowed (up to 3 digits).

o 14 Jan 14 Note that if more than 2 renewals are allowed for code A items, the third and subsequent renewals will each be for one year, due on the date specified here.

o 14 14 days for an item that may be renewed for 2 weeks the second or subsequent time.

▪ Max Number Of Renewals is the total number of renewals allowed (0-999).

o 3 An item may be renewed up to 3 times under this Loan Rule.

NOTE Even if the Max Number Of Renewals variable is set to '0,' it is still necessary to establish the other RENEWAL VARIABLES elements (Time Remaining B4 Renew; First Renewal Period; Additional Renewal Period) in order to properly handle staff override situations. If this is not done, invalid renewal dates may result. This is especially important if the Renewal: Check loan rule at the time of renewal circulation option is set to "YES."

Recall Variables

▪ Minimum Use is the minimum loan period, in days for a daily loan or in hours for an hourly loan, of a recalled item. Minimum Use is also the loan period for an item that has the number of existing holds specified in the Circulation Option: Holds: Number of holds before minimum use used for due date circulation option.

o 5 a)If Patron A recalls an item from Patron B, the system will suggest a new due date that allows Patron B to have the item for at least 5 days.

o 5 b)If a patron borrows an item with the specified number of holds, the Normal Loan Period is not used, and the loan period becomes 5 days.

▪ Eligib To Recall is the minimum number of days that must remain in the original loan period for the item to be recalled and the loan period reduced. A zero here means that the item is recallable at any time. To prevent recalls, set this element to any large value, e.g., 999. (Note that it is not possible to prevent the system from offering recall menu options in Millennium Circulation when placing holds on overdue items.)

o 6 There must be at least 6 days remaining before the original due date or the system will not offer the recall option.

▪ Time Return Recall is the number of days a patron has to return an item after it has been recalled (up to 3 digits).

o 4 A new due date is set for 4 days from the date the recall notice is issued (but not less than the Minimum Use period specified above).

▪ Time To Pickup is the number of days an item on hold which is waiting in the library for pickup by the patron will be kept on the holdshelf after it has been returned by the prior patron (up to 3 digits).

o 3 Item with hold or recall will be held at the circulation desk for 3 days from the date the previous patron returns it. If it is not picked up within 3 days, the system optionally issues a pickup notice to the next patron with a hold on the item and an optional hold cancellation notice to this patron. If there are no other holds on the item, it is reshelved.

NOTE The Minimum Use, Eligib To Recall, and Time Return Recall elements come into play when a patron places a hold on an item that is checked out. These elements determine whether the item should be recalled (i.e., a new due date is set) and, if so, what the new due date should be. Items with hourly loan periods are not recallable.

Overdue Variables

Overdue periods in Millennium are additive, and are not the same as the total number of days since the item was due. The variable Time First Odue may be 7, while the variables Time Second Odue and Time Third Odue may be 4. What this means is that if the library is preparing and sending notices every day, the first overdue notice will be sent after the item is 7 days overdue. The second overdue notice will be sent 4 days later (after the first overdue notice), and the third overdue notice 4 days after that (after the second overdue notice), for a total of 15 days overdue

▪ Max Number of Odues is the maximum number of overdue notices (1-6) that will be sent. The last notice is a replacement bill.

o 3 Up to 2 overdue notices are sent. The third overdue notice is a replacement bill for the item.

TIP Do not change the value of the Max Number of Odues element if any items are currently circulating under the Loan Rule. If a replacement bill has already been sent and Max Number of Odues is increased, the system could issue another bill. See “Notes on Changing Loan Rules”.

▪ Time First Odue is the number of days or hours after the due date when the first overdue notice is issued (up to 3 digits). The system also uses this element to calculate when to send the first overdue recall notice (Text First OdueR) in situations that the system treats as recalls, i.e., when placing holds on overdue items and when an item with outstanding holds becomes overdue.

o 7 If an item is not returned within 7 days (or, in the case of an hourly item, 7 hours) following the due date, the first overdue notice is sent.

▪ Time Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth/Sixth Odue is the number of days or hours between each subsequent overdue notice (up to 3 digits each). These are separate elements in the Loan Rule table. This number is additive, and is not the same as the total number of days since the item was due.

o 4 After 4 days(or hours) the second and subsequent notice(s) will be issued.

Notice Content Variables

Valid values are determined by entries in the Text of Circulation Notices table. A text number of 0 means no notice will be sent. Notices, once entered, can be edited, but can not be deleted. No longer used notices may be renamed as ‘unused’, or it is possible to type in a new text for the same numbered notice and reuse the slot in that manner.

▪ Text First Odue is the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specifies the text of the first overdue notice.

o 1 The first entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains text of the first overdue notice sent for items borrowed under this Loan Rule.

▪ Text Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Odue are the message numbers from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specify the text of subsequent overdue notices. NOTE: The last overdue notice is a replacement bill, whose text is specified in the Msg Bill Element.

o 2 Entries in the Text of Circulation Notices table that contain the text of second, third, fourth, and fifth overdue notices, respectively. If the Max Number Of Odues is 3, and the last notice is a replacement bill, only the text of the Second overdue notice need be specified.

▪ Odue Penalty is the number of penalty points that accrue for each day/hour that an item is overdue. Penalty points are an alternative to calculating monetary fines and result in number of days for which the patron is blocked from using any option requiring patron self identification. Penalty points may also be used to create “patron blocks” in the same manner as excessive fines may be configured to result in “patron blocks”. If the library does not use penalty points, set this variable to “0”

o 1 Each day/hour that an item is overdue, the patron accrues 1 penalty point.

▪ Text First OdueR is the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specifies the text of the first overdue notice sent for an item that has been recalled. This is also used as the notice text in situations that the system treats as recalls, i.e., when placing holds on overdue items and when an item with outstanding holds becomes overdue. Due to the varied use of overdue recall notices, all libraries, whether or not they choose to recall items, should enter notice text numbers in the Text OdueR elements.

o 7 The seventh entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains the text of the first overdue recall notice sent for an item that was borrowed under this Loan.

▪ Text Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth OdueR are the message numbers from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specify the text of subsequent overdue notices issued for an item that has been recalled.

o 8 These are the entries in the Text of Circulation Notices table that contain the text of second, third, fourth, and fifth overdue notices issued for items that have been recalled. Because Max Number Of Odues is 3 in the example above, and the third notice is a replacement bill, only the text of the Second overdue recall notice need be specified here.

▪ Courtesy Notice Text Number is the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specifies the text of the courtesy notice for the item. Millennium Circulation ignores the setting of this element unless the Courtesy Notice feature is enabled. The Courtesy Notice feature may be enabled by using Service Commitments on CSDirect or by asking the implementation team if the library is in the implementation phase. Courtesy notices are optional notices which may be sent or mailed a specified number of days before an item becomes overdue. This could alert borrowers so they might be able to avoid fines. It is an option.

o 20 The twentieth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains the text of the courtesy notice.

▪ Number Of Days Before Odue specifies the number of days before an item is due that the borrowing patron is eligible to receive a courtesy notice for the item. (Courtesy notices are not generated for hourly loans.) Millennium Circulation ignores the setting of this element unless the Courtesy Notice feature is enabled. To prevent Millennium Circulation from generating a courtesy notice, set this element to 0.

o 3 The patron is eligible to receive a courtesy notice for the item three days before the item is due.

▪ Time 1ST Odue Recall specifies the timing of the first overdue notice for recalled items. Used instead of the Time First Odue element.

o 3 If a recalled item is not returned within 4 days/hours following the due date, the first overdue recall notice is sent.

▪ Text Recall Notice is the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specifies the text of a recall notice.

o 13 The thirteenth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains text to be printed on the recall notice.

▪ Text Pickup Notice is the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specifies the text of a hold pickup notice (issued to a patron who has placed a hold when the item is returned by the previous patron).

o 14 The fourteenth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains text for the pickup notice.

Fine Variables

▪ Text Cancel Pickup is the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that specifies the text of a hold cancellation notice (issued to a patron to whom a pickup notice has been issued after the Time To Pickup has elapsed).

o 15 The fifteenth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains text for the hold cancellation notice.

▪ Grace Period For Fines is the number of days (code=A or R) or minutes (code=H, I, J, or K) after an item is due when overdue fines begin accruing. Days or hours when the library is not open are not counted as part of the grace period.

o 7 If the item is returned within 7 days after the due date, no overdue fines are charged. However, if the item is returned after the grace period, fines are calculated retroactive to the due date.

▪ Number Of D/HR 1st F Per is the number of days/hours in the first fine period (up to 3 digits).

o 30 The fine amount specified in Amount Of Fine 1st F Per will be charged for 30 days or hours from the due date (e.g., $1.00 per day for 30 days).

NOTE In the case of hourly items, an item that is one minute overdue will be considered one hour overdue. If there is a five minute grace period (see Grace Period For Fines) a patron will be fined for one hour when the item is six minutes overdue and for two hours after the item is one hour and one minute overdue.

▪ Amount Of Fine 1st F Per is the amount of fine PER UNIT OF TIME in the first fine period (up to 7 digits before the decimal point).

o 1.00 A fine of $1.00 will be charged for each day or hour the item is overdue during first fine period.

▪ Number Of D/HR 2nd F Per is the number of days/hours in the second fine period (up to 3 digits).

o 20 The fine amount specified in Amount Of Fine 2ND F Per will be charged for the next 20 days or hours from the end of the first fine period (e.g., $2.00 per day for 20 days).

▪ Amount Of Fine 2ND F Per is the amount of fine PER UNIT OF TIME in the second fine period (up to 7 digits before the decimal point).

o 2.00 A fine of $2.00 will be charged for each day or hour the item is overdue during the second fine period.

▪ Limit Fine To Price specifies whether or not to limit the maximum fine (excluding manual fines and rental charges) for an item to the amount specified in its PRICE field. If an amount of “zero” (0) is specified as a value in the PRICE field and if this element is set to Y, the system limits the maximum fine for the item to the amount specified in the Default Item Cost element of the Loan Rule. If the PRICE field and the Default Item Cost element are both zero, the system does not limit the maximum fine for the item.

o Y Limit the maximum fine for this item to the amount specified in the PRICE field, or the Default Item Cost

o N Do not limit the maximum fine for this item to the amount specified in the PRICE fixed-length field.

▪ Default Item Cost is the amount to be charged for replacing an item that is not returned (when the Item record does not contain a PRICE).

o 15.00 If the item is not returned, the patron will be charged a $15.00 replacement fee.

▪ Replace Process Fee is the amount to add to the replacement cost to cover the library's expenses in acquiring and cataloging a replacement copy.

o 10.00 If an item is not returned, the patron will be charged an additional $10.00 processing fee.

▪ Replace Bill Service Charge is the service charge added to the replacement cost and processing fee to cover the library's cost of preparing the replacement bill. If an overdue, billed item is subsequently returned, the charge may serve as the total fine.

o 5.00 If the item is not returned, a $5.00 billing fee is charged in addition to the replacement and processing fees. If the library so desires, this will serve as the total fine if the patron returns the item after the replacement bill has been prepared.

▪ Rental Fee is for libraries that have the Immediate Rental Charge feature enabled, this specifies the cost to rent the item for the duration of the Normal Loan Period. (An item is rentable only if it contains the value 'r' in its OPACMSG field in the item record.) This amount is also applied to renewals. The Immediate Rental Charge feature is available only in Millennium Circulation. The character-based system will not apply this fee to patrons who rent items. If your library does not have the Immediate Rental Charge feature enabled, set this element to 0.

o 3.00 Patrons are charged $3.00 to rent or renew the item.

▪ Fine Incr If Recall is the amount PER UNIT OF TIME to add to the fine for an overdue, recalled item. The fine increment, alternatively, can be set to depend on renewal or hold placement.

o 0.50 Normal overdue fines as specified in Amount Of Fine 1st F Per and Amount Of Fine 2ND F Per will be increased by $0.50 per hour or day if the item was recalled.

NOTE By default, if the item is recalled before it is due, the fine increment takes effect on the due date; if the item is recalled when already due, the increment takes effect on the recall date plus the Time Return Recall. However, libraries have the option of setting the system to assess the fine increment always after the Time Return Recall expires. To do this, set the Recalls: Start charging fine increment after TIME RETURN RECALL circulation option to "YES."

▪ Msg Fines specifies the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that appears on a fine notice for an overdue item that has been returned.

o 16 The sixteenth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains the text of the fine notice sent when an overdue item is checked in and has a fine that has not yet been paid.

▪ Msg Bill is the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that appears on a replacement bill for an item not returned.

o 17 The seventeenth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains the text of a replacement bill (the last overdue notice).

o 0 The system neither charges the patron nor generates a replacement bill, the item will not increase to the highest level overdue, and that the item status will not be changed to n (billed - not paid).

NOTE If the MSG BILL element contains a message text number that does not appear in the "notices" table, the system charges the patron but does not generate a replacement bill.

▪ Msg Adjustment specifies the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that appears on an adjustment bill (the "corrected" bill that is sent when an item is returned after a replacement bill has been issued).

o 18 The eighteenth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains the text of an adjustment to replacement charges billed for an item that is subsequently returned.

NOTE Although you may key up to 512 circulation notices, the system allows you to use only entries 1-255 for the Msg Fine, Msg Bill, and Msg Adjustment Loan Rule elements.

▪ Rental Circtext is for libraries that have the Immediate Rental Charge feature enabled. This specifies the message number from the Text of Circulation Notices table that appears on the manual fine notices generated for rental items.

o 35 The thirty-fifth entry in the Text of Circulation Notices table contains the text for manual fine notices generated for rental items.

o 0 The library does not generate manual fine notices for rental items, or does not have the Immediate Rental charge feature

▪ Penalty Incr If Recall specifies the demerits PER UNIT OF TIME to be added to the demerits for an overdue item if the item was recalled. (See Odue Penalty element.)

o 5 Normal overdue penalties as specified in Odue Penalty will be increased by 5 per hour or day if the item was recalled. For this example, the penalty would increase from 1 to 6. (If set to "0", no extra points accrue.)

Editable By

If the library has enabled the Edit Protection of Circulation Parameters feature, this field is viewable in the Edit table when you select and open an entry for editing. The Editable By field displays the authorization type needed to edit the values in the Loan Rules table. Possible authorization types include:

Authorization Type Editing Authorized

ADMIN Only ADMIN-authorized users may edit the entry.

ALL All staff may edit the entry.

A specific Location Served Only staff at the specified location may edit the entry.

Automatic Patron Blocks (105402)


▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Patron Blocks from the Millennium Circulation dropdown menu and click the Append button to add lines to the table.

▪ The table is read from top to bottom, and the system stops when a match is found. Enter a 999 (which is a wildcard which represents “all patron types”) line at the bottom of the table. When the system is consulting the tables in order to verify a patron and to set due dates for borrowed items, if the system does not find a particular Patron Type represented in a line of the table, it will use the wildcard entry’s values. (REQUIRED)

▪ Every type of patron or a 999 wildcard must be entered in the patron block table or the system will experience “invalid” results during checkout.

▪ “Patron Exp. Date" determines whether a patron will be blocked if the Patron record has reached the record expiration date.

▪ The highest level overdue must be set. To NEVER block a patron for overdue recalls or overdues on items that had holds at the time of checkout, make the number (the highest level overdue element) in the Patron Block table higher than the highest number of overdue notices sent for that type of item.

▪ If fines are not yet assessed (for example the item is overdue, but not yet returned), those amounts are not calculated into the maximum amount owed. Fines are not assessed until the item is returned but the fine remains unpaid.

▪ "0" in MAX ITEMS or MAX OWED will block the patron from checking out anything.

Locations Served (101730)

▪ This function is used to create grouped lists of branch locations. The concept is to associate the various specific internal library locations (which are in the branch table), with a general library location, such as main (which is also in the branch table). Creating and using Locations Served groups will also specify which library building or branch is associated with the login.

▪ Access via the telnet portion of the Millennium System, beginning at the main menu.

A > ADDITIONAL system functions

A > ALTER system parameters

C > CIRCULATION parameters

S > Locations SERVED

• Logins which are linked to locations served will be used in the circulation module to identify exactly where (which building or branch) an item is located, and may also be used to facilitate organizing OPAC item display (instructions are below).

• Follow the menu path above to the S>Locations SERVED choice. Then, select the choice: A > ADD an entry. Then type the name to describe that Locations Served group

• Use Locations served (an inclusive list of locations which are served) rather than locations not served (an exclusive list of locations, meaning the locations not served)

• Select the menu choice A > ADD location codes and be certain to insert the code for the bibliographic (or general location) level code first (if applicable). Then type A>ADD for each subsequent code addition to list (which correspond to shelving locations for items located in this bibliographic (or general) location. The specific item location codes and meanings must already have been created in the Branch/Locations Code table discussed in the previous section)

• Choose Q>QUIT to quit and save any changes. (NOTE: R>RETURN without saving changes

option will exit without saving any changes)

The default order of Item record display in the OPAC is the order in which the items were attached to the Bibliographic record. In a multi-branch or multi-library system, this may appear random to the typical OPAC user. It is possible to use the optionally-purchased Link Maintenance product (A > ADDITIONAL system functions > L Daily record Link maintenance (101458) to alphabetize the list in the order of the location codes. However, this will result in the items from some libraries always displaying at the bottom of the list simply because their codes begin with letters later in the alphabet. It is, therefore, possible to configure the system to identify a connection which is originating inside a specific library or branch building, such that the items shelved in that branch would display at the top of the alphabetized list of items, followed by all the other items from the other libraries or branches, alphabetized by the associated branch code. To set this branch display in Web OPAC:

• Set web option SORT_ITEMS=true. This is done from within the Millennium Administration module, using the Web Options mode.

• Set up a web login specifically for each branch library with appropriate Locations served selected. For this setup, it is necessary to use the telnet version of Millennium software, using the same method described above in the section on Logins:

L > LOGIN names & options

• Set up the Network access login for the specific IP address at branch. Details can be found in the Innovative Guide and Reference (101731). The menu path is using the

L > LOGIN names and options, and then,

N > Limit NETWORK access, and then choose the line for > HTTP

Additional details regarding Limit Network Access are explained in the System Administration Training Manual.

▪ Associating a “locations served” value with a Login or Set of Initials ensures that a circulating item is returned to the proper library.

▪ It is possible to control the sequence in which multiple items for a single title display in the public catalog if the Web Option SORT_ITEMS (102168) is used.

▪ Locations Served value associated with a Login or Set of Initials determines groups of locations for which circulation notices can be printed at a single terminal.

▪ Values in the Locations Served table determine the default pickup location when users place holds.

▪ The construction of the Locations Served table determines which locations are included or excluded from statistical and other reports produced by a specific terminal or login.

Hold Pickup Locations (106041)


▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Hold Pickup Locations from the dropdown menu in Millennium Circulation, and click the Append button to add a new pickup location name.

▪ Type the name of the new pickup location and choose the Add Row button to add each specific item location code associated with the pickup location to the table for that pickup location.

▪ This table allows the system to insert the Pickup Location Name derived from the Display Name column on hold pickup notices, paging slips, and the hold slips printed for items being placed on the hold shelf.

▪ The Display Names may also show in the WebPAC for libraries which allow patrons to select a pickup location for holds they have placed themselves in the WebPAC.

Hold Thresholds

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Hold Thresholds from the dropdown menu in Millennium Circulation, and click the Append button to add a new hold threshold to the table.

▪ There are three values per row, including Pickup Location, Material Type, and Number. An asterisk may be used to indicate that all material types are applicable from a particular location.

▪ This feature is useful for libraries which find it useful to know if a number of holds are accumulating on a particular title. The file generated by the system may be evaluated by the library to indicate that additional copies may be needed in order to satisfy high demand for a particular title in the collection.

Time to Holdshelf (107805)

▪ This parameter establishes alternate status messages to display for items recently placed on the holdshelf at their pickup locations.

▪ Each location must be specified separately in the table, or use the wildcard "?????" to indicate all locations. The truncation wild card (e.g., sci*) cannot be used for this table.

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Time to Holdshelf from the Millennium Circulation dropdown menu, and choose Append to add a new entry, enter the location code, enter the number of hours for which the message will display and the text of the message. replace screenshot


Time to Reshelve an item (105411)

▪ This parameter establishes a message in the WebPAC that states in the item status field that an item was recently returned (checked in) or recently processed (attached to a Bibliographic record), and perhaps may not yet be in the proper shelving location.

▪ In order to use this feature to display a status message for items that have been checked out and returned, libraries must also turn on the option for the system to store the last check-in time and the record number of the last patron to check out the item in the fixed field in the item record. This option is managed in the Circulation options of the System Option section of the telnet version of the Millennium software. The specific option is: Check-In: Store Check-in time in Item record. This option must be set to “yes” in order for this parameter to function properly.

▪ Each location must be specified separately in the table, or use the wildcard "?????" to indicate all locations or "*" to specify location codes starting with specific codes.

▪ Items checked in at the non-owning location will display “in transit” as a status until checked in at the home library, at which time the item status message will display the time to reshelve message.

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Time to Reshelve from the Millennium Circulation dropdown menu, and choose Append to add a new entry, enter the location code (or wildcard), enter the number of hours for which the message will display and the text of the message.

▪ To associate a temporary message with a newly-created item (i.e.: newly cataloged), type the letter “n” in front of the hours (i.e.: n48:00).


Branch Addresses (106038)

▪ This table stores the street address for each branch

▪ The corresponding line number is entered into the CIRCULATION ADDRESS NUMBER for each location code in the Branch Locations table (which is discussed in the System Administration Training Manual), and this numerical line number determines the return address which will print on the circulation notice.

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Branch Addresses dropdown menu in Millennium Circulation and select the Append icon to add an address to the table.

▪ The system will accept a maximum of four lines (59 characters maximum per line) in the Address field and email addresses up to 255 characters long in the email source and reply-to fields.


Predefined Charges Table (105413)

▪ Use the Predefined Charges table to define manual charges that may be routine charges. This table will provide a dropdown menu from which Circulation staff can select when adding a manual charge to a patron record.

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Predefined Charges from the dropdown menu in Millennium Circulation and select the Append icon to add a line for a charge definition.

▪ Enter the standard amount and a free-text reason for the charge (an explanation)

▪ Examples may be, for example: $5.00 for replacement library card; $1.00 charge for lost CD Cover Box, etc.


Payment Types Table (106803)

▪ Use the Payment Types table to define codes and meanings that describe the form of payment used to pay a charge.

▪ Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Payment Types from the dropdown menu in Millennium Circulation and select the Append icon to add a new line representing a charge to the table.

▪ Enter the payment type code and its corresponding meaning (for example: Cash, Check, Credit Card).


Group call numbers for statistical reports (SCAT table) (101831)

▪ The SCAT table (Statistical CATegories), which is maintained by the library, designates call number sections or ranges of call numbers and assigns “categories” (arbitrary numbers designed by the library’s which identify certain subject areas of call numbers) to the call numbers or ranges of call numbers in the table. This table is used to produce statistical reports based on call number (e.g.: circulation activity statistics, age of collection report, collection development report, database statistics). The library can configure this table as needed or desired.

▪ Access this table using the following telnet menu path, commencing at the main menu of the telnet version of the Millennium software:

A > ADDITIONAL system functions

A > ALTER system parameters

S > SYSTEM codes

N > NUMERIC codes

G > GROUP call numbers for statistical reports

▪ From the G > Group call numbers for statistical reports menu, select A > ADD an entry to add or create a new call number range

▪ Type the START CLASS_LETTER, START CLASS_NO, STOP CLASS_LETTER and STOP CLASS_NO (do not enter START and STOP class letters when entering Dewey classification ranges)

▪ Type the CATEGORY number (this determines the order in which this call number range will list in statistical reports)

▪ More than one call number range may share a CATEGORY number

▪ Type an optional verbal DESCRIPTION for each call number or range of call numbers. If there is a description, this verbal expression will display instead of the START and STOP entries in call number format.


What happens when notices are printed? (105213)

The following loan rule elements determine when a notice is generated and how many notices will be printed:

Max # ODUES = 3

Time First OD =7

Time Second OD =14

Time Third OD =14

The Item record displayed in the below example has received the first overdue notice based on the above information. Seven days after the due date, during daily notice printing, item fields will be updated. Overdue Date will be updated with the notice printing date. No. of Overdues will be updated with the number of the notices, in this case ‘1’ for first Overdue. Fourteen days later, with daily notice printing, these fields will be updated again. Fourteen days after the second notice is printed, with daily notice printing, these fields will be updated again. After the third notice is printed, the field values will become as follows: “No. Overdue” will become 3, “Status” will change to n, and a bill will be associated with the Patron record.)


Text of Circulation Notices (105409)

• This table contains the text of messages that print on the various levels of circulation notices that can be generated using the system.

• Choose Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Text of Circulation Notices from the dropdown menu in Millennium Circulation. Select the Append icon to add a notice text line.

• Type the text explaining the Notice Type (This is a brief descriptive name (up to 20 characters) which identifies the corresponding notice text)

• Type the notice text (message to be printed on the notice) exactly as it should appear on the notice. It is possible to create up to 15 line per notice, and up to 76 characters per line)


• After creating the text of each message the library needs, it will be necessary to insert the line number from this table into the loan rule “text” element. Consult the loan rule elements in the earlier part of the document to locate the elements which refer to “Text”. It is in these elements that the line number of the text should be inserted.

• The table can store up to 512 text numbers and messages associated with the text numbers. This text will be used with classic notices and/or can be used with the Print Templates notices you may customize to your notice design using iReports. (107925).

Rule Selection Table (105407)

▪ This table specifies the particular Loan Rule the system applies when an item is presented by a patron for check-out.

▪ The Loan Rule is determined by the combination of Item Location, Patron Type and Item Type.

▪ The top (first) line of the table should default to the non-circulating rule which was created in the Loan Rule section.


o For example: as the very first line in the Rule Selection Table, it will be essential to insert the following information: Location = ?????, PTYPE = 999, and ITYPE = 999. (This is REQUIRED)

▪ The system consults the table which is read from the bottom to the top (the last line to the first line), and the system stops reading when a match is found.

▪ The wildcard “?????” may be used to designate “all locations”. An asterisk (*) may be added as the last character of the code as a wildcard (for example: anew* means all locations beginning with the letters “anew” and ending with any character. A location may not use a wildcard asterisk as the first character of the code (only at the end of the code)

▪ The Patron type and Item type columns may use the wildcard “999” to indicate either “all Patron types” or “all Item types”. The “??????” wildcard codes may not be used in the Patron type or Item type columns of this table.

▪ The Age Range Column may be used, for libraries that choose to limit borrowing of certain types of materials only to borrowers within certain age ranges. An example might be that borrowers in certain age ranges may not be allowed to borrow adult novels or PG-13 DVDs. Consult the Innovative Guide and Reference #105407 for additional information.

o An optional Birth Date fixed field for patron records is available to enable the above. Contact the Help Desk at Innovative, or ask the implementation team to enable this feature if the library is currently a new implementation and the field is not already displaying in patron records.

▪ The “Active” column indicates whether this rule selection element is active or inactive. The only acceptable responses in this field are Y (for yes) or N (for no). An example of the usage of this feature might be where there are rules needed to be set up in advance but not active all the time, for instance special rules which are applicable to a Winter or Summer sessions at a university.

▪ Loan rules should not be deleted without great care. It is advisable to place a rule in an inactive (or N) status if it is no longer used or wanted. It is also possible to change the name of an unused loan rule by editing the rule and inserting the word “unused” as the label. More information is available at:

▪ The “Editable by” column is to provide security for loan rules. In addition to the security feature controlled by the initials and password, loan rules may be categorized so that they are editable by “ADMIN” (only authorized users may edit the rule), “ALL” (all users authorized to edit the rule selection table may edit the rule), or by “locations served” (only users with Initials and Password associated with a specific locations served code may edit that line of the table). This feature may be particularly helpful for a multi-library site where loan rules for different institutions vary and separate staff members are responsible for setting the parameters.

The “Edit Protection of Circulation Parameters” feature must be enabled by the Help Desk at Innovative in order to protect certain fields from editing in the “Editable by” section. If your library is in the implementation process, the implementation team should be asked to enable this feature.

Examples of Loan Rule Determiner Tables

Single Branch Library


Multi Library Site


System Options (101838)

There are a number of system options that control certain behaviors within the Millennium modules. These options can be used to customize functions such as label printing, date due slip and classic circulation notice formats, WebPAC behavior, etc. Access these options from the telnet version of the Millennium system, commencing at the main menu and following the menu path below:

A > ADDITIONAL system functions

A > ALTER system parameters

S > SYSTEM codes

O > Set system OPTIONS

C > Circulation options

• These options are used to control numerous circulation options affecting Check out, Check in, Renewals, Holds, Fine/Bill policy, Notices, etc. in the Millennium modules.

• It is important to consult and configure certain options in this section to assure correct circulation module functions. This must be completed before beginning to circulate materials to patrons.

• The following list delineates important Circulation Options for Millennium functions to consider before beginning circulation of materials. Other options may be applicable to functions in the character-based system.

Circulation Options

Selected Circulation Options by number Default Value. The final choice is established by the library

Options pertaining to Checkouts:

001 > Display fines if money owed exceeds $100

002 > Limit due date to expiration date Yes

004 > What to do with bill of billed item Ask

005 > Display patron address Ask

008 > Authorization required to override

patron block Yes (also authorization #98 in list of authorizations)

009 > Authorization required to alter

due date Yes (also authorization #97 in list of authorizations)

010 > Authorization required to set due

date to overlap booking N/A

011 > Authorization required to search

by index No

012 > Print date due slips Never

014 > Authorization required to override

manual block No (also authorization #168 in list of authorizations)

015 > Display multiple patron messages? No

016 > Authorization required to view

checked out items for patron No (also authorization #167 in list of authorizations)

018 > Item types & locations for category A None

019 > Item types & locations for category B None

020 > Item types & locations for category C None

021 > Item types & locations for category D None

022 > Item-on-fly: Allowed & field to set Imessage

023 > Patron-on-fly: Allowed & field to set Pmessage

024 > Item-on-fly: Code is f

025 > Patron-on-fly: Code is f

097 > Display checkouts for linked

patron records No

Options pertaining to Checking in materials:

030 > Authorization required to check in

billed item No (also authorization #61 in list of authorizations)

031 > Authorization required to backdate

check-ins Yes (also authorization #96 in list of authorizations)

032 > Store check-in time in item record Yes

033 > Store last patron in item record Yes

034 > Check-in at wrong location Ask

035 > Streamlined Check-in at wrong

location N/A

036 > Check-in of billed item. Reduce

bill to Bill Fee

100 > Check in bib hold at wrong location Ask

Options pertaining to Renewing of materials:

037 > New due date is computed Renewal date

039 > Prompt for renewal? No

040 > Check loanrule at time of renewal No

Options pertaining to Holds and Paging:

042 > Number of holds before minimum use

used for due date 0

044 > Additional patron fields to show in

requests None

045 > Print hold cancel notice when

cancelling hold Ask

048 > Streamline multiple holds for 1

patron Yes

049 > Give precedence to local holds No

050 > Allow multiple title-level holds for

one patron No

087 > Number of hours before page can be

transferred 1

093 > Priority Paging: Refuse Item Holds Yes

095 > Display Patron Name and/or Record

Number Both

Options pertaining to Recalls and Course Reserves:

051 > Authorization required to alter due

date of recall Yes (99)

052 > Start charging fine increment after


053 > Course reserves patron type for

recalls Not Set

084 > Reserves: Allow hold cancel in

reserve list maintenance? No

085 > Reserves: Store course reserve

history in item and bib records Call III

096 > Reserves: Sort items on reserve

manually No

Options pertaining to Fines:

054 > Authorization required to waive Yes (also authorization #93 in the list of authorizations)

055 > Authorization required to collect Yes (also authorization #95 in the list of authorizations)

056 > Library itself collects fines Yes

057 > Charge fines for days closed No

058 > Charge fines for hours library closed No

059 > Minimum charge for fines notice to

print $0.00

060 > text # for bill for lost book Suppressed

061 > Number of items per Bill 1

062 > text # for bill for charge adjustment Suppressed

101 > Reinstate fines No

Options pertaining to Notices:

063 > Width and Height of form 80,60

064 > Where to print Library Address 5,7;70,4

065 > Where to print Date 55,5;20,1

066 > Where to print Patron Name & Address 12,17;40,6

067 > Where to print Item Info 0,6,0,12,0,


068 > Where to print Bill Info 3,31;74,12

069 > Where to print Message 5,24;70,6


All values indicated above are initially set for 8.5 x 11 paper. The values are specifying columns and rows on the page. Values will need to be changed by the library to accommodate other paper sizes)

070 > Generate separate notice if text Same Notice

071 > Fields from patron record on notices None

072 > Print recall fine No

073 > Print text above patron name Not Set

074 > Print pickup by date on pickup

notices No

075 > Print HOLD NOTE on hold pickup

notices Not Set

070 > Generate separate notice if text

changes? Same Notice

071 > Fields from patron record on notices None

072 > Print recall fine No

073 > Print text above patron name Not Set

074 > Print pickup by date on pickup

notices No

075 > Print HOLD NOTE on hold pickup

notices Not Set

076 > E-mail notice information defaults

077 > Amount and ptypes for overdue notice

charge Not Set

078 > Statements: Library address

determined by Call III

079 > Statements: Text # Suppressed

080 > Pageslips: Text # Suppressed

081 > Pickup Anywhere Pageslips: Text # Call III

082 > Hold Cancel Notice: Not wanted after

date past: Text # Suppressed

083 > Manual Charge: Text # Suppressed

098 > Teleforms History: number of days to

save patron information 14

NOTE: Options above with value of “Suppressed” will require that the library insert a text number from the table of notice texts after those texts are created.


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