*Indicates advanced degree (Master's or Doctorate) or special certification required

If you like:

You might enjoy a career as a(n):

? Being creative ? Working with students ? Upholding policies ? Providing helpful information ? Working with details ? Supervising activities ? Teaching

o Event Programmer o Director of Student Activities* o Marketing Manager o Author of children's books* o Recreation leader

o School Counselor* o Camp Director o Social Worker* o Teacher Assistant

o College Registrar* o Flight Attendant* o College Administrator

o Secretary or Administrative Assistant o Librarian* o Career Guidance Technician o NVQ Assessor

o Textbook editor o Computer trainer o Director of Financial Aid o Curriculum Specialist*

o Daycare Administrator o Daycare Teacher o Program Director* o Personnel Director (HR) o Curator*

o Health Educator* o Training Specialist o Community College Professor* o Continuing Education Instructor o Peace Corps volunteer (stipend)

TRANSFERRING SKILLS LEARNED FROM TEACHING: 1) Think of skills you have developed during your time teaching in the classroom. 2) Incorporate these skills into your r?sum? when describing work experience.

2) Prepare examples of when you utilized each of these skills.

3) Review the Practice Questions for General Interviews handout so you will be prepared to emphasize transferrable skills in your responses during an interview.


Flexibility Creativity Leadership Communication Organization Critical thinking Problem solving Teamwork Enthusiasm Human relations


Adjusted? Rearranged? Rescheduled? Developed? Inspired? Produced? Initiated? Supervised? Enforced policies? Facilitated? Reported? Instructed? Coordinated? Expedited? Arranged? Identified problems? Defined needs? Prevented? Eliminated? Reduced? Negotiated? Collaborated? Been passionate? Excited others? Supported? Motivated? Developed rapport?

SAMPLE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: 1) "What has been your greatest accomplishment?" 2) "What are your strengths? Give an example of a time you demonstrated a particular strength." 3) (Use STAR Method): "Tell me about a time....?" "How did you respond when...?"

THE "STAR" METHOD: Situation, Task, Action, Result

1) Explain the situation. 2) State the problem or task.

3) Describe what you did in the situation. 4) Explain what happened as a result.

*What did you learn from the situation? How could you act differently next time?

BE PREPARED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION: "I see you have your teaching license. Why are you applying for this (non-teaching) job? What makes you qualified?"

1) Explain your rationale for being interested in the position.

2) Emphasize transferable skills you have learned or developed while in the classroom.


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