Unit 1: Local Business Assignment

Learning goal: Identify the different types of business and to explain how businesses respond to needs, wants, supply, and demand.

This assignment is also designed for you to improve your personal skills, creative abilities and research techniques. There are Two (2) parts to this assignment. They are as follows:


In groups, you will work on the following assignment.

a) As a group you will choose TEN business categories from the list below.

b) For EACH of the TEN business categories selected, identify THREE competing businesses. in each category located in Preston. Stay away from large chain (franchise or corporation) businesses. For example, under the category of fast-food restaurants, you might list Harmony Lunch, Johnny Frescos and Sonny’s Drive In, if you were doing this assignment in Waterloo (no Tim Hortons, Subway etc.).

c) You are to provide specific local locations for each of your examples. Include the complete address, brief description of the business, its unique qualities and a picture (you may need to take a picture of the business during your walking trip). Please complete this part of the assignment using the table provided (in assignment folder).

The business categories are as follows: - choose 10

1. Fast-food restaurants (be sure to create your own examples)

2. Family Dining

3. Cultural Restaurants

4. Health and wellness (fitness, supplements, alternative health care)

5. Jewelry stores

6. Computer/ technology stores

7. Beauty salons (hair, nails, cosmetic, tanning, spa, etc)

8. Financial Services / Accountant (income tax, investment planning)

9. Sporting goods stores

10. Clothing and Fashion

11. Furniture & Home furnishings

12. Community Services

13. Bakery/ specialty foods

14. Services/ Trades

15. Florist

16. Professional Services (doctor, lawyer, dentist, etc.)

17. Variety Store

|Business Type |Business 1 |Business 2 |Business 3 |

|Fast-food Restaurant |Business: Harmony Lunch |Business: Johnny Frescos |Business: Sonny’s Drive-in |

| |Address: 90 King St. N, Waterloo |Address: 244 Weber St, N, Waterloo |Address: 256 Weber St. N, Waterloo |

| |Description: Small diner, |Description: Full flavor pitas made |Description: Offers legendary |

| |specializing in Burgers and fries. |exactly to the customers |char-broiled burgers, onion rings, |

| |Picture: [pic] |specifications |fresh cut fries & more! |

| | |Picture: |Picture: |

| | |[pic] | |


a) Your group will select 2 categories from your list of 10 categories you had researched, to visit on the walking tour. The categories will be unique to your group only.

b) During the walking trip you will interview the 6 businesses in two of your chosen categories. You may choose to visit more businesses in your 2 categories.

Include the following questions about the business you are visiting:

1. What type of ownership model do you have? (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Private Corporation, Cooperative)

2. How long have you been in business?

3. What is your job title?

4. Describe your job and your favourite part of it.

5. What products/services do you offer?

6. What is your target market?

7. How do you compete with other business (Service, Price, Quality etc.)

8. What promotional strategies do they use (how do they advertise?)

**You are encouraged to ask other questions as well.

c) Include pictures of:

• The storefront

• Your group interacting with employees, customers etc.

• Various marketing examples in the store

Remember, you are visiting someone’s business, so be respectful, ask permission and do not cause a scene.

d) After the Walking Tour. Prepare a presentation in the format of your choice that summarizes the above information (PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Presentation). You will present your results to the class. You will be marked on the following aspects of your presentation:

• Easy to read slides

• More detail given, that is not on the slides

• Covered all the questions in your presentation, for each of your businesses, visited

• Pictures were included of the storefront, your group interacting with employees and customers, and various marketing examples.

• Presentation was organized

• Easy to hear and understand

The boundaries for field trip are shown below:



Meeting Location – Central Park

King and Argyle St.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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