Division of Teaching and Learning

369 Marillac Hall

St. Louis, MO 63121




University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, New York

Ph.D., Reading, 2000

University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, New York

M.S., Reading, 1998

University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, New York

M.A., English, 1996


June 2006-present Associate Professor, University of Missouri St. Louis

July 2000- June 2006 Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Education.

Summer 2001 Visiting Assistant Professor, University at Albany-SUNY, Department of Reading.

1996-2001 Research Assistant, National Research Center on English Learning and Achievement, University at Albany-SUNY.

Summer 2000 Adjunct Assistant Professor, University at Albany-SUNY, New York, Department of Reading. Initiated a school-based clinical reading program in Arbor Hill. Conducted research on the clinic in Arbor Hill elementary school in conjunction with this course.

Spring 2000 Instructor, University at Albany-SUNY, New York, Department of Reading.

Summer 1999 Co-Instructor, University at Albany-SUNY, New York, Department of Reading.

Spring 1999 Co-Instructor, University at Albany-SUNY, New York, Department of Reading.

Fall 1998 Instructor, College of St. Rose, Department of Special Education and Early Childhood Education.

Spring 1998 Guest Speaker, University at Albany-SUNY, Graduate Course entitled Diagnosing Reading Disabilities.


Teaching Reading in the Elementary School

Assessment of Reading Difficulties

Ethnographic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives in Education

Doctoral Seminar in Critical Discourse Analysis

Doctoral Seminar in Qualitative Research Methods

Contemporary Issues in Education


1998-1999 Reading Teacher, Altamont Elementary School, Guilderland School District, NY.

1997 Reading Teacher, South Colonie Central School.

1996-1997 Classroom Teacher/Reading Teacher, Adult Learning Center.

1993-1996 Substitute Elementary Teacher. Capital Region, grades 1-8.

1992-2000 Adult Education Tutor Trainer, Tutor, & Family Literacy Provider,

Literacy Volunteers of America, Albany, Inc.

1996-1999 Private Reading Tutor.


Rogers, R. (2006). Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. Washington University.

Rogers, R. (2005). University at Albany Alumni Association’s Outstanding Young Alumni Award.

Rogers, R. (2005). Nominated for the Washington University’s Service Award.

Rogers, R. (2005). Who’s Who in Teaching.

Rogers, R. (2004). Early Career Award, National Reading Conference.

Rogers, R. (2004). Nominated for the British Association of Applied Linguistics Book Award for the book A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power in and out of Print (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003).

Rogers, R. (2003). Edward Fry Book Award (outstanding contribution to literacy research), National Reading Conference. For the book A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power in and out of Print (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003).

Rogers, R. (2003). Nominated for the Northeastern Dissertation of the Year Award.

Rogers, R. (2003). Nomination for Excellence in Teaching. Washington University in St. Louis.

Rogers, R. (2002). Excellence in Mentoring Graduate Students. Washington University.

Rogers, R. (2001). International Reading Association Distinguished Finalist in the Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award.

Rogers, R. (2001). University at Albany, School of Education Dissertation Award.

Rogers, R. (2000). National Reading Conference Outstanding Student Researcher of the Year Award.

Rogers, R. (1999). Lillian Barlow Award. Initiatives for Women Program, University at Albany.



Rogers, R. (2003a). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Rogers, R. (Ed). (2004a). An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Dozier, C., Johnston, P., & Rogers, R. (2005a). Critical Literacy/Critical Learning: Tools for Preparing Responsive Teachers. NY: Teachers College Press.

Rogers, R. & Kramer, M. (in press). Adult Education Teachers Developing Critical Literacy. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Rogers, R. (in press, expected Oct. 2007) Reconstructing Pedagogical Frameworks: Teaching for Literacy Acceleration within Critical Frameworks. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 2 (4).

* Rogers, R. & Christian, J. “What could I say?”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Construction of Race in Children’s Literature. (in press, 2007). Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 10 (1).

* Rogers, R. & Mosley, M. (2006) Racial Literacy in a Second Grade Working Class Classroom: Critical Race Theory, Whiteness Studies and Literacy Research. Reading Research Quarterly, 41 (4), 462-495.

* Rogers, R., Berkes, E., Mosley, M., Hui, D., O-Garro, G. (2005b). A Critical Review of Critical Discourse Analysis. Review of Research in Education, 75 (3), 365-416.

** Rogers, R., Kramer, M., & Mosley, M. (2005c). Becoming Socially Just across the Lifespan: A Portrait of the Literacy for Social Justice Teacher Research Group

The Missouri Reader, 29 (3), 76-87.

***Rogers & The Literacy for Social Justice Teacher Research Group (2005d). The Long Haul: Professional Development as Social Change. Language Arts, 82 (5), 347-358.

* Rogers, R. (2004b). Storied Selves: A Critical Analysis of Adult Learners’ Literate Lives. Reading Research Quarterly, 39 (3), 272-305.

**Rogers, R. & Light, R, Curtis, L. (2004c). “Anyone Can be an Expert in Something”: Exploring the Complexity of Discourse Conflict and Alignment in a 5th Grade Classroom. Journal of Literacy Research, 36 (2), 177-210.

*Rogers, R. (2003b). Constructing Consent: Histories of Participation. Discourse, 24 (2), 139-158.

*Rogers, R. (2002a). Between Contexts: A Critical Analysis of Family Literacy, Discursive Practices, and Literate Subjectivities. Reading Research Quarterly 37 (3) 248-277.

* Rogers, R. (2002b). Through the Eyes of the Institution: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Decision Making in Two Special Education Meetings. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 33 (2), 213-237.

*Rogers, R. (2002c). “That’s What You’re Here for, You’re Supposed to Know”: Teaching and Learning Critical Literacy. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 45 (8), 772-787.

*Rogers, R. (2000) “It’s Not Really Writing, It’s Just Answering the Questions”: The Intersection of Family and Institutional Literacy Practices. Language Arts, 77 (5), 428-437.

Rogers, R. (1998). Learning from Families: Reflections on Family Literacy. The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 8, 42-47.

Rogers, R., McGill-Franzen, A., Carhart, C. (1998). Moving Family Knowledge to the Center of the Curriculum. Empire State Reading Scene, 3 (2), 4-5.

* Indicates written with a graduate students

** Indicates written with practicing teachers, graduate, and undergraduate students

*** Indicates written with practicing teachers and undergraduate students from WU


Rogers, R. (in press). Critical Discourse Analysis in Education. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 3.

** Rogers, R. & Fuller, C. (in press, expected 2007). As if you heard it from your mother: Reconstructing histories of participation in an adult education classroom. In Lewis, C., Enciso, P., & Moje, E. (Eds.), Identity, Agency, and Power: Reframing sociocultural research on literacy. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

** Rogers, R., Kramer, M. with the Literacy for Social Justice Research Group. In Berger, A., Lewis, J., & Jongsma, K. (Eds.) (2005). On the frontline: Advocating effectively for your classroom, your school, and your profession, pp 48-49. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Rogers, R. (in press). Collaboration and inspiration: My journey as a writer. In. L. Gambrell & I. Wepner (Eds.) Writing for Literacy Publications. International Reading Association.

* Rogers, R. (2004d). Discursive Alignment and Conflict in Social Transformation, pp. 51-78. In R. Rogers (Ed.) New Directions in Critical Discourse Analysis. Mahwah: NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

**Rogers, R. & Mosley, M. (2004e). Learning to be just: Peer learning in a working class classroom, pp. 142-154. In E. Gregory, S. Long, & D. Volk (Eds). Many Pathways to Literacy: Learning with Siblings, Peers, Grandparents, and in Community Settings. NY: Routledge.

Rogers, R. (2001). Family Literacy and Cultural Models. National Reading Conference Yearbook, 50, 96-114.

Rogers, R. & Goatley, G. (2001) Multiple Forms of Evidence. A Case Study of Student Learning and Achievement. National Reading Conference Yearbook 49.

Johnston, P. & Rogers, R. (2001). Assessment of Literacy Development in Early Childhood. Handbook for early childhood practices. Guilford Press.


Rogers, R. (2006). Cohn Summer Institute for Middle School Children ($23,000, UMSL)

Rogers, R. (awarded, 2003). Washington University Faculty Research Grant. $6,000

Rogers, R. (awarded, 2002). Washington University Faculty Research Grant. $6,000

Rogers, R. (awarded, 2002). Sociological Initiatives Foundation. $15,000.

Rogers, R. (1999) Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education Conference. Conference funds Office of Research State University of New York at Albany

Rogers, R., (1998). Family Literacy Research: An ethnographic case study. Funded by the Graduate Student Organization, University at Albany.

Rogers, R. & Peck, S, (1998). Graduate Student Literacy Forum. Funded by the Graduate Student Organization.

Rogers, R. (1996) A Collaborative Family Literacy Project. Funded by Fleet Bank.


Goatley, G., McGill Franzen, A., Rogers, R., Henderson, S. Exploring literacy within the School and the Broader Community: A View from the Northeast. Technical Report for the Center for English Language and Achievement.

Brooks, G., & Rogers, R. (1997). Implementing Successful Adult Literacy Programs. A Final Report prepared for the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation.


Rogers, R. (in press). Critical Discourse Analysis in Education. Encyclopedia of Language Education.

Rogers, R. Revolutionary Education: Reflections on an Education Delegation in Venezuela. Rethinking Schools.


Rogers, R. & LSJTRG (book manuscript). Educating for Change: The Literacy for Social Justice Teacher Research Group.

Rogers, R. A Multi-layered Program Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Literacy

Rogers, R. & Mosley, M. Racial Literacy, Book Clubs, and the Preparation of Literacy Teachers.

Mosley & Rogers. Dramatizing Race in a Second Grade Classroom. In Cathy Compton Lilly (Ed.) Sociocultural Considerations for Educators.

Rogers, R. Locating discourses of race in talk and texts in classrooms. In Stanton Wortham & Betsy Rymes (Ed). Noticing Status: Discourse Analysis for Teachers. NY: Teachers College Press.

Mancini, M. & Rogers, R. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Narratives of Mental Health Recovery.

Rogers, R. & Buechler, L. The Development of Literate Identity in Primary Grade Children.


Rogers, R. & Lewis, T. (in press). Review of Family Stories across the Life course. Discourse & Society.

Rogers, R. (2004). Review of Elaine Richardson’s African American Literacies. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25 (4).

Rogers, R. (2004). Review of Gerald Coles’ Reading and the Naked Truth. Literacy, Legislation, and Lies. Teachers College Record, January 30.

Rogers, R. & Mosley, M. (2003). Review of Deborah Hicks’ Reading Lives: Working class children and literacy learning. Literacy Teaching and Learning: An International Journal of Early Reading and Writing, 7 (1).

Rogers, R. & Mancini, M. (2004). Review of M. Iannucci McClelland & R. Sands’, (2003). Interprofessional and family discourses: Voices, knowledge, and practice. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 35, (1). cae/aeq/br/index.html. [Indexed 2004, 35(4)]

Rogers, R. (2002). Review of Victoria Purcell-Gates & Robin Waterman’s, Now we Hear, We See, We Speak. Portrait of Literacy Development in an Adult-Freirean-Based Class. Adult Education Quarterly 52 (2), 160-161.


Cruz, C., Freeman, M., Rogers, R. (2001). Representation and Research. Themed edition of the The Qualitative Report, Volume 5, Numbers 3 & 4, October, 2000




ST. LOUIS, Writer/Producer, St. Louis, MO.

This half hour documentary illustrates the process of organizing for adult literacy education in St. Louis, MO. The video features interviews and live footage with adult education students, teachers and organizers. Their stories remind us that literacy education is an important part of the struggle for social justice. The documentary was initially screened at the Acting for a Better Community (ABC’s) Conference May 18th and 19th. The video is available for distribution in adult education classrooms, libraries, and community agencies.


This 40 minute video illustrates the findings of a study conducted (Rogers & Kramer, in press) with exemplary adult education teachers. The video features interviews and classroom footage with adult education teachers who were nominated as exemplary from within the communities in which they teach. The video was initially screened at a professional development inservice for adult education teachers and administrators in MO. The video is available for distribution and will be available online in conjunction with the book titled “Exemplary Adult Education Teachers Developing Critical Literacy Practices” available in fall 2007 at


This 40 minute interactive DVD was developed as a tool for pre-service classroom teachers and literacy specialists. The DVD includes footage of one on one tutoring using culturally relevant materials and critical literacy. Handouts and resources are included on the DVD.


This 25 minute video features interviews with the “founders” of Critical Discourse Analysis. Footage was collected at the First International Critical Discourse Analysis conference in Valencia, Spain (2003). The video is divided into sections that focus on “methods”, “context”, “multiple approaches” and “future directions”. This video was initially shared at the Critical Discourse Analysis conference at Indiana University, 2004. The video can be used in discourse analysis workshops and classes.


National Presentations—Reviewed

Rogers, R. & Fuller, C. (under review). Reconstructing histories of participation in an adult education clasroom. In C. Lewis (Chair) Identity, Agency and Power: Reframing Sociocultural Research on Literacy. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Rogers, R. & Christian, J. “Someday somebody’s going to come along and knock

this old fence down”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Construction of Inter-racial Alliances in Children’s Literature. Presentation at The National Reading Conference, December 2, 2005, Miami, Florida.

Rogers, R. & Kramer, M. (2005). We make the road by walking: A study of exemplary adult education teachers. Presentation at the National Reading Conference, November 30, 2005, Miami, Florida.

Rogers, R. & Mosley, M. (2004). “If I were white and I am”: Reading the construction of whiteness in a working class second grade classroom. In R. Rogers (Chair) Becoming Critically Literate Across the Lifespan. National Reading Conference, December 3, 2004, San Antonio, Texas.

Rogers, R. & Fuller, C. (2004). “As if you heard it from your momma”: reconstructing histories of participation with literacy education in an Adult Education classroom. In R. Rogers (Chair) Becoming Critically Literate Across the Lifespan. National Reading Conference, December 3, 2004, San Antonio, Texas.

Rogers, R., Berkes, E., Mosley, M., Hui, D., O-Garro, G. (2004). A Critical Review of Critical Discourse Analysis. First International Critical Discourse Analysis Conference,Valencia, Spain, May, 2004.

Rogers, R. & Fuller, C. (2004). Critical and Accelerative Adult Education. UMSL Qualitative Research Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Rogers, R. (2004). A Critical Discourse Analysis Instructional Session. UMSL Qualitative Research Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Rogers, R. & Kramer, M. (2004). Exemplary Adult Education Teachers. NCTE Summer Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Rogers, R. & Mosley, M. (2004). Critical Literacy in a White Working Class Classroom. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Rogers, R. (2003). From writing sermons to reading basal texts: A critical discourse analysis of literate identities across contexts. NCTE Midwinter Assembly of Research: Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Rogers, R., Johnston, P., & Strolin-Smith, L. (2002). Critical Literacy and the Zone of Proximal Development for Reading Teachers and Struggling Readers. Paper to be presented at National Reading Conference, December 1, 2002, Miami Florida.

Rogers, R., Johnston, P., Strolin, L., & Amundsen, K. (2002). The critical role of the teacher in becoming critically literate. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Council Teachers English, NY:NY.

Rogers, R. & Light, R. (2002). Using local literacies to challenge traditional notions of power and knowledge in a fifth grade classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Council Teachers English, NY: NY.

Rogers, R. Fairclough, N., Gee, J., Lewis, C., Peyton-Young, J., Rowe, S., Sarroub, L., (2002). New directions for Critical Discourse Analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans: LA.

Finders, P., Balcerzak, P., Rogers, R., Easter, C., (2002). Doing science, Doing literacy: The discourses of developing scientific literacy. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, New Orleans: LA.

Rogers, R. (2001). The possibilities of Critical Discourse Analysis for literacy Studies. Paper accepted for presentation at the British Educational Research Association. University of Leeds, UK.

Goatley, G. & Rogers, R. (2001). Exploring elementary student’s historical and literate discourse. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio: TX.

Rogers, R. (2001). The possibilities of CDA for literacy Studies. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio: TX.

Goatley, V., O’Neill, A. & Rogers, R. (2001). Document based conversations: Integrating primary documents, literacy and social studies standards. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference. San Antonio: TX.

Rogers, R. & Lewis, C. (2001). Contemporary approaches to discourse analysis. Study group at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio: TX.

Goatley, V., O’Neill, A. & Rogers, R. (2001). Document based conversations: Integrating primary documents, literacy and social studies standards. Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Reading Association, New Orleans.

Rowe, S., Rogers, R. & Neufeld, P. (2001). Discourse analysis and questions of context. Paper presented at UMSTL Qualitative Conference. St. Louis, University of Missouri St Louis

Rogers, R. (2001). Problematizing reflexivity in research. Paper presented at the Qualitative Research Conference (QUIG), Georgia.

Rogers, R. (2000). Ethnographic Intentions: Multi-vocal representations In R. Rogers & L. Sarroub (Co-Chairs) Problematizing qualitative inquiry in literacy studies,

Symposium presented at the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Rogers, R. & Dozier, C. (2000). “Engaging” families in a school-based clinic. In P. Johnston (Chair) A multi-layered study of middle school struggling readers at the University literacy lab. Symposium presented at the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Goatley, G, Rogers, R, Machado, (2000). Written artifacts as demonstration of student achievement in integrated Social Studies/Language Arts classrooms. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Goatley, G, Rogers, R., Machado, V & O’Neill, A. (2000). Multiple perspectives on fourth grade discussions of primary source documents connected to literature texts. Paper presented at the Ethnographic and Qualitative Conference in Research, Albany, New York.

Rogers, R. (2000). Negotiating power and privilege in the research process: Exploring researcher-participant roles. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.

Rogers, R. (2000). Rethinking the language of the CSE: Changing assessment and student identities. In Johnston, P. (Chair) Changing the language of assessment. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Reading Association, Indianapolis, IN.

Rogers, R. (1999). Between contexts: Everyday language and literacy practices of the Treaders. In Paratore, J. (Chair) The language and practice of family literacy. Symposium presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Rogers, R. & Goatley, G. (1999). Multiple forms of evidence: A longitudinal case study of student achievement. Paper presented at the 49th Annual National Reading Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Goatley, G. & Rogers, R. (1999). A longitudinal study of student learning and achievement in integrated classrooms. Paper presented at National Council for Social Studies and National Council for Teachers of English (NCSS/NCTE), Washington DC.

McGill-Franzen, A. Rogers, R. (1999). Transforming family knowledge into curriculum. In Goatley, G and McMahon, S. (Co-Chairs), Integrated instruction: Maintaining the integrity of the disciplines. Institute conducted at the meeting of the International Reading Association, San Diego, California.

McGill-Franzen, A., Rogers, R. & Machado, V. (1999). Integrating curriculum and culturally relevant pedagogy: A collaboration with exemplary teachers in the primary grades. In Allington, D. (Chair), Contradictions, dilemmas and tradeoffs: Effective teaching in context. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Rogers, R. (1998). Literacy and social process: A case study of a “nonmainstream” family. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, Texas.

McGill-Franzen, A., Rogers, R. (1998). From family tradition to academic curriculum. In McIntyre, E. (Chair), Culturally Relevant Instruction for Diverse Populations: Instruction, Student Response and Teacher Planning. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, Texas.

Rogers, Jiron, H., Peck, S. & Henderson, S. (1998). Constructing understandings: Collaboration at the doctoral level. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, Texas.

Rogers, R. (1998). Literacy learning in an adult basic education classroom: Building on the strengths of the learners. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Reading Association, Orlando, Florida.

McGill-Franzen, A., Rogers, R. and Carhart, C. (1998). Exploring historical literacy within embedded communities: A collaboration of teacher educators and primary grade practitioners. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

Rogers, R. & Brooks, G. (1997). Broadening the perspective of literacy: Adult literacy and sense of community. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

Goatley, G., McGill Franzen, A., Henderson, S., Rogers, R. & Ward, N. (1997). Exploring literacy within the school and the broader community: A view from the Northeast. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

Regional Presentations—Reviewed

The Literacy for Social Justice Group (2004). Webster ABC’s of Literacy Conference. March 12th.

Rogers, R. & Fuller, C. (2004). Critical Literacy in a Adult Education and Literacy Classroom. 4th Annual Qualitative Research Conference: Border Crossings in Research, March 12-13th, UMSL.

Rogers, R. (2004). An Introduction to CDA in Educational Research. 4th Annual Qualitative Research Conference: Border Crossings in Research, March 12-13th, UMSL.

Rogers, R. (1999). “She didn’t say nothin about no special”: Social struggles embedded in discourse. Paper presented at Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education. New York: Teachers College.

McGill-Franzen, A., Rogers, R. (1998). Connecting Social Studies and literacy through inquiry, Grades 1 & 2. Presentation at the New York State Reading Association, Saratoga, NY.

Rogers, R. (1998). The intersection of home and school literacies: A case study of a struggling reader. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Conference at Amherst.

Rogers, R. (1998). Intergenerational literacy learning: Relationship of home, school, and community. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Penn Ethnography in Education Research Forum.

Rogers, R. & Brooks, G. (1997). Meeting the educational needs of rural adult populations: Incentives and constraints to building successful learning communities. Paper presented at NYACCE.

Rogers, R. & Brooks, G. (1997). Bridging the gap: Multiple perspectives on adult literacy and education programs in rural communities. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Conference on Ethnographic & Qualitative Research in Education.

Rogers, R. (1997). The social nature of literacy learning. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Conference on Ethnographic & Qualitative Research in Education.

International Conferences

Rogers, R. (2004). A Critical Review of Critical Discourse Analysis in Education. First International Critical Discourse Analysis Conference: Valencia, Spain.

Mancini, M. & Rogers, R. (2004). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Narratives of Mental Health Recovery. First International Critical Discourse Analysis conference: Valencia, Spain.

Rogers, R. (2000). The language and practice of family literacy. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Reading Association. 18th World Congress on Reading, Auckland, New Zealand.

Rogers, R. (1997). Strengthening communities through home-school connections. Workshop presented at the First International Guatemalan Reading Conference, Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Invited Presentations

Rogers, R. (2006). Racial Literacy in a Second Grade Classroom. Keynote Speaker: Florida International Reading Association conference.

Rogers, R. (2006). Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Practice. Keynote Speaker. Iowa State University, sponsored by the Cross-Curricular Inquiry Related to Community, Language, and Education.

Rogers, R. (2006). Becoming Critically Literate across the Lifespan. Keynote Speaker. Reading Research symposium. Cardinal Strichter University. Milwaukee, WI. Theme: Language Matters.

Rogers, R. (2005). Designing Discourse Analysis Studies. National Reading Conference. December 2, 2005.

Rogers, R. (2005). Family Literacy and Race Relations. National Council of Teachers of English. November 21, 2005.

Rogers, R. (2005). Critical Literacy across the Lifespan. Workshop for Webster Groves teachers, Webster Groves District Office, September 22, 2005.

Rogers, R. (2005). Literacy Education and Social Movements: A Historical Perspective. The Literacy Roundtable, St. Louis Public Library. March 15, 2005.

Rogers, R. (2004). Critical Discourse Analysis in Education. Keynote Speaker. The Graduate Student Literacy Forum, University at Albany. November 13, 2004.

Rogers, R. (2004). Language and Power in Classrooms. Keynote Speaker. Conference on Urban Education, Geneseo College, NY, June 29, 2004, Geneseo, NY.

Rogers, R. (2004). Accelerating Adult Literacy Development. Keynote Speaker. Adult Education and Literacy Conference, April 1, 2004, Lake of the Ozarks, MO.

Rogers, R. (2004) The Emergence and Evolution of a Methodological Movement: CDA in the Social Sciences. Keynote Speaker. Critical Discourse Analysis Conference. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. May 20-22.

Rogers, R. (2003). Guest Presentation for GED Classroom on A Critical Discourse Analysis of family Literacy Practices: Power in and out of Print. (November 20, 2003)

Rogers, R. (2002). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power in and Out of Print. Guest lecture for Dr. Doug Hartman’s doctoral course in writing ethnographic research.

Rogers, R. (2001). Issues in Socio-Cultural Research. National Academy of Education – Spencer Foundation Collaborative Initiative. Convened by Cynthia Lewis at University of Iowa, Nov 2-4.

Rogers, R. (2001). Literate subjectivities and discursive practices. An invited presentation for the Distinguished Finalist in the Dissertation of the Year Award. Presentation at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans.

Rogers, R. (2001). Writing the dissertation. Invited talk for Department of Reading, University at Albany.

Rogers, R. (1999). Exploring Issues in Critical Discourse Analysis. Presented to International Working Group on Discourse Studies (Jim Collins, Chair), University at Albany.

Rogers, R. (1998). Multiple perspectives on family literacy. Keynote address delivered to the Massachusetts affiliation of the Literacy Volunteers of America.

Rogers, R. (1997). The state of literacy education in a developing country. Presentation at the Diversity Conference, University at Albany.

Rogers, R. (1997). Reading books and beyond. Presentation for the Albany affiliate of Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc.

Chair/Organizer of sessions

Rogers, R. (2004). Becoming Critically Literate Across the Lifespan. National Reading Conference, December 3, 2004, San Antonio, Texas.

Rogers, R. (2004). Negotiating and Co-constructing Research with “Struggling” Middle School Readers and Writers. National Reading Conference, December, 3, 2004, San Antonio, Texas.

Rogers, R. (2004). New Directions for Critical Discourse Analysis. New Orleans, LA: American Educational Research Association.

Rogers, R. & Lewis, C. (2002). Critical Discourse Analysis Study Group. National Reading Conference.

Rogers, R. & Lewis, C. (2001). Critical Discourse Analysis Study Group. National Reading Conference.

Rogers, R. (June, 2001). Framing a Research Agenda for Critical Discourse Analysis: Working Group Meeting on CDA. Washington University in St. Louis.

Rogers, R. (1998) (Chair) in Peter Afferblach, High-stakes assessment. Presentation at the New York State Reading Association. Saratoga, New York.

Rogers, R., & Berry, Ruth (1999) (Co-Chairs). Alternative format for Graduate Students: The Research Process. Alternative format session presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference.


National Academy Sciences - National Research Council

Standards Setting for Adult Literacy Standards

July 16-19, 2004

National Council on Research in Language and Literacy (NCRLL)

Membership and Elections Chair 2006-Present (elected position)

International Reading Association

Member, 1998-Present

Reviewer, Reading Research Quarterly

Reviewer, The Reading Teacher

Reviewer, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy

Advisory Board, The Literacy Dictionary: The Vocabulary of Reading and Writing (2002)

Reviewer, Anthropology and Education Quarterly

New York State Reading Association

Member, 1998-2001

New York State Reading Association Student Ambassador (1999)

Technology Committee, New York State Reading Association (1998-1999)

Missouri Reading Association

Member, 2002-Present

Facilitator for ‘Beginning Teachers of Reading’, Missouri Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (2001)

National Reading Conference

Member, 1997-Present

Chair, Student Research Award Committee (2004-Present)

Co-Chair, Area 3 Literacy Instruction and Literacy Teaching (2006-Present)

Co-organizer (with Cynthia Lewis), Critical Discourse Analysis Study Group (2001-2004)

Reviewer, Journal of Literacy Research (2002-Present)

Editorial Advisory Board, National Reading Conference Yearbook (2003-Present)

Reviewer, National Reading Conference Yearbook (2001-Present)

Member, Edward Fry Book Award Committee, National Reading Conference (2004-Present)

Student Research Awards Committee, National Reading Conference (2001-Present)

Proposal Reviewer, Areas 3 (Literacy Processes Elementary Age Learner, Social and Critical Literacy), Area 4 (Literacy Processes Middle School, High School and Adult Learners, Social and Critical Literacy), Area 8 (Special Populations), Area 7 (Emergent/Family Literacy) (1997-Present)

Organizer, chair, ‘Winners of the Student Research Awards’, ‘Landing an Academic Job’. Symposia for graduate students, National Reading Conference (1998-1999)

American Educational Research Association

Member, 1998-Present

Proposal reviewer, Division C (Language and Literacy) (2001-2004)


2006: Guest Reviewer, The Journal of Special Education

2006: Guest Reviewer, Journal of Social Psychology

2006: Guest Reviewer, Language Arts Themed Issue on Inclusive Education

2005-Present: Reviewer, Critical Discourse Studies

2005-Present: Reviewer, The Qualitative Record

2004: Committee Member, National Research Council, National Assessment of Adult Literacy Standards.

2002-Present: Reviewer, Teachers College Record

2002-Present: Reviewer, Teachers College Press

2003-Present: Reviewer of book manuscripts for Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

2001-present: Council Member, NCRALL National Research Council.

2001-present: Board Member, American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.

1999-2000: Co-coordinator, Ethnographic and Qualitative Conference, University at Albany.

1999-2000. Co-Facilitator, Teacher Research Group, Inner City School Language and Literacy Issues.

1998: Co-organizer, Graduate Student Literacy Forum, University at Albany.


July 2006: Direct Cohn Summer Institute on UMSL’s campus

Sep. 2006: Doctoral Admissions Review Committee

Sep. 2006: Research Coordinator (elections pending)


October, 2005: Invited guest speaker for Campus Wide Week Long Dialogue on Race Relations

February 2004: Invited guest for doctoral students’ career development workshop

2004-2006: Chair of Honors Program

2004-2006: Methodology Committee Doctoral Program, Department of Education

2004-2006: Literacy Committee, Doctoral Program, Department of Education

2004 Spring: Organize Teacher Education night for accreditation visit (March 21)

2004-2006: Washington University in St. Louis Sports and Recreation Advisory Committee.

2004: Board Member, Association of Women Faculty.

2004-2006: Chair, Association of Women Faculty Graduate Student Award Committee

2003: Chair, Spring Speaker Series for Center for Children and Learning and Department of Education.

2003: Chair, Educational Honors Thesis Committee. Washington University, Department of Education.

2002: Chair, Educational Honors Thesis Committee. Washington University, Department of Education.

2002: Consultant for “Intolerance and Prejudice: An interdisciplinary Proposal”. A proposal by Dr. James Gibson, Political Science and Dr. Alan Lambert, Psychology, Washington University.

2001, 2002: Conference organizer: Department of Education, Washington University, “Spring Forum.”

2001: Interview with Campus Relations for article “From cereal boxes, to graffiti, to historical fiction, literacy education expert says the more kids read the better”. The Record: Washington University in St. Louis

2001: Service First – Washington University in St. Louis. Served as a mentor for freshmen on campus.

2001: Family Responsibilities Committee, Association of Women Faculty – Washington University

2001: Conference organizer: Department of Education, Washington University, “Spring Forum.”

2000-2006: Doctoral Studies Committee, Department of Education, Washington University.

2000-2006: Educational Studies Committee, Department of Education, Washington University.

2000-2006: Teacher Education Committee, Department of Education, Washington University.

Honors Thesis/Dissertation Committees/Independent Studies (Washington University)

Fall 01 Independent Study, Denise Katz

Fall 01 Independent Study, Anne Ellis

Fall 01 Independent Study, Rebecca Light

Sp. 02 Independent Study, Anne Ellis

Fall 02 Independent Study, Tina Mims

Fall 02 Independent Study, Rachel Shuman

Spring 04 Independent Study, LaTisha Gilbert

Spring 04, Independent Study, Wendy Hoftmeister

Fall 04, Independent Study, Stacy Brock

Spring 05, Independent Study, Stacy Brock

Summer 05, Liesl Buchler

Fall 05, Independent Study, June Christian

Fall 05, Melissa Mosley

Spring 06, Lindsey Rowe

Spring 06, June Christian

Spring 06, Melissa Mosley

Spring 06, Jessica McLean

2005. Chair, Melissa Mosley. A Longitudinal Study of the Preparation of Literacy Teachers. (Washington University).

2005. Committee Member, Tisha Lewis. Family Literacy and Technology. (University at Albany).

2005. Committee Member, Rita Armitage. Measuring up: Discursive and material effects of testing times on parents and children. (University of South Australia).

2005. Committee Member, Hui, D. Teachers Interactions in Computer Mediated Communities. (Washington University).

2002. Committee Member. Neufeld, P. Use of narratives in a community of learners: Reconstructing health and wellness. (Washington University).

2002. Committee Member. Rowe, S.  The dialogic museum: Speech genres and social language in informal learning. (Washington University).

2002. Chair, Honors Thesis Light, R. Local knowledge in a 5th grade classroom. (Washington University).

2002. Chair, Honors Thesis. Katz, D. The social construction of disability in a second grade classroom. (Washington University).

2002. Chair, Honors Thesis. Ellis, A. Communities of literate practice in an Adult Basic Education classroom. (Washington University).

2004. Chair, Honors Thesis. Brock, S. Evaluating literacy programs. (Washington University).

2002. Thesis Committee, Ethan Balias. The Charter School Movement. (Washington University).

2002. Thesis Committee, Tania Hossain. Discourses between patients and doctors. (Washington University).


Board of Directors, Literacy Roundtable

Workers Rights Board, Jobs with Justice

Organize and plan The 1st Annual Educating for Change Curriculum Fair

Initiated Literacy for Social Justice Teacher Research Group

Member of The Literacy Roundtable

Initiated Partnership between Washington University and Clark Elementary School

Attended Dismantling Racism Institute for Educators (week long institute) through NCCJ

Organize and plan Educating for Change Curriculum Fair (1st and 2nd Annual)

Talk at Clark Elementary School PTA

Organize Fellowship for Arts for Clark Elementary School Students and Washington University Teacher Education students

Organize DRIE for WU and Mecca for teacher education students


International Reading Association

International Reading Association – St. Louis Suburban Council

National Reading Conference

American Educational Research Association

Socio-Cultural Contexts of Education (SIG)

National Council Research Language and Literacy (NCRLL)

American Anthropological Association

Anthropology and Education (SIG)

National Council Teachers of English



Schroon Lake Marathon 1998

Hudson River Marathon 1999

Chicago Marathon 2001

Half Marathon St. Louis, April 2005

Lake Placid, July 1997

Relay Marathon

St. Louis, Team placed 3rd

Running Races

I have competed in over 30 running races ranging from 5 Ks to marathons.


Denali National Park, Alaska

Biking and Running


O’Fallon Sprint Triathalon 2003

Placed 10th in age category, 16th overall woman

Innsbrook ¼ Max Triathalon

June 19, 2004

Placed 10th in age category

Mountain Climbing

Member of the Adirondack 46er’s (I have climbed all 46 high peaks in New York State)

60 + high peaks in the New England 100 Highest

Climbed Cube Point with Exum Guides in Tetons, WY. (2002)

Three-day rock climbing course with Exum Guides Tetons, WY

50 mountains in Yellowstone National Park

Highest mountain in Puerto Rico

Halakalena Volcano, Maui

Certified Spinning Instructor

I am a certified to teach Spinning courses (group cycling).


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