San Jose State University

JS 111 Fluorescent Applications in Molecular Biology and Forensic Science

Steve Lee


Forensic Application

UV detection of Semen Stains


Ms S. Marshall, Mr A. Bennett, Dr H. Fraval, Locating semen on skin using visible fluorescence

2001. Downloaded from on 083010



JS 111 Semen Detection References 090110:

1. Woods, R. W. ; "Communications Secretes au Moyen de Rayons Lumineux"; Journal de Physique Theor et Appl (5th series) 9:77-90, 1919.

2. Enos F. W, Beyer J. C.; "The Importance of Examining Skin and Hair for Semen in Sexual Assault Cases", Journal of Forensic Science JFSCA. Vol. 26, No. 3, July 1981, pp 605-607.

3. Santucci A, Nelson D, Kemedy, McQuillen K, Duffy S, Linakis J; " Wood's Lamp Utility in the Identification of Semen", Pediatrics 12/01/99 ISSN: 0031-4005; Vol. 104, No. 6; p. 1342-1344

4. Stoilovic, Milutin; "Detection of Semen and Blood Stains Using Polilight as a Light Source", Forensic Science International, 1991, Vol. 51, p. 289-296.

5. Dr C Lincoln, Dr P McBride, Dr G Turbett "A Protocol for the use of an Alternate Light Source to Facilitate Detection of Corroborative Trace Evidence in Sexual Assault Investigations." 7th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medical & Forensic Sciences. Melbourne 16th-21st September 2001.

6. Rofin Australia Pty Ltd. Unit 6/42-44 Garden Boulevard, Dingley Melbourne 3172. Mr Alex Bennett, Ms Sharon Marshall, Dr Hadrian Fraval.

7. Dr Cathy Lincoln, Dr Pam McBride, Sexual Assault Resource Centre, PO Box 842, SUBIACO, Perth, Western Australia. 6008

8. Nicholas Vandenberg, B.Sc. (Hons) and Roland A. H. van Oorschot, Ph.D.; "The Use of Polilight in the Detection of Seminal Fluid, Saliva, and Bloodstains and Comparison with Conventional Chemical-Based Screening Tests", Journal of Forensic Science JFSCA. Vol. 51, No. 2, March 2006, pp 361-370.

Other references on semen presumptive tests:

1) Gutman, A.B. and Gutman, E.B. “Quantitative Relations of a Prostatic Component (Acid Phosphatase) of Human Seminal Fluid” Endocrinology, Vol. 28, p.115 (1941)

2) Riisfeldt, O.“Acid Phosphatase Employed as a New Method of Demonstrating Seminal Spots in Forensic Medicine” Acta Pathalogica st Microbiologica Scadinivia Supplementum, Vol. 58, p.1 (1946)

3) Kaye, S.“Identification of Seminal Stains” J. Crim. Law, Criminology & Pol. Sci., Vol. 38, p.79 (1947)

4) Fisher, R.S.“The Acid Phosphatase Test as Evidence of Rape”New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 240, p.783 (1949)

5) Kind, S“The Use of the Acid Phosphatase Test in Searching for Seminal Stains” J. Crim. Law, Criminology & Pol. Sci., Vol. 47, p. 597 (1957)

6) Brakett, J.W.“The Acid Phosphatase Test for Seminal Stains” J. Crim. Law, Criminology & Pol. Sci., Vol. 47, p. 717 (1957)

7) Pinto, F.C.“Rape for the Defense of Presumptive Seminal Testing for Acid Phosphatase” J. For. Med., Vol. 6, p.147 (1959)

8) Enos, W.F., et al.“A Laboratory Procedure for the Identification of Semen” Amer. J. Clin. Pathology, Vol. 39, p.316 (1963)

9) Kind, S.S.“The Acid Phosphatase Test”Methods in Forensic Science, p.267, John Wiley & Sons, NY (1964)

10) Rupp, J.C.“Sperm Survival and Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Activity in Victims of Sexual Assault”

J. For. Sci., Vol. 14, p.177 (1969)

11) Schiff, A.F.“Modification of the Berg Acid Phosphatase Test”J. For. Sci., Vol. 14, p.538 (1969)

12) Godwin, I.D. and Seitz, G.K. “Vaginal Acid Phosphatase”Medical Annals of D.C., Vol. 39, p. 147 (1970

13) Walther, G.“Acid Phosphatase: Significance in the Determination of Seminal Traces” J. For. Med., Vol. 18, p.15 (1971)

14) Willott, G.M.“L-Tartrate Inhibitable Acid Phosphatase in Semen and Vaginal Secretions”J. For. Sci. Soc., Vol. 12, p.363 (1972)

15) Wraxall, B. and Adams, E.“Phosphatases in Body Fluids: The Differentiation of Seminal and Vaginal Secretion” Forensic Sci., Vol. 3, p.57 (1974)

16) Davies, A. and Wilson, E.“The Persistence of Seminal Constituents in the Human Vagina” Forensic Science, Vol.3, p.45 (1974)

17) Gomez, R.R., et al.“Determination of Acid Phosphatase Activity in Vaginal Washings” Amer. J. Clin. Pathology, Vol. 64, p.423 (1975)

18) McCloskey, K.L., et al. “Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Activity in the Postcoital Vagina”J. For. Sci., Vol. 20, p.630 (1975

19) Findley, T.P.“Quantitation of Vaginal Acid Phosphatase and Its Relationship to Time of Coitus” Amer. J. Clin. Pathology, Vol. 68, p.238 (1977

20) Sensabaugh, G.F.“The Quantitative Acid Phosphatase Test: A Statistical Analysis of Endogenous and Postcoital AP Levels in the Vagina.” J. For. Sci., Vol.24 (1979)

21) Auvdel. M.J. “Comparison of Laser and UV Technology used in the Detection of Body Secretions” J. For. Sci., Vol.32, p.362 (1987)

22) Pearson, P.L., Bobrow, M., Vosa, C.G. & Barlow, P.W. "Quinacrine Fluorescence in Mammalian Chromosomes" Nature (London) Vol. 231, p. 326 (1971)

23) Woods, R.W. “Communications Secretes au Moyen de Rayons Lumineux” Journal de Physique (Theoretical and Applied) Vol. 9 p. 77 (1919)

24) Stoilivic, M.“Detection of Semen and Blood Stains Using Polilight as a Light Source” Forensic Sci. Int. Vol. 51, p.289 (1991)

25) Robinson, D., Willcox, P.“4-Methylumbelliferyl phosphate as a substrate for lysosomal acid phosphatase” Biochim. Phys. Acta., Vol.191, p.183 (1969)

26) Gee, K.R., et al.“Fluorogenic substrates based on fluorinated umbelliferones for continuous assays of phosphatases and beta-galactosidases”Anal. Biochem., Vol. 73, p.41 (August, 1999

27) H.J. Kobus, J. Scharnberg, E. Sileneiks “Improving the Effectiveness of Fluorescence for the Detection of Semen Stains on Fabrics”

Journal of Forensic Science, Vol. 47, p.823 (2002)

28) McGraw, D."New LEDs Enable Innovations in Forensic Alternative Light Sources"

Forensics Magazine, June/July (2005)

29) Hara, M., et al.“Some Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Gamma-Seminoprotein – An Antigenic Component Specific for Human Seminal Plasma” Jap. J. Leg. Med. Vol. 25 p. 322 (1971)

30) Blake, E.T. and Sensabaugh, G.F. “Genetic Markers in Human Semen: A Review”J. For. Sci., Vol. 21, p.784 (1976)

31) Blake, E.T. and Sensabaugh, G.F “Genetic Markers in Human Semen II: Quantitation of Polymorphic Proteins”J. For. Sci., Vol. 23, p.717 (1978)

32) Sensabaugh, G.F.“Isolation and Characterization of a Semen-Specific Protein from Human Seminal Plasma: A Potential New Marker for Semen Identification”J. For. Sci., Vol. 23, p.106 (1978)

33) Poyntz, F.M., et al. “Comparison of PSA and AP levels in Postcoital Vaginal Swabs from Donor and Casework Studies” For. Sci. Int., Vol. 24, p.17 (1984)

34) Graves, H.C., et al. “Postcoital Detection of a Male Specific Semen Protein: Application to the Investigation of Rape” New England J. Med., Vol. 312, p. 338 (1985)

35) Stubbings, N.A. and Newall, P.J. “An Evaluation of Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptide (GGT) and PSA Determinations for the Identification of Semen on Postcoital Vaginal Swabs” J. For. Sci., Vol. 30, p.604 (1985)

36) Kamenev, L., et al. “An Enzyme Immunoassay for Prostate Specific PSA Antigen Detection in the Postcoital Vaginal Tract” J. For. Sci., Vol. 29, p. 233 (1989)

37) Stowell, L.I., et al. “An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Prostate-Specific Antigen” For. Sci. Int., Vol. 50, p. 125 (1991)

38) Hochmeister, M.N., et al. “Evaluation of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Membrane Tests for the Forensic Identification of Semen” J. For. Sci., Vol.44, p.1057 (1999)

Identification of Semen from , downloaded 083010.

*Lee, SB. 2008 Semen Detection and Separation. NIJ Grant Report

*Hilton J. Kobus,1 D.Phil.; Edmund Silenieks,2; and Jordana Scharnberg,3 B.Sc..Improving the Effectiveness of Fluorescence for the Detection of Semen Stains on Fabrics J Forensic Sci, July 2002, Vol. 47, No. 4

Assignment Due 09/08/10

Read Chapter 1. pp 1-19.

Required reading: Other references on fluorescence

Read the following 2 articles. Write a 3 page summary, 3 questions and 3 answers. Submit by email to Lee by 09/08/10 1200 noon. Bring hard copy to class weds 090810.

* Introduction to fluorescence-

*Tutorial on Fluorescence and Fluorescent Instrumentation downloaded from on 083010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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