Textbook Affordability Small Grant Application, 2017/2018

Textbook Affordability Small Grant Application, 2017/2018 Applicant InformationNameDepartmentE-Mail AddressTelephoneAbout the CourseLet us know about the course you are seeking to change/enhanceCourse name/numberTypical Enrollment per sectionHow many sections are taught per year?Semester in which you plan to implement the materials you adopt or developCurrent required text(s): include title/author/costProjectWhich type of project are you proposing? ____ Adopt: Redesign your course to incorporate an existing open textbook as is or use other open course content to replace a traditional, high-cost textbook with a free, low-cost, or open alternative. (Grant of $500)____Revise/Remix an Existing Open Textbook: Remix an existing open textbook or other open educational resources (OER) and/or create new open content to bridge gaps in available resources to enable a fully open course. New content may add missing chapters to existing OERs or create ancillaries such as quiz question banks, lecture slides, or lab manuals. Goal—to replace a traditional, high-cost textbook with an open textbook or articles, book excerpts, audio, or video that are open access or licensed through the Library. (Grant of $1,000)DeadlinesCompleted application forms are due November 13, 2017. Open Textbook workshops will be available on October 24th, 11:30 to 12:30, RT 401 for those who need more information. Projects should be completed by January 15, 2018 or an alternative date to be approved by the grant committee.ImplementationDescribe your plan to implement this project, including a timeline for completion and the semester that the open materials will be first used.SustainabilityDescribe the expected sustainability of the project (e.g. how often will course materials need to be updated, how much effort or cost is likely to be involved?) and the feasibility that others teaching this course in the future will be able to use the materials from this project.ImpactDescribe your plan for evaluating the impact of this project on teaching and/or student learning and engagement in your course.Agreement and SignaturePlease initial each item as a sign of agreement to the following as stipulations for receiving this grant. ____ I agree to choose a license for any materials I author using this award that will enable, at a minimum, CSU students and instructors to use them freely inside and outside of my course. ____I agree to conduct an evaluation as a component of the textbook project. (At a minimum, this would be a brief survey your students would complete about their experience using your materials. However, additional evaluation approaches are possible.)____I agree to attend community events and to present my project a minimum of one time in order to inform others about how to increase affordability in their courses._____ I understand that if funded, this award will be provided as a taxable payroll supplement.I support and approve this grant application.Signature of Department Chair_____________________________________________________SubmissionPlease complete this form, using as much space as is needed and send it to:Barbara Loomis, Project Coordinator, Michael Schwartz Libraryb.i.loomis@csuohio.eduCall 216-875-9734 for more information. ................

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