ДНЗ "Уманський професійний аграрний ліцей"






for students of technical specialties

UMAN, 2013


Вальчевська О.В., викладач англійської мови ДНЗ «Уманський професійний аграрний ліцей»


Кравцова С.І., заступник директора з НР ДНЗ «Уманський професійний аграрний ліцей»

Робочий зошит з англійської мови розроблений для учнів технічної спеціальності (професія «Тракторист-машиніст сільськогосподарського виробництва») ПТНЗ відповідно до програми.

У робочому зошиті містяться вправи на вивчення та засвоєння нової лексики підкріплені різними зоровими опорами, технічні тексти, контрольні питання та текстові завдання.

Для зручності користування, весь матеріал робочого зошита розміщено окремими блоками за темами курсу.

Цей робочий зошит сприяє кращому засвоєнню нового лексичного матеріалу та підвищує інтерес учнів до навчання.

English workbook of is designed for students of technical specialties (profession "Tractor-driver of agricultural production ") in accordance with the study program.

It contains exercises for learning and mastering new vocabulary supported by various visual support, technical texts, test questions and text task.

All materials are devided into individual blocks on the topics of the course.

This workbook promotes better assimilation of new lexical material and increase students’ learning interest.

Схвалено методичною радою ДНЗ «Уманський професійний аграрний ліцей»

Протокол № 8від 15 травня 2013р.

What is it “a Tractor”?

1. Read and translate the text below.

A tractor is an engineering vehicle specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort (or torque) at slow speeds, for the purposes of hauling a trailer or machinery used in agriculture or construction. Most commonly, the term is used to describe a farm vehicle that provides the power and traction to mechanize agricultural tasks, especially (and originally) tillage, but nowadays a great variety of tasks. Agricultural implements may be towed behind or mounted on the tractor, and the tractor may also provide a source of power if the implement is mechanised.

The word tractor was taken from Latin, being the agent noun of trahere "to pull". The first recorded use of the word meaning "an engine or vehicle for pulling wagons or ploughs" occurred in 1901, displacing the earlier term "traction engine" (1859).

2. Answer the questions.

1) What is a tractor?

2) What kinds of work can you do on tractor?

3) What the word tractor means?

4) When the word tractor was used instead of the earlier term "traction engine".

3. Write the names of different kinds of tractor with an explanation to them.






4. Look at the picture. Name the parts of the tractor.


5. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.

Internal Combustion Engine

1. Read the definition of the internal combustion engine.

The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the working fluid flow circuit.

2. Explain the different types of the internal combustion engine.

2.1 Engine configurations

2.1.1 Operation

2.1.2 Combustion

2.1.3 Two-stroke configuration

2.1.4 Wankel

2.1.5 Gas turbines

2.1.6 Jet engine

2.2 Engine cycle

2.2.1 Two-stroke

2.2.2 Four-stroke

2.2.3 Diesel cycle

2.2.4 Six-stroke

2.2.5 Brayton cycle

2.2.6 Obsolete

2.3 Fuels and oxidizers

2.3.1 Fuels

2.3.2 Hydrogen

2.3.3 Oxidizers

3. Look at the picture. Name the parts of the engine.


4. Work with the vocabulary.

oil pan - container closing the bottom of the engine block; it is the reservoir for the oil that lubricates the engine’s moving parts.

air conditioner compressor - component of the air-conditioning system circulating coolant, which cools the air in the passenger compartment when it is hot outside.

flywheel - disk connected to the crankshaft, which uses the kinetic energy produced at combustion to regulate the crankshaft rotation during the rest of the cycle.

exhaust manifold - set of pipes at the exit of the cylinders, capturing the combustion gases to conduct them to the exhaust pipe.

spark plug cable - electric wire carrying the high-voltage current from the distributor to the spark plugs, which produce sparks igniting the explosion.

cylinder head cover - part of the engine covering the cylinder heads, where the fuel is burned.

vacuum diaphragm - device connected to the distributor cap specifying the precise moment ignition must be produced relative to the engine’s rotation speed.

distributor cap - unit supplying the electric current necessary for producing sparks that ignite the fuel in the engine.

oil drain plug - plug closing the hole at the bottom of the oil pan through which used oil is evacuated.

fan belt - rubberized bands mounted on a pulley and linked to the engine, driving the fan and the alternator.

pulley -part attached to a shaft, whose rotational movement it transmits by means of a belt.

cooling fan - mechanism with blades blowing air across the radiator in order to cool the liquid it contains.

alternator - current generator driven by the engine, which recharges the battery to supply the electric system.

5. Translate into English.

Механічна система двигуна внутрішнього згорання сконструйована таким чином, що його робота розбивається на послідовність періодичних циклів, кожен із яких складається з кількох тактів. Один із тактів робочий, під час цього такту розширення гарячих стиснених газів призводить до руху поршня, інші виконують допоміжні функції, серед яких всмоктування палива та повітря, звільнення робочої камери від відпрацьованих продуктів згорання тощо. Найпоширеніші конструкції двигунів внутрішнього згорання - двотактні та чотиритактні.

Серед різноманітних конструкцій двигунів внутрішнього згорання найчастіше зустрічаються дизельні та карбюраторні. В дизельних двигунах паливо впорскується безпосередньо в стиснуте повітря і загоряється при впорскуванні. В карбюраторних двигунах використовується спеціальний пристрій, карбюратор, в якому створюється суміш палива та повітря.

6. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.

Work of Internal Combustion Engine

1. Read and translate the text below.

A petrol engine (known as a gasoline engine in North America) is an internal combustion engine with spark-ignition, designed to run on petrol (gasoline) and similar volatile fuels. It was invented in 1876 in Europe.

In most petrol engines, the fuel and air are usually pre-mixed before compression (although some modern petrol engines now use cylinder-direct petrol injection). The pre-mixing was formerly done in a carburetor, but now it is done by electronically controlled fuel injection, except in small engines where the cost/complication of electronics does not justify the added engine efficiency. The process differs from a diesel engine in the method of mixing the fuel and air, and in using spark plugs to initiate the combustion process. In a diesel engine, only air is compressed (and therefore heated), and the fuel is injected into very hot air at the end of the compression stroke, and self-ignites.

With both air and fuel in a closed cylinder, compressing the mixture too much poses the danger of auto-ignition — or behaving like a diesel engine. Because of the difference in burn rates between the two different fuels, petrol engines are mechanically designed with different timing than diesels, so to auto-ignite a petrol engine causes the expansion of gas inside the cylinder to reach its greatest point before the cylinder has reached the "top dead center" (TDC) position. Spark plugs are typically fired 10 degrees or so of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches TDC, to allow time for the fuel-air charge to substantially complete combustion before too much expansion has occurred - gas expansion occurring with the piston moving down in the power stroke. Higher octane petrol burns slower, therefore it has a lower propensity to auto-ignite and its rate of expansion is lower. Thus, engines designed to run high-octane fuel exclusively can achieve higher compression ratios.

Petrol engines run at higher speeds than diesels, partially due to their lighter pistons, connecting rods and crankshaft (a design efficiency made possible by lower compression ratios) and due to petrol burning faster than diesel. However the lower compression ratios of a petrol engine give a lower efficiency than a diesel engine. To give an example, a petrol engine is like operating a bicycle in its lowest gear where each push from your feet adds little energy to the system, but you still expend energy to move your legs back to the TDC position.

2. Say TRUE or FALSE.

1) A petrol engine is an internal combustion engine with spark-ignition, designed to run on petrol and similar volatile fuels.

2) A petrol engine was invented in 1867 in Europe.

3) In most petrol engines, the fuel and air are usually pre-mixed before compression.

4) The process does not differs from a diesel engine.

5) In a diesel engine only air is compressed.

6) The fuel is injected into very cold air at the end of the compression stroke, and self-ignites.

7) Spark plugs are typically fired 10 degrees.

8) Higher octane petrol burns faster.

9) Diesel engines run at higher speeds than petrols.

10) The lower compression ratios of a petrol engine give a lower efficiency than a diesel engine.

3. Watch the video “How Car Engine Works ”

4. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.

General information about the engine system

1. Read and translate the text below.

The internal combustion engine

The internal combustion engine is the main source of electrical and mechanical power for most mobile equipment, and for a large proportion of all construction plant. An understanding of how engines work, and how to disable them, is therefore a key part of good sabbing technique.

By and large engines are either run on diesel or petrol - other fuels such as gas or methanol are available, but these tend to be used rarely, and so you are unlikely to come across them in great numbers.

When considering how best to damage an engine, most public libraries provide you with ample help. The numerous range of DIY car maintenance manuals, on everything from scooters to small vans, give you graphic descriptions of what certain parts look like, and how to conduct 'maintenance' on them. I advice you to study this resource closely. You might also find it useful to enrol on a car maintenance workshop/evening class at your local technical college.

Coming back to our earlier principles, there are four basic features of the engine to consider when deciding how best to disable it....

|Energy source |--> |Fuel system |

|Energy conduit/regulator |--> |Fuel injection/ignition system |

|Energy conduit/lubrication |--> |Clutch/gear system |

|Energy source/sink |--> |Electrical system |

2. Match types of engine with the definition to them.

|Petrol engines |It is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to |

| |initiate ignition to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion |

| |chamber. The engine was developed by Rudolf Diesel in 1893. |

|Diesel engines |It is an internal combustion engine which runs on a gas fuel, such as coal |

| |gas, producer gas biogas, landfill gas or natural gas. |

|Gas engines |It is an internal combustion engine with spark-ignition, designed to run on|

| |petrol (gasoline) and similar volatile fuels. It was invented in 1876 in |

| |Europe. |

3. Translate into Ukrainian and describe the principles of engine systems

1) Engine lubrication systems


2) Сompression ignition engine fuel systems


3) Engine cooling systems


4. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.


1. Look at the scheme. Translate the parts of the thermostat into Ukrainian.


2. Read and translate the text.

Automatic control of the temperature of the engine is necessary for efficient engine performance and economical operation. If the engine is allowed to operate at a low temperature, sludge buildup and excessive fuel consumption will occur. On the other hand, overheating the engine or operating it above normal temperature will result in burnt valves and faulty lubrication. The latter causes early engine failure.

The thermostat senses engine temperature and controls coolant flow through the radiator. It allows coolant to circulate freely only withinthe blockuntil the desired temperature is reached. This action shortens the warm-up period. The thermostat normally fits under the thermostat housing between the engine and the end of the upper radiator hose. The pellet-type thermostat that is used in modern pressurized cooling systems incorporates the piston and spring principle.

The thermostat consists of a valve that is operated by a piston or a steel pin that fits into a small case, containing a copper impregnated wax pellet. A spring holds the piston and valve in a normally closed position. When the thermostat is heated, the pellet expands and pushes the valve open. As the pellet and thermostat cools, spring tension overcomes pellet expansion and the valve closes.

Thermostats are designed to open at specific temperatures. This is known as thermostat rating. Normal ratings are between 180°F and 195°F for automotive applications and between 170°F and 203°F for heavy-duty applications. Thermostats will begin to open at their rated temperature and are fully open about 20°F higher, For example, a thermostat with a rating of 195°F starts to open at that temperature and is fully open at about 215°F.

Most engines have a small coolant bypass passage that permits some coolant to circulate within the cylinder block and head when the engine is cold and the thermostat is closed. This provides equal warming of the cylinders and prevents hot spots. When the engine warms up, the bypass must close or become restricted. Otherwise, the coolant would continue to circulate within the engine and too little would return to the radiator for cooling.

The bypass passage may be an internal passage or an external bypass hose. The bypass hose connects the cylinder block or head to the water pump. There are two internal bypass systems that can be used on an engine.

One internal bypass system uses a small, spring-loaded valve located in the back of the water pump. The valve is forced open by coolant pressure from the pump when the thermostat is closed. As the thermostat opens, the coolant pressure drops within the engine and the bypass valve closes.

Another bypass system has a blocking-bypass thermostat. This thermostat operates as previously described, but it also has a secondary, or bypass, valve. When the thermostat valve is closed, the circulation to the radiator is shut off. However, when the bypass valve is open, coolant is allowed to circulate through the bypass. As the thermostat valve opens, coolant flows into the radiator and the bypass valve closes.

Some stationary engines and large trucks are equipped with shutters that supplement the action of the thermostat in providing a faster warm-up and in maintaining proper operating temperatures. When the engine coolant is below a predetermined temperature, the shutters, located in front of the radiator, remain closed and restrict the flow of air through the radiator. Then as the coolant reaches proper temperature, the shutters start to open. Two methods are used to control the shutter opening. A stationary engine uses a shutterstat (long thermostatic valve) connected to the engine cooling system with hoses or pipes that allow the coolant to circulate through the valve. The temperature of the coolant, when it reaches a predetermined temperature, causes the valve to expand extending a rod which through linkage forces the shutters open. Trucks, equipped with an air brake, use a smaller thermostatic valve that actuates an air valve. This air valve allows pressure from the air tank to enter the air cylinder attached to the shutter operating mechanism, forcing the shutters open.

3. Translate into English

Термоста́т — фізичне тіло або пристрій, що забезпечує сталість температури у системі. Термостат підтримує температуру на заданому рівні вмикаючи/вимикаючи нагрівальний або охолоджуючий елемент, чи змінюючи потік теплоносія.

Термостат може бути керуючим пристроєм в системах опалення або охолодження , або ж бути компонентом радіатора чи кондиціонера.

Термостати мають широкий вибір конструктивних схем, а також можуть використовувати велику кількість термодатчиків. Вихід термостата подається на нагріваючий/охолоджуючий орган.

4. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.

Engine cooling system

1. Read and translate the text.

Usually, a cooling system works by moving a liquid over the hot cylinder and combustion chamber walls. The liquid absorbs heat and carries it away. This is a liquid-cooling system. Sometimes a cooling system uses no liquid. Instead, air is moved over the hot walls of the cylinders and combustion chambers to carry away heat. This is an air-cooling system.


At the same time, the engine must not be allowed to run too cold either. An engine running too cold does not burn all the fuel taken into the combustion chambers and will cause a lot of sludge to form in the crankcase. This causes poor gasoline mileage, forms carbon deposits, increases wear, and cuts down on engine power.


The cooling system does three jobs to provide a satisfactory temperature operating range for the engine. First, it removes the unwanted heat. Second, it regulates the engine temperature to keep it just right during all operating conditions.  Last, when the engine is first started, it makes the engine warm up to its normal operating temperature as soon as possible.


Fuel, Oil, and Exhaust

Although they are not ordinarily thought of as being a part of the cooling system, the fuel, lubrication, and exhaust systems help a lot toward cooling the engine. The repairer must not overlook these systems as trouble here may appear to be problems in the cooling system.

Fuel. When fuel enters the engine, it is cool; therefore, it absorbs or soaks up a lot of the heat. You can get an idea of just how cool the fuel is when it enters the engine by feeling the carburetor throttle body on an engine that is running. The throttle body will feel cool, even though the engine is hot.

2. Describe the principles of engine liquid-cooling systems.



3. Answer the questions.

1. Which is the lightest of the three engines (2-stroke, 4-stroke or diesel)?

2. Which is the least expensive?

3. Which is the noisiest?

4. Which is the largest?

5. Which is the safest? Why?

6. Which has the lowest fuel consumption?

4. Add the missing words to the sentences

flat be repaired click recharge faults battery clean tank empty replace fuel wide sparkplugs cooling backwards narrow forwards

1. In a car the flat battery, the empty fuel tank and the dirty spark plugs are the ... that can be easily eliminated.

2. If your car doesn't start, check the ... and the fuel ... .

3. If the battery is flat, try to ... or ... it.

4. If the ... tank is ... , fill it with petrol.

5. If the ... ... are dirty, ... them.

6. Adjust the gap in a spark plug if it is too ... or too ... .

7. If the petrol pump is broken, it must.

8. If the tyres are ... , you should pump them up.

9. If you hear a loud ... , while turning the key, the starter motor may be jammed.

10. If it is jammed, try to move the car ... or ....

11. If the engine becomes too hot, there is a fault in the ... system.

5. Speak about the main engine cooling systems of a car.

6. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.

Tractor structure

1. Work with the vocabulary.

There are tractors with two or four driving wheels and two or four wheels that change the direction of the tractor.


The back end of the tractor is fitted with the equipment necessary to haul farm equipment or supply mechanical power to it.


|tread bar |Raised part of the tire tread that improves traction for various usage conditions. |

|step [pic] |Tread or set of treads built into the body for climbing up to or down from the cab. |

|rim [pic] |Metal circle constituting the wheel’s circumference and upon which the tire is mounted. |

|exhaust stack [pic] |Vertical upper part of the conduit that evacuates exhaust gas from the engine. |

|fender [pic] |Part of the body that covers part of the wheel and serves as a shield from flying mud. |

|cab [pic] |Compartment from which the operator drives the truck and operates the tools or agricultural machinery. |

|steering wheel [pic] |Circular instrument used by the operator for steering the guide wheels. |

|engine compartment [pic] |Device converting the combustion of fuel and air into mechanical energy. |

|front wheel [pic] |Wheel that changes the tractor’s direction; it is usually smaller than the rear wheel. |

|driving wheel [pic] |Wheel that receives the engine’s power and propels the tractor. |

|headlight [pic] |Lamp on the front of the vehicle that illuminates the space in front. |

|counterweight [pic] |Mass that balances and stabilizes the tool hitched to the tractor. |

|taillight [pic] |Lamp that illuminates automatically when the front lights are on and shines more brightly when the operator steps on the |

| |brake pedal. |

|towing hitch [pic] |Device for attaching the coupler-head ring of a towed piece of agricultural machinery. |

|draft link [pic] |Bar with a coupler head for towing. |

|power takeoff [pic] |Mechanism consisting of a grooved shaft that uses the engine’s power or the tractor’s movement to drive a tool or equipment|

| |being towed. |

|lifting link [pic] |Part adjustable to several positions that connects the draft link to the rock shaft lift arm. |

|coupler head [pic] |Linking device between the tool and the draft link. |

|hydraulic cylinder [pic] |Hydraulically powered device made up of a cylinder and a piston, which drive the draft link. |

|hydraulic coupler [pic] |Device for attaching the hydraulic hoses so that power can be transmitted to the attached tool. |

|headlight [pic] |Lamp on the rear of the vehicle that illuminates the work area. |

|compression link [pic] |Bar fastened to a tool that is coupled to the draft link to prevent it from tipping up or down. |

|rock shaft lift arm [pic] |Part controlled by the hydraulic cylinder that raises and lowers a tool by means of the lifting link and the draft link. |

2. Read and translate the text

Tractors can be generally classified as two-wheel drive, two-wheel drive with front wheel assist, four-wheel drive (often with articulated steering), or track tractors (with either two or four powered rubber tracks).

The classic farm tractor is a simple open vehicle, with two very large driving wheels on an axle below and slightly behind a single seat (the seat and steering wheel consequently are in the center), and the engine in front of the driver, with two steerable wheels below the engine compartment. This basic design has remained unchanged for a number of years, but enclosed cabs are fitted on almost all modern models, for reasons of operator safety and comfort. In some localities with heavy or wet soils, notably in the Central Valley of California, the "Caterpillar" or "crawler" type of tracked tractor became popular in the 1930s, due to superior traction and flotation. These were usually maneuvered through the use of turning brake pedals and separate track clutches operated by levers rather than a steering wheel.

Four-wheel drive tractors began to appear in the 1960s. Some four-wheel drive tractors have the standard "two large, two small" configuration typical of smaller tractors, while some have four large, powered wheels. The larger tractors are typically an articulated, center-hinged design steered by hydraulic cylinders that move the forward power unit while the trailing unit is not steered separately.

In the early 21st century, articulated or nonarticulated, steerable multitrack tractors have largely supplanted the Caterpillar type for farm use. Larger types of modern farm tractors include articulated four-wheel or eight-wheel drive units with one or two power units which are hinged in the middle and steered by hydraulic clutches or pumps. A relatively recent development is the replacement of wheels or steel crawler-type tracks with flexible, steel-reinforced rubber tracks, usually powered by hydrostatic or completely hydraulic driving mechanisms. The configuration of these tractors bears little resemblance to the classic farm tractor design.

3. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.

Choose of tractor

1. Read the definition of different kinds of tractors.

| |A bulldozer is a crawler (continuous tracked tractor) equipped |

| |with a substantial metal plate (known as a blade) used to push |

| |large quantities of soil, sand, rubble, or other such material |

| |during construction or conversion work and typically equipped |

| |at the rear with a claw-like device (known as a ripper) to |

| |loosen densely-compacted materials. |

|[pic] |A loader is a heavy equipment machine often used in |

| |construction, primarily used to load material (such as asphalt,|

| |demolition debris, dirt, snow, feed, gravel, logs, raw |

| |minerals, recycled material, rock, sand, and woodchips) into or|

| |onto another type of machinery (such as a dump truck, conveyor |

| |belt, feed-hopper, or railcar). |

|[pic] |Excavators are heavy construction equipment consisting of a |

| |boom, stick, bucket and cab on a rotating platform (known as |

| |the "house"). The house sits atop an undercarriage with tracks |

| |or wheels. A cable-operated excavator uses winches and steel |

| |ropes to accomplish the movements. |

|[pic] |In civil engineering, a wheel tractor-scraper is a piece of |

| |heavy equipment used for earthmoving. A scraper is a large |

| |piece of equipment used in the mines.The rear part has a |

| |vertically moveable hopper (also known as the bowl) with a |

| |sharp horizontal front edge. The hopper can be hydraulically |

| |lowered and raised. When the hopper is lowered, the front edge |

| |cuts into the soil or clay like a plane and fills the hopper. |

|[pic] |A dump truck (or, UK, dumper truck) is a truck used for |

| |transporting loose material (such as sand, gravel, or dirt) for|

| |construction. A typical dump truck is equipped with a |

| |hydraulically operated open-box bed hinged at the rear, the |

| |front of which can be lifted to allow the contents to be |

| |deposited on the ground behind the truck at the site of |

| |delivery. In the UK and Australia the term applies to off-road |

| |construction plant only, and the road vehicle is known as a |

| |tipper, tipper lorry (UK) or tip truck (AU). |

|[pic] |A grader, also commonly referred to as a road grader, a blade, |

| |a maintainer, or a motor grader, is a construction machine with|

| |a long blade used to create a flat surface. Typical models have|

| |three axles, with the engine and cab situated above the rear |

| |axles at one end of the vehicle and a third axle at the front |

| |end of the vehicle, with the blade in between. |

2. Write all kinds of tractors and their brands.


3. Read and translate the text.

Choosing the Perfect Tractor

When Charles W. Hart and Charles H. Parr first coined the term tractor in reference to one of their petroleum-powered pieces about a century ago, they described a machine capable of easing the physical burden on farms of all sizes. Although the steel-wheeled contraptions that Hart-Parr Manufacturing Co. first offered bear little resemblance to today’s sleek, smooth-running machines, their early success was sufficient to provide the foundation for one of the longest-running and most recognizable symbols of modern agriculture.

In the early years, tractors had engines, drive trains (complete with clutches, transmissions and rear axles), stationary power drive systems (belt-pulleys and power take-offs PTOs), and a drawbar for pulling. Step forward a few years to the arrival of specialized hitches for mounted implements and hydraulic systems to raise and lower them, offering even more versatility. Today’s tractors are as fully evolved as our computer-controlled cars and trucks. On the surface, they still have most of their predecessors’ principal components. But those components have changed dramatically, and in many cases include two or more variations.

  When shopping for a new (or recent-used) tractor, buyers choose more than just engine size and hitch equipment. There are no fewer than four discrete types of transmissions, at least three styles of tires and two drive systems to decide on, in addition to drawbars, hydraulic outlets, operator amenities, ballast and more. Making informed choices when putting together a new tractor or carefully choosing a used model is key to having a fully functional, enjoyable and safe farm power experience.

Tractor marketing pitches universally point to engine power to lure prospective buyers, but that isn’t the most useful number when trying to understand a machine’s capabilities. No one would ask a 25-horsepower lawn tractor weighing 750 pounds to do the same kind of work expected from a 4,000-pound, 25-horsepower farm tractor. A better measure of a tractor’s capabilities comes from drawbar and PTO ratings, which will be much higher for the farm tractor than the lawn tractor. Although the value is different for each machine, most tractors offer between 75 and 85 percent of their engine’s power at the PTO, which is then available to run powered implements such as balers or mowers. The tractor’s drawbar horsepower, on the other hand, cannot be accurately estimated from engine power because it depends on the tractor’s weight, tires and traction characteristics. In the same operating conditions, the heavier of two otherwise identical tractors will have more pulling power, but tire patterns will also make a difference.

4. Home assignment: learn all unknown words.

Types of tractors

1. Read and translate the text.

Tractors offer a lot of use and convenience for many people. They are generally used for pulling, drawing in and towing heavy objects that are hard to haul around manually. However, there is a common misconception that they can only be found on farms. There are actually several kinds of tractors that all have specific uses. Here they are.

Compact Utility Tractor or CUT

Among them is the compact utility tractor which is a small model of an agricultural tractor although designed chiefly for landscaping and land management instead of for planting as well as harvesting on a commercial level. Typically this kind of tractor has 20 to 50 horsepower. The compact utility tractor is also equipped with both mid-mounted PTO as well as a standard rear PTO.

Like any large agricultural tractors, the compact utility tractor has a modifiable three-point hitch which can be controlled hydraulically. Usually a compact utility tractor is a four wheel drive. They also have a hydrostatic transmission. Also, compact utility tractors have roll over protection structure which is government mandated.

Backhoe Loader

Another type of tractor would be the backhoe loader, which is a variation of the traditional farm tractor. As its name suggests, it boasts of a loader assembly located on the front, as well as a backhoe at the back.

Because they have a relatively small frame as well as a precise control, they are common and useful for use in urban engineering projects like in repairs and construction in those areas that are too small for the larger equipment. They are one, if not the most, popular of the urban construction vehicles due to their versatility and compact size.

Engineering Tractor

Then there’s engineering tractors which are suited for engineering tasks. These tractors may be fitted with tools like bucket, hoe, dozer blade, ripper, among others. If attached with engineering tools it is often referred to as engineering vehicle.


The bulldozer meanwhile is track-type tractor with blades in front. It has rope-winch at the back, and these are very strong tractors which are specifically for pushing and dragging of things. In recent years it has been modified to perform other tasks like scooping up of rock, earth, and similar materials. The bulldozer will then load up the said materials into a truck.

Garden Tractor

There is also the garden tractor which is a very simple type used for domestic gardens. They are primarily for the cutting of grass. Garden tractors are usually strongly built and are coupled with stronger axles, frames, and transmissions.

EPA Tractor

The EPA tractor is a simple automobile which has passenger space cut off at the back of the front seats. It is also equipped with a couple of gearboxes in row. This type rose in popularity in Sweden, particularly during the Second World War. Older cars which have a ladder frame can actually be customized into an EPA tractor.

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Agricultural machinery. Mechanized devices used in farming.


Plowing-tilling device for cutting up and plowing in furrow slices.


|coupler head [pic] |Device that secures the ribbing plow to the tractor’s towing hitch. |

|beam [pic] |Horizontal bar that supports the parts of the plow and receives the pulling action. |

|leg [pic] |Metal part that connects the frog to the beam. |

|frog [pic] |Metal part attached to the end of the leg that supports the moldboard and the shear. |

|moldboard [pic] |Metal surface that lifts and plows in the furrow slice that was cut up by the colter and the shear. |

|colter [pic] |Round part that cuts the furrow slice vertically. |

|heel [pic] |Part on which the plow rests when it is not supported by the tractor. |

|shear [pic] |Steel blade that cuts the furrow slice horizontally. |

|colter’s shaft [pic] |Metal structure that supports the colters. |


Device with tines for working the top layer of the soil; it usually completes the plowing operation.


|tine [pic] |Curved prong that digs into the soil to work it by moving it sideways. |

|rotary hoe [pic] |Device whose mechanism is powered by the towing action of the tractor; it is made up of blades that aerate and level the field. |

|frame [pic] |Cultivator’s metal structure. |



Device with four disc trains arranged in two opposing V patterns; it loosens the soil that has already been plowed and eliminates weeds.


|draw bar hitch [pic] |Device that secures the tandem disc harrow to the tractor’s towing hitch. |

|hydraulic hose [pic] |Tube connected to the tractor’s hydraulic coupler that uses a fluid (oil) to transmit power from the engine to the |

| |device’s mechanisms. |

|disc [pic] |Dish-shaped part that breaks up clods of earth. |

|height adjustment [pic] |Crank for adjusting the depth of the discs’ penetration into the soil. |

|frame [pic] |Tandem disc harrow’s metal structure. |

|disc arm [pic] |Metal structure to which the discs are attached. |


Device that cuts the forage stalks as it moves and prepares them for the next harvesting phase (drying on the field and collection).


|draw bar hitch head [pic] |Device that secures the flail mower to the tractor’s towing hitch. |

|tooth [pic] |Curved tip for picking up the cut stalks. |

|hydraulic hose [pic] |Tube connected to the tractor’s hydraulic coupler that uses a fluid (oil) to transmit power from the engine to the|

| |device’s mechanisms. |

|tow bar [pic] |Metal part with a draw bar hitch head that secures the flail mower to a tractor. |

|pickup reel [pic] |Unit that bends the stalks toward the crushing roll. |

|crushing roll [pic] |One of two cylinders that crush and bend the stalks as they are fed between them; the crop is then deposited in a |

| |row on the ground. |

|cutter bar [pic] |Unit that consists of a metal blade with beveled sections and is of adjustable height; it is used to cut the crop |

| |stalks while moving. |


Device that harvests herbage (such as alfalfa, clover and corn) for feeding livestock.


|pickup cylinder [pic] |Rotating unit that gathers the forage, which is then chopped and blown into the wagon. |

|tooth [pic] |Curved prong that picks up the forage from the ground. |

|draw bar hitch head [pic] |Device that secures the forage harvester to the tractor’s towing hitch. |

|power-takeoff shaft [pic] |Device that hitches the machine’s shaft to the tractor’s power train to transmit the necessary power to operate it. |

|tow bar [pic] |Metal part consisting of a draw bar hitch head that connects the forage harvester to the tractor. |

|rotating auger [pic] |Threaded shaft that drives the forage into the mincer and then to the spout. |

|spout [pic] |Device that forces the chopped forage into the wagon. |

|wagon [pic] |Trailer for transporting the harvested forage. |


Device that harvests the forage and compresses it into bales.


|draw bar hitch head [pic] |Device that secures the hay baler to the tractor’s towing hitch. |

|tow bar [pic] |Metal part consisting of a towing hitch that connects the hay baler to the tractor. |

|pickup cylinder [pic] |Rotating unit that picks up the cut grass (such as straw or forage) to convey it to the plungerhead. |

|power-takeoff shaft [pic] |Device that hitches the machine’s shaft to the tractor’s power train to transmit the necessary power to operate it. |

|plungerhead [pic] |Mechanical device that pushes the hay or straw into the press chamber by squeezing it forcibly. |

|press chamber [pic] |Device that shapes the bales of hay or straw. |

|binder [pic] |Device that ties the bales of hay or straw using string or wire. |


Vehicle that harvests seed crops, usually grain; it cuts, threshes and separates the seeds from the chaff.


|divider [pic] |Unit at the end of the cutter bar that separates the furrow meant to be cut from the others. |

|cutter bar [pic] |Unit that consists of a metal blade with beveled sections and is of adjustable height; it is used to cut the crop stalks while |

| |moving. |

|pickup reel [pic] |Rotating unit underneath the cutter bar that draws the stalks into the rotating auger. |

|bat [pic] |Toothed bar that rotates on the pickup reel’s transverse axle. |

|tooth [pic] |Prong on the bat that causes the crop stalks to fall. |

|feeding tube [pic] |Usually rotating unit that regulates the flow of the harvested crop arriving at the thresher, which separates the grain from the |

| |chaff. |

|rotating auger [pic] |Double rotating worm that gathers the harvest to the center of the header, where it is conveyed to the feeding tube. |

|straw spreader [pic] |Propeller device that spreads hay from the back of the harvester the width of the cut to facilitate plowing the hay under the soil.|

|unloading tube [pic] |Duct through which the grain is transferred from the tank to a trailer. |

|motor [pic] |Device converting the combustion of fuel and air into mechanical energy. |

|cab [pic] |Compartment from which the driver operates the combine harvester. |

|grain elevator [pic] |Mechanism that conveys the harvested grain to the tank. |

|grain tank [pic] |Container that temporarily stores harvested grain. |


Farming tool that spreads and plows seeds into the soil following straight lines (furrows).


|chain drive [pic] |Distribution unit that regulates the flow of seeds into the grain tube. |

|colter [pic] |Round part that cuts the furrow slice vertically. |

|press wheel [pic] |Wheel that tamps the earth to plow the seeds down to a certain depth. |

|covering disk [pic] |One of a pair of circular parts that work together to close up the furrow. |

|disk spacing lever [pic] |Lever for changing the distance between the sowing lines. |

|grain tube [pic] |Tube through which the seeds flow from the bottom of the hopper to be dropped into the furrow. |

|hopper [pic] |Container that is usually shaped like an inverted pyramid; it holds the seeds to be sown. |


Farm machine that forces the harvested forage (e.g., grass, wheat and corn) into the silo.


|feed table [pic] |Rotating plate that moves the forage into the fan. |

|hopper [pic] |Container that holds harvested forage coming from a trailer, truck or ensiling trailer. |

|maneuvering bar [pic] |Rod for adjusting the blower to the desired position. |

|fan [pic] |Machine that produces airflow to force the forage through the ensiling tube and onto the silo. |

|ensiling tube [pic] |Duct through which the forage is blown into the silo. |

|fan’s tube [pic] |Duct through which the forage is blown toward the ensiling tube. |


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