ISSN 2194-0479 ALTEX

LINZ 2018 ? EUSAAT 2018

Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479


ALTEX Proceedings


3D Models & Multi-OrganChips (MOC),

Human-Organ-Chips (HOC)

3R Centers in Europe

3Rs in Education and Academia

Advanced Safety Testing of Cosmetics and

Consumer Products

Alternatives to Animal Testing in Food Safety, Nutrition and Efficacy

Biological Barriers

Disease Models Using Human Cells, Tissues and Organs


Efficacy and Safety Testing of Drugs,

Medical Devices & Biopharmaceutics

Free Communications

LINZ 2018

21st European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing


18th Annual Congress of EUSAAT

In Silico Models: Toxicology & Efficacy of Drugs, Chemicals & Cosmetics

International Progress in 3Rs Research

In Vitro Techniques for CNS Toxicity and Disease Studies

Refinement & Reduction

Replacement ? Advanced Technologies for Implementation of 3Rs

Specific Endpoints of Toxicity

Stem Cell Models (hiPS, ES, mES, miPS)

Update on Implementing EU Dir 63/2010

Vaccines & The 3Rs: New Methods and Developments (e.g. Batch Release Testing)

'Young Scientists' session

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EpiOcularTM ECVAM/Cosmetics Europe Eye Irritation, Validated Assay - OECD TG 492 US EPA Accepted for Antimicrobial Products with Cleaning Claims (AMCPs) COLGATE/IIVS Eye Irritation Validation Study Con4Eye Project on Eye Irritation Testing Strategies

EpiVaginalTM NIH Funded HIV Research CONRAD Microbicides Study



EpiDermTM Skin Corrosion, Skin Irritation, Phototoxicity, Genotoxicity Micronucleus and Comet assay, Medical devices, Skin Inflammation, Skin metabolism, Radiation Damage, Percutaneous Absorption ...

EpiOcularTM Ocular Irritation, "Sub-Draize" Ocular Irritation Testing (Mild, Milder, Mildest), Specific Ocular Irritation of Surfactants, Cosmetics and Consumer Products ...

EpiIntestinalTM Intestinal Toxicity, Drug Delivery, Inflammation, Fibrosis, Infection, Epithelial Restitution ...


EpiDermFTTM Anti-Aging, Skin Longevity, Skin Hydration, UV Protection, Percutaneous Absorption ...

EpiCornealTM Drug Delivery, Infection, Inflammation, Ophthalmic Product Testing ...

EpiOralTM and EpiGingivalTM Mucosal and Oral Irritation, Transmucosal and Buccal Drug Delivery, Gum Disease, Oral Cancer, Smokeless Tobacco Effects, Oral Epithelial Proliferation, Antimicrobial Barrier Function ...

EpiAirwayTM Drug Delivery, Respiratory Infection and Toxicology, Tobacco Smoke Toxicology, Nano-particle Toxicology, Gene Expression Analysis, RNAi/siRNA Therapeutic Drug ...

MelanoDermTM Skin Lightening-Darkening, Skin Pigmentation Modulation, Keratinocyte-Melanocyte Interactions ...

PsoriasisTM Anti-Psoriatic Drug Screening, Basic Psoriasis Research ...

EpiVaginalTM Feminine Product Irritation, Microbicide Testing, Immunocompetent, HIV-1 Infection Sexually Transmitted Infection, Inflammation, Vaginal Drug Delivery ...

MelanomaTM Tumor Invasion, Anti-Melanoma Drug Screening ...


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Welcome address EUSAAT 2018

Abstracts Linz 2018

Dear friends and colleagues,

on behalf of EUSAAT, the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing, we welcome you to the 21st European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing & the 18th EUSAAT 3Rs congress in Linz, Austria on September 23-26, 2018.

During the past two decades the "Linz-Congress" has emerged in Europe as the major scientific event in the field of the 3Rs and in the year 2018 the EUSAAT 2018 3Rs Congress Linz will be the largest international 3Rs congress. We are particularly pleased that our international partner societies from China, CCARE, the Chinese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments, and from the USA, ASCCT, the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology, are actively participating in our session on "International Progress in 3Rs Research".

EUSAAT 2018 is hosting oral and poster presentations to facilitate discussions and the exchange of ideas for the benefit of alternative methods to animal experiments. The Scientific Committee has identified the most important subjects related to the 3Rs that are currently of interest to scientists in Europe. The EUSAAT 2018 conference focuses in oral and poster sessions on Refinement and Reduction (e.g. animal welfare, education) as well as Replacement topics (e.g. disease models, non-animal tools for basic biomedical research, toxicity studies, omics techniques, advanced 3D models including recent progress in developing human-organ-chips).

After the success in 2016, this year we will host three round table discussions on topics that are of particular interest to EUSAAT members. The first on "International Progress in 3Rs Research", the second on "3R centers in Europe ? National and Local Centers" and the third on "Applying human 3D models and Multi-Organ-Chips (MOCs) in Industry".

We are grateful to all speakers for contributing to the training workshop "EUSAAT - Kirkstall Quasi Vivo? Training Workshop" and in particular to the company Kirkstall for the organization of this workshop, which is open to all participants of the EUSAAT 2018 congress.

In particular, we are very proud that we are able to continue the "Young Scientists Travel Award (YSTA)" program in 2018 and want to thank the SET Foundation for their generous funding. The YSTA program provides about 20 young scientists with the opportunity to share their ideas on the implementation of the 3Rs in education and novel test systems to reduce the suffering as well as the number of animals in research.

The EUSAAT Board is pleased that the number of sponsors of the EUSAAT congresses has increased over the years, since without their continuous support we would not be able to maintain the high scientific standard and to keep the congress fee low. Both elements are equally important in order to attract young scientists from all over Europe and beyond. Therefore, the EUSAAT Board and Scientific Committee thank all of the sponsors of EUSAAT 2018 on behalf of the participants.

Moreover, we are also pleased that the abstracts of the EUSAAT 2018 conference on the 3Rs are again published in ALTEX Proceedings and we thank the editor and CEO of ALTEX Edition for helping us to pave the way for future cooperation for the benefit of implementing the 3Rs in Europe.

We finally want to thank our colleagues on the EUSAAT Board and the Scientific Committee for their continuous support in planning the EUSAAT 2018 congress.

Horst Spielmann Secretary General

Winfried Neuhaus President

Dagmar Jirova Vice-President

Dominik R?nzler Vice-President

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List of Abstracts

Abstracts Linz 2018

ID Title




The elephant in the room: PREPARE

before you ARRIVE

Adrian Smith, R. Eddie Clutton, Elliot Lilley,


Kristine Hansen and Trond Brattelid


A combined in silico-3D lung tumor model to

Gudrun Dandekar, Meik Kunz, Sarah S. L. Nietzer, Oral

understand network effects of driver mutations for Florentin Baur, Michaela Baier, Claudia G?ttlich,

targeted therapy predictions

Julia Sch?ler, Ralf C. Bargou, Heike Walles and

Thomas Dandekar


S. aureus-infection-model at human liver-on-chip Fatina Siwczak, Alexander Mosig and

Lorena Tuchscherr de Hauschopp



Modelling ischemic stroke injury at the blood-brain Abraham Alahmad and Shyanne Page


barrier in vitro using induced pluripotent stem cells


Measuring Culture of Care ? a practical example Thomas Bertelsen



Development of an in-vitro testing battery to

assess biocompatibility of medical devices

Elisabeth Mertl, Christian Kirchnawy, Daniela Neubert, Elisabeth Riegel and Thomas Czerny



3Rs Centre in Sri Lanka to promote

"Replacement" concept

Stefanie Schindler, Mangala Gunatilake and


Francois Busquet


The Nonclinical Innovation and Patient Safety

Elizabeth Baker


Initiative (NIPSI): Supporting human-based

nonclinical approaches through advances in law,

policy, education and training in the United States


Using a concerted analysis of corresponding

Daniel Seitz and Florian Gaudig


cellular assays to create a complete in vitro

bone culture and implant testing system

10 Systematic assessment of well-being in mice for procedures using general anesthesia

Katharina Hohlbaum, Bettina Bert, Silke Dietze,


Heidrun Fink and Christa Th?ne-Reineke

11 Bioprinting perfusion-enabled liver equivalents

Tobias Grix


for advanced organ-on-a-chip applications

12 Comparative analysis of the difference of toxicity Mao Ling Wei, Bo Liu and Xin Mu


test between Chinese and European Pharmacopoeia

13 Tramadol: Paracetamol in drinking water to treat post-surgical pain in laboratory mice

Paulin Jirkof, Margarete Arras and Nikola Cesarovic Poster

14 Optimization of the Gluc-HET model

Renate Haselgr?bler, Flora St?bl, Marcus Iken, Klaus Schr?der and Julian Weghuber


15 Unique animal free 3D culturing of human cancer cells and normal cells

Atena Malakpour, Plaurent Rocci, Fredrik Johansson and Stina Oredsson


16 Meta-analysis of NTSs ameliorates identification of Bettina Bert, Barbara Grune, Daniel Butzke,


research areas for 3R development

Nora Leich, Antje Doerendal, Justyna Chmielewska,

Julia Vietze and Gilbert Sch?nfelder

18 Focus on severe suffering: How reducing

Elliot Lilley


suffering can be a gateway to replacement

19 A dynamic model of the alveolar interface

Roberta Nossa and Arti Ahluwalia


for the study of aerosol deposition

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Abstracts Linz 2018

ID Title



21 In silico tools to assist the development of physiologically-based kinetic models: Identification, characterisation and use

Judith Madden, David Ebbrell, Alicia Paini and


Mark Cronin

22 Computational methods for the prediction of chemical toxicity

Priyanka Banerjee and Robert Preissner


23 A human epidermal burn wound model as alterna- Verena Schneider, Ives Bernardelli de Mattos,

tive for animal testing

Martin Funk, Heike Walles and Florian Groeber-



24 Methodological improvements and automation for Karma Fussell, Julie Mollergues, Maricel Marin-


better biodetection of endocrine activities in-vitro Kuan, Gabriele Scholz and Benoit Schilter

25 Modelling Alzheimer's disease in threedimensional human neural progenitor cultures

Carine Gaiser, Anna Weston and Laura Suter-Dick Poster

26 Implementing the 3Rs into ecological research

Miriam A. Zemanova


28 Systems toxicology assessment of a 72-hour

Filippo Zanetti, Alain Sewer, Bjorn Titz,

repeated exposure to Swedish snus extract and total Anita R. Iskandar, Athanasios Kondylis,

particulate matter from 3R4F cigarette smoke on

Laura Ortega Torres, Claudius Pak, Florian

gingival organotypic cultures

Martin, Emmanuel Guedj, Ashraf Elamin,

Keyur Trivedi, Stefan Frentzel, Nikolai V.

Ivanov, Julia Hoeng and Manuel C. Peitsch


30 Persistent endocrine-disrupting chemicals found

Justyna Gogola, Marta Hoffmann and Anna Ptak


in human follicular fluid stimulate proliferation of

granulosa tumor via IGF1R ? 3D cell culture model

31 Evaluation of retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR) Barbara Birk, Philipp Demuth, Nadine Roth,


interaction of chemicals by combining two

Katharina Maria Sessler, Hans-Albrecht Huener,

techniques to a new screening approach

Andreas Verlohner, Burkhard Flick, Robert

Landsiedel and Bennard van Ravenzwaay

32 Metabolome analysis in vitro in NRK-52e cells

Barbara Birk, Saskia Sperber, Hans-Albrecht


might allow the prediction of nephrotoxicity

Huener, Andreas Verlohner, Svenja Wallisch,

and its mode of action

Tilmann Walk, Volker Haake, Michael Spitzer,

Hennicke Kamp and Bennard van Ravenzwaay

33 Reverse dosimetry approaches for potential endocrine disruptors

Eric Fabian, Amelie Ochs, Christian Haase, Caroline Gomes, Barbara Birk, Tzutzuy Ramirez, Rene Zbranek, Bennard van Ravenzwaay and Robert Landsiedel


35 Non-animal methods for skin sensiti-

David Roberts


sation testing ? is there really a need

for integrated testing strategies?

36 Emulating the gut-liver axis ? organ-on-chip as translational tool in sepsis research

Michelle Maurer, Tony Wollny, Florian Berlinghof, Oral Otmar Huber and Alexander Mosig

37 The horse as model for osteoarthritis

Annemarie Lang and Timo Gaber


research ? research tools vs. stakeholders

38 Sharing is caring ? update on innovative

Annemarie Lang


approaches to share organs and tissues

to reduce the lab animal usage

40 EFPIA ? putting animal welfare principles and 3Rs into action

Thomas Bertelsen, Kirsty Reid and Chris Petursson Poster

41 The Danish National Committee for the protection Rasmus Normann Nielsen of animals used for scientific purposes



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