50 TH REUNION - Hillcrest High School




2--Wayne Kay-- the `Bad Boy' of Benny's 11B 3--People and Places in Wayne's life 4--Angela Smiley's Ode to Sir Winston Churchill--1965 5--Do you remember where you were on November 22, 1963 at 12:30? 6 & 7--Judy Dallimore-- Hillcrest's First Hawk Hall of Famer 8--Have you visited HHS' Reunion Website yet? Reunion Crest 9--Remember these students? 10 & 11-- Canada's Original 2-man Skeleton Crew 12--Head Boy Peter Fallis 13--Head Girl Lynne Mundy 14--Lynne--the HHS Booster 15--The 1964 Valedictory Address 16 & 17-- I can't do the splits anymore 18-20--Sharon "Shag" McElroy 21--Obit for Nancy Powell 22 & 23--Bruce, Brian and Barry remembered 24--More on Peter Fallis

Hillcrest 50th Reunion Website:



We chose them to lead us...

Hillcrest's second head boy and head girl for 1962-63 were two `impending' graduates whose careers would encompass many fields-- from teaching and special education to music, property development as well as health-related software development and sales.

Head Girl Betty Lynne Mundy (now Bowes) would become an elementary teacher after leaving Hillcrest and complete her career as a professor of Developmental Services at Algonquin College, with four years devoted to raising a daughter and a son in their early years. Today, she is a full-time carer for four of her six grandchildren.

Head Boy Peter Allan Kent Fallis would dabble with a musical career as a founding member of The Staccatos before returning to high school and then on to university, Next came careers in land assembly, property management, as a restaurateur and now as an owner/CEO of TelASK Technologies Inc.


Have you seen the Hillcrest 50th Anniversary/Reunion website as yet? At:

There are so many things that you can see there: "Remember Me", where grads of all years plug in and let you know if they are attending the reunion and some even write a short memories piece on life since Hillcrest: under "News", current and back issues of this monthly newsletter; (Continued on Page 8.)



(Editor's Note: In the September edition, Wayne's name was mentioned by Surrey B.C. resident and former Hillcrester Patricia Irwin Uyeda in her memories piece with Sandy Shaw: My first real boyfriend (for six months) was Stuart Spence and we used to drive around with Wayne Kay and his girlfriend, Susan, in Wayne's father's car. We haven't found Susan yet, but we did `find' one of Wayne's other girlfriends--Angela Smiley. (See Pages 3 and 4.) And now, Wayne's memories .)

Since graduation from Hillcrest, I have enjoyed a number of marketing, operations and sales assignments including more recently oversight of a client focused professional, staff augmentation service business within IBM Canada's Public Sector which became their fastest growth area.

Now retired, I have served as Director of Sales for IBM Business Consulting Services and prior to that Director of National Sales for PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting (PwCC). In the late 1990's, I was fortunate to be the PwCC executive project manager and, subsequently, Chief Operating Officer of the PricewaterhouseCoopers company delivering global outsourcing solutions to Nortel Networks in 20 countries. Prior to that during the 1992 recession, I lead a company established to develop proven technology for a cleaner safer environment, public. That was hard work but we succeeded. Over the years, I have operated and managed computer technology marketing and sales organizations including those of Computel System Ltd, Datacrown and Crowntek Inc.

Attending the Eastern Ontario Institute of Technology, School of Business in Ottawa, I was a member of the first graduating class of Algonquin College School of Business. I was a founding director of the Algonquin College Student Union; responsible for Business and Legal Affairs.

In my first career, I received professional procurement training with the Sears management training program and, get this, I was transferred to the Montreal Fashion Centre and became a national fashion buyer the boys in Hillcrest's 11B would be proud of the fashion models, life was good.

Now, several careers later my wife Vickie and I live in Tweed. ON .where Elvis now lives, a rural community equidistant from Toronto and Ottawa. We have children and grandchildren and enjoy them all. However, it is now pay back time and I am pleased to be involved with several volunteer organizations. The party continues, life is good .Thank you, Hillcrest!

More importantly thanks to Mr. B. Bradley, who as principal set the tone and, influenced the culture of Hillcrest, certainly he did me. You see, as a student who lived on Tweed Ave, within one block of the school, I was late for school every morning. Mr. Bradley greeted me warmly and personally just about every morning while everyone else was in class. Needless to say, it was understood that I had a detention each day after school, except Friday, giving me the opportunity to get my homework done. Interestingly I was never late in business and continue to set my watch ahead so that I am on time. (Photos--Impact 64, below; at right? Wayne with wife, Vickie.)



Quote: "Give me wine, woman

and song, And an aspirin the next




Destination: Pick Pocket.

Pet Peeve:

Wondering what home work

he has the night before.


People and Places in Wayne Kay's life during / after Hillcrest

One of Wayne's girlfriends was Angela Smiley, seen here in an `Impact 65' Yearbook photo of the Dance Committee with Angie at centre, left of Vic Peterson, and in the insert at right. Angie's literary talents are displayed on Page 5 in a tribute to Winston Churchill.

One of the "Bad Boys" of 11B, Wayne will surprise many of his former classmates with his career success as we have seen in his story on Page Two. A member of the Eddie Benoit's original `all-boys' class in 1961, Wayne is in the back row, second from the left between the late Ray Jewers and Bryan Gilbart.

We don't know where Angela or Susan are these days. But we do know who has her 1966 yearbook if she wants it back to get all of her old friends to autograph it again at the Reunion.

Tweed -- Where Elvis Lives!

In 1989, the Ottawa branch of the Elvis Sighting Society declared Elvis was alive and well and living in Tweed. For several years after that, an `Elvis is Alive' festival was held in July. More recently, Tweed and Elvis made the headlines when a reporter from the Toronto Sun came to investigate if there was truth to the rumours. The only evidence that remains now that Elvis may have ever been in the community is a very short road now called Elvis Lane -- oddly enough not far from the proposed site of the Tweed Muskies stadium.


Angela Smiley's "TRIBUTE TO A LION"

(Editor's Note:- One of Wayne's girlfriends was Angela "Angie" Smiley, who was in 11F when Wayne finally graduated. Her girlfriend, Sharon McElroy, now Charboneau, who is featured on pages 20-22, reminded us of this `connection'; hence Angie's contribution to Impact `64 on Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, 30 November 1874 ? 24 January 1965.)

And so it was the Sunday in the hours of dawn, The lion ceased to roar, And took his place Above the heads of men. The light is gone From all our hearts And from his face, That like a beacon Through war and peace It shone, As hope for liberty, Good will among all men. They heard his words, Touched his hand, A gentle hand but one of steel That formed a fist To shake at defeat, to drive us forth, To save our land. And, in those hours of war and bloody mist He stood alone, he made us understand Why we must fight and die for freedom's kiss. These were his finest hours, his greatest days That invulnerable Titan of a man with the cigar Stood like a sentinel, to keep the ways Of freedom clear, to smash that evil bar That clicked the path of victory's rays. But now the lion is gone, we stand alone, Much stronger, defiant, courageous and as one, As one strong nation. And when the years have flown That name, that face, will shine as bright as any sun, The greatest, most human man our world has ever known.



John Fitzgerald Kennedy May 29, 1917--

November 22, 1963



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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