#1: Start with passionate ideas; things you feel strongly ...

Concrete Poem Assignment*In concrete poems, the words are arranged to create a picture that relates to the content of the poem.Directions: Using the sample Concrete Poems as a reference, select a topic to write about. Remember, your topic needs to be something that can be illustrated. Brainstorm words and phrases that correspond with your topic on the back of this paper. Then on white drawing paper, “write” your Concrete Poem. Be careful with the arrangement of your words. Be sure your poem takes the shape of the intended topic. Your poem must be at least 15 lines. Ensure that you make your final copy neat, creative, colorful, and free of spelling errors, for this is a Writing Assignment. Be sure to put forth your best effort here because you just might see your Concrete Poem hanging on the walls of the classroom! Use the checklist below to make sure you have completed the entire project! Have fun!4086225-31432500CHECKLIST:BRAINSTORM:___________1. 15 lines___________2. Symbol that ties into overall meaning___________3. Control of spelling___________4. Neatness___________5. CreativityReverse PoemDirections: #1: Start with passionate ideas; things you feel strongly about.The easiest way to write a reverse poem is to write the poem first as two sets of ideas. Begin with a subject you feel strongly about, such as "I love my family." Continue with reasons why you feel strongly about the topic: "They are nice to me," "They always support me," "I love the gifts they give me." List no more than seven reasons and label them Set One.#2: Use incomplete sentences as the ConnectorsThe next step is to write a set of ideas (no more than ten) that are incomplete clauses. These will be Set Two; each clause should end with the word "that.” Make half of the statements affirmative (positive) and half of them negative: "I feel that" and "I do not feel that," "people say that" and "people never say that.” #3: Combine Set 1 & 2 by Alternating Ideas and ConnectorsWrite a poem where you combine the ideas of Set One with the incomplete sentences of Set Two. Alternate the ideas with the positive and negative "that" statements to create single sentences that can be read up and down. It might take some time, but your goal is to create a poem that reads positively in one direction and negatively in another. See example poem on back. Turn in a poem that has the following: ___________1. 15 lines___________2. Overall Meaning of Poem (Shift) (Positive and Negative reading)___________3. Control of spelling___________4. Neatness___________5. CreativityExample: “LOST GENERATION” I am part of a lost generationand I refuse to believe thatI can change the worldI realize this may be a shock but“Happiness comes from within”is a lie, and“Money will make me happy”So in 30 years I will tell my childrenthey are not the most important thing in my lifeMy employer will know thatI have my priorities straight becauseworkis more important thanfamilyI tell you thisOnce upon a timeFamilies stayed togetherbut this will not be true in my erathis is a quick fix societyExperts tell me30 years from now, I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my divorceI do not concede thatI will live in a country of my own makingIn the futureEnvironmental destruction will be the normNo longer can it be said thatMy peers and I care about this earthIt will be evident thatMy generation is apathetic and lethargicIt is foolish to presume thatThere is hope.And all of this will come true unless we choose to reverse it.“Song Lyric” AnalysisDirections: choose a song with lyrics that you enjoy or appreciate. Using your lyrics, analyze three poetry devices from your poetry notes.Turn in the following:135255083756500#1: Print out the lyrics and highlight the three devices (color code them by using three different colors; create a legend with device term). For example:1552575381000PURPLE00PURPLE319087595250REPETITIONIMAGERYMETAPHOR00REPETITIONIMAGERYMETAPHOR232410024765000165735095250001657350299720001552575189230YELLOW00YELLOW232410045720001552575403225PINK00PINK239077527940000165735011747500#2: Write a minimum of a half page that explains the artist’s use of the three devices to enhance the lyrics. #3: Write a minimum of a half page that explains the overall message (theme) of the lyrics and why it is meaningful to you.*Helpful hint: It would be a good idea to have two or three songs in mind in case you’re not happy with the use of poetic devices for the first choice. ................

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