Frequency Adverbs: A Conversation in Class

Frequency Adverbs: A Conversation in Class


Directions: Student A will say, “Do you always raise your hand in class?” Student B responds, “I never raise my hand in class.” Use the information after each number.

1. often watch TV in school?

2. always do you homework?

3. rarely talk in class?

4. sometimes look at someone else’s answers?

5. usually come to class on time?

6. seldom bring your books to class?

7. always get good grades on your tests?

8. rarely sit in the front of the class?

9. often come to class unprepared?

10. usually do group work in class?

11. sometimes talk too much?

12. often fall asleep in class?

13. always speak English in class?

14. usually know all the answers to the teacher’s questions?

15. seldom borrow your friend’s books?

Note: In a question, you should use the frequency adverb “ever” instead of “never.” For example, “do you ever talk in class?”

Myra M. Medina

Miami Dade College


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