Section 603

Section 603

10 Michelle Very helpful and prepared. Very active and knowledgeable about labs. Always prepared and took on responsibilities well. Works well in group. Had a methodical approach to labs and projects. Made sure things were done correctly. Carried her share. Michelle was very responsible and willing to do her fair share of work. She communicated well and fulfilled her part of the group contract.

10 Nathan Very helpful and made sure everyone understood. Took on responsibilities very well. Works very well in groups. Nathan was a hard worker and completed his work sufficiently. He was responsible and fulfilled his portion of the group contract. Always prepared

10-Ryan Also very helpful in making sure everyone understood. Took on responsibilities very well. Always prepared. Works well in group. Even was sick for awhile carried his share. Didn’t mind what job he had to do as long as everything got done. Good computer skills

10-Takhyra She did a lot of research work. Always brought it with hr, which made citing and finding sources easier. Carried her load of work. Was easy to work with and always completed her work sufficiently. She fulfilled here part of the group contract. Speaks well.

5. Shuchi does fair share of the work; very helpful when I got confused about a topic and explains things clearly. Very helpful, good at explaining, patient, always willing to do extra work for the group.

10.5 Kayla usually wrote ICPs; tried to help group out; always did Excel sheets; always on time to meetings. Helpful in group projects, always on task.

9 Andrew Did not always help out with experiments; decided to show up late knowingly to meetings; rarely wrote ICPS. Very helpful. Sometimes late to group meetings

10 Derek work hard and was friendly and helpful. Helped with labs and projects, always showed upon time and worked very well.

10 Andrea Helped explain ideas that were unclear to the group. Led most of the experiments. Always willing to help explain things to me while going thorough work in class, and worked hard on projects.

10 Kim Gave good insight on the ICP and helped run the experiments in a more timely manner. Kim also helped explain ideas that were unclear. Nice, contributed to the group, shared in responsibility.

10 Aviva gave her best effort and was always willing to share her study tips and knowledge with the group.

10 Madhav was always willing to do any part of any assignment. Fulfilled his part as a group leader as well as a follower. Was very responsible and was at every group meeting for our project.

10 Omodele Very willing to help and do her fair share of work

10.5 Nick helped the group work through all the problems and evenly participated in the group. I would work with Nick on every question and we would both contribute to the group.

10.5 Ryan M. did everything in the group contract, helped people who got confused and participated in all of the group activities. Had a good knowledge of chem. from high school so we were able to work together during the studio/labs.

9 Dylan was confused during some material but it allowed the other group members to teach him, thus allowing us to learn by teaching. Dylan would leave our group during the studios and work with other groups. Also he failed to attend a few meetings b/c of transportation conflicts.

10- Patrick He always helped fill out the studio and helped a lot with the presentations. Always worked hard, especially good technician. Was constructive in outside the box thinking; always questioned why, which led to debate and eventual answer

10- Graham helped group work fast and efficiently. Helped group keep focus. Easy to work with. He always did a good job leading the studios. Always did a good job with his assigned position for the class. Helped group work fast and efficiently.

10 Niki Volunteered whenever help was needed. Easy to work with. Was always very thorough with everything she did. Always willing to do what it took to get the job done; insightful

10 Rachel knowledge was vital to our groups success. Always prepared. Easy to work with. She was very responsible and helped with everything. Quiet yet able to add insight when needed; worked well in every aspect of studios.

10 Kelly was sometimes absent, but always let us know ahead of time. She was very good with Excel worksheets. Kelly was always prepared and this made it easy to learn with her. She always did her share of the work and was a great role model because she is an upper-classman.

10 Emilee always comes to class well prepared and participates. Hard working and kept on track.

10 Brandon Very helpful (especially when he was the technician.) Always had suggestions and different perspectives on problems. And he always had a positive attitude.

10.2 Erica Worked hard, did well on our ICPs

9.7 Chris He was very hard to access outside of class, and I felt this took away from our presentations. However, he does do his fair share of work. Sometimes I feel he is not a team.

10.2 Marisa she works very hard in the group and is easy to access outside of the lab She was great to work with. Mostly worked hard. Did well on labs and other projects.


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