Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


Home Address: 820 Pennstone Road,

Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

Office Address: Drexel University College of Medicine

Department of Neurology

Broad and Vine Streets

Mail Stop 423

Philadelphia, PA 19102-1192

Phone 215-762-7090

Fax 215-762-3161


Date of Birth: November 28, 1939

Place of Birth: Washington, D. C.

Marital Status: Married; three children

Military Status: Discharged, June 30, 1971

Lt. Cmdr. U. S. Public Health Service NIH

Bethesda, Maryland


1961 B.A., Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts

1965 M.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia


1965 - 1966 Intern in Medicine, Duke Hospital, Durham, NC

1966 - 1967 Junior Assistant Resident in Medicine,

Duke Hospital, Durham, NC

1967 - 1969 Resident in Neurology, Hospital of the University

of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

1969 - 1971 Clinical Associate, NIH, Medical Neurology Branch

Board Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine, 1972

American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1974

Academic Appointments:

1970 - 1971 Instructor, Howard University, Washington, DC

(while in the PHS at NIH)

1971 - 1974 Assistant Professor of Neurology,

University of Miami School of Medicine

1974 - 1978 Associate Professor of Neurology,

University of Miami School of Medicine

1978 - 1982 Professor of Neurology; Chief, Division of

Neurology, The University of Texas Health

Science Center at San Antonio

1986 - 1993 Director of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

Clinic at Thomas Jefferson University

1982 - 1995 Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology,

Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson

University, Philadelphia, PA

1995 to present Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology

MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine

Licensure: State of California

State of Florida

State of Pennsylvania

State of Texas

Hospital Staff Appointments:

1971 - 1972 Department of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida

1971 - 1977 Department of Neurology, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida

1971 - 1977 Consultant in Neurology, VA Hospital, University of Miami, Miami, FL

1978 - 1982 Department of Medicine (Neurology) Bexar County Hospital and Santa Rosa Hospital, San Antonio, Texas

1978 - 1982 Consultant in Neurology, Audie Murphy VA Hospital, San Antonio, TX 1982 - 1995 Department of Neurology Thomas Jefferson Univ Hosp, Phila, PA 1995 - present Clinical Service Chief, Department of Neurology, Hahnemann University Hospital Tenet Health Systems

Membership in Medical and Scientific Societies:

American Neurological Association

American Academy of Neurology

Society for Neuroscience

American Academy for the Advancement of Science

American Association of University Professors

Editorships, Scientific Review Committees:

1975 - 1977 National Science Foundation (Ad Hoc)

(Scientific Review)

1975 - 1977 Scientific Council of Veterans Administration (Ad Hoc) Administration (Scientific Review)

1981 - 1983 Editor, Continuing Medical Education, Neurology

Section, Medical Information Delivery Consultants

Honors and Awards:

1957 - 1961 Harvard College Honorary Scholarship for Academic Distinction

1964 Elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, University of

Pennsylvania School of Medicine

1967 Best Teacher Award, Student American Medical Association

1973 Citation in Synapse, Yearbook of the University of Miami School of Medicine (Outstanding Teacher)

1979 & 1980 Best Clinical Teacher Award, Department of Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center (House staff)

1980 Best Teacher, Junior Class UTHSCSA

1980 One of Ten Outstanding Teachers, Class of 1980, UTHSCSA

1981 Outstanding Teacher, Class of 1981, UTHSCSA

1982 Outstanding Teacher, Class of 1982, UTHSCSA

1985. Christian and Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching,

Jefferson Medical College

1986 Mayo Clinic Neurology Teaching Award

1993-1996 Scientific Advisory Board of Cephalon Corp,

1996 Faculty Marshall, 1996 Commencement Hahnemann University

(elected by Senior Class)

1997 Humanitarian Award given by the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Coalition of New England Inc.

1998. Dean’s Special Award for Excellence in Teaching at Allegheny University

Hospitals, Hahnemann

1999. Golden Apple Teaching Award, Class of 1999, MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine

1999 Dean’s Special Award for Excellence in Teaching at MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine

1999. Member of the Practice Guidelines Committee, RSD Association of America

2000. Nominated by the Class of 2000 at MCP Hahnemann University School of

Medicine for Golden Apple Award

2000 Outstanding Contribution Award for student teaching from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

2000 Scientific Advisory Board Committee for the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Association of America (RSDSA)

2001 Golden Apple Teaching Award Class of 2001 MCP Hahnemann University

2002 Fellow, American Academy of Neurology

Past Departmental Administrative Responsibilities:

1971 - 1978 Coordinator of student teaching, Univ. of Miami

1971 - 1978 Coordinator of residency training, Univ. of Miami

1971 - 1978 Coordinator of postgraduate education, Univ. of Miami

1978 - 1982 Program Director, Neurology Residency,

Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Past Extradepartmental Administrative and Committee Responsibilities:

1973 - 1978 Promotions Committee for the Junior and Senior Year, Univ. of Miami Medical School

Appeals Committee, Univ. of Miami Med. School

Continuing Education Committee

House staff Committee, Jackson Memorial Hospital

Utilization Review Committee, Jackson Memorial Hospital

1978 - 1982 Secretary, Clinical Coordinating Committee, UTHSCSA

Chairman, Neuropathophysiology Task Force (2nd Year Class), UTHSCSA

Member of the Region IX Epilepsy Board, UTHSCA

Chairman, Committee for Establishment of Experimental Stroke Center,


Member of Committee to Establish an Aging/Dementia Center, VAH and Kerrville State Hospital, TX.

1982 - 1995 Executive Committee, Jefferson Medical College

Budget Liaison Committee, Jefferson Medical College

Organ Donor Committee, Jefferson Medical College

Pathology Ad Hoc Committee, Jefferson Medical College

Dean's Committee Wilmington VA

Task Force for Strategic Planning, Jefferson

Search Committee - Associate Chief of Staff for

Research Coatesville Veterans Administration

Faculty Affairs, Jefferson Medical College

Vice Chairman, Search Committee for Radiology Chairman of Jefferson Medical College

Chairman, Taskforce Subcommittee on Physical

Plant for the LCME Institutional Self-Study

Ad Hoc Committee for Selection of Faculty Achievement Awards

Patient Care Services Committee

Evaluation of Code of Professional Conduct Committee

Patient Care Service Committee

Evaluation of Code of Professional Conduct Committee

Chairman, Search Committee for Radiology Chair

Organ Donor Committee

Patient Care Services Committee

Donor Committee

Neuropathology Review Committee

Hospital Affairs

LCME Task Force

Cancer Task Force

Dean's Committee, Wilmington VA

Neurosurgery Search Committee

Secretary for Executive Council

Executive Committee of Information

Systems Planning

Clinical Research Interest Group

Neuropathology Search Committee

1996- 1997 Task Force on Centers Committee, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences

1997 -1998 Chairman, Search Committee for Chair of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences

Task Force Cardiothoracic Search Committee

Neuroscience Steering Committee

Code of Ethics Committee

Executive Committee for Allegheny University of the Health Sciences

Co-Director, Comprehensive Pain Management Program of Allegehny of the Health Sciences

1999 Chairman of Search Committee for Department of Medicine Chair at MCP Hahnemann University Medical School

2001 - Present Medical Director of Neuropathic Pain Foundation (Tilly Family Foundation)

2001 Medical Advisory Board RSDS Association

2002 Coordinator/Medical Director RSDS International Consortium

2003 Chairman, Clinical Education Oversight Committee

Chairman, Strategic Planning Work Group: Academic Mission

Research Activities:

1. Studies of primate motor systems utilizing behavioral, neuroanatomical and neurophysiological techniques. These techniques are to be applied to the problem of function.

2. deoxyglucose autoradiography for the study of:

a. normal physiological function

b. recovery of function following injury

c. embolic stroke model

d. neuroanatomical mapping

3. Study of spinal cord injury and recovery, blood flow and regional glucose metabolism.

4. Study of experimental Parkinson's disease model utilizing NMPTP and C-2 deoxyglucose (past research)

5. Study of the functional neuroanatomy of the rat model of RSD. (past research)

6. Clinical studies on the effects of neuropeptides (substance P) and calcitonin gene related peptides in RSD.

7. Anatomical study of dopaminergic A1-A13 nuclei in MPTP model of Parkinson's


8. Clinical Trails for Treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

a. Deep Ketamine anesthesia (Tuebingin and Saarbruecken, Germany)

b. Thalidomide

c. iv Amantadine

d. Outpatient Versed/Ketamine

e. Topical Ketamine/DMSO

f. Inflammatory cytokine blockers for RSD

Funded Research:

1. Functional capabilities of the sensorimotor cortex, 6/1/75 - 5/31/78; NIH Grant #NS12099, (Principal Investigator).

2. Functional recovery utilizing C-2-deoxy D-glucose. NIH Research Center Grant for CVD Project 3, 9/1/76 - 7/1/77 $30,000.

3. Neuroanatomical mapping utilizing the quantitative 2-DG technique with differential

nerve stimulation. Institutional Research Grant, 12/1/78 - 8/31/79 (Principal

Investigator) UTHSC San Antonio, Texas.

4. NIH NS 14546-05: Program grant on spinal cord injury (Dr. Eduardo Eidelberg, Program Project Director); Project 9: The effects of spinal cord transection on CNS metabolism; Dr. R. J. Schwartzman (Principal Investigator), Dr. J. Yu and Dr. G. Alexander (Co-Principal Investigators), $120,000 8/1/81 - 7/31/84.

5. James R. Dougherty, Jr. Foundation, Stroke Research, $20,000, 1982 - 1983.

6. Lighting Research Institute: Influence of light irradiance and wavelength on the primate supra chiasmic nuclei. G. C. Brainard and G. M. Alexander, Co-Investigators. $110,000 for two years, 1984-1986.

7. Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation: Research Laboratories Support, Robert J. Schwartzman, M. D., Principal Investigator. $120,000 for three years, 1984-1987.

8. The McLean Contribution: Renovation of Neurosciences Center, Robert J. Schwartzman, M. D. $75,000 for three years, 1984-1987.

9. Clinical studies in stroke patients utilizing 31 PNMR. with Alan C. McLaughlin

(University of Pennsylvania), Carlos Gonzalez (Radiology) and G. Alexander, Jefferson component $35,000.

10. The effect of treatment on the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's Disease. G. M. Alexander, Co-investigator, Merck Sharp and Dohme, $30,000/year, 1986.

11. Neurology Research, Parkinson's Disease $12,000/year, Merck Sharp and Dohme, 1986.

12. Effects of toxins on the functional activity of the central nervous system. The United States Army Contract #DAMD17-86-C-6161, Program Director: L. Simpson. Co-investigator: G. M. Alexander. $642,795/5 years - 1986 to 1991.

13. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Research Foundation, $6,000/year, 1986.

14. The effects of PHNO treatment on the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's disease. Principal Investigator: Robert J. Schwartzman $35,00/1987

15. Neurology Research/Parkinson's Disease $18,000/year, Merck Sharp and Dohme, 1987.

16. Neurology Research/Parkinson's Disease $18,000/year, Merck Sharp and Dohme, 1988.

17. Neurological Research Studies. Pfeiffer Research Foundation. $40,000/year. PI: Robert J. Schwartzman, M.D., 1989 to 1992.

18. Mechanism of Treatment Complications in Parkinson’s. National Inst of Neurological Disorder and Stroke (RO1NS27107-01) $182,601. PI: Robert J. Schwartzman, M.D., 1989 to 1992.

19. Cephalon, Inc., Quantitative Sensory Testing of Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. $20,000. PI: Robert J. Schwartzman. 1993 to 1994.

20. NIH - Normal and Pathological Cutaneous Sympathetic Reflexes. PI: Gary Bennet, Ph.D; Co-investigator: Robert J. Schwartzman, M.D., John Grothusen, Ph.D. 12/15/98 to 12/15/03 (pending review).

21. Pilot Study: Tsai FY, Faro SH, Tracy J, Mohamed FB, Jichici D, Thomas C, Baker K, Koenigsberg R, Schwartzman R, Price T: Functional magnetic resonance imaging of recovery following stroke. 1999.

22. Tilly Family Foundation Grant Pain Research $500,000 in perpetuity.


1. Dowell AR, Sieker HO, Schwartzman RJ: Atypical periodic respiration in an obese patient. Arch Int Med 120:591-598, 1967.

2. Schwartzman RJ, Bogdonoff MD: Behavioral and anatomical analysis of vibration sensibility. Exp Neurol 20:42-51, 1968.

3. Schwartzman RJ, Bogdonoff MD: Proprioception and vibration sensibility in the absence of the posterior columns. Arch Neurol 20:349-353, 1969.

4. Schwartzman RJ:Thalamic sensory nuclear ablations in trained monkeys. Arch Neurol 23:419-430, 1970.

5. Schwartzman RJ, Semmes J:The sensory cortex and tactile sensitivity. Exp Neurol 33:147-158, 1971.

6. Schwartz G, Schwartzman RJ: Atrial myxoma. Neurology 22:11-12, 1972.

7. Schwartzman RJ: Somatesthetic recovery following primary somatosensory projection cortex ablations. Arch Neurol 27:340-349, 1972.

8. Engel WK, Borenstein A, DeVivo DC, Schwartzman RJ, Warmolts JR: High single-dose alternate day prednisone (HS-PRED) in the treatment of the dermatomyositis/ polymyositis complex. Trans Am Neurol Assoc 97:272-275, 1972.

9. Dimancescu MD, Schwartzman RJ: Cerebellopontine influence on the motor system. A functional and anatomical study following section of the brachium pontis in trained Macaque monkeys. Trans Am Neurol Assoc 98:1973.

10. Rosenberg E, Kanner S, Schwartzman RJ, Colsky J: Systemic infection following BCG immunotherapy. Arch Int Med 134:769-771, 1974.

11. Schwartzman RJ: Rehabilitation of infantile hemiplegia. Am J Phys Med 53:75-81, 1974.

12. Fischer KC, Schwartzman RJ: Oral corticosteroids in the treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis. Neurology 24, 795-798, 1974.

13. Zwibel HL, Schwartzman RJ: Evaluation of the nitroblue tetrazolium test as applied to polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the CSF. Neurology 24:995-998, 1974.

14. Brenner R, Schwartzman RJ, Richey ET: Prognostic significance of episodic low amplitude or relatively isoelectric EEG patterns. Diseases of the Nervous System 36:582-587, 1975.

15. Fischer KC, Schwartzman, RJ: Oral corticosteroids in the treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis. Ophthalmology Digest, April, 1975.

16. Weinstein R, Schwartzman RJ, Levey GS: Propranolol-induced reversal of bulbar

dysfunction and proximal myopathy in a patient with hyperthyroidism. Ann Int Med 82:540-541, 1975.

17. Spector RH, Schwartzman RJ: The syndrome of benign trigeminal and facial neuropathy. Arch Int Med 135:992, 1975.

18. Schwartzman RJ, Marcos J, Gran B: A functional analysis of cortical motor sensory convergency areas in the monkey. Trans Am Neurol Assoc, June, 1975.

19. Traviesa DC, Schwartzman RJ: Familial benign intracranial hypertension. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 39:420-423, 1976.

20. Fischer KC, Schwartzman RJ: Oral corticosteroids in the treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis. Ann NY Acad Sci 274:652-657, 1976.

21. Spector RH, Davidoff RA, Schwartzman RJ: Phenytoin-induced ophthalmoplegia. Neurology 26:1031-1034, 1976.

22. Schwartzman RJ, Kogure K and Busto R: The use of 14C-deoxyglucose to measure alterations of brain metabolism in embolic stroke. Stroke 8(1):131, 1977.

23. Menkin M, Schwartzman RJ: Cerebral air embolism. Arch Neurol 34:165, 1977.

24. Bolooki H, Schwartzman RJ: Role of steroids in the management of patients with myasthenia gravis undergoing thymectomy. J Thor and Cardio Surg 75:754-757, 1978.

25. Schwartzman RJ: A behavioral analysis of complete unilateral section of the pyramidal tract at the medullary level in Mucaca Mulatta. Ann Neurol 4:234-244, 1978.

26. Schwartzman RJ, Kogure K, Busto R:The sequential uptake of 14C-deoxyglucose in brain after embolic stroke. Experientia 34:1175-1176 (1978) Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (Schweiz)

27. Kogure K, Schwartzman RJ, Scheinberg P, Busto R: The dissociation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism in the early stage of developing cerebral infarction. Transactions of the American Neurological Association 42, 1978.

28. Kogure K, Schwartzman RJ: Seizure propagation and ATP depletion in the rat stroke model. Epilepsia 21:63-72, 1980.

29. Kogure K, Busto R, Schwartzman RJ, Scheinberg P:The dissociation of cerebral blood flow, metabolism, and function in the early stage of developing cerebral infarction. Ann Neurol 8:278-190, 1980.

30. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Bell RD, Yu J, Rental A: Quantitative measurement of local metabolic rate for glucose utilizing tritiated 2-deoxyglucose. Trans Amer Neurol Assoc, 105:448-451, 1980.

31. Bertoni JM, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ: Metrizamide competitively inhibits hexokinase. Trans Amer Neurol Assoc 105:212-220, 1980.

32. Hill JB, Schwartzman RJ: Cerebral infarction and disseminated intravascular coagulation with pheochromocytoma. Arch Neurol 38: 395, 1981.

33. Schwartzman RJ, Greenberg J, Reivich M, Klose KJ, Alexander GM: Functional metabolic mapping of a conditioned motor task in primates utilizing 14C-2-deoxyglucose. Exper Neurol 72:153-162, 1981.

34. Bertoni JM, Schwartzman RJ, Van Horn G, Partin J: Asterixis and encephalopathy following metrizamide myelography: Investigations into possible mechanisms and review of the literature. Ann Neurol 9:366-370, 1981.

35. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Bell RD, Yu J, Renthal A: Quantitative measurement of local metabolic rate for glucose utilizing tritiated 2-deoxyglucose. Brain Research 223:59-67, 1981.

36. Bell Rd, Alexander G, Schwartzman RJ: Analysis of drug induced tremor utilizing 14C-2-deoxyglucose in the awake rat. Trans Amer Neurol Assoc 106:84-86, 1981.

37. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Eidelberg E, Yu JJ: Changes in local metabolic rate for glucose in the intact and acutely transected spinal cord. Trans Amer Neurol Assoc 106:342-345, 1981.

38. Schwartzman RJ, Hill JB: The neurological complications of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Neurology 32:791-797, 1982.

39. Bell, RD, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, YU J: The local cerebral metabolism of methylphenidate induced stereotype in the awake rat. Neurol 32:377-381, 1982.

40. Bell RD, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ: Methylphenidate decreases local glucose metabolism in the motor cortex. Pharmacol Biochem and Behavior 18:1-5, 1983.

41. Schwartzman RJ, Eidelberg E, Alexander GM, YU J: Regional metabolic changes in the spinal cord related to spinal shock and later hyperreflexia in monkeys. Ann Neurol 14:33-37, 1983.

42. Fariello GT, Schwartzman RJ, Beall SS: Hyperreflexia exacerbated by occlusion of posterior thalamic arteries. Arch Neurol 40:244-246, 1983.

43. Fariello RG, Golden GT, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Reyes PF: Metabolic correlates of GABAmimetic induced EEG abnormalities. In Fariello RG, Engle J, Lloyd KG, and Quesney LF (eds). Neurotransmitters, Seizures and Epilepsy II. New York, Raven Press, 1984.

44. Alexander GM and Schwartzman RJ: Quantitative computer analysis of autoradiographs utilizing a charge-coupled device solid state camera. Neuroscience Methods 12:29-36, 1984.

45. Schwartzman RJ and Alexander GM: Spinal cord metabolism of the NMPTP treated monkey. Brain Research 337:263, 1985.

46. Blum LW, Chambers RA, Schwartzman RJ and Streletz LJ: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Arch Neurol 42:137-139, 1985.

47. Askanas V, Engel, WK, Teepu S, Husainy T, Kwan Hh, Reddy NB, Schwartzman RJ, Hann CJ: New autosomal dominant non-carnitine-deficient lipid myoneuropathy with marked, sustained improvement on long-chain-fatty acid free diet. Neurology 35:66-72, 1985.

48. Schwartzman RJ and Alexander GM: Changes in the Local Cerebral Metabolic Rate for Glucose in the MPTP model of Parkinson's Disease. Brain Research 358:137-143, 1985.

49. Schwartzman RJ and Alexander GM: The 1CMRg of the CNS in the MPTP model of Parkinson's Disease. VIIIth International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease. Academic Press, Inc., New York, pp 689-693, 1986.

50. Schwartzman RJ, Eidelberg E, and Alexander GM: Asymmetrical regional changes in energy metabolism in the central nervous system during walking. Brain Research 398:113-120, 1986.

51. Brainard GC, Schwartzman, RJ and Alexander GM: Quantitative autoradiographic maps of local cerebral glucose metabolism in awake rats: I. Septal region and anterior hypothalamus. 259:559-570, 1987.

52. Schwartzman, RJ and McLellan TL: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Arch Neurol 44:555-561, 1987.

53. D'Amato RJ, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Kitt CA, Price DL and Synder SH: Neuromelanin: A role in MPTP induced neurotoxicity. Life Sciences, 40:705-712, 1987.

54. D'Amato RJ, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Kitt CA, Price DL and Synder SH: Evidence for neuromelanin involvement in MPTP induced neurotoxicity. Nature 327(6120):324-326, May, 1987.

55. Schwartzman RJ and Alexander GM: Changes in the local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose in the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's Disease. In: MD Yahr and KJ Bergmann (eds.), Advances in Neurology, Raven Press, NY 45:171-173, 1986.

56. Reyes PF, Dwyer BA, Schwartzman RJ, and Sacchetti T: Mental status changes induced by eye drops in dementia of the Alzheimer type. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 50:113-115, 1987.

57. D'Amato RJ, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Kitt CA, Price DL and Snyder SH: Evidence for neuromelanin involvement in MPTP-induced neurotoxicity. Nature 327:324-326, 1987.

58. Eidelberg E, Miller AL, Schwartzman RJ, and Alexander GM: The use of measurements of regional glucose metabolism as a tool in studies of motor control. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 21:133-144, 1987.

59. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Ferraro TN, Grothusen JR, and Stahl SM: Cerebral metabolic changes in the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's disease. Experimental Neurology 102:307-313, 1988.

60. Park CH, Madsen MT, McLellan T, Schwartzman RJ: Iofetamine HCI I-123 brain scanning in stroke: A comparison with transmission CT. Radio Graphics 8:2, 1988.

61. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR and Schwartzman RJ: Flow dependent changes in the effective surface area of microdialysis probes. Life Sciences, 43:595-601, 1988.

62. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR, Zepeda H and Schwartzman RJ: Gyroxin, a neurotoxin from the venom of crotalus durissus terrificus, is a thrombin-like enzyme. Toxicon Vol 26 10:953-960, 1988.

63. Arias LM, Schwartzman RJ, Bartowski R, Tom, CM, Grossman KL: Sufentanil Stellate Ganglion Injection in the Treatment of Refractory Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Regional Anesth 14:90-92, 1989.

64. Barolat G, Schwartzman R, Woo R: Epidural spinal cord stimulation in the management of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 53:29-39, 1989.

65. Schwartzman RJ: Disseminated intravascular coagulation. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Vascular Diseases, Part III. HCN Toole III 30:1-9, 1989.

66. Schwartzman RJ, Kerrigan J: The movement disorder of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Neurology 40:57-61, 1990.

67. Santo JL, Arias LM, Barolat G, Schwartzman RJ, Grossman K: Bilateral cingulumotomy in the treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Pain 41:55-59, 1990.

68. Schwartzman RJ: Book Reviews - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. (Edited by M Stanton Hicks, W Janig and RA Boas. Kluwer Academic Publishers Grup/Dordrecht, The Netherlands) Journal of Pain Symptoms Management 6(7):453, 1990.

69. Alexander GM, Brainard L, Gordon SW, Hichens M, Grothusen JG, Schwartzman RJ: Dopamine receptor changes in untreated and (+)-PHNO treated MPTP Parkinsonian primates. Brain Research, 547:181-189, 1991.

70. Bej MD, Schwartzman RJ: Abnormalities of cutaneous blood flow regulation in patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy as measured by laser Doppler fluxmetry. Archives of Neurology 1991; 48:912-915.

71. Duckett S, Osterholm J, Gonzalez C, Schwartzman RJ. Ossified mucin-secreting choroid plexus adenoma: A case report. Neurosurgery 29:130-132,1991.

72. Webster GF, Schwartzman RJ, Jacoby RA, Uitto JJ. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: occurrence of inflammatory skin lesions in patients with stage II and III disease. Arch of Dermatology, 127:1541-1544, 1991.

73. Murphy LG, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ. Improvement to the Hargreaves paw flick method. Letter to the Editor. Pain 46:347, 1991.

74. Schwartzman RJ: Brachial Plexus Traction Injuries. Hand Clinics 7(3):547-556, 1991.

75. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy and causalgia. Neurologic Clinics 10:953-973, 1992.

76. Duckett S, Schwartzman RJ, Osterholm J, Rourke LB, Friedman D, McLellan TL. Biopsy diagnosis of familial Alexander's Disease. Pediatric Neurosurgery 343:134-138, 1992.

77. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Grothusen JR, Brainard DL and Gordon SW: Changes in catecholamines and dopamine uptake sites at different stages of MPTP parkinsonism in monkeys. Brain Research, 625:276-282, 1993.

78. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Current Opinion in Neurology and Neurosurgery 6:531-536, 1993.

79. Webster GF, Iozzo RV, Schwartzman RJ, Tahmoush AJ, Knobler RL, and Jacoby RA: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: Occurrence of chronic edema and nonimmune bullous skin lesions. J Amer Acade Dermatol 28:29-32, 1993.

80. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Grothusen JR, Gordon SW: Effect of plasma levels of large neutral amino acids and β-adrenergip stimulation on the blood to brain transport of L-dopa in naive and MPTP parkinsonian monkeys. Neurology 44:1491-1499, 1994.

81. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Nukes TA, Grothusen JR, Hooker MD: B2-adrenergic agonist as adjunct therapy to L-dopa in Parkinson's disease. Neurology 44:1511-1513, 1994.

82. Liu JE, Tahmoush AJ, Roos DB, Schwartzman RJ: Shoulder-arm pain from cervical bands and scalene muscle anomalies. Journal of the Neuorlogical Sciences 128:175- 180, 1995.

83. Zoltick PW, Mayreddy RPR, Chun-Fan C, Northrup B, Khalili K, Schwartzman RJ: Isolation and characterization of a type II JC virus from a brain biopsy of a patient with PML. Journal of Neurovirology 1:307-315, 1995.

84. Schweitzer ME, Mandel S, Schwartzman RJ, Knobler RJ, Tahmoush AJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy revisited: MR imaging findings before and after infusion of contrast material. Radiology 195:211-214, 1995.

85. Chancellor MB, Shenot PJ, Rivas DA, Mandel S, Schwartzman RJ: Urological symptomology in patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The Journal of Urology, 155:634-637, 1996.

86. Tartaglino LS, Croul S, Flanders AE, Sweeney JD, Schwartzman RJ, Liem M, Amer A: Idiopathic acute transverse myelitis: MR findings and similarities to Guillain-Barre and ischemia. Radiology 201:661-669, 1996.

87. Tahmoush AJ, Schwartzman RJ, Liu JE, Smullens SN, Hyslop T: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy; long term response to sympathectomy. Neurology 46:169, 1996.

88. Schwartzman RJ, Liu JE, Smullens SN, Hyslop T, Tahmoush T: Long-term outcome following sympathectomy for complex regional pain syndrome Type I (RSD). J Neurol Sci 150:149-152, 1997.

89. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR, Gordon SW, Schwartzman RJ: Intracerebral microdialysis study of glutamate reuptake in awake, behaving rats. Brain Research 766:1-10, 1997.

90. Monti DA, Herring CL, Schwartzman RJ, Marchese M: Personality assessment of patients with complex regional pain syndrome type 1. Clinical Journal of Pain 14(4):295-302, 1998.

91. Schwartzman RJ, Maleki J: Post-injury neuropathic pain syndromes. Medical Clinics of North America 83(3):597-625, 1999.

92. Schwartzman RJ: Explaining reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Arch Neurol 56:521-522, 1999.

93. Urruttia V, Jichici D, Thomas CE, Nunes LW, Schwartzman RJ: Embolic stroke secondary to an aortic arch tumor. The Journal of Vascular Medicine Angiology 784:T1-T4. 2000.

94. Tahmoush AJ, Schwartzman RJ, Hopp JL, Grothusen JR: Quantitative sensory thresholds in reflex sympathetic dystrophy (Complex regional pain syndrome type 1). Clin J Pain 16:340-344, 2000.

95. Maleki J, LeBel A, Bennett GJ, Schwartzman RJ: Patterns of spread in complex regional pain syndrome, type I (reflex sympathetic dystrophy). Pain 88(3):259-266, 2000.

96. Schwartzman RJ: Neurologic symptoms in complex regional pain. Journal Watch Neurology 2(10):73, 2000.

97. Thomas CE, Jichici D, Petrucci R, Urrutia VC, Schwartzman RJ. Neurologic complications of the Novacor left ventricular assist device. Ann Thorac Surg 72:1311-1315, 2001.

98. Schwartzman RJ, Grothusen J, Kiefer TR, Rohr P: Neuropathic central pain: Epidemiology, etiology and treatment options. Arch Neurol 58:1547-1550, 2001.

99. van de Beek WJ, Schwartzman RJ, van Nes SI, Delhaas EM, van Hilten BJ: Diagnostic criteria utilized in studies of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Neurology 58:522-526, 2002..

100. Schwartzman RJ, Popescu A. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Current Rheumatology Reports 4:165-169, 2002.

101. Hansrote S, Croul S, Selak M, Kalman B, Schwartzman RJ. External ophthalmoplegia

with severe multiorgan involvement associated with the mtDNAA3243G . Journal of Neuroscience 197:63067, 2002.

102. Brannagan TH, Pradhan A, Heiman-Patterson T, Winkelman AC, Styler MJ, Topolsky DL, Crilley PA, Schwartzman RJ, Brodsky I, Gladstone DE. High-dose cyclophosphamide without stem cell rescue for refractory chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Neurology 58(12):1856-1858, 2002.

103. Tahmoush AJ, Amir MS, Connor WW, Farry JK, Didato S, Ulhoa-Cintra A, Vasas JM, Schwartzman RJ, Israel HL, Patrick H. CSF-ACE activity in probable CNS neurosarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis 19:191-197, 2002.

104. Schwartzman RJ: The Case for Fibromyalgia – All in a Name? Neurology Reviews October 2002.

105. Koenigsberg RA, Pereira L, Nair B, McCormick D, Schwartzman R: Unusual vertebral artery origins: examples and related pathology (accepted Catherization and Cardiovascular Interventions 2002)

106. Schwartzman RJ, Chevelen E, Bengston K. Clinical experience with thalidomide in complex regional pain syndrome. Submitted to Pain, November 2002.

107. Assadi M, Hymen D, Schwartzman RJ. Increased uptake in the right temporal lobe demonstrate on TcSPECT scan in a patient with peduncular hallucinosis. Submitted to the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry 2002.

108. Prestrud AA, Schwartzman RJ, Topolsky D, Styler M, Brannagan T, Crilley P, Brodsky I, Gladstone DE: High-dose cyclophosphamide for myasthenia gravis. (in preparation)

109. Schwartzman RJ, Vorobeychik Y. Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome I/II a systemic review. (submitted to Archives of Neurology 2003).

110. DeSousa EA, Schwartzman RJ. The spectrum of primary neuromuscular disorders in adult heart disease. (in preparation)

111. Kiefer RT, Rohr P, Grothusen J, Ploppa A, Dieterich HJ, Altemeyer KH, Unertl K, Schwartzman RJ. Prolonged ketamine anesthesia for intractable complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS-1). An open labeled pilot study. (in preparation)


Editorial: Explaining reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Archives of Neurology 56:521-522, 1999.

Schwartzman RJ: Editorial: New treatments for reflex sympathetic dystrophy. NEJM 343(9):654-656, 2000.

Schwartzman RJ: Editorial Reply: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. NEJM 343(24):1812-1913, 2000.

Book Chapters:

1. Schwartzman RJ: Evaluating the patient in coma. Emergency Medical Care, Miami, Symposia Specialists, pp 101-110, 1974.

2. Schwartzman RJ: Book IV Neurology of "Fundamental and Clinical Aspects of Internal Medicine", 1974.

3. Schwartzman RJ: Cerebrovascular Disorders Causing Coma or Shock, CVA's and Hypertensive Crisis. Emergency Management of the Critical Patient, Miami, Symposia Specialists, pp 197-209, 1975.

4. Kogure K, Busto R, Schwartzman RJ et al: Metabolic aspects of the microcirculation following embolic stroke. In: Pathology of cerebrospinal microcirculation, Raven Press, New York, 1977.

5. Schwartzman RJ: Seizure in progress. Tape 1. A.E.P. 761-019, American College of Emergency Physicians. Insta-Tape, Inc., PO Box 2629D, Pasadena, CA 91105, 1977.

6. Schwartzman RJ: Neurological Emergencies. In: Sanders, J (ed), Emergencies in Internal Medicine. Medical Examinaton Publishing Co, Flushing, NY, 1978.

7. Schwartzman RJ, Parker JC: The aortic arch syndrome. Chapter 9 in The Handbook of Clinical Neurology, P. J. Vinken and G. W. Bruyn, eds., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Vol. 39, pp 213-238, 1980.

8. Parker JC, Schwartzman RJ: Cerebral thromboangiitis obliterans. Chapter 8 in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology, P. J. Vinken and G. W. Bruyn, eds., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Vol. 39, pp. 201-211, 1980.

9. Fariello RG, Golden GT, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Reyes PF: Metabolic correlates of GABAmimetic induced EEG abnormalities. In: Fariello RG, Engle J, Lloyd KG and Quesney LF (eds). Neurotransmitters, Seizures and Epilepsy II, Raven Press, NY pp 245-252, 1984.

10. Eidelberg E, Jones DJ, Keenan RW and Schwartzman RJ: Report from the Spinal Cord Injury Research Program. In: Dacey RG et al (eds) Trauma of the Central Nervous System. Raven Press, New York, 1985.

11. Schwartzman RJ and McLellan TL: Treatment of Acute Stroke. In: Henning RJ, Jackson D (eds). Handbook of Acute Critical Care Neurology and Neurosurgery. Praeger Scientific, Philadelphia, 1985.

12. Schwartzman RJ and Alexander GM: Changes in the local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose in the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's disease. In: Markey SP, Castagnoli N Jr, Trevor AJ and Kopin IJ (eds) MPTP A Neurotoxin Producing a Parkinsonian Syndrome. Academic Press, Orlando, FL pp 689-695, 1986.

13. Schwartzman RJ: Disseminated intravascular coagulation in Part II of vascular disease. In: Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW and Klawans HL (eds). Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1986.

14. Schwartzman RJ: Disseminated intravascular coagulation. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Vascular Diseases. Part III. HCN Toole III 30:1-9, 1989.

15. Schwartzman RJ: Brachial plexus traction injuries. Hand Clinics 7(3):547-556, 1991.

16. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. In: Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease. BC Decker Incorporated 66-69, 1991.

17. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. In: Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, Klawans HL, Frankel HL (Eds.) Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Spinal Cord Trauma. Elsevier Press/Amsterdam, 17(61):121-136, 1991.

18. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Spinal Cord Trauma. Tine Peereboom (editor). Elsevier, The Netherlands. 17(61):1992.

19. Schwartzman RJ: Clinical aspects of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). In: Korczyn AD (ed) Handbook of Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1992.

20. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: evaluation and treatment. In: Lebovitz AH, Lefkowitz M (eds). Little, Brown and Co, New York, 1992.

21. Schwartzman RJ: Causalgia and reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In: Feldmann E (Ed). Current Diagnosis in Neuorlogy. Mosby, Philadelphia, PA, pp 258-261, 1994.

22. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrphy: evaluation and treatment. In: Lebovitz AH, Lefkowitz M (eds) Chronic Pain Management. Little, Brown and Co., New York, 1994.

23. Schwartzman RJ: Disseminated intravascular coagulation. In: Bogousslavsky J, Caplan LR (eds). Stroke Syndromes, Cambridge University Press, Boston, 1994.

24. Schwartzman RJ: A neurologist's approach to brachial plexopathy. In: Hunter JM, Mackin EJ, Callahan AD (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand: Surgery and Therapy. 4th edition, 1994.

25. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy and causalgia. In Evans, R (eds) Neurology and Trauma, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1994.

26. Schwartzman: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In Rakel RE (Ed) Saunders Manual of Medical Practice. Orlando, WB Saunders, 295, 1995.

27. Schwartzman RJ: Neurologis's approach to brachial plexopathy. Part IX Nerve Disorders: Complex Traction Neuropathies. In Hunter J (Ed) 4th edition Rehabilitation of the Hand: Surgery and Therapy. St. Louis, Mosby Publishing, 1995.

28. Schwartzman RJ: Clinical aspects of RSD. In: Korczyn AD (ed). Handbook of Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction. Marcel Dekker, New York, 11:149-165, 1995.

29. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In: Loscalzo J, Creager MA, Dzau VJ (eds). Vascular Medicine. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, 53:1209-1221, 1996.

30. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology edited by O Appenzeller. Elsevier The Netherlands (in press 1998).

31. Schwartzman RJ: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In: Saunders Manual of Medical Practice: Neurology edited by RE Rakel. WB Saunders Houston, TX (in press1998).

32. Schwartzman RJ and Alexander GM: Parkinson’s Disease. In: Pathology of the Human Nervous System, 2 Ed. S Duckett and J de la Torre Eds. 1999.

33. Schwartzman RJ: Disseminated intravascular coagulation. In: Uncommon Causes of Stroke. J Bogousslavsky and J Caplan Eds. 2001.


Schwartzman RJ: Differential Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases. In progress, working with Elsevier Press.


1. Levitt M, Schwartzman RJ: Spinal sensory tracts and two-point tactile sensitivity. Anat Rec 154:377, 1966.

2. Engle WK, DeVIvo DC, Warmolts JR, Schwartzman RJ: High-single-dose alternate day prednisone (HSDAD-PRED) in neuromuscular diseases. Proc International Congress on Muscle Disease. Perth, Australia, 1971.

3. Schwartzman RJ: An analysis of pyramidal tract section in trained primates. Neurology 23:402, 1973.

4. Reinmuth OM, Daroff RB, Schwartzman RJ: Practical solutions to neurological

problems. Audio-Digest Foundation. Internal Medicine, 20:#14, 1973.

5. Schwartzman RJ, Dimancescu MD: Suprasegmental influence on muscle fiber type. J Neurosurg 40(1):426, 1974.

6. Fischer KC, Schwartzman RJ: Oral corticosteroids in the treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis. Neurology 24(1):364, 1974.

7. Zwibel HL, Schwartzman RJ: The use of the NBT test in the CSF. Neurology 24(1):357, 1974.

8. Schwartzman RJ, Gran B: An analysis of functional recovery following lesions of the sensorimotor cortex. Neurology 25(1):355, 1975.

9. Shea S, Schwartzman RJ: The syndrome of medial versus lateral basal ganglionic hemorrhage. Neurology 25(1):371, 1975.

10. Spector RH, Schwartzman RJ: Coma and ophthalmoplegia resulting from diphenylhydantoin (DPH) intoxication. Neurology 25(1):362, 1975.

11. Traviesa DC, Schwartzman RJ: Familial benign intracranial hypertension. Neurology 25(1):380, 1975.

12. Fischer KC, Schwartzman RJ: Incidence and manifestations of neurosyphilis in a random hospital population. Neurology 25(1):379, 1975.

13. Bolooki H, Schwartzman RJ: Role of steroids in management of patients with myasthenia gravis undergoing thymectomy. Am Assoc Thoracic Surg, 1976.

14. Schwartzman RJ, Kogure K, Busto JR: The use of 14C-deoxyglucose to measure alterations of brain metabolism in embolic stroke. Stroke 8:8-9, 1977.

15. Schwartzman RJ: Neurology for the emergency physician. Tape 1, American College of Emergency Physicians. Insta-Tape, Inc., A. E.P. 761-008, P. O. Box 2926D, Pasadena, California 91105, 1977.

16. Schwartzman RJ, Kogure K, Alexander W: Neuoranatomical mapping simultaneous 14C-2-deoxyglucose uptake and ATP depletion. American Academy of Neurology, Los Angeles, California, April 28, 1978.

17. Kogure K, Schwartzman RJ: Seizure propagation and ATP depletion in the rat stroke model. American Academy of Neurology, April 28, 1978.

18. Kogure K, Schwartzman RJ, Busto R, Scheinberg P: Sequential cerebral blood flow, metabolism and functional activity in the early stages of infarction. American Neurological Association, September, 1978, Washington, D.C.

19. Schwartzman RJ, Greenberg J, Reivich M, Klose KJ, Alexander GM: The quantitative 2-deoxyglucose technique in functional neuoranatomical mapping. 31st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, April, 1979.

20. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Khan T, Kogure K: ATP distribution in the intact and experimentally injured spinal cord. American Association of Neuorpathologists Annual Meeting, Kansas City, June 1979.

21. Schwartzman RJ, Yu J, Alexander GM, Greenberg J, Reivich M, Klose J: Quantitative 2-deoxyglucose mapping of the cerebellum. Presented at the 104th Meeting of the American Neurological Association, October, 1979.

22. Schwartzman RJ, Yu J, Alexander GM, Greenberg J, Reivich M: 14C-2-deoxyglucose utilization in the cerebellum of the monkey during a conditioned arm movement. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience 9th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 1979.

23. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Bell RD: 14C-2-deoxyglucose analysis of precentral and supplemental motor cortex in operantly conditioned monkeys. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, New Orleans, April, 1980.

24. Bertoni JM, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ: Metrizamide competitively inhibits hexokinase. Presented at the 105th Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Boston, September, 1980.

25. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Bell RD, Yu J, Renthal A: Quantitative measurement of local metabolic rate for glucose utilizing tritiated 2-deoxyglucose. Presented at the 105th Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Boston, September 1980.

26. Bell RD, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Yu J: 14C-2-deoxyglucose analysis of methylphenidate-induced stereotyping in the awake rat. Presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, Canada, April-May 1981.

27. Beall SS, Fariello RG, Schwartzman RJ: Myriachit exacerbated by thalamostriate and perforate artery infarction. Presented at the Annual Meeting of EEG Society, Chicago, July 1981.

28. Schwartzman RJ, Eidelberg E, Alexander GM, Yu J: The metabolism of the spinal cord of the macaque following transection. ANA, San Francisco, September 1981.

29. Bell Rd., Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Yu J: Analysis of drug induced tremor utilizing 14C-2-deoxyglucose in the awake rat. ANA, San Francisco, September 1981.

30. Bell RD, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ: Cerebral metabolism of the reserpinized rodent, 34th Annual Meeting AAN, Washington DC, April 1982.

31. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Bell RD, Bertoni JB: Autoradiographic simultaneous quantification of cerebral blood flow and metabolism. 34th Annual Meeting AAN, Washington, D. C., 1982.

32. Eidelberg E, Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM: Cat spinal cord metabolism during walking. AAN, April 27, 1983.

33. Askanas V, Engle WK, Siddique T, Husainy T, Kwan HH, Bojji Reddy N, Schwartzman RJ, Hanna CJ: New autosomal dominant non-carnitine-deficient lipid myoneuropathy with marked, sustained improvement on Long-Chain-Fatty-Acid-Free Diet. AAN, April 27, 1983.

34. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM: The lCMRg of the CNS in the NMPTP Model of Parkinson's Disease, Neurology, 1984.

35. Brainard GC, Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM. Regional cerebral metabolism in the hypothalamus and septal region of the awake rat. Anat Rec 208:#3, 1984.

36. Brainard GC, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ: Effect of light wavelength on the seasonal collapse of the male Syrian hamster reproductive system. Satellite Symposium, 7th Int. Congress of Endocrinology, Steroid Biochemistry 20:1445, 1984.

37. Witte AS, Schwartzman RJ, Fariello RG: Mononeuropathy multiplex due to heroin abuse. AAEE Annual Meeting, September 20-22, 1984.

38. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM: Spinal cord Metabolism of the NMPTP Treated Monkey, Annals of Neurology, October, 1984.

39. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM: Local Glucose Metabolism of the Cerebral Cortex in A Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease. Society for Neuroscience, October 14, 1984.

40. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Memolo M: Changes in Regional Glucose Metabolism in the Mesocortical Dopaminergic System of a Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease. Neurology. American Academy of Neurology, 35:116, 1985.

41. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM: Changes in Local Cerebral Metabolic Rate for Glucose in the CNS of MPTP Treated Monkeys. Symposium on MPTP, Washington, D. C., June 6, 1985.

42. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM: The lCMRg of the CNS in the MPTP Model of Parkinson's Disease. VIIIth International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease. New York, New York,

June 11, 1985.

43. Schwartzman RJ, Eidelberg E, Alexander GM: Changes in Local Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in the Walking Cat. Annals of Neurology. The American Neurological Association. Chicago, October 2 - 5, 1985.

44. McLellan TL, Duckett S, and Schwartzman RJ: Pathology of the sympathetic ganglia in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. American Association of Neurologists. Cleveland, Ohio, April 8, 1986.

45. Schwartzman, RJ: Changes in 1CMRg in the chronic MPTP model of Parkinson's disease. 38th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Neurology. New Orleans, April 27 to May 3, 1986.

46. Park, C, Madsen M, McLellan T, Schwartzman, RJ: Perfusamine DTM brain scanning in stroke - a comparison with transmission CT. Society of Nuclear Medicine 33rd Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., June 25, 1986.

47. Eidelberg, E, Miller, AL, Schwartzman, RJ, Alexander, GM: Regional energy metabolic measurements with 2-deoxyglucose. Satellite Symposium, Novel Approaches to the Study of Motor Systems. Banff, Alberta, July 10-123, 1986.

48. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, and Ferraro TN: Spiperone binding and dopamine levels in the striatum of MPTP-treated monkeys. 111th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association. Boston, MA, October 6-8, 1986.

49. Kitt CA, D'Amato RJ, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Compton AL, Johs TH, Snyder SH and Price DL: Effects of chloroquine on the neurotoxicity of MPTP in monkey, 16th Annual Meeting for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, November 9-14, 1986.

50. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, D'Amato RJ, Kitt CA, Ferraro TN, and Synder SH: Metabolic clinical and spiperone binding changes seen in MPTP-treated monkeys pretreated with chloroquine, 16th Annual Meeting for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, November 9-14, 1986.

51. D'Amato RJ, Alexander GM, Kitt CA, Schwartzman RJ, Price DL and Synder SH: The role of neuromelanin in MPTP neurotoxicity, 16th Annual Meeting for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, November 9-14, 1986.

52. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Grothusen JR and Stahl S: CNS glucose metabolic changes in the stages of the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's disease. Neurology 37 (Supp 1):338, 1987.

53. Ottenstein AE, Schwartzman RJ and Duckett SW: A coste of spongiform leukoencephalopathy (Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease) with a 15 year clinical history. American Academy of Neurology, New York, April 8, 1987.

54. Schwartzman RJ and Alexander GM:Changes in lCMRg in the chronic MPTP model of Parkinson's disease. American Academy of Neurology, New York, NY, April 8, 1987.

55. Barolat G, Schwartzman RJ and Woo R: Epidural spinal cord stimulation in the management of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. Montreal, CA. June 3-6, 1987.

56. Barolat G, Schwartzman RJ and Woo R: Epidural spinal cord stimulation in the management of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Vth World Congress on pain of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 2-7, 1987.

57. Schwartzman RJ and Barolat G: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Lumbar Radiculopathy. Vth World Congress on Pain of the Internation Association for the Study of Pain. Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 2-7, 1987.

58. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR and Schwartzman RJ: Intracerebral Dialysis in MPTP Parkinsonian Primates. The American Neurological Association. New Orleans, LA. October 6-8, 1987.

59. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR, Joseph J, Knobler RL and Schwartzman RJ: Dopamine toxicity to PC-12 cells, protection by superoxide dismutase and catalase. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, November 9-14, 1987.

60. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Grothusen J and Wilpizeski C: Metabolic study of gyroxin, a central vestibular stimulant. American Academy of Neurology, 1988.

61. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Grothusen JR, Stahl SM: Treatment of MPTP parkinsonian monkeys with the selective D2 dopamine agonist (+PHNO). The 113th meeting of the American Neurological Association. Philadelphia, October 2-5, 1988.

62. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR and Schwartzman RJ: Differences in the effective surface area of microdialysis probe in vivo versus in vitro. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 1988.

63. Letter to the Editor

Archives of Neurology 45:243-244, 1988.

64. Barolat G. Schwartzman RJ, Aries L: Chronic intrathecal morphine infusion for intractable pain in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. 8th Meeting of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Budapest, 1988.

65. Kerrigan J, Schwartzman RJ: Dystonia in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Chicago, April 13-19, 1989.

66. Alexander GM, Brainard DL, Gordon S, Grothusen J, Schwartzman RJ: Dopamine D2 and D2 receptor changes in MPTP parkinsonian primates. Abstracts Soc for Neurosciences 15:171, 1989.

67. Barolat, G., R. Schwartzman, R. Knobler and L. Arias. The role of epidural spinal cord stimulation and of the morphine pump in the management of RSD. Abstracts of the American Pain Society, Phoenix, AZ, October 26-29, 1989.

68. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR and Schwartzman RJ. Transport and metabolism of L-dopa in the striatum of parkinsonian primates. 115th meeting of the American Neurological Association, Atlanta GA, October, 1991.

69. Bej M, Schwartzman, RJ, Sollenberger S, Grothusen J, Alexander GM. Response of patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy to intracutaneous injection of Substance P. 43rd meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Boston MA, April 21-27, 1991.

70. Duckett S, Schwartzman RJ, Osterholm J, Rourke L. Biopsies cerebrales d'un Frere et sa Soeur Atteint de la Maladie d'Alexander. In Club Espanol de Neuropathologia: Reunion Conjunta de la Sociedad Francesa Y El Club Espanol de Neuropathologia. Bilboa May 24-25, 1991.

71. Alexander, GM, Schwartzman RJ, Grothusen JR, Gordon S, Brainard DL. Changes in brain catecholamines and dopamine uptake sites at different stages of MPTP parkinsonism in monkeys. Society for Neuroscience, November 10-15, 1991.

72. Murphy LG, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ. Improvement to the Hargreaves paw flick method. Letter to the Editor. Pain 46:347, 1991.

73. Golden GT, Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Smith GG, Martin DS: Systemic chloroquine protects against triatal dopamine depletion induced by unilateral intranigral MPP+ injection in rats. Society for Neuroscience, 1992.

74. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR, Gordon SW, Schwartzman RJ: Effect of plasma levels of large neutral amino acids and B-adrenergic stimulation of the blood transport of L-dopa in naive and MPTP parkinsonian monkeys. Symposia on Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Parkinson's Disease & Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. Toronto, October, 1992.

75. Alexander GM, Schwartzman RJ, Nukes TA, Grothusen JR: B2 Adrenergic agonist as adjunct therapy to L-dopa. Neurology 43:A349, 1993.

76. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander G, Sundo M, Grothusen J: Functional neuroanatomical mapping of motor loops in the MPTP primate model of parkinsonism. 1993 AAN Scientific Program, 1993.

77. Shenot PJ, Rivas DA, Mandel S, Schwartzman RJ, Chancellor MB: Urological manifestations of reflex sympathetic dystrophy versus interstitial cystitis. American Urological Assoc, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1994.

78. Tahmoush AJ, Liu JE, Hwang MY, McCarren D, Schwartzman RJ: The detection of sensory abnormalities in neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) using quantitative sensory testing (OST). Platform Session AAEM Annual Meeting, San Francisco, October 1, 1994.

79. Tahmoush AJ, Liu JE, Roos DB, Schwartzman RJ: Shoulder-arm pain from cervical bands and scalene muscle anomalies: Is this a neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)? Poster Presentation AAEM Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 1, 1994.

80. Monti DA, Herring C, Schwartzman RJ: Assessment of personality disorder in patients with RSD. Abstract presented at the American Psychiatry Association Meeting, May 23, 1994.

81. Alexander GM, Brothusen JR, Gordon SW, Schwartzman RJ: Reduced tyrosine and L-dopa blood to brain transport in catecholamine depleted mice. Submitted 1994 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, November 13-18, 1994.

82. Schwartzman RJ, Liu JE, Smullens SN, Hyslop T: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: Long term response to sympathectomy. Neurology 46:169, 1996.

83. Hopp J, Schwartzman RJ, Grothusen J, Alexander G: Increased sensory thresholds in patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Neurology 46:A227, 1996.84.

84. Alexander GM, Grothusen JR, Gordon SW, Schwartzman RJ: Intracerebral micodialysis study of glutamate reuptake, behaving rats. Brain Research 12:27:54, 1997.

85. Bennett GJ, Grothusen JR, Schwartzman RJ: Tele-Laser Doppler imaging of cutaneous capillary flow in peripheral neuropathies. The American Neurological Association, 1997.

86. Schwartzman RJ, Alexander GM, Grothusen JR: Functional Study of Motor Circuits in

MPTP Parkinson’s Primates. The American Neurological Association, 1997.

87. Kotsenas A, Roth TC, Hershey BL, Siegal TL, Topolsky D, Schwartzman RJ: Multifocal necrotizing leurkoencephalopathy following chemotherapy for multilple myeloma. Eastern Neuroradiological Society, 1997.

87. Maleki J, Bennett GJ, Schwartzman RJ: Three patterns of spread in complex regional pain syndrome, type I. American Pain Society 1998.

88. Maleki J, Bennett GJ, LeBel, Schwartzman RJ: Visualization of the level of autonomic dysfunction with scanning laser Doppler flowmetry in spinal cord disease (American Academy of Neurology 1998).

89. Grothusen JR, Tahmoush AJ, Maleki J, Schwartzman RJ: Autonomic Testing with Laser Doppler Imaging. Accepted 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology to be held May, 2001.

90. Brannagan TH, Pradhan A, Heiman-Patterson T, Winkelman AC, Styler MJ, Topolsky DI, Crilley PA, Schwartzman RJ, Brodsky I, Glastone DE: Immunoablative high-dose cyclophosphamide without stem-cell rescue for refractory chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDIP) and other immune-mediated neuropathies. Accepted 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology to be held May, 2001.

91. Kiefer RT, Rohr P, Unertl K, Altemeyer KH, Grothusen J, Schwartzman RJ: Recovery from intractable complex regional pain syndrome type I (RSD) under high dose intravenous ketamine-midazolam sedation. The 54th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, 2002.

92. Kiefer RT, Rohr P, Ploppa A, Altemeyer KH, Unertl K, Grothusen J, Schwartzman RJ: Ketamine-midazolam anesthesia for intractable complex regional pain syndrome Type I. IASP 10th World Congress on Pain, 2002.

93. Brannagan TH, Pradhan A, Styler MJ, Topolsky DL, Crilley PA, Schwartzman RJ, Brodsky I, Gladstone DE. High-dose cyclophosphamide without stem cell rescue for myasthenia gravis. AAEM Meeting Abstract Muscle and Nerve p 586, 2002.

94. Ploppa A, Kiefer RT, Nohe B, Rohr P, Grothusen J, Distler L, Dieterich HJ, Unertl K and Schwartzman RJ: Skin blood flow changes during ketamine/midazolam anesthesia for intractable CRPS-I. 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, CA August 17-22, 2002.

95. Koenigsberg RA, McCormick D, Maini B, Urrutia V, Thomas C, Schwartzman R: Use of small balloon expandable “cornonary” stents in the treatment origin and midcervical vertebral artery stenosis. American Society of Neuroradiology 2002.

96. Dey DD, Schwartzman RJ: Successful treatment of chronic pain from brachial and cervical plexus traction injury with intrapleural bupivacaine. AAM Meeting 2003.

97. Schwartzman RJ, O’Connor DM, Grothusen JR. Open label trial of thalidomide in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome type I. Accepted

American Pain Society 22nd Annual Meeting, March 20-23, 2003

Presentations, Lectureships, Program Participation

1. Recurrent Guillain-Barre Syndrome, University of Pennsylvania, 1970.

2. Headache, Hollywood Hospital, 1972.

3. Board Review Course for Internal Medicine. Department of Medicine, University of Miami School of Medicine, March 6-13, 1973.

4. "The Neurological Complications of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation", Cerebrovascular Disease Workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, January 17, 1973.

5. Faculty, "Internal Medicine 1973", Eighth Annual Postgraduate Course sponsored by the Department of Medicine of the University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, February 11-16, 1973. Presentation: "The Use of Steroids in CNS Disease".

6. Board Review Course for Internal Medicine. University of Miami School of Medicine and the Department of Medicine, March 1-6, 1973.

7. Faculty, American College of Physicians Postgraduate Course in "Practical Management and Therapy of Neurological Diseases". Miami Beach, Florida, March 5-8, 1973. Presentations: "The Sensory Examination", "The Unconscious Patient", "What a LP Tells the Physician".

8. Guest Faculty, The Postgraduate Seminar on Emergency Medicine, co-sponsored by the Florida Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Emergency Department Nurses Association and the University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami Beach, Florida, March 21-24, 1973. Presentation: "Evaluating the Patient in Coma".

9. Faculty, American Academy of Neurology, Boston, Massachusetts, April 26, 1973. Presentation: "An Analysis of Pyramidal Tract Section in Trained Primates."

10. Guest Faculty, Hospital for Joint Diseases and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics, Annual Foot Symposium, New York City, May 11, 1973. Presentation: "Neuropathology and Clinical Aspects of the Neurotrophic Foot."

11. Guest Faculty, Central Florida Medical Meeting, sponsored by the Orange County Medical Society, Orlando, Florida, June 2, 1973. Presentation: "The Differential Diagnosis of Peripheral Neuropathy".

12. "Cerebello-pontine Influence on the Motor System: A functional and anatomical study following section of the brachium pontis in trained Macaque monkeys", by M.D. Dimancescu and R.J. Schwartzman. American Neurological Association, Montreal, Canada, June 11, 1973 (presented by Dr. Dimancescu).

13. Visiting Professor, Volusia Academy of Medicine and Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Daytona Beach, July 17, 1973. Presentation: "Neurological Manifestations of Drug Abuse".

14. Faculty, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, University of Miami School of Medicine and the Rehabilitation Center, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Bal Harbour, Florida, August 11, 1973. Presentation: "Pathophysiology of Stroke".

15. "Motor System: A behavioral and anatomical study after section of the brachium pontis and trained Rhesus monkeys", by M.D. Dimancescu and R.J. Schwartzman. Fifth International Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Tokyo, Japan, October 7-12, 1973 (presented by Dr. Dimancescu).

16. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California, November 7-10, 1973. Presentation: "An Analysis of Pyramidal Tract Section in Trained Primates".

17. Discussor, "The Eaton-Lambert Syndrome with Ocular Involvement", by J.T. Black and D. Judge. "Neuro-Ophthalmology Course" sponsored by the Department of Ophthalmology and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute of the University of Miami School of Medicine, Key Biscayne, Florida, January 7, 1974.

18. Moderator, Postgraduate Seminar in Pediatric Neurology, Miami, Florida, January 10-12, 1974.

19. Faculty, Postgraduate Seminar in Neurology, "A Modern Practical Approach to Neurological Medicine", Miami, Florida, January 28, 1974. Presentations: "The Neurological Complications of Cardiovascular Disease", "Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathies", "Drug Abuse and the CNS".

20. Faculty, "Internal Medicine 1974", sponsored by the University of Miami School of Medicine and the Department of Medicine, Miami, Florida, February 17-22, 1974. Presentation: "Neurology 1974".

21. Guest Faculty, The Postgraduate Seminar on Emergency Medicine, co-sponsored by the Florida Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Emergency Department Nurses Association and the University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami Beach, Florida, April 4-7, 1974. Presentation: "Cerebrovascular Disorders Causing Coma or Shock, CVA's and Hypertensive Crisis".

22. "Supra Segmental Influence on Muscle Fiber Type", by R.J. Schwartzman and M.D. Dimancescu. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Cushing Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, April 21-25, 1974 (presented by Dr. Dimancescu).

23. Faculty of Special Course "Neurological Complications of Medical Disease", American Academy of Neurology, San Francisco, California, April 22-27, 1974. Presentation: "The Neurological Complications of Cardiovascular Disease".

24. "Oral Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Ocular Myasthenia", by K.C. Fischer and R.J. Schwartzman. American Academy of Neurology, San Francisco, California, April 22-27, 1974 (presented by Dr. Fischer).

25. "The Use of the NBT Test in the CSF" by H.L. Zwibel and R.J. Schwartzman. American Academy of Neurology, San Francisco, California, April 22-27, 1974 (presented by Dr. Zwibel).

26. Faculty, Postgraduate Seminar in Rehabilitation, "Rehabilitation of the Severely Physically Handicapped". Sponsored by the University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and the Rehabilitation Center, Jackson Memorial Hospital. Bal Harbour, Florida, May 12, 1974. Presentation: "Understanding Stroke and Brain Injuries".

27. Faculty, Emergency Medicine, presented by Florida Chapter American College of Physicians in conjunction with Division of Continuing Education, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Orlando, Florida, October 6-9, 1974. Presentation: "Basic Neurology: Recognition and Treatment in the ER".

28. Faculty, Review Course in Internal Medicine "Fundamental and Clinical Aspects of Internal Medicine". Miami, Florida, October 18, 1974. Presentations: "Vascular Diseases of the Nervous System", "Neuromuscular Diseases", "Parkinson's Disease", "Dementia", "Demyelinating Diseases".

29. Guest Faculty, American College of Osteopathic Internists, Atlanta, Georgia, October 31, 1974. Presentation: "Recent Advances in Neurology".

30. Guest Faculty, Southern Neurological Association Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, January 28-30, 1975. Presentations: "Neurological Complications of Cardiovascular Diseases", "Ocular Myasthenia".

31. Guest Faculty, Holy Cross Department of Medicine, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, February 4, 1975. Presentation: "Cardiovascular Complications of Stroke".

32. Second Annual Course in Practical Modern Neurology, Miami Beach, Florida, March 10-13, 1975. Presentations: "Basic Immunology as it Pertains to Neurology", "The Neurological Complications of Internal Medicine Diseases", "Peripheral Neuropathies", "Emergency Neurology".

33. Board Review Course, Department of Medicine, Miami, Florida, March 25-27, 1975. Presentation: "Review of Neurologic Diseases".

34. "An Analysis of Functional Recovery Following Lesions of the Sensorimotor Cortex" by R.J. Schwartzman and B. Gran. American Academy of Neurology, Bal Harbour, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1975 (presented by Dr. Schwartzman).

35. "The Syndrome of Medical Versus Lateral Basal Ganglionic Hemorrhage", by S. Shea and R.J. Schwartzman. American Academy of Neurology, April 28-May 3, 1975, Bal Harbour, Florida (presented by Dr. Shea).

36. "Coma and Ophthalmoplegia Resulting from Diphenylhydantoin (DPH) Intoxication", by R.H. Spector and R.J. Schwartzman. American Academy of Neurology, Bal Harbour, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1975 (presented by Dr. Spector).

37. "Familial Benign Intracranial Hypertension", by D.C. Traviesa and R.J. Schwartzman. American Academy of Neurology, Bal Harbour, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1975 (presented by Dr. Traviesa).

38. "Incidence and Manifestations of Neurosyphilis in a Random Hospital Population", by K.C. Fischer and R.J. Schwartzman. American Academy of Neurology, Bal Harbour, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1975 (presented by Dr. Fischer).

39. Discussant, "Neuromedical Aspects of Methadone Abuse", by Dr. R.W. Richter, M.M. Baden, D.H. Schively, N.N. Valanju and J.P. Pearson. American Academy of Neurology, Bal Harbour, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1975.

40. "A Functional Analysis of Cortical Motor Sensory Convergence Areas in the Monkey", by R.J. Schwartzman, J. Marcos and B. Gran. American Neurological Association, New York, June 3, 1975 (presented by Dr. Schwartzman).

41. 1975 Medical Emergencies Conference, Miami, Florida, July 9, 1975. Presentation: "Management of the Unconscious Patient".

42. Postgraduate Workshop for Nurses on the Stroke Patient, Miami, Florida, August 29, 1975. Presentation: "Normal Neuroanatomy and Physiology".

43. Postgraduate Seminar in Gastroenterology, Miami, Florida, September 20, 1975. Presentation: "Systemic Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disorders: Neurologic".

44. Review Course "Fundamental and Clinical Aspects of Internal Medicine", Miami, Florida, October 11, 1975. Presentations: "Vascular Diseases", "Epilepsy", "Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease", "Dementia".

45. Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Project. Miami, Florida, January 20, 1976. Presentation: "Neurological Problems in Later Years".

46. Internal Medicine, 1976, Miami, Florida, January 25-30, 1976. Presentation: "New Therapies in Neurological Diseases".

47. Third Annual Course in Practical Modern Neurology, Miami, Florida, February 1-5, 1976. Presentations: "Neurological Complications of Cardiovascular Disease", "Neurologic Complications of Systemic Cancer".

48. Basic Neurology for Psychiatrists, Generalists and Family Practitioners, Miami, Florida, February 23-27, 1976. Presentations: "Pharmacology", "Higher Cortical Function", "Coma".

49. Guest Faculty, American College of Emergency Physicians, "Emergency Department Symposium in the Sun". Puerto Rico, March 1-4, 1976.

50. Guest Lecturer, North Ridge Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 7, 1976. Presentation: "Neurological Emergencies".

51. Tri-County Medical Meeting, sponsored by the University of Miami School of Medicine, Division of General Medicine, Indian River County Medical Society and the St. Lucie-Okeechobee Counties Medical Society, Fort Pierce, Florida, May 1, 1976. Presentation: "Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurological Emergencies".

52. Family Practice Review Program, sponsored by the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, May 24-28, 1976. Presentation: "Common Neurological Disorders in General Practice".

53. Review Course "Fundamental and Clinical Aspects of Internal Medicine", Miami, Florida, October 10-22, 1976. Presentations: "Cerebrovascular Disease", "Epilepsy", "Muscle Disease", "Peripheral Neuropathy", "Dementia".

54. Guest Faculty, American College of Emergency Physicians. Neurology for the Emergency Physician, Part I. Neurology for the Emergency Physician, Part II. Seizure in Progress. New Orleans, Louisiana, October 14, 1976.

55. Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine, Miami, Florida, December 1-4, 1976. Presentation: "Neurological Emergencies".

56. Discussor, "Syndrome of acute idiopathic ophthalmoplegia with ataxia and areflexia in childhood (The Miller Fisher Syndrome)" by Patrick S. O'Connor and Ronald L. Price. "Neuro-Ophthalmology Course" sponsored by the Department of Ophthalmology and The Bascom Palmer Eye Institute of the University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, January 4-7, 1977.

57. Internal Medicine 1977, Miami, Florida, January 17-21, 1977. Presentation: "New Concepts in Neurology".

58. Fourth Annual Course in Practical Modern Neurology, Miami, Florida, January 24-28, 1977.

59. Guest Faculty, Southern Neurological Association Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, February 1977.

60. Basic Neurology for Psychiatrists, Generalists and Family Practitioners, Miami, Florida, February 28-March 4, 1977. Presentations: "Coma", "Aphasia".

61. American Heart Association, Miami, Florida, February 29, 1977. Presentation: "The Sequential Uptake of 2-deoxyglucose after Embolic Stroke".

62. American Academy of Neurology, Atlanta, Georgia, April 29, 1977. Presentation: "Criteria for the Prednisone Treatment of Chronic Idiopathic Polyneuropathy".

63. Internal Medicine Board Review Course, Hollywood Memorial Hospital, Hollywood, Florida, May 4, 1977. Presentation: "Review of Neurological Diseases".

64. Board Review Course, Department of Medicine, Miami, Florida, May 12, 1977. Presentation: "Role of Neurologic Diseases".

65. Review Course for Certification in Internal Medicine, Miami, Florida, May 29-June 11, 1977. Presentations: "Seizure Disorders", "Muscle Disease", "Peripheral Neuropathy", "Dementia".

66. The 28th Annual Scientific Assembly, Florida Academy of Family Physicians, June 22-26, 1977. Presentations: "Neurological Problems Frequently Missed", "Headache".

67. Basic Neurology for Psychiatrists, Generalists and Family Practitioners, Department of Neurology, Miami, Florida, February 27-March 3, 1978. Presentations: "The Comatose Patient", "Dementia".

68. American Academy of Neurology, Los Angeles, California, April 28, 1978. Presentations: "Neuroanatomical Mapping by Simultaneous 14C-2-deoxyglucose Uptake and ATP Depletion", "Seizure Propagation and ATP Depletion in the Rat Stroke Model".

69. Florida Society of Neurology, Miami, Florida, May 5, 1978. Presentation: "Immunology of Nervous System Disorders".

70. Updating Family Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Miami, Florida, May 20, 1978. Presentation: "Headaches: Evaluation and Treatment".

71. Seventh Family Practice Review, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, May 25, 1978. Presentation: "Common Neurological Problems in General Practice".

72. Sixth Annual Combined American College of Emergency Physicians and the Emergency Department Nurses Association Scientific Assembly, Houston, Texas, September 19-21, 1978. Presentation: "Neurological Evaluation of the Unconscious Patient".

73. Neurological Emergencies, Department of Medicine, University of Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 5, 1978.

74. Internal Medical Society of San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, November 7, 1978. Presentation: "The Use of the CAT Scan".

75. The Family Practice Society of San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, April 24-25, 1979. Presentations: "The Diagnosis of Headache", "Neurological Problems Most Frequently Missed", "Pearls of the Neurological Exam".

76. American Academy of Neurology, Chicago, Illinois, April 26, 1979. Presentation: "The Quantitative 2-Deoxyglucose Technique in Functional Neuroanatomical Mapping".

77. Texas Society of the ACEP, Corpus Christi, Texas, May 20-23, 1979. Presentation: "The Unconscious Patient".

78. The Florida Medical Association, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 23, 1979. Presentation: "Neurological Problems Most Frequently Missed by the Internist".

79. Visiting Professor: University of Pittsburgh, June 8-10, 1979.

80. Emergency Room Conference, the Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 9, 1979. Presentation: "The Diagnosis of Coma".

81. Huntington's Disease: Clinical Conference, San Antonio, Texas, June 16, 1979. Presentation: "Clinical Aspects".

82. Continuing Education Program, McAllen, Texas, August 15-16, 1979. Presentation: "Practical Neurology".

83. The National Scientific Assembly of the ACEP, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1-4, 1979. Presentation: "Neurologic Evaluation of the Unconscious Patient".

84. American Neurological Association, St. Louis, Missouri, October 4-6, 1979. Presentation: "Quantitative 2-deoxyglucose Mapping of the Cerebellum".

85. P, M & R Basic Science Conference, UTHSCSA, October 25, 1979. Presentation: "Cerebral Cortex (right vs. left hemisphere)".

86. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 1979. Presentation: 14C-2-Deoxyglucose Utilization in the Cerebellum of the Monkey During a Conditioned Arm Movement".

87. Ayerst Laboratories and Sid Peterson Hospital, Fredericksburg, Texas, November 12, 1979. Presentation: "Migraine and the Use of Inderal".

88. Texas Academy Chapter of the American College of Physicians and the Texas Society of Internal Medicine, San Antonio, Texas, December 6, 1979. Presentation: "Myasthenia Gravis".

89. Teleconference Network of Texas, UTHSCSA, January 9, 1980. Presentation: "Stroke".

90. Southern Clinical Neurological Society 74th Annual Meeting, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, January 29, 1980. Presentations: "Metabolic Disorders of the Central Nervous System", "Up-Date on Immunology of Central Nervous System", "Spinal Stenosis Syndrome".

91. Geriatric Medicine: Selected Topics for the Practicing Physician, UTHSCSA, February 16-17, 1980. Presentation: "Neurological Problems in the Aging".

92. San Antonio Family Practice Seminar, San Antonio, Texas, March 7-9, 1980. Presentation: "Headache - Evaluation and Treatment".

93. Louisville Baptist Hospitals' Quarterly Staff Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, March 18, 1980. Presentation: "Dizziness".

94. The First San Antonio Symposium on Neuroanesthesia, San Antonio, Texas, April 12-14, 1980. Presentation: "Neurology-Epidemiology, Therapy and New Concepts Concerning Stroke".

95. American Academy of Neurology, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 28-May 3, 1980. Presentation: 14C-2-Deoxyglucose Analysis of Precentral and Supplemental Motor Cortex in Operantly Conditioned Monkeys".

96. Brooke Army Medical Center Teaching Program, San Antonio, Texas, May 9, 1980. Presentation: "Biochemistry of Ischaemic Vascular Disease".

97. Family Practice Recertification Review, San Antonio, Texas, May 30-June 1, 1980. Presentation: "Basic Neurology".

98. American Neurological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, September 8, 1980. Presentation: "Metrizamide Competitively Inhibits Hexokinase".

99. Guest Examiner, American Board of Neurological Surgery, Dallas, Texas, September 9-12, 1980.

100. 1980 Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 15-18, 1980. Presentation: "Neurological Evaluation of the Unconscious Patient".

101. Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, October 15, 1980. Presentation: "Evaluation of the Comatose Patient".

102. Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society, Kansas City, Missouri, November 1, 1980. Presentation: "Stroke Symposium".

103. Timely Topics in Geriatric Medicine for the Practicing Physician, UTHSCSA, November 3, 1980. Presentation: "Neurological Problems in the Aging".

104. Texas Club of Internists, San Antonio, Texas, February 27-28, 1981. Presentation: "Update of Internal Medicine".

105. Critical Care Medicine Course, Orlando Regional Medical Center, Orlando, Florida, April 10, 1981.

106. Aerospace Medical Association, San Antonio, Texas, May 4-7, 1981. Presentation: "Stroke, Seizure, Myopathy, Neuropathy".

107. Seminar on Emergency Medicine, Vancouver British Columbia, May 25-29, 1981. Presentation: "Evaluation of the Unconscious Patient".

108. Aging Dementia Program, Kerville, Texas: "Review of Clinical Neurology", July 29, 1981.

109. American Academy of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 14, 1981. Presentation: "Neurological Evaluation of the Unconscious Patient".

110. Disorders of Nerve and Neuromuscular Junction, San Diego, California, November 1, 1981. Presentation: "Evaluation and Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathies".

111. Visiting Professpro: Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, November 11, 1981. "The Biochemistry of Brain Ischaemia", November 6, 1981.

112. Visiting Professor, LSU, New Orleans, Louisiana, "The 2-deoxyglucose Method", November 5, 1981.

113. Emergency Medicine, Department of Neurology, University of Miami, November 30, 1981. Presentation: "Coma, Acute Cerebrovascular Disease, Cerebral Edema".

114. Ayerst Laboratories Visiting Professor, Kerville, Texas, January 18, 1982. Presentation: "Migraine Headache".

115. Visiting Professor, Jefferson Medical College, Alper's Memorial Lecture. Presentation: "The Biochemistry of Cerebral Ischaemia", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 12, 1982.

116. EEG Society of San Antonio, Texas. Presentation: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. May 15, 1982.

117. Emergency Medicine, University of Miami. Presentation: Neurologic Emergencies, October 28, 1982.

118. Neuroanatomical mapping with 2-deoxyglucose. Visiting Professor, University of Georgia, March 17, 1982.

119. The biochemistry of cerebral ischaemia (grant proposal). Texas Institute for Restoration and Rehabilitation, Houston, Texas, March 4, 1982.

120. Part I, Neurology Question-Makers Session (American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 10, 1982.

121. Part I, Neurology Question-Makers Session (American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 9-10, 1982.

122. Visiting Professor. Hahnemann Medical College, Crozier Chester Hospital Grand Rounds, January 6, 1983.

123. Therapy in Neurology. Hobart Hare Honor Medical Society, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 11, 1983.

124. Neuroanatomical basis of the neurologic examination. Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Kerville, Texas, February 20, 1983.

125. Intensive care for neurological trauma and disease. University of Miami Department of Neurology, March 3-5, 1983.

126. Some aspects of neuromuscular diseases in the 1980's. Imperial Point Medical Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, March 15, 1983.

127. Evaluating the patient in coma. Emergency Neurology, Division of the Wisconsin Medical Society, St. Michael Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 26, 1983.

128. Metabolic correlates of the epileptiform activity induced by direct GABA agonists. Workshop on Neurotransmitters in Epilepsy II, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1983.

129. Neurological disorders presenting as psychiatric illness. Sixth Annual Conference on Psychosomatic Disorders, Thomas Jefferson University, April 22, 1983.

130. The treatment of acute stroke. Critical Care Neurology/Neurosurgery Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April 14-15, 1983.

131. Treatment of TIA. Department of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, April 30, 1983.

132. Plans for the development of Neurology at Jefferson. Board of Trustees of Thomas Jefferson University, May 2, 1983.

133. Biochemistry of ischemic vascular disease. Grand Rounds, Pennsylvania Hospital, University of Pennsylvaniak, May 3, 1983.

134. Assessment of the neuropathies with symptoms and signs that typify specific neuropathies and point to the need for selected tests to arrive at the etiology. Tenth Annual Course of Electrodiagnosis, Philadelphia County Medical Society, Thomas Jefferson University,

May 5, 1983.

135. Presentation. Second Annual Conference on Health and Aging, Veterans Administration, Coatesville, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1983.

136. The pathophysiology and treatment of myasthenia gravis. Annual Session of Texas Medical Association, Houston, Texas, May 21, 1983.

137. Update in neurology. Jefferson Alumni Dinner, Thomas Jefferson University, June 9, 1983.

138. Visiting Professor: The biochemistry of cerebral ischemia. Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Pennsylvania Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, June 14, 1983.

139. New concepts in the treatment of ischemic cerebral vascular disease. Grand Rounds, Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 16, 1983.

140. Head Injury: Management, Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation. Topic: Neurological evaluation of an unconscious patient. Conference, St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. September 22-23, 1983.

141. Transient Ischemic Attacks, Grand Rounds, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Surgery, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8, 1984.

142. Neuroanatomical Mapping with 2-Deoxyglucose: Lecture, Veterans Administration Medical Center, East Orange, New Jersey, February 8, 1984.

143. Intensive Care - Neurological Assessment Clues and Cues; EEG and Seizure Control in the ICU; Stroke - A Neurologist's Perspective. Intensive Care for Neurological Trauma and Disease 1984: East Coast Seminar, The University of Miami School of Medicine, Orlando, Florida, March 7-11, 1984.

144. Neuroanatomical Mapping with 2-Deoxyglucose: Grand Rounds, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

March 20, 1984.

145. Presentation: Lehigh Valley Ophthalmology Society, Easton, Pennsylvania, April 3, 1984.

146. The 1CMRg of the CNS in the NMPTP Model of Parkinson's Disease, American Academy of Neurology, 36th Annual Meeting, April 12, 1984.

147. Part I, Neurology Question-Makers Meeting, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 22-23, 1984.

148. Local Glucose Metabolism of the Cerebral Cortex in a Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease. Society for Neuroscience, October 1984.

149. Spinal Cord Metabolism of the NMPTP Treated Monkey. American Neurological Society, Baltimore, Maryland, October 1984.

150. I. Advanced Problems in Neurological Emergencies. II. Acute Weakness and Dizziness. American College of Emergency Physicians, Dallas, Texas, October 17-20, 1984.

151. Changes in Regional Glucose Metabolism in the Mesocortical Dopaminergic System of a Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease. 37th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Dallas, Texas, April 30-May 2, 1985.

152. Experimental Parkinson's Disease, Philadelphia Neurological Society, February 13, 1985.

153. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, 9th Annual Rehabilitation of the Hand Symposium and Workshop, Hand Rehabilitation Foundation and Thomas Jefferson University, March 19, 1985.

154. Experimental Parkinson's Disease, Mandel Neurological Lectureship, Jeanes Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 27, 1985.

155. Evaluation of Progressive TIA, 3rd Annual Update in Internal Medicine, May 8, 1985.

156. Changes in Local Cerebral Metabolic Rate for Glucose in the CNS of MPTP Treated Monkeys, Symposium on MPTP, Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, Maryland, June 6, 1985.

157. The 1CMRg of the CNS in the NMPTP Model of Parkinson's Disease, VIIIth International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease, New York, June 11, 1985.

158. Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Stroke, Alumni Continuing Medical Education Program, Jefferson Medical College, June 6, 1985.

159. Changes in local cerebral glucose metabolism in the walking cat. 110th Annual Meeting American Neurological Association, Chicago, Il, October 4, 1985.

160. Neurologic Emergencies: American College of Physicians. Philadelphia, PA, October 9, 1985.

161. New concepts in headache management. The 2nd Annual Mexican-American Physicians Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas, October 9, 1985.

162. Poster Presentation: Changes in Glucose Metabolism in the CNS of the Walking Cats. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas Texas, October 24, 1985.

163. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. 10th Anniversary, Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Hand, Philadelphia, PA, March 17, 1986.

164. The Neuroanatomical Basis of the Mental Status Examination. Alzheimer's Disease: A Comprehensive Approach, Philadelphia, PA, April 4, 1986.

165. Changes in 1CMRg in the chronic MPTP model of Parkinson's disease. 1986 American Academy of Neurology Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 30, 1986.

166. Temporal lobe and behavior. Sendai Forum on Clinical Neurology 1986, Sendai, Japan, May 31, 1986.

167. Visiting Professor: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN, September 12, 1986.

168. Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Eastern Pain Association, Inc. New York, NY, October 29, 1987.

169. Visiting Professor: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, DC, February 24, 1988.

170. Visiting Professor: Metabolic analysis of the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's disease. Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, DC, February 25, 1988.

171. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Annual Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Hand Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, March 14, 1988.

172. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Clinical Features and New Treatment Modalities Seminar. American Academy of Neurology, April 17, 1988.

173. Visiting Professor, Albert Einstein University Medical School: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Montiefore Medical Center, New York. April 26, 1988.

174. Visiting Professor, Temple University School of Medicine: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Philadelphia, PA. May 11, 1988.

175. Visiting Professor, Case Western Reserve: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Chronic Pain Symposium at the University Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio. June 2, 1988.

176. Visiting Professor, University of Maryland: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Grand Rounds at the University of Maryland. Friday September 16, 1988.

177. Visiting Professor: Clinical and experimental aspects of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Medical School. October 12, 1988.

178. Visiting Professor: Metabolic and receptor correlates of the MPTP model of Parkinson's disease. University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Medical School. October 12, 1988.

179. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Grand rounds at Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center. December 1, 1988.

180. Neurological Emergencies. Basic Approaches to Common Neurological Disorders sponsored by Department of Neurology at Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, February 23, 1989.

181. The diagnosis and staging of RSD. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: Current Strategies in Diagnosis and Treatment sponsored by Department of Neurology at Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, March 10, 1989.

182. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. 13th Annual Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Hand Symposium. Philadelphia, March 13, 1989.

183. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Grand rounds at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center. Camden, New Jersey, April 4, 1989.

184. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, clinical features and new treatment modalities. American Academy of Neurology. Chicago, April 19, 1989.

185. Stroke. Training for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Cardiovascular Disorders and their Drug Treatment. Philadelphia, September 20, 1989.

186. Current Investigation and Treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Academy of Neuromuscular Thermography. Orlando, Florida, September 22, 1989.

187. Evaluation and Neurologic Abnormalities of the Neck and Upper Extremity. Anterior Cervical Fusion Course. Philadelphia, PA, September 29, 1989.

188. Neurologic Emergencies and Neuropathies. Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center. Wilkes-Barre, PA, October 4, 1989.

189. Visiting Professor at Indiana State University. Indianapolis, IN, January 26, 1990.

190. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Florida Society for Physical

Medicine and Rehabilitation. February 3, 1990.

191. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Eastern Pain Society, New York, NY, February 13, 1990.

192. Neurological Emergencies in Adults. 2nd Annual Winter Symposium. Department of Neurology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, February 22, 1990.

193. Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorder, Differential Diagnosis and Management. 2nd Annual Winter Symposium. Department of Neurology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, February 22, 1990.

194. The Diagnosis and Staging of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: Current Strategies in Diagnosis and Treatment. Department of Neurology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, March 9, 1990.

195. Differential Diagnosis and Conservative Management of TOS. Hand Symposium, Philadelphia, March 13, 1990.

196. Medical Diagnostics, 15th Annual Rehabilitation of the Hand Symposium and Workshop, Hand Rehabilitation Foundation and Thomas Jefferson, March 19, 1991.

197. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, 15th Annual Rehabilitation of the Hand Symposium and Workshop, Hand Rehabilitation Foundation and Thomas Jefferson, March 20, 1991.

198. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Clinical Features and New Treatment Modalities, Seminar, 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Boston, April 19, 1991.

199. The Diagnosis and Staging of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: Current Strategies in Diagnosis and Treatment. Department of Neurology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, May 3-4, 1991.

200. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Lecturer, Chambersburg Hospital, Chambersburg, PA, May 10, 1991.

201. Stroke, Lecturer, The Cardiovascular Disorders and Their Drug Treatment Training Course, Philadelphia, PA, May 21, 1991.

202. RSD - New concepts of an old disease. Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Rheumatology, Philadelphia, PA 1991. September 30, 1991.

203. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSDS) - Overview, Staging and Diagnosis, Pain Management Seminar, Baltimore, MD, October 12, 1991.

204. RSDS II - Treatment & Case Presentation. Pain Management Seminar, Baltimore, MD, October 12, 1991.

205. Stroke and Agina, PharmaDesign, Inc., Wednesday, October 30, 1991, Philadelphia.

206. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Concepts and Controversies. 10th Annual Scientific Meeting American Pain Society, New Orleans, LA, November 7-8, 1991

207. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Clinical Manifestations and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Pathophysiologic Mechanisms. 11th Annual AMEDD Neurology Conference, Silver Spring, MD, November 23, 1991.

208. RSD - Mechanisms of the Disease. Philadelphia Neurological Society. Philadelphia College of Physicians, Philadelphia. December 11, 1991.

209. Diagnosis and staging of RSD and new theories and clinical management in difficult cases. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, A one-day Seminar presented by Central Florida Thermography, Inc. Orlando, Florida, Saturday, January 25, 1992.

210. Grand Rounds, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. The Graduate Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February 5, 1992.

211. Cervical and Lumbar Spine Disease. Geriatric Review Course sponsored by Jefferson Medical College, Depts of Medicine and Family Medicine. Philadelphia, February 14, 1992.

212. Visiting Professor: RSD - a form of Reflex Neurogenic Inflammation lecture and University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, East Orange, NJ. February 19, 1992.

213. Visiting Professor: Mechanisms of RSD. Cornell University, New York, February 25, 1992.

214. Visiting Professor, Tufts University: Grand Rounds, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Tufts University School of Medicine. Boston, MA. March 5, 1992.

215. Breakfast Seminar, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. AAN Meeting in San Diego, California. Saturday, May 9, 1992.

216. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, University of the Philippines, Philippine General Hospital, November 10, 1992.

217. 1st Romeo R. Apostol Memorial Lecture, Pain Management, University of the Philippines, Philippine General Hospital, November 13, 1992.

218. November 13, 1993, The Fifth Pan-Philadelphia Neurosurgery Conference, "Masquerading Myelopathies" sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.

219. November 16 and 17, 1993, Visiting Professor at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.

220. December 2, 1993, Jefferson Alumni Executive Committee, "Developments in the Department of Neurology, Philadelphia, PA.

221. December 4, 1993, Pain Management Seminar, "Chronic Pain and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, Baltimore, MD.

222. December 15, 1993, Visiting Professor, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY.

223. March 12, 1994, Hand Rehabilitation Foundation Seminar "Brachial plexus traction injuries" Philadelphia, PA.

224. April 1, 1994, Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Jefferson Medical College, "Pathophysiology of pain", Philadelphia, PA

225. April 15, 1994, Central Florida Orthopaedic Group Seminar on RSD. "Basic concepts and staging" and Newer Concepts of etiology and treatment", Orlando, FL.

226. May 26, 1994, Visiting Professor at Temple University Hospital. New Concepts in Parkinson's Disease. Philadelphia, PA.

227. June 24 and 25, 1994, Sierra Medical Center. NeuroScience Update '94. "How to perform and integrate a neurological examination" and "Headaches - Diagnosis and Treatment", El Paso, TX.

228. October 28, 1984 - Clinical Syndromes of RSD and TOS and Panel on Upper Extremity Pain at Greater Philadelphia Pain Society, Philadelphia, PA.

229. December 2 and 3, 1994 - Composition of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Sympathetically Maintained Pain at the RSD Assoc of Ca Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

230. February 4, 1995 - Differential Diagnosis of Upper Extremity Pain. The RSI Symposium. The First International Conference on the Neurovascular Compressons and Cumulative Trauma Dirosers of the Upper Extremity. Long Beach, CA.

231. February 22 to February 26, 1995 - Institue of Neurology and Neurosurgery Manuel Valasco Suarez. Pathogenesis and treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Mexico City, Mexico.

232. March 3 and 4, 1995 - Differential diagnosis of the injured low back and Parkinsons Disease: Update and current treatment. Southwestern Neuroscience Update, 1995. El Paso, TX.

233. September 20, 1995 - Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Clinical aspects/basic mechanisms. Philadelphia VAMC, Philadelphia, PA.

234. October 7, 1995 - Mechanisms underlying RSD. First National Conference of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association of America. Washington, DC.

235. December 2, 1995 - Celluar and Biochemical Aspects of RSD. Winter Medical Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

236. January 17, 1996 - Stroke: New Therapies Offer New Hope. Medical Talk Show, WWDB 96.5 FM, Philadelphia, PA

237. February 6, 1996 - Visiting Professor - York Hospital, York, PA.

238. February 8, 1996 - Advances in the Treatment of Stroke. Allegheny Integrated Health Group (AIHG). Adams Mark, Philadelphia, PA.

239. March 16, 1996 - Differential Diagnosis of the Neurovascular Compressive Disorders. The Second International Conference on the Neurovascular Compressive and Cumulative Trauma Disorders. The Westin Hotel, Copley Place, Boston, MA.

240. March 18, 1996 - Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Hand Symposium, Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia, PA.

241. April 8, 1996 - Visiting Professor, Norristown State Hospital. New Advances of Stroke. Norristown, PA.

242. May 8, 1996 - Visiting Professor, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. “Basic Mechanisms of RSD”, New Brunswick, NJ.

243. May 29, 1996 - Visiting Professor, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. “Clinical Features and Mechanisms of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. New Brunswick, NJ.

244. October 3, 1996 - Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania. “Mechanisms underlying RSD”. Philadelphia, PA.

245. March 10, 1997 - Differential diagnosis of Rsd. Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Hand Symposium. Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia, PA

246. April 20, 1997 - Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome: Etiology and Management. American College of Rheumatology Symposium, Boston, MA

247. September 6, 1997 - “Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis of RSD.”

Second National Conference - RSD Syndrome Association of America. Atlantic City, N.J.

248. October 20 to October 24, 1997 - Visiting Professor at Hospital de la Salpetriere, Paris, France.

249. October 23 and 25, 1997 - “2-deoxyglucose analysis of Parkinson’s disease in the MPTP model” and “Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: clinical manifestations andproposed mechanisms” at Laboratoire de Neuropathologie R. Escourolle, Hospital de la Salpetriere, Paris, France.

250. November 8, 1997 - Clinical Manifestations and Treatment of RSD. RSD Conference in Kissimmee, FL.

251. January 7, 1998 - “Pain Radiation: An understanding for the Practice of Internal Medicine” at Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences MCPυHahnemann School of Medicine.

252. February 7, 1998 - “Reflex sympathetic dystrophy”. Neuropathic Pain. Allegheny General Hospital’s Multidisciplinary Review and Update in Pain Medicine. Keyston Resort and Conference Center in Keystone, CO.

253. March 28, 1998 - “Overview and Summary of RSD Treatment Protocol”. RSD Association of California Medical Conference. San Diego, CA.

254. October 17, 1998 - Conference on Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. “Research and Development and Its Applications in Clinical Studies. What is Current, What is New.” The Delaware Academy of Medicine. Wilmington, DE

255. April 28, 1999 - New Frontiers in Mechanisms and Management of Pain Conference. “Clinical problems of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (CRPS). MCP Hahnemann University.

256. May 21, 1999 - Greater Philadelphia Pain Society. “What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.” Doubletree Hotel, Philadelphia, PA

257. March 23, 2000 – Grand Rounds “Reflex sympathetic dystrophy” at Christiana Hospital, Wilmington, De.

258. April 20, 2000 – Visiting Professor at UPMC St. Margaret’s Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

“Parkinsonism Physical Diagnosis and Management”.

259. October 31, 2000 – Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Therapy and Fitness. “Update: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy.”

260. December 1 and 2, 2000 – 3rd International CRPS Conference in Orlando, FL. “Advances in RSD Research and Clinical Aspects of RSD

261. July 17, 2001 “Neuropathic Pain Mechanisms” University of Saarbruecken, Germany

262. July 25, 2001 “Reflex sympathetic dystrophy” University of Tuebingen, Germany

263. September 5, 2001 “Clinical diagnosis of brachial plexus and cervical plexus pain radiations” University of Tuebingen, Germany

267. January 24, 2002 “The present molecular biology of neuropathic pain” MCP Hahnemann University Center for Digestive Health Grand Rounds

268. February 3, 2002 Clinical Manifestations of RSD The First Annual Issues and Advances in RSD Tampa, FL

269. February 21, 2002 The treatment of vascular diseases of the central nervous system:

A neurologist’s perspective Cardovascular Institute of Philadelphia Carotid Course

Franklin Wynhdam Hotel, Philadelphia, PA

270. March 22, 2002. Advances in the Treatmentof Neurological Disorders. Ninth Annual Joseph P. Van Der Meulen Symposium in Clinical Neuroscience. University of Southern California

271. June 23, 2002. Central Sensitization in Fibromyalgia. American Headache Society 44th Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA

272. June 26, 2002. Stroke Center. Visiting Professor and Grand Rounds. University of California, Irvine.

273. August 9, 2002. Chronic Pain. Grand Rounds at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.

Ad Hoc Reviewer

Annals of Neurology

Annals of Internal Medicine

Archives of Internal Medicine

Archives of Neurology


Clinical Journal of Pain

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

Journal of Neurological Science

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Movement Disorders

Muscle and Nerve


New England Journal of Medicine


Grant Review

Arthritis Research Campaign

Book Review

Sympathetic Dystrophy, Stanton Hicks, Janig W & Boas RA (ed), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA 1990.

The Autonomic Nervous System, Otto Appenzeller, Elsevier Science Pub Co, New York, 1990

Frontal Lobe Function and Dysfunction, Harvey S. Levin, Ph.D., Howard M. Eisenberg, MD., Arthur L. Benton, Ph.D., New York, Oxford University Press, 1991.

Pain and the Brain from Nocicpetion to Cognition. Burkhart Bromm, John E. Desmedt (Editors), New York, Raven Press, 1995.


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