September 4, 2012

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

PRESENT: Patsy Bennett-Brown (Co-Chair), Bob Brown (Chair), Ernest Cole,

Carolyn Fredricks, Karen Lloyd, Katie Macklin, Mary Ann Miller,

LaVaida Owens-White, William Payne, Lee Perkins, Debra Veenema, Jim Young

EXCUSED: Bill Bell, C. Regina Byers, Milton Daves, Evelyn Hayes, Bonnie Hitch,

Suzanne Howell, Linda Smith, Barbara Willis

DSAAPD (Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities) Staff Present: Bill Love, Director; Lisa Bond, Deputy Director; Cindi Powell, Administrative Specialist III


Arlene Littleton, CHEER Executive Director


I. Call to Order

II. Review of Minutes (June 5, 2012)

III. Update: Diamond State Health Plan Plus (DSHP+)

IV. Update: FY 2014 Budget

V. Update: Delaware State Plan on Aging – Implementation and Tracking

VI. National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease

VII. Previous Business

VIII. New Business

IX. Roundtable

X. Next Meeting: October 2, 2012 – LIFE Program, Wilmington Riverfront

XI. Adjourn

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by B. Brown, GAC Chair.

B. Love expressed his thanks to B. Brown and P. Bennett-Brown for their service in their newly appointed positions as Chair and Co-Chair of the GAC.

B. Love suggested the following: A tour for the GAC of the St. Francis LIFE Program (Living Independently for Elders). This program helps seniors receive long-term services and support while remaining in their homes.  A 28-thousand square foot corner of the Shipyard Center (The Wilmington Riverfront) is being renovated for the facility, which is expected to employ 40 to 50 healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses and therapists. The program is a PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) site which provides comprehensive long term services and supports to Medicaid and Medicare enrollees. An interdisciplinary team of health professionals provides individuals with coordinated care. DSAAPD is very excited by the opening which will be the first PACE site in Delaware. There are PACE centers throughout the country and are well received by participants.

B. Love also suggested that a speaker be arranged to present at a future GAC meeting on the Affordable Care Act and the TeleHealth initiative.

II. Review of Minutes

The minutes of the June meeting were accepted as written.

III. Update: Diamond State Health Plan Plus (DSHP+)

L. Bond provided the following update: DSHP Plus took effect on April 1, 2012 to provide health care benefits, including long term care services, to eligible persons though a managed care delivery system. Individuals who previously received services through the Elderly and Disabled (E&D) Waiver now receive those services through DSHP Plus. DSHP Plus is administered by the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA).

This Plan will provide improved access to community-based long-term care services and increased flexibility to more effectively address individual needs, and to better control rising long-term care costs significantly impacting Medicaid.  Delaware joins many states who are implementing new models of delivering long-term care services. 

IV. Update: FY 2014 Budget

B. Love provided the following update: The DHSS internal budget meeting will be held on September 7, 2012 and the Public Budget Hearing will be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at Legislative Hall in Dover at 1:00 pm. The Joint Finance Committee hearings will be in February or March, 2013.

Potential budget requests include funding to address current wait lists, the development of an Adult Protective Services ‘safe haven’, and computer software updates for case management (information support system).

The GAC requested that DSAAPD provide them with the current wait lists by program and by county (if applicable).

V. Update: State Plan on Aging

L. Bond distributed the State Plan on Aging Goals, Objectives and Strategies 2012-2015, and reviewed the information with the Council. The goals, objectives and strategies are broken down by Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, AARP Scorecard rating and the assigned Champion (DSAAPD Leadership Team Member) who will oversee their particular goals, objectives and strategies (handout attached). DSAAPD will routinely update the GAC on the progress.

VI. National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease

K. Macklin reported to the GAC on efforts to develop a Delaware State Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease. Once completed, this plan will be incorporated into the 2012 – 2015 Delaware State Plan on Aging. The Plan is being co-led by the Alzheimer’s Association of the Delaware Valley and DSAAPD.

Public hearings will be held in each county to provide an opportunity for the community and other stakeholders to provide input. The hearings will be held after a first draft is completed for public comment.

VI. Previous Business

W. Payne raised the question of discussing the Affordable Care Act – DSAAPD will invite a speaker to present to the GAC on this subject at a future meeting.

W. Payne raised the concern that the Smyrna State Service Center only has a sign to indicate ‘handicapped parking’.

VII. New Business

It was noted that GAC Member R. Byers contacted the Director’s Office to inform the GAC what she will be submitting her resignation from the Council to the Governor’s Office.

VIII. Roundtable

L. Owens-White: Thank you for the presentations; informed the GAC that the Wilmington Wellness Day will be held on September 15th at Rodney Square in Wilmington. September is Healthy Aging Month.

M. Miller: DSAAPD Staff Members continue to appear on the Congo Hour program to promote DSAAPD and DHSS services. This event was arranged and moderated by GAC Member Mary Ann Miller. DSAAPD staff will appear on this program the first Sunday of each month on local access channel 28 in New Castle County. It was noted that the City of Wilmington and Comcast are involved in a contractual dispute over Channel 28.

D. Veenema: The Annual MS event Bike to the Bay will be held on September 22 & 23, 2012.

K. Macklin: Alzheimer’s Action Day is September 21, 2012. Please wear purple on this day to help raise awareness.

J. Young: Thank you for the presentations; suggested that goals and strategies be developed for the GAC.

L. Perkins: Thank you for the presentations; agreed with the suggestion that goals and strategies be developed for the GAC.

A. Littleton: The CHEER Annual Beach Day will be held on September 21, 2012; this is a fundraiser for the Meals on Wheels Program. Recommended that a workgroup be formed to determine how to allocate the funds from the Crimes against the Elderly Trust Fund.

P. Bennett-Brown: Thank you for the presentations.

K. Lloyd: Requested that a list of support groups for the Alzheimer’s Association and for Parkinson’s Disease be distributed to the GAC members.

C. Fredricks: Suggested that the GAC be visible advocates for DSAAPD at the DHSS Public Hearing at Legislative Hall on November 13, 2012. The Modern Maturity Center will hold an Emergency Preparedness event on September 6, 2012; 100 to-go kits will be available, as well as representatives from the 9-1-1 Registry. The Denim and Diamonds event will be held on September 8, 2012; this event benefits the Meals on Wheels Program.

E. Cole: Thank you for the presentations. The Freedom Center for Independent Living has received a grant from the Christopher and Dana Reeves Foundation. This funding will enable the center to provide a social interaction program.

IX. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 from 10:30-12:00.

The GAC will be attending a tour of the LIFE Program (the first PACE site in Delaware) located at the Wilmington Riverfront.  The address is 1072 Justison Street, Wilmington, DE 19801.

X. Adjournment

B. Brown adjourned the meeting at 11:40 am.


Respectfully submitted 9.17.2012


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