Alzheimer’s Assocation Advocacy Planning Chart

Consumer Voice Strategy Chart


| | |ALLIES | | |

| |Now: | |Decisionmakers |-In person trainings (January training in |

|Vision: |-4614 dedicated individuals in CV Action |Constituents: |Primary: |Savannah, GA; additional trainings in other |

|Adequate staffing for nursing home |Network |Long-term care consumers, family |-President |locations) |

|residents |-20 national organizations that indicated |members, citizen advocacy groups, |-All Members of the U.S. House of |-Action alert to CV Action Network |

| |support in last Congressional session |individual citizen advocates, |Representatives |(When bill is re-introduced) |

| |-114 state ombudsman programs, local ombudsman|long-term care ombudsmen, resident |-Members of the U.S. House Energy and |-District visits |

| |programs, citizen advocacy groups and family |councils, family councils, older |Commerce and Ways and Means Committees |(Legislative District Work Periods - |

| |councils that indicated support in last |adults, persons with disabilities, |-All Members of the U.S. Senate |February 16-20th; March 9th-13th; March 30th |

| |Congressional session |direct care workers, elder law and |-Members of the U.S. Senate Finance |– April 10th, if bill has been reintroduced |

| |-Social media ability |trial attorneys, nurses |Committee |by these times) |

| |-Skilled in using online advocacy tool (SALSA)| | |-Hill visits by CV staff |

| |-Engaged and committed staff, Leadership | | |(Following re-introduction of bill and |

| |Council and Governing Board | | |throughout the 114th Congress) |

| |-$207,000 for 2013-2015 staffing campaign | | |-Hill visits during annual meeting by |

| | | | |participants (November 2015) |

| | | | |-Hard copy petition within Members’ |

| | | | |districts |

| | | | |(When Bill is Reintroduced –end of 114th |

| | | | |Congress) |

|Demand: |Then: End of 114th Congress |Allies: |Secondary: | |

|Mandate Medicaid and/or Medicare |-5,000 Action Network individuals |National Association of State |-Staff of U.S. House of Representatives | |

|certified nursing homes to provide RN|-25 national allies supporting the bill |Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs |Members | |

|staffing 24 hours a day/7 days a week|-150 state ombudsman programs, local ombudsman|(NASOP); National Association of |-Staff Members of U.S. House Energy and | |

|Pass HR___, The Put a Registered |programs, citizen advocacy groups, and |Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman |Commerce and Ways and Means Committees | |

|Nurse in the Nursing Home Act |resident and family councils supporting the |(NALLTCO); Service Employees |-Staff of U.S. Senate Members | |

|Pass SB___ |bill |International Union (SEIU); PHI, |-Staff Members of U.S. Senate Finance | |

|Presidential signature |-25 retweets about the bill |Older Women’s League (OWL); Alliance |Committee | |

| |-$10,000 funding raised to continue the |of Retired Americans (ARA); Coalition| | |

| |campaign |of Geriatric Nursing Organizations | | |

| | |(CGNO); Public Citizen; Community | | |

| | |Catalyst; National Committee to | | |

| | |Preserve Social Security and | | |

| | |Medicare; American Association of | | |

| | |Justice; National Academy of Elder | | |

| | |Law Attorneys; The ARC; American | | |

| | |Medical Directors Association | | |

|Fallback: | | |Opponents: | |

|Mandate Medicaid and/or Medicare | | |-Leading Age | |

|certified nursing homes to provide RN| | |-American Health Care Association | |

|staffing 24 hours a day/7 days a week| | |-American College of Nursing Home | |

|with waivers permitting facilities to| | |Administrators | |

|not have 24 hour RN coverage 7 days a| | | | |

|week under certain limited | | | | |

|circumstances | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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