Fundraising Groups - Alzheimer's Research UK

-20955033528000-971550724217500Fundraising GroupsUseful TemplatesAGENDAGroup ChairAttendeesApologiesItemLeadTime (guide only)NEXT MEETING: Meeting MinutesGroup NameDateLocationChairAttendeesApologiesTopicActionNotesOwnerDeadline AOB-76204571900Annual Action Plan TemplateGroup NameAction Plan Year? Target Fundraising ActivityMonthDesired income from activityAnnual General Meeting Agenda TemplateGroup NameAGM DateAGM Location AGENDAGROUP MEMBERACTIONSWelcome & ApologiesGroup ChairReview of action points at last meetingGroup ChairAccounts SummaryTreasurerForthcoming Events/ActivitiesAllAnnual Action Plan for coming yearGroup ChairNew Ideas/InnovationAllAOBAllNext Meeting DateGroup LeadRisk AssessmentEvent Location:Activities being assessed:Risk assessment completed by:Date of risk assessment:HAZARDEXISTING CONTROLS IN PLACERISK L/M/HFURTHER ACTION NEEDED TO REDUCE RISKREDUCED RISK L/M/HExample Thank you letter<Date>Dear <Salutation>I am writing on behalf of your local Fundraising Group to say a huge thank you for your recent donation.Thank you so much for raising <Amount> for Alzheimer’s Research UK by <activity>. We’re so grateful that you’ve committed your time and energy to helping defeat dementia. Your donation will help power vital new research that will transform people’s lives. Defeating dementiaDementia is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. Right now, there are 850,000 people fighting dementia in the UK alone, and every 3 minutes, another person develops the condition. Every one of those people has friends and family members for whom the diagnosis will also be a devastating blow. But your support offers them hope, enabling world-class researchers to begin new studies into the causes of dementia, and find new treatments. Together, we can win the fightbackDementia can affect any of us. But thanks to you, we are a step closer to a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia. We are working relentlessly, and it’s a great feeling knowing that you are working alongside us.You can find out more about the pioneering research that you’re helping to fund, and the progress being made at Thank you once again for your generous gift and helping us make breakthroughs possible. Yours sincerely,<Chair>ARUK <city/place> Fundraising GroupOn behalf of Alzheimer’s Research*denotes mandatory fieldINTERNAL USE ONLYRE ID:Volunteer Role*If Fundraising Group, please include specific role, e.g. ‘Fundraising Group – Chair’Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr)*First Name*Surname*Postal Address*Post code*:Email Address*Mobile Number*Telephone Number (incl. STD code)Emergency Contact Name*:Relationship to you*: Emergency Contact Number*:How did you hear about volunteering with Alzheimer's Research UK?*What is the main reason you'd like to volunteer with Alzheimer’s Research UK?*Please tell us what skills and abilities you think you bring to this volunteering role*Are there any health or accessibility issues that may affect your ability to carry out this role?Do you work for an ARUK corporate partner organisation? If so, please include below.Do you have any ‘unspent’ criminal convictions? If yes, please summarise.By submitting this form, I agree:That as an Alzheimer’s Research UK volunteer I will uphold the Charity’s Volunteer Agreement (below). That I have read and understood the Charity’s Volunteering Policy (provided to me) and agree to the expectations outlined within. That having read the implications of collecting and using data detailed in the Volunteering Policy, I am happy for the Charity to hold, use and share data on this form with charity staff and relevant volunteers for the purposes of volunteering with Alzheimer’s Research UK.That I am eighteen (18) years of age or older.That I give Alzheimer’s Research UK my consent to license and use images/footage in any media of myself – whether supplied by myself or another party - related to my volunteering activities for any purpose which may include, among others, advertising, promotion and marketing.As an Alzheimer’s Research UK volunteer, I agree to:Support and respect Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) values, policies, guidelines and ways of operating.Act responsibly and within the law, considering and upholding ARUK’s good reputation in my actions and conduct.Keep in regular liaison with my staff contact, raising any concerns I may have with my role.Read the policies, procedures and guidance documents I am given to provide the highest quality of volunteering in my role.Operate in partnership with other volunteers, staff and the general public; respecting the confidentiality of those I volunteer alongside.Keep ARUK informed about any changes in personal circumstances that may affect my volunteering.Pay into the correct charity account any funds I raise or receive for Alzheimer’s Research UK as soon as possible.Maintain and uphold the good name of ARUK and be a good ambassador when conveying the Charity aims to the general public.Ensure I am legally entitled and properly trained to safely drive any vehicle I use in the course of my volunteering NB. This declaration and agreement is in honour only and is not intended to be a legally binding contract of employment.Signed*:Date*: Please complete the following section if you wish to receive further information about the charity and other ways you can support Alzheimer’s Research UK.Let’s keep talking about dementia You play an important role in driving the conversation about dementia and championing research that will change lives. We’d like you to be the first to know about the latest research and how your support makes a difference, as well as ways you can get involved and help fund our life-changing work. We’ll keep your information safe and never sell or swap it with anyone. Let us know how we can contact you (tick below): FORMCHECKBOX Post FORMCHECKBOX Email FORMCHECKBOX Telephone FORMCHECKBOX Text messageYou can change how we talk to you at any time, by calling 0300 111 5555 or emailing enquiries@. Our Privacy Notice can be found at privacy-notice/ and explains how we will use and store your information. The following sections References & Photograph (Volunteer ID Badge) are for Community Speakers, Collection Crew Coordinators, Fundraising Groups* and Office Volunteers only. *Required for committee roles only, i.e. Member, Chair, Treasurer & Secretary.REFERENCESPlease provide the details of two people you have known for twelve months or longer that we can contact as referees e.g. employer, supervisor, club or group leader, friend or neighbour. Please do not ask relatives, partners or Alzheimer’s Research UK volunteers, as these are not accepted as referees.First NameSurnameRelationship to youEmailTelephone NumberAddressFirst NameSurnameRelationship to youEmailTelephone Number AddressPHOTOGRAPH (VOLUNTEER ID BADGE)Please attach a passport style photo and post with your application form.□ I confirm that I have enclosed a passport style photo with my application form (please tick box).Please return your completed application form (along with passport photo where relevant) using the enclosed freepost envelope OR attach sufficient paid-for postage and send to:Volunteer Management TeamAlzheimer’s Research UK 3 RiversideGranta ParkGreat AbingtonCambridgeshireCB21 6ADModel Release FormBy signing this release I hereby give Alzheimer’s Research UK my permission to license the Images/footage and to use the Images/footage in any Media for any purpose (except pornographic, defamatory, libellous or otherwise unlawful) which may include, among others, advertising, promotion and marketing. I agree that I have no rights to the Images/footage, and all rights to the Images/footage belong to Alzheimer’s Research UK. I acknowledge and agree that I have no further right to additional Consideration or accounting, and that I will make no further claim for any reason to Alzheimer’s Research UK. I acknowledge and agree that this release is binding upon my heirs and assigns. I agree that this release is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and will be governed by the laws of England, excluding the law of conflicts.335597552705For Alzheimer’s Research UKSigned...........................................................Print Name.............................................................Position.........................................................Date...............................................................00For Alzheimer’s Research UKSigned...........................................................Print Name.............................................................Position.........................................................Date...............................................................-32321552705To be completed by the modelDate..................................................................................Model’s signature...................................................................Model’s printed name ............................................................Model’s date of birth ..............................................................Or, to be completed by the model’s parent or legalguardian if under 18:Date ........................./........................../...................................Delete as applicable......................Parent / Legal GuardianPrinted name ...................................................................Signature .........................................................................................Model’s date of birth ................................................................00To be completed by the modelDate..................................................................................Model’s signature...................................................................Model’s printed name ............................................................Model’s date of birth ..............................................................Or, to be completed by the model’s parent or legalguardian if under 18:Date ........................./........................../...................................Delete as applicable......................Parent / Legal GuardianPrinted name ...................................................................Signature .........................................................................................Model’s date of birth ................................................................ ................

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