The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Quiz Ch. 1-7

Matching: Match the word or character on the left with the correct description on the right.

_____1. Edmund A. A figure of speech where

inanimate objects are given

_____2. Lucy human characteristics (“The

frying pan hissed…”)

_____3. personification

B. Honest; caring; kind

_____4. simile

C. A comparison using “like”

_____5. White Witch or “as” (“…shining like a


D. Dishonest; beastly to siblings

E. Evil; rules Narnia

Questions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Remember to RESTATE the question in your answer. The first two have been started for you.

1. Why does Edmund lie to the other children and say he had never been in Narnia?

Edmund lies to the others and says he’s never been in Narnia because _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What does the professor tell the children are the three possibilities about Lucy?

The professor tells the children Lucy is either _________________, ___________________, or ___________________.

3. Why does the professor say Lucy’s story is likely true? (Hint: He says if she were pretending she would have done something differently.)


4. What did the children find had happened to Mr. Tumnus when they went to his cave?


5. What did Mr. Beaver show the children to prove he was a friend?


True or False? Write T if the answer is TRUE. Write F if the answer is FALSE. If the sentence is FALSE, correct it to make it true.

_____1. “Merely a trifle!” means “No big deal!”


_____2. When Mr. Beaver mentioned the name Aslan, Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious horror while all the other children felt good and warm feelings.


_____3. All four children enter Narnia through the wardrobe in the spare room.


_____4. When Edmund saw the two small hills, he thought of Mr. Tumnus’ cave and how he could find help him.







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