.NET Framework

Teaching Programme

Well Done! 5


Primary Education


Primary Fifth


Modern Foreign Languages


UNIT : New Friends


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Review language learned in prior levels.

- Introduce themselves and give personal information.

- Introduce and describe other people.

- Describe places and the activities you can do in them.

- Ask and answer questions about animals.

- Say a chant (Pleased to meet you!)

- Sing to rap (New Girl in Town).

- Do an oral presentation about a virtual pet.

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts of progressive complexity:

- People and places descriptions.

- Personal information.

- A dialogue in a pet shop store.

- Questions about an animal.

- A chant (Pleased to meet you!)

- A rap (New Girl in Town).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand personal information.

- Be able to read and understand questions about places.

- Be able to read and understand a description about a pet.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Be able to write correctly the months of the year and places of interest in a town.

- Be able to use capital letters correctly.

- Be able to write short answers about personal information.

- Be able to write the name of the town/city where they live.

- Be able to describe an imaginary pet.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Describe people: physical aspect, clothes, colours, abilities and hobbies.

- Belongings: pets, games and hobbies' equipment.

- Months of the year

- School subjects.

- Describe places: landmarks, prepositions of place.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- To be: When’s your birthday? It’s in… Are you (in the café)

- Have got: belongings and descriptions.

- Present continious: I’m wearing…

- Simple present: Do you like…? I like…

- Can + abilities

- Where can you…?

- There is/there are

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Using previous knowledge.

- Communicating personal information.

- Following instructions.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, through active classroom participation:

- Be able to greet and meet new people.

- Be able to introduce themselves and others.

- Know a street and a town in Great Britain.

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken. .

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility and to be enrich linguistically.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Initialize in some phonetic aspects, like rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Describe people: physical aspect, clothes, colours, abilities and hobbies.

- Belongings: pets, toys, hobbies' equipment.

- Months of the year

- School subjects.

- Describe places: landmarks, prepositions of place.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- To be: When’s your birthday? It’s in… Are you (In the café)

- Have got: belongings and descriptions.

- Present continious: I’m wearing…

- Simple present: Do you like…? I like…

- Can + abilities

- Where can you…?

- There is/there are

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Using previous knowledge.

- Communicating personal information.

- Following instructions.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Music: chant, song

- Linguistic abilities: reading and understanding a story.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

Description of a virtual pet.(PB page 5)

Personal worksheets (PB page 3)

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A chant (Pleased to meet you!) (PB page 2)

- A rap (New Girl in Town) (PB page 4)

- Virtual pet description (PB page 5, AB page 5)


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Dialogue s and oral interactions in pairs.(PB page 2 to 5)

▪ Oral text production: AB page 2 to 5 and Virtual pet description for the Portfolio(PB p, 5, AB page 5, All about my world!).

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Personal worksheets (PB page 3), A pet description (PB page 5, AB page 5).

▪ Audio to capture general and specific information: dialogue s (PB page 5)

▪ Oral language interactions; games, Back to back, PB page 2, Where are you?, PB, page 4 Games Bank

▪ Activities for pronunciation, : chant (PB page 2) and the rap (PB page 4), months of the year (PB page 3).

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions. (Tell the class about your English diary, PB page 57 and AB page 69)

▪ A chant (Pleased to meet you!) PB page 2, a song (New Girl in Town) PB page 4.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information:

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using its components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Board games en versión interactive, una sección descargable en PDF con los Worksheets to copy , tests, etc).

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and transmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

▪ Dialogue cues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB, page 2 to 5).

▪ Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups; play Back to back, PB page 2, Where are you? PB, page 4, Games Bank

- Learning to participate, express ideas, learn and cooperate with their peers through acting out a dialogue and oral interactions (PB page 2 to 5).

- This competence is develop through the knowledge of different cultures and behavior patterns.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ A chant (Pleased to meet you!) PB page 2, a song (New Girl in Town) PB page 4.

▪ Immersion in the language, traditions, and culture of the English speaking world.

▪ Making projects: describe and draw a virtual pet for the Portfolio of the PB (PB page 5, AB page 5, All about my world!).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Integrate the information from personal worksheets, developing thinking skills strategies (PB page 3)

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 5 y AB page 5) and Picture Dictionary, AB page 73.

▪ Work individually to assess their own talents and abilities (AB, page 2 to 5) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: , Virtual pet description for the Portfolio(PB p, 5, AB page 5, All about my world!).

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

- Reference material In the PB: reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Picture Dictionary (AB page 73).

- Use of dictionaries

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning. (AB, page 2 to 5).

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: Virtual pet description for the Portfolio (PB p, 5, AB page 5, All about my world!).

▪ Develop siocial abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: games, Back to back, PB page 2, Where are you? PB, page 4, Games Bank, etc.

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties; playing (PB page 2 to 5), singing songs (PB page 2 and 4), acting out dialogue ues (PB page 5), etc.

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

▪ Reference material In the PB: reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Picture Dictionary (AB page 73).

- Use of dictionaries

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work: All about my World! (PB page 5 and AB page 5) and Picture Dictionary, AB page 73.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- This competence is develop through the inmersion in the language, traditions, and culture of the English speaking world; with an atitude of reflexion and criticism about schools, pet cares, cities. etc.

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner the personal social expectations within and their own life.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue and interactions (PB page 2 to 5)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: a chant (Pleased to meet you!) PB page 2, a song (New Girl in Town) PB page 4.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (New Friends – page 2 to 5)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ Activity Book (New Friends – page 2 to 5).

- Reading and writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary.

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit: New Friends, page 20 to 28)

▪ Grammar Book.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Portfolio worksheets.

- List of interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.

v. Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit New Friends, page 2-5).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach)

Summative Evaluation

Diagnostic Test, page 9-10 (Teacher’s Pack)


Activity Book:

- Picture Dictionary (AB page 73)

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (PB page 5, AB page 5).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in guided oral interactions about familiar topics in easily predictable situations:

- Review language learned in prior levels.

- Introduce themselves and give personal information.

- Introduce and describe other people.

- Describe places and the activities you can do in them.

- Ask and answer questions about animals.

- Say a chant (Pleased to meet you!)

- Sing to rap (New Girl in Town).

- Do an oral presentation about a virtual pet.

▪ Understanding general and specific information relevant to oral texts with linguistic and non linguistic elements, related to the content of the Unit:

- People and places descriptions.

- Personal information.

- A dialogue in a pet shop store..

- Questions about an animal.

- A chant (Pleased to meet you!)

- A rap (New Girl in Town).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify simple words and phrases, presented previously orally, about familiar and interesting topics (Test, page 9-10 Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack): :

- Be able to read and understand personal information.

- Be able to read and understand questions about places.

- Be able to read and understand a description about a pet.

▪ Write words and common expressions and phrases from a model and with an specific purpose (Test, pages 9-10 Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to write correctly the months of the year and places of interest in a town.

- Be able to use capital letters correctly.

- Be able to write short answers about personal information.

- Be able to write the name of the town/city where they live.

- Be able to describe an imaginary pet.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit and structures within familiar contexts.


Learn and extend vocabulary (Test, pages 9-10 Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):

- Describe people: physical aspect, clothes, colours, abilities and hobbies.

- Belongings: pets, toys, hobbies' equipment.

- Months of the year

- School subjects.

- Describe places: landmarks, prepositions of place.


▪ Understand and use the grammar structures learned in the Unit: (Test, pages 9-10, Diagnostic Test-Teacher’s Pack):)

- To be: When’s your birthday? It’s in… Are you (n the café)

- Have got: belongings and descriptions.

- Present continious: I’m wearing…

- Simple present: Do you like…? I like…

- Can + abilities

- Where can you…?There is/there are


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation: rap rhythm.

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn:

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used (Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Reproduce, with some guidance, texts from oral texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A chant (Pleased to meet you!) (PB page 2)

- A rap (New Girl in Town) (PB page 4)

- Virtual pet description (PB page 5, AB page 5)

UNIT 1: At home


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Introducing themselves.

- Giving personal information about daily routines and family life.

- Talking about belongings.

- Ask and answer questions about family relations.

- Ask and answer questions about different countries.

- Asking for things.

- Say a chant (The tooth brushing).

- Sing a song (Please Mum!)

- Say a rhyme about the alphabet.

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts with progressive complexity:

- A dialogue about daily routine.

- Questions about different countries.

- A chant (The tooth brushing).

- A song (Please Mum!)

- An alphabet rhyme.

- A story con with visual cues (Ruby’s Squirrel)

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand personal information (about routines and families) and different places in the world.

- Be able to read and understand a picture story.

- Be able to read and understand a person's description.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Be able to write verbs about daily routines and the key vocabulary.

- Be able to use 's in phrases correctly.

- Be able to complete phrases with personal information about daily routines and families.

- Be able to describe and introduce themselves.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Daily routines verbs: wake up, get dressed, make my bed, wash my hair brush y teeth, have to shower, do my homework, watch TV, help my mum.

- Before, after

- Family members: aunt, uncle, cousin, parents, grandparents.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Simple present: 1ª + 2ª persona – afirmativa, negativa, preguntas del tipo yes/no + short answers

- Possessive adjectives and genitive case 's

- Wh- questions: Were? When? What? Who? How many?

Review language: Daily routines verbs: get up, have breakfast, go to school, have to break, have dinner, go to bed

- In the morning/afternoon/ evening, at night.

- Family members vocabulary Well Done! 1- 4

Receptive language:

Story: brush (n), lab, feel, special, strange, powers!

Interdisciplinary language:

-Continents; oceans

-Continent, island, equator, North Pole, South Pole

-Cleaning, look, after, collect, water, cocoa farmer, shopping, village, pony, well, cooking.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Say the alphabet

- Questions' intonation

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Learn new vocabulary.

- Critical thinking: problem resolutions

- Critical thinking: compare and contrast

- Comprehend and find places in a world map.

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Learn about the routines of others.

- Learn about other people families.

- Show interest in the life of other children in the world; helping at home.

- Work in pairs.

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken. .

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theatre, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetical sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Initialize in some phonetic aspects, like rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Say the alphabet

- Questions' intonation

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Daily routines verbs: wake up, get dressed, make my bed, wash my hair brush y teeth, have to shower, do my homework, watch TV, help my mum.

- Before, after

- Family members: aunt, uncle, cousin, parents, grandparents.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Simple present: affirmative, negative, yes/no questions + short answers

- Possessive adjectives and genitive case 's

- Wh- questions: Were? When? What? Who? How many?

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices:

- Using previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Learn new vocabulary.

- Critical thinking: problem resolutions

- Critical thinking: compare and contrast

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Geography: world map, continents and oceans.

- Social Sciences: family members and helping at home

- Music and Arts: chant, song, rhyme for pronunciation

- Linguistic abilities: story, interpretation.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

- A story, PB page 9.

- A chant (The tooth brushing), PB, page 6

- A song (Please Mum!), PB, page 8

- An alphabet rhyme, PB, page 12

- A personal description, PB page 13, AB page 13

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- To describe themselves, PB page 13, AB page 13


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Express and understand dialogue cues: Lesson 2, PB page 7

▪ Oral text production, Portfolio Project: look for information and write about a country (TRM, page 14) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world! (PB page 13 and AB page 13)

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Window on the world: Helping at home, PB page 11

▪ Listenings and audio to capture general and specific information (Lesson 7).

▪ Oral language interactions: Work in pairs PB page 6, Let’s talk! (PB page 12), games (Cut outs, PB page 7), (Play Guess the place, PB page 10) Board Games Unit 1 (PB page 16), Games Bank, page 205-206.

▪ Activities for pronunciation: Speak Well! (PB page 12).

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about you, PB page 13).

▪ Songs, chants, and rhymes (Unit 1)

▪ Reading, understanding and acting out a story (Lesson 4, PB page 9), The Reader (Robin Hood).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.: (Window on the world, PB page 11)

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

▪ Reference bars at the end of each lessons.

▪ Grammar (PB page 6 y 8) Grammar Book (page 1-2)

▪ How to play (PB page 7)

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using its components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, etc

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

- Web pages to Access information about the life and families of other children around the world:

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and transmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

- Dialogue cues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB page 6, 7, 12)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: (Cut-outs, PB page 7 and 61) (Play Guess the place, PB page 10), Board Games (PB page 11 and16).

Reflection on learning.

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, express ideas, and work with peers to represent the story of the Unit 1 (Lesson 4, page 13,)and the story and The Reader: Robin Hood).

- The story of the Unit also involves the knowledge of social aspects and cultural facts from other places: The story (Lesson 4, page 9)

- This competende is develop by recognizing diferent cultures and behaviours: in the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections and related to the theme of the Unit.

- interdisciplinar (Geography: world map; continents, oceans)

- Intercultural: (Social sciences: families and helping at home)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Songs, rhymes, and chants:

- A chant (The tooth brushing) PB page 6

- A song (Please Mum!) PB page 8

- An alphabet rhyme, PB page.

▪ Cut-outs activity (Cut-out PB page 7)

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: Portfolio Project: look for information and write about a country (TRM, page 14) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world! (PB page 13 and AB page 13)

▪ Reading and acting out a story: (Story, PB page 9) and the story of the (The Reader) Robin Hood; in print version (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the sections:

- interdisciplinar (Geography: world map; continents, oceans)

- Intercultural: (Social sciences: family and helping at home).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be able to find information and learn it: Portfolio Project: look for information and write about a country (TRM, page 14) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world! (PB page 13 and AB page 13)

▪ Interdisciplinary sections (PB page 10) and intercultural (PB page 11), developing curiosity and critical thinking of the world around them.

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 13) and Now I can (AB page 13), Remember (AB page 14-15).

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 6 to 13) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

- Use reference materials, (PB): reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers, etc

- Read Well! (PB page 9) with questions of the Unit.

- Remember section in the AB (Lesson 8 )

- Picture Dictionary (AB page 74 and 80).

- Use of dictionaries

▪ Develop thinking, organization, and research strategies: Section Remember (AB, page 14 and 15), Portfolio worksheet.

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: Portfolio Project: look for information and write about a country (TRM, page 14) o Portfolio worksheet: All about my world! (PB page 13 and AB page 13), Tell the class about you (PB page 13),intercultural section project : Helping at home (PB page 11 and AB page 11).

▪ Learning strategic thinking abilities; analizing and selecting information :

- summarizing: Story summary (AB page 9),

- problem solving , (PB page 10)

- compare and contrast (PB page 11)

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning. (AB, page 6-13).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit : reference bar at the bottom of each page, Grammar Reference (PB), Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers (PB)

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: Portfolio Project: look for information and write about a country (TRM, page 14) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world! (PB page 13 and AB page 13), Tell the class about you (PB page 13), intercultural section project : Helping at home (PB page 11 and AB page 11).

▪ Develop siocial abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: (Cut-outs, PB page 7 and 61) (Play Guess the place, PB page 10), Board Games (PB page 11 and 16).

▪ Getting use to work in activities that requiereplannification, creating ideas, role play, like the cut-outs activity (Cut-out, PB page 7), Picture Dictionary (PB, page 74 and 80).

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties: acting out and representing the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 13 and the story of (The Reader) Robin Hood.

▪ Reinforcing autonomy, personal identity and self esteem through dialogue use and interactions(PB page 7, 12)

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work:

- Remember, (AB page 14 and 15).

- Now I can, (AB) at the end of the lesson

- Write Well!, AB page 13

- Picture Dictionary, (AB page 74 and 80)

- All about my World! (PB, page 13, Lesson 8).

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Geography: learn about world maps; continents, oceans

- Social sciences: families and helping at home: children from Perth (Australia), Ghana (Africa) and Galicia (Spain).

This competence implies the development of a inquiring mind in the observation of reality: individual, social and environmental issues:

- Family members and their importance

- Helping and home, boys and girls and their importance

Recognizing the geographycal space and conditions from other cultures:

Perth (Australia) Ghona (West Africa) Galicia (Spain), PB page 11.

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, elements geometrics, etc.

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Familiarize with a family tree (PB page 8).

- Play tic-tac-toe, learning about vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines (PB page 13)

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB p 6 to 13), through the representation of the story (Lesson 4,PB page 9) and the story of Robin Hood (The Reader).

- Using language to express feelings :(Cut-out: page 7 and 61)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Songs, rhymes, and chants: of the Unit .


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 1 – page 6 to 13)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Grammar Reference, page 61

- Cut-outs (for Lesson 2 of each Unit. Cut-out).

▪ Activity Book (Unit 1 – page 6 to 13).

- Reading and writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers (Unit 1, AB, page 50).

- Remember (Unit 1 – page 14 and 15).

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit 1, page 32 to 49)

▪ Grammar Book (Unit 1)

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ The Reader (print and digital versions): Robin Hood.

▪ Flashcards and Word cards.

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Grammar additional practice (Worksheet 1 and 2)

- Extra activity for the song in Lesson 3 (Song worksheet )

- An activity to practice verbal communication with a partner.

- Reinforcement activities (Reinforcement worksheet Vocabulary)

- Fast finishers activities (Fast finisher worksheet Grammar)

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge(Cross-curricular worksheets).

- Portfolio worksheets.

- List of interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit 1, page 6 to 13).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach)

Summative Evaluation

Tests 1 page 11-12 (Teacher’s Pack)

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM, page 14)


Activity Book:

- Remember, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Unit (page 14 and 15).

- Now I can, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Lesson (Read and draw the face)

- Write Well!, AB page 13

- Picture Dictionary, page 74 and 80)

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (page 13, Lesson 8).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Carry on in daily live conversations about familiar topics in predictable situations:

– Introducing themselves.

– Giving personal information about daily routines and family life.

– Talking about belongings.

– Ask and answer questions about family relations.

– Ask and answer questions about different countries.

– Asking for things.

– Understand the song and the rhyme of the Unit.

▪ Understand general and specific information from a variety of oral texts in different situations:

– A dialogue about daily routine.

– Questions about different countries.

– Understand the song and the rhyme of the Unit.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and find information making inferences to understand a variety of texts (Test 1-Teacher’s Pack):

– personal information (about routines and families) and different places around the world.

– A story

– A description of a person.

▪ Write taking in consideration the recipient, the type of text, and the purpose (Test,1-Teacher’s Pack):

– Write verbs about daily routines and key vocabulary.

– Use 's in phrases correctly.

– Complete phrases using personal information about routies and families.

– Describe and introduce themselves.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Use forms and structures proper of a foreing language.


Learn and extend vocabulary (Test 1-Teacher’s Pack):

– Daily routines verbs: wake up, get dressed, make my bed, wash my hair brush y teeth, have to shower, do my homework, watch TV, help my mum.

– Before, after

– Family members: aunt, uncle, cousin, parents, grandparents.


▪ Undesrtand and use the grammar structures learned in the Unit: (Test 1-Teacher’s Pack):

– Simple present: affirmative, negative, yes/no questions + short answers

– Possesive adjectives and genitive case 's

– Wh- questions: Were? When? What? Who? How many?


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

– Say the alphabet

– Questions' intonation

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Value a foreing language as a tool to communicate with other people, as a learning tool and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak a foreing language.

▪ Identify some cultural aspects and traditions from English speaking countries.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Reproduce, with some guidance, oral and written texts:

– Dialogue reproductions (PB page 7)

– To describe themselves, PB page 13, AB page 13

UNIT 2: At the fair


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Talk about what they like and don't like to do.

- Ask and answer questions about peoples' preferences.

- Talk about leisure time activities.

- Talk about special events, when they start/end, telling the time.

- Ask and asnwer questions about special events and musical instruments.

- Describe a friends preferences.

- Say a chant (Does he like playing the guitar?)

- Sing a song (Let’s all go to the fair!)

- Say tongue twister: (She sells sea shells on the sea shore)

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts with progressive complexity:

- Understand pópele who talk about hobbies and leisure time activities.

- Understand correct information about an event.

- A chant (Does he like playing the guitar?).

- A song (Let’s all go to the fair!)

- A tongue twister: (She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

- A story con with visual cues (Funfair Adventure)

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogues and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

-Be able to read and understand personal information about preferences on hobbies and leisure time activities.

-Be able to read and understand a picture story

-Be able to read and understand a text about an orchestra a person's descrtiption.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Be able to write phrases about leisure time activities.

- Be able to write the time

- A text about personal instruments.

- An email describing a friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Hobbies and leisure activities: play the guitar, sing, listen to music, skateboard, rollerblade, ride to bike, take photos, play table tennis, cook

- Time: five/ten/twenty/twenty five past/to (twelve)

- Concert, show, start, finish, dance

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Simple present: 3ª person singular and plural– afirmative, negative, Yes/No questions + simple answers

- Like + -ing

- Simple present questions: What time does it start/finish?

- It starts/finishes at…

Review language:

-Hobbies and leisure activities: play computer games, go ice-skating, play the recorder, play football, watch to DVD, play to board game, make models, dance

-Time: o’clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to

Receptive language:

-Story: Phone, wheel, bouncy, castle, follow, big wheel

Interdisciplinary language:

-Music: traditional music instruments in an orchestra

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- /s/ and /S/ sounds

- Plural ‘s’

- Questions' intonation Yes/No type

- Union of the words in Does he.../Does she...

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Learn new vocabulary.

- Using mental maps to organize key vocabulary.

- Logical thinking: drawing conclusions, problem solving

- Critical thinking: compare and contrast

- Comprehend and find places in a world map.

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

▪ BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Learn about the hobbies of others.

- Learn about special events in Great Britain, school festivals, fair attractions.

- Interest in the life of children around the world: young musicians.

- Work in pairs

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Initialize in some phonetic aspects, like rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- /s/ and /S/ sounds

- Plural ‘s’

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Hobbies and leisure time activities: play the guitar, sing, listen to music, skateboard, rollerblade, ride to bike, take photos, play table tennis, cook

- Time: five/ten/twenty/twenty five past/to (twelve)

- Concert, show, start, finish, dance

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Simple present: 3ª person singular and plural– afirmative, negative, Yes/No questions + simple answers

- Like + -ing

- Simple present questions: What time does it start/finish?

- It starts/finishes at…

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices:

- Using previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Learn new vocabulary.

- Using mental maps to organize key vocabulary.

- Critical thinking: drawing conclusions, problem solving

- Critical thinking: compare and contrast

- Comprehend and find places in a world map.

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Music: traditional music instruments in an orchestra, instruments families.

- Music and Arts: chant, song.

- Linguistic abilities: read a story, learn to interpret, say a tongue twister

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

- A chant (Does he like playing the guitar?) PB page 14

- A song(Let’s all go to the fair!) PB page 16

- A tongue twister: (She sells sea shells on the sea shore PB page 20

- A story con with visual cues (Funfair Adventure), PB page 17

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions (PB page 14-15 and 20).

- A friend's description, PB page 21, AB page 23


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Express and understand dialogue cues: Lesson 2, PB page 15

▪ Oral text production: Intercultural Lesson project, a project about musical instruments(PB page 19 TG page 67), Portfolio Project: look for information about a musician or singer and write about it (TRM worksheets to be copied 24, page 16) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 21 and AB page 23)

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Window on the world: Young World Musicians, PB page 19

▪ Listenings and audio to capture general and specific information (Lesson 7).

▪ Oral language interactions: Work in pairs PB page 14 Let’s talk! (PB page 20), games: Cut outs, PB page 15, Play Who is who and Games Bank, page 205-206

▪ Activities for pronunciation: Speak Well! (PB page 20).

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your friend, PB page 21).

▪ Songs, chants, and rhymes (Unit 2)

▪ Reading, understanding and acting out a story (Lesson 4, PB page 17), The Reader (Robin Hood).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.: (Window on the world, PB page 11)

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

- Reference bars at the end of each lessons.

- Grammar (PB page 14 y 16) Grammar Book (page 5-7)

- How to play (PB page 15)

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, etc.

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

- Web pages to Access information about the life and families of other children around the world:

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and tarnsmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB page 14,15,20)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: games Cut outs, PB page 15, Play Who is who and Games Bank, pages 205-206

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, express ideas, and work with peers to represent the story of the Unit2 (Lesson 4, page 17,)and the story andThe Reader: Robin Hood).

- The story of the Unit also involves the knowledge of social aspects and cultural facts from other places: The story (Lesson 4, page 17)

- This competence is develop by recognizing diferent cultures and behaviors: in the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections and related to the theme of the Unit.

- interdisciplinar (Music: instruments in an orchestra, families)

- Intercultural: (Children around the world: young musicians, traditional instruments)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Songs, rhymes, and chants:

- A chant (Does he like playing the guitar?), PB page 14

- A song (Let’s all go to the fair!), PB page 16

- A tongue twister: (She sells sea shells on the sea shore) PB page 20

▪ Cut-outs activity (Cut-out PB page 15)

▪ Draw a picture about the story for the Portfolio(TG page 63)

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: Intercultural Lesson project, a project about musical instruments(PB page 19 TG page 67), Portfolio Project: look for information about a musician or singer and write about it(TRM worksheets to be copied 24, page 16) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 21 and AB page 23)

▪ Reading and acting out a story: (Story, PB page 17) and the story of the(The Reader) Robin Hood; in print version (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

References and cultural notes from the Teachers' Guide

- page 56 -Great Britain schools

- page 58 -popular version of a game

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- interdisciplinar (Music: instruments in an orchestra, families) PB page 18

- Intercultural: (Children around the world: young musicians, traditional instruments), PB page 19

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be able to find information and learn it: a project about musical instruments(TG page 67), el Portfolio Project: look for information about a musician or singer and write about it(TRM worksheets to be copied 24, page 16) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world! (PB page 21 and AB page 23)

▪ Interdisciplinary sections (PB page 18) and intercultural (PB page 19), developing curiosity and critical thinking of the world around them.

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 21) and Now I can (AB page 23), Remember (AB page 24-25).

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 17 to 23) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

- Use reference materials, (PB): reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers, etc

- Read Well! (PB page 17) with questions of the Unit.

- Remember section in the AB (Lesson 8 )

- Picture Dictionary (AB page 75).

- Use of dictionaries

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: Intercultural Lesson project, a project about musical instruments(PB page 19 TG page 67), Portfolio Project: look for information about a musician or singer and write about it(TRM worksheets to be copied 24, page 16) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 21 and AB page 23)

▪ Learning strategic thinking abilities; analizing and selecting information :

- summarizing: Story summary (AB page 17),

- Use vocabulary mental maps, drawing conclusions (solve a puzzle), (PB page 18)

- compare and contrast (PB page 19)

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning.(AB, page 6-13).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit : reference bar at the bottom of each page, Grammar Reference (PB), Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers (PB)

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: Intercultural Lesson project, a project about musical instruments(PB page 19 TG page 67), Portfolio Project: look for information about a musician or singer and write about it(TRM worksheets to be copied 24, page 16) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 21 and AB page 23)

▪ Develop siocial abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: games: Cut outs, PB page 15, Play Who is who and Games Bank, page 205-206

▪ Getting use to work in activities that requiereplannification, creating ideas, role play, like the cut-outs activity (Cut-out, PB page 15), Picture Dictionary (PB, page 75).

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties: acting out and representing the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 17 and the story of (The Reader) Robin Hood.

▪ Reinforcing autonomy, personal identity and self esteem through dialogue ues and interactions(PB page 14. 15, 20)

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work:

- Remember, (AB page 24 y 25).

- Now I can, (AB) at the end of the lesson

- Write Well!, AB page 23

- Picture Dictionary, (AB page 75)

- All about my World! (PB, page 21, Lesson 8).

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- interdisciplinar (Music: instruments in an orchestra, instruments families) PB page 18

- Intercultural: (Children around the world: young musicians, traditional instruments), PB page 19

This competence implies the development of a inquiring mind in the observation of reality: individual, social and environmental issues:

- The importance of music in our lifes, respect for instruments and those who play them.

Recognizing the geographycal space and conditions from other cultures:

England, India, Trinidad (PB page 19).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, elements geometrics, etc.

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Hours, and time(am. pm.) (PB page 16).

- Music; rhythms and times (PB page 19).

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB p 14, 15 y 20), through the representation of the story (Lesson 4, PB page 17) and the story of the Robin Hood (The Reader).

- Using language to express feelings :(Cut-out: page 15 y 85)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Songs, rhymes, and chants: de la Unit .

- Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your friend, PB page 21).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 2 – page 15 to 21)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Grammar Reference, page 61

- Cut-outs (for Lesson 2 of each Unit. Cut-out).

▪ Activity Book (Unit 2 – page 17 to 23).

- Reading and writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers (Unit 2, AB, page 50).

- Remember (Unit 2 – page 24 y 25).

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit 2, page 56 to 73)

▪ Grammar Book (Unit 2)

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ The Reader (print and digital versions): Robin Hood.

▪ Flashcards and Word cards.

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Grammar additional practice (Worksheet 1 y 2)

- Extra activity for the song in Lesson 3 (Song worksheet )

- An activity to practice verbal communication with a partner.

- Reinforcement activities (Reinforcement worksheet Vocabulary)

- Fast finishers activities (Fast finisher worksheet Grammar)

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge(Cross-curricular worksheets).

- Portfolio worksheets.

- List of interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit 2, page 17 to 23).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative Evaluation

Tests 2 page 13 and 14 (Teacher’s Pack)

Test Term 1, page 23 and 24 (Teacher’s Pack)

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM, page 16)


Activity Book:

- Remember, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Unit (page 24 and 25).

- Now I can, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Lesson (Read and draw the face)

- Write Well!, AB page 23

- Picture Dictionary, page 75

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (page 23, Lesson 8) Portfolio.

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Carry on in daily live conversations about familiar topics in predictable situations:

- Talk about what they like and don't like to do.

- Ask and answer questions about peoples' preferences.

- Talk about leisure time activities.

- Talk about special events, when they start/end, telling the time.

- Ask and asnwer questions about special events and musical instruments.

- Describe a friend's preferences.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

▪ Understand general and specific information from a variety of oral texts in different situations:

- Understand people who talks about hobbies and leisure time activities.

- Understand correct information about an event.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and find explicit information and make inferences in order to understand a variety of texts: Term 1 Test (Teacher’s Pack, page 23 and 24) (Test 2-Teacher’s Pack):

-Be able to read and understand personal information about preferences on hobbies and leisure time activities.

-Be able to read and understand a picture story

-Be able to read a text about an orchestra.

-Be able to read a persons' description.

▪ Write taking in consideration the recipient, the type of text, and the purpose(Test,1-Teacher’s Pack):

- Be able to write phrases about leisure time activities.

- Be able to write the time

- A text about personal instruments.

- An email describing a friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Use forms and structures proper of a foreinge language.


Learn and extend vocabulary: Units 1 and 2 Term 1 Test (Teacher’s Pack, pages 23 and 24) and (Test 2-Teacher’s Pack pages 13 and 14):

- Hobbies and leisure time activities: play the guitar, sing, listen to music, skateboard, rollerblade, ride to bike, take photos, play table tennis, cook

- Time: five/ten/twenty/twenty five past/to (twelve)

- Concert, show, start, finish, dance


Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned: Units 1 and 2 and Term 1 Test (Teacher’s Pack, pages 23 and 24) y (Test 2-Teacher’s Pack pages 13 and 14):

▪ Simple present: 3ª person singular and plural– afirmative, negative, Yes/No questions + simple answers

- Like + -ing

- Simple present questions: What time does it start/finish?

- It starts/finishes at…


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- /s/ and /S/ sounds

- Plural ‘s’

- Questions' intonation Yes/No type

- Union of the words in Does he.../Does she...

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Value a foreing language as a tool to communicate with other people, as a learning tool and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak a foreing language.

▪ Identify some cultural aspects and traditions ofrom English speaking countries..

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Reproduce, with some guidance, oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions (PB page 14-15 and20).

- A friend's description, PB page 21, AB page 23.

UNIT 3: In the country


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Describing a place and telling what they think about it

- Saying where things are located.

- Introducing a pet

- Asking and answering questions about animals, making comparisons.

- Say a chant (Where’s my hen?).

- Sing a song (The animal riddle rap)

- Say a rhyme (Gordon the Gorilla)

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts with progressive complexity:

- A place description.

- A dialogue about where things are located.

- Animals comparisons.

- A chant (Where’s my hen?).

- A song(The animal riddle rap)

- A rhyme (Gordon the Gorilla)

- A story con with visual cues (A Day in the Country)

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand descriptive phrases and paragraphs.

- Be able to read and understand a picture story.

- Be able to read and understand information about the solar sistem and a description about a place

- Be able to read and understand a comparison between two pets.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Be able to write key vocabulary about countries and descriptive adjectives.

- Be able to write phrases to describe where things are located.

- Be able to write phrases comparing two things.

- Be able to write comparisons using short adjectives.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- The country: trees, pond, hills, stream, bridge, fields, tents, fence, farm

- Prepositions of place: on, in, under, behind, next, in front of

- Descriptive adjectives: big, fast, fat, long, short, slow, small, tall, thin, friendly

- Ordinal numbers: first – eighth

- The planets

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Simple present – to be

- Where is/are…?/It's…/ They’re

- There they are! There it is!

- There is…/There are…

- Short comparative adjectives: to Mouse is (smaller) then to cat. Is it smaller than to frog?

Review language:

-The farm: cow, dog, cat, duck, hen, goat, horse, farmer

-Animals: frog, rabbit, ostrich, snake, tortoise, lion, tiger, panda, parrot

Receptive language:

-Story: school trip, path, map, noise, catch, list

Interdisciplinary language:

-Sciences: the solar system

-Tiny, giant, gas, ring, telescope

-Dead, salty, float, mud, hot, spring, geyser, hole, grizzly, bear, buffalo, snorkel, dangerous, clam, turtle, sea, cucumber, warm

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- The sound schwa /ə/ in silables with and without intonation

- Put words together to talk in a rhythmical manner

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Learn new vocabulary

- Critical thinking: compare and contrast

- Logical thinking: solving problems

- Use context to find the meaning of the vocabulary.

- Reflect on their own learning and self evaluation.

▪ BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Learn about the natural world

- Show interest in the life of children around the world; favourite places

- Work in pairs

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken. .

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Initialize in some phonetic aspects, like rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- The sound schwa /ə/ in silables with and without intonation

- Put words together to talk in a rhythmical manner

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- The country: trees, pond, hills, stream, bridge, fields, tents, fence, farm

- Prepositions of place: on, in, under, behind, next, in front of

- Descriptive adjectives: big, fast, fat, long, short, slow, small, tall, thin, friendly

- Ordinal numbers: first – eighth

- The planets

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Simple present – to be

- Where is/are…?/It's…/ They’re

- There they are! There it is!

- There is…/There are…

- Short comparative adjectives

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices:

- Use previous knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Learn new vocabulary

- Critical thinking: compare and contrast

- Logical thinking: solving problems

- Use context to find the meaning of the vocabulary.

- Reflect on their own learning and self evaluation.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Geography: wonders of the world.

- Sciences: The solar system

- Music and Arts: chant, rapage

- Linguistic abilities: story, interpretation, rhyme.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

- A chant (Where’s my hen?), PB page 22

- A song (The animal riddle rap), PB page 24

- A rhyme (Gordon the Gorilla), PB page 28,

- A story con with visual cues (A Day in the Country), PB page 25

- A quiz (PB page 26)

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions (PB pages 22, 23, 28).

- Phrases comparing two animals, PB page 29, AB page 33


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Express and understand dialogue cues: Lesson 2, PB page 23

▪ Oral text production: Intercultural Lesson project about their favourite place in nature , (PB page 27 TG page 91), Portfolio Project: look for information about the Wonders of the world and write about them (TRM worksheets to be copied 36, page 38)o Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 29 and AB page 33)

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Window on the world: Favourite Places, PB page 27

▪ Listenings and audio to capture general and specific information (Lesson 7).

▪ Oral language interactions: Let’s talk! (PB page 28), games: Memory game (PB page 22) Cuts, PB page 23, Play Guess the animal, PB page 24, Play Four in to row, PB page 29, and Games Bank page 205-206

▪ Activities for pronunciation: Speak Well! (PB page 28).

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your animals, PB page 29).

▪ Songs, chants, and rhymes (Unit 2)

▪ Reading, understanding and acting out a story (Lesson 4, PB page 25), The Reader (Robin Hood).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.: (Window on the world, PB page 11)

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

- Reference bars at the end of each lessons.

- Grammar (PB page 22 and 24) Grammar Book (page 9-10)

- How to play (PB page 23)

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, etc.

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

- Look and gather information from the internet to make a project: TG page 91.

- Web pages to Access information on animals, nature, and the solar system:

• http:/kids.kids/

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and tarnsmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB pages 22,23 and 28)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: games: Memory game (PB page 22) Cuts, PB page 23, Play Guess the animal, PB page 24, Play Four in to row, PB page 29, and Games Bank page . 205-206

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, express ideas, and work with peers to represent the story of the Unit2 (Lesson 4, page 25,)and the story andThe Reader: Robin Hood).

- The story of the Unit also involves the knowledge of social aspects and cultural facts from other places: The story(Lesson 4, page 25)

- This competence is develop by recognizing diferent cultures and behaviors: in the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections and related to the theme of the Unit.

- interdisciplinar (Sciences: the solar system and The planets) PB page 26

- Intercultural: (Children around the world: favourite sites), PB page 27

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Songs, rhymes, and chants:

- A chant (Where’s my hen?), PB page 22

- A song (The animal riddle rap), PB page 24

- A rhyme (Gordon the Gorilla), PB page 28,

▪ Cut-outs activity (Cut-out PB page 23)

▪ Draw a picture about the story for the Portfolio(TG page 87)

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: Intercultural Lesson project about their favourite place in nature , (PB page 27 TG page 91), Portfolio Project: look for information about the Wonders of the world and write about them (TRM worksheets to be copied 36, page 38) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 29 and AB page 33)

▪ Reading and acting out a story: (Story, PB page 25) and the story of the (The Reader) Robin Hood; in print version (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

Solve a quiz PB page 26.

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- interdisciplinar (Sciences: the solar system and the planets) PB page 26

- Intercultural: (Children around the world: favourite sites), PB page 27

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be able to find information and learn it: Intercultural Lesson project about their favourite place in nature , (PB page 27 TG page 91), Portfolio Project: look for information about the wonders of the world and write about them (TRM worksheets to be copied 36, page 38) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 29 and AB page 33)

▪ Interdisciplinary sections (PB page 26) and intercultural (PB page 27), developing curiosity and critical thinking of the world around them.

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 29) and Now I can (AB page 33), Remember (AB pages 34-35).

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, pages 26 to 33) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

- Use reference materials, (PB): reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers, etc

- Read Well! (PB page 25) with questions of the Unit.

- Remember section in the AB (Lesson 8 )

- Picture Dictionary (AB page 76 and 81)

- Use of dictionaries

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: Intercultural Lesson project about their favourite place in nature , (PB page 27 TG page 91), el Portfolio Project: look for information about the Wonders of the world and write about them (TRM worksheets to be copied 36, page 38) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 29 and AB page 33)

▪ Learning strategic thinking abilities; analizing and selecting information :

- summarizing: Story summary (AB page 25),

- problem solving en un concurso (quiz), (PB page 26)

- compare and contrast(PB page 26)

- find the meaning of words(PB page 27)

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning.(AB, pages 26 to 33).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit : reference bar at the bottom of each page, Grammar Reference (PB), Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers (PB)

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: el Intercultural Lesson project about their favourite place in nature , (PB page 27 TG page 91), Portfolio Project: look for information about the wonders of the world and write about them (TRM worksheets to be copied 36, page 38) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 29 and AB page 33).

▪ Look and gather information from the internet to make a project: TG page 91.

▪ Develop siocial abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: Memory game (PB page 22) Cuts, PB page 23, Play Guess the animal, PB page 24, Play Four in to row, PB page 29, and Games Bank page 205-206

▪ Getting use to work in activities that requiereplannification, creating ideas, role play, like the cut-outs activity (Cut-out, PB page 23), Picture Dictionary (PB, page 76).

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties: acting out and representing the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 25 and the story of the(The Reader) Robin Hood.

▪ Reinforcing autonomy, personal identity and self esteem through dialogue ues and interactions(PB page 22, 23, 28

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work:

- Remember, (AB page 34 y 35).

- Now I can, (AB) at the end of the lesson

- Write Well!, AB page 33

- Picture Dictionary, (AB page 76 and 81)

- All about my World! (PB, page 29, Lesson 8).

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- interdisciplinar (Sciences: the solar system and the planets) PB page 26

- Intercultural: (Children around the world: favourite sites), PB page 27

This competence implies the development of a inquiring mind in the observation of reality: individual, social and environmental issues:

- Nature and our civic responsibility.

Recognizing the geographycal space and conditions from other cultures:

Dead Sea, Yellowstone (USA), The Great Barrier Reef (Australia) (PB page 27).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, elements geometrics, etc.

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count animals(PB page 22).

- Sizes (PB pages 24 and 29)

- Ordinal numbers (PB page 26).

- Dice games (PB page 29)

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB p 22,23, 28), through the representation of the story (Lesson 4, PB page 25) and the story of Robin Hood (The Reader).

- Using language to express feelings :(Cut-out: pages 23 and 85)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Songs, rhymes, and chants: of the Unit .

- Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your animals, PB page 29).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 3 – page 22 to 29)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Grammar Reference, page 62

- Cut-outs (for Lesson 2 of each Unit. Cut-out).

▪ Activity Book (Unit 3 – page 26 to 33).

- Reading and writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers (Unit 3, AB, page 76 and 81)

- Remember (Unit 3 – page 34 and 35).

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit 3, page 80 to 97)

▪ Grammar Book (Unit 3)

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ The Reader (print and digital versions): Robin Hood.

▪ Flashcards and Wordcards

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Grammar additional practice (Worksheets 1 and 2)

- Extra activity for the song in Lesson 3 (Song worksheet )

- An activity to practice verbal communication with a partner.

- Reinforcement activities (Reinforcement worksheet Vocabulary)

- Fast finishers activities (Fast finisher worksheet Grammar)

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge(Cross-curricular worksheets).

- Portfolio worksheets.

- List of interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit 3, page 26 to 33).

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative Evaluation

Tests 3 page 15 and 16 (Teacher’s Pack)

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM, page 17)


Activity Book:

- Remember, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Unit (page 34 and 35).

- Now I can, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Lesson (Read and draw the face)

- Write Well!, AB page 33

- Picture Dictionary, page 76 and 81

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (page 29, Lesson 8) Portfolio.

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Carry on in daily live conversations about familiar topics in predictable situations:

- Describing a place and telling what they think about it

- Saying where things are located.

- Introducing a pet

- Asking and answering questions about animals, making comparisons.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

▪ Understand general and specific information from a variety of oral texts in different situations:

- A place description.

- A dialogue about where things are located.

- Animal comparisons.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and find explicit information and make inferences in order to understand a variety of texts: (Test 3-Teacher’s Pack, pages 15 and 16)

- Be able to read and understand descriptive phrases and paragraphs.

- Be able to read and understand a picture story.

- Be able to read and understand information about the solar sistem and a description about a place

- Be able to read and understand a comparison between two pets.

▪ Write taking in consideration the recipient, the type of text, and the purpose(Test,3-Teacher’s Pack, pages 15 and 16).

- Be able to write key vocabulary about countries and descriptive adjectives.

- Be able to write phrases to describe where things are located.

- Be able to write phrases comparing two things.

- Be able to write comparisons using short adjectives.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Use forms and structures proper of a foreinge language.


Learn and extend vocabulary: Test 3-Teacher’s Pack page 15 and 16):

- The country: trees, pond, hills, stream, bridge, fields, tents, fence, farm

- Prepositions of place: on, in, under, behind, next, in front of

- Descriptive adjectives: big, fast, fat, long, short, slow, small, tall, thin, friendly

- Ordinal numbers: first – eighth

- The planets


Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned: Test 3-Teacher’s Pack page 15 and 16)

- Simple present – to be

- Where is/are…?/It's…/ They’re

- There they are! There it is!

- There is…/There are…

- Short comparative adjectives: to Mouse is (smaller) then to cat. Is it smaller than to frog?


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- The sound schwa /ə/ in silables with and without intonation.

- Put words together to talk in a rhythmical manner

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used(Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Value a foreing language as a tool to communicate with other people, as a learning tool and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak a foreing language.

▪ Identify some cultural aspects and traditions ofrom English speaking countries.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Reproduce, with some guidance, oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions(PB pages 22, 23, 28).

- Phrases comparing two animals, PB page 29, AB page 33

UNIT 4: At the sports centre


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Talk about sports

- Asking and answering questions about what people are saying.

- Describe abilities, talking about their own talents and abilities.

- Describing Sports.

- Say a chant (What’s she doing?)

- Sing a song (The SPORT rap)

- Say a rhyme (Sports Rhyme).

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts with progressive complexity:

- Describe what people are doing.

- A dialogue about what people are doing.

- A chant (What’s she doing?)

- A song (The SPORT rap)

- A rhyme (Sports Rhyme).

- A story con with visual cues (Skip Escapes)

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand phrases about abilities and descriptions about sports people are doing

- Be able to read and understand information about the heart and how to take the pulse.

- Be able to read and understand a story and a description about sports, and get specific information.

▪ Write phrases, focusing in spelling and the order of words and produce a guides simple texts with a variety of intentions:

- Be able to write vocabulary about sports and action verbs.

- Be able to write phrases about the sports people are practicing.

- Be able to write a paragraph about a sports photograph and the sports that are been practiced.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Sports: cycle, play rugby, play hockey, do judo, do gymnastics, fence, play badminton, dive, run

- Verbs: catch, hit, kick, shoot, stop, score, bounce, throw

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Present continious: afirmative + negative, yes/no questions+ short answers

- Can/can’t

- Adverbs of manner: slowly, badly, hig, well, hard, fast.

Review language:

- Sports: play football, play tennis, play basketball, swim, jump, run

Receptive language:

- Story: net, pull, court, escape, cage, run away!

Interdisciplinary language:

-Biology: heart, blood, muscle, artery, vein, healthy, exercise, pump, pulse rate, beat, oxygen, chest, wrist

-Physical Education: netball, cricket, rugby, rounders, team, match, court, goal, pole, net, bat, field, pitch, points, goal line, goal line, oval

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Count syllables in a word

- Word intonation

- Questions' intonation

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Learn new vocabulary

- Critical thinking: classify

- Use mental maps to organize information

- Reflect on their own learning and self evaluation

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Sports and a healthy lifestyle

- School sports in English speaking countries

- Work in pairs

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken. .

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Get started in phonologic aspects and intonation:

- Count syllables in a word

- Word intonation

- Questions' intonation

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Sports: cycle, play rugby, play hockey, do judo, do gymnastics, fence, play badminton, dive, run

- Verbs: catch, hit, kick, shoot, stop, score, bounce, throw.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Present continious: afirmative + negative, yes/no questions+ short answers

- Can/can’t

- Adverbs of manner: slowly, badly, hig, well, hard, fast.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices:

- Use previous knowledge

- Follow instructions

- Learn new vocabulary

- Critical thinking: classify

- Use mental maps to organize information

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Sports and a healthy lifestyle

- School sports in English speaking countries

- Work in pairs

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

- A story (Lesson 4, PB page 39)

- A chant (What’s she doing?) PB page 30

- A song (The SPORT rap) PB page 32

- A rhyme (Sports Rhyme) PB page 36

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions (PB pages 30,31,36)

- A text about sports of their selection(PB page 35 and AB page 41)

- Describe a sport they practice(PB page 37)


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Express and understand dialogue cues: Lesson 2, PB page 31

▪ Oral text production: Intercultural Lesson project about a sport of their selection, (PB page 35 TG page 115), Portfolio Project: Look for information about a sport and write about it(TRM worksheets to be copied 48, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 36 and AB page 43)

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Window on the world: School Sports, PB page 35

▪ Listenings and audio to capture general and specific information (Lesson 7).

▪ Oral language interactions: Let’s talk! (PB page 36), games: Cuts, Memory game, PB page 31, Running Race PB page 37, el Ahorcado (Games Bank 202-203), and Games Bank page 205-206 (Spelling bee, Word ping-pong, Spelling catch)

▪ Activities for pronunciation: Speak Well! (PB page 36).

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your sports, PB page 37).

▪ Songs, chants, and rhymes (Unit 4)

▪ Reading, understanding and acting out a story (Lesson 4, PB page 33), The Reader (Robin Hood).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.: (Window on the world, PB page 11)

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

- Reference bars at the end of each lessons.

- Grammar (PB page 30 and 32) Grammar Book (page 13-14)

- How to play (PB page 31)

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, etc.

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

- Look and gather information from the internet to make a project: TG page 91.

- Web pages to Access information on animals, nature, and the solar system:

• kids/download.html

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and tarnsmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB page 30,31,36)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: games: Cuts, Memory game, PB page 31, Running Race PB page 37, el Ahorcado (Games Bank 202-203), and Games Bank page 205-206 (Spelling bee, Word ping-pong, Spelling catch)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, express ideas, and work with peers to represent the story of the Unit4 (Lesson 4, page 33,)and the story and The Reader: Robin Hood).

- The story of the Unit also involves the knowledge of social aspects and cultural facts from other places: The story (Lesson 4, page 33)

- This competence is develop by recognizing diferent cultures and behaviors: in the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections and related to the theme of the Unit.

- interdisciplinar (Biology: the heart and circulation) PB page 34

- Intercultural:(Social sciences, Children around the world: School sports in English speaking countries), PB page 35

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Songs, rhymes, and chants:

- A chant (What’s she doing?) PB page 30

- A song(The SPORT rap) PB page 32

- A rhyme (Sports Rhyme) PB page 36

▪ Cut-outs activity (Cut-out PB page 31)

▪ Draw a picture about the story for the Portfolio(TG page 111)

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: Intercultural Lesson project about a sport of their selection, (PB page 35 TG page 115), Portfolio Project: Look for information about a sport and write about it(TRM worksheets to be copied 48, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 36 and AB page 43)

▪ Reading and acting out a story: (Story, PB page 33) and the story of the (The Reader) Robin Hood; in print version (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

Cultural notes from the TG about Netball (PAGE 114)

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- interdisciplinar (Biology: the heart and circulation) PB page 34

- Intercultural: (Social sciences, Children around the world: School sports in English speaking countries), PB page 35

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be able to find information and learn it: Intercultural Lesson project about a sport of their selection, (PB page 35 TG page 115), Portfolio Project: Look for information about a sport and write about it (TRM worksheets to be copied 48, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 36 y AB page 43)

▪ Interdisciplinary sections (PB page 34) and intercultural (PB page 35), developing curiosity and critical thinking of the world around them.

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 37) and Now I can (AB page 43), Remember (AB pages 44-45).

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 26 to 33) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

- Use reference materials, (PB): reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers, etc

- Remember, (AB page 44 and 35).

- Write Well!, AB page 43

- Picture Dictionary, (AB page 77 and 81)

- Use of dictionaries

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: Intercultural Lesson project about a sport of their selection, (PB page 35 TG page 115), Portfolio Project: Look for information about a sport and write about it(TRM worksheets to be copied 48, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 36 and AB page 43)

▪ Learning strategic thinking abilities; analizing and selecting information :

- summarizing: Story summary (AB page 39),

- pensamiento crítico: clasificar, (PB page 35)

- compare and contrast (PB page 35)

- Use mental maps to organize information

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning.(AB, pages 36 to 43).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit : reference bar at the bottom of each page, Grammar Reference (PB), Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers (PB)

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: Intercultural Lesson project about a sport of their selection, (PB page 35 TG page 115), Portfolio Project: Look for information about a sport and write about it (TRM worksheets to be copied 48, page 50) o Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: (PB page 36 and AB page 43)

▪ Look and gather information from the internet to make a project: TG page 115

▪ Develop siocial abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: Cuts, Memory game, PB page 31, Running Race PB page 37, el Ahorcado (Games Bank 202-203), and Games Bank page 205-206 (Spelling bee, Word ping-pong, Spelling catch)

▪ Getting use to work in activities that requiereplannification, creating ideas, role play, like the cut-outs activity (Cut-out, PB page 31), Picture Dictionary (PB, page 77 and 81)

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties: acting out and representing the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 33 and the story of the(The Reader) Robin Hood.

▪ Reinforcing autonomy, personal identity and self esteem through dialogue ues and interactions (PB page 30,31,36)

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work:

- Remember, (AB page 44 and 35).

- Now I can, (AB) at the end of the lesson

- Write Well!, AB page 43

- Picture Dictionary, (AB page 77 and 81)

- All about my World! (PB, page 37, Lesson 8).

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- interdisciplinar (Biology: the heart and circulation) PB page 34

- Intercultural: (Social sciences, Children around the world: School sports in English speaking countries), PB page 35

This competence implies the development of a inquiring mind in the observation of reality: individual, social and environmental issues:

- Sports and good health.

Recognizing the geographycal space and conditions from other cultures:

Wellington (New Zealand), Toronto (Canada), Cok (Ireland), York (England) (PB page 35).

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB pages 30,31,36), through the representation of the story (Lesson 4, PB page 33) and the story of Robin Hood (The Reader) or in the games of the Unit .

- Using language to express feelings :(Cut-out: page 31 and85)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Songs, rhymes, and chants: Unit .

- Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your sports, PB page 37).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 4 – page 30 to 37)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Grammar Reference, page 62

- Cut-outs (for Lesson 2 of each Unit. Cut-out).

▪ Activity Book (Unit 4 – page 36 to 43).

- Reading and writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers (Unit 4, AB, page 77 and 82)

- Remember (Unit 4 – page 44 and 45).

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit 4, page 104 to 121

▪ Grammar Book (Unit 4)

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ The Reader (print and digital versions): Robin Hood.

▪ Flashcards and Word cards.

▪ Storycards.

- Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Grammar additional practice (Worksheet 1 and 2)

- Extra activity for the song in Lesson 3 (Song worksheet )

- An activity to practice verbal communication with a partner.

- Reinforcement activities (Reinforcement worksheet Vocabulary)

- Fast finishers activities (Fast finisher worksheet Grammar)

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge. (Cross-curricular worksheets).

- Portfolio worksheets.

- List of interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit 4, page 36 to 43)

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative Evaluation

Tests 4 page 17-18 (Teacher’s Pack)

Term 2 Test, page 25 and 26 (Teacher’s Pack)

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM, page 50)


Activity Book:

- Remember, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Unit (page 44 and 45).

- Now I can, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Lesson (Read and draw the face)

- Write Well!, AB page 43

- Picture Dictionary, page 76 and 81

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (page 37, Lesson 8) Portfolio.

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Carry on in daily live conversations about familiar topics in predictable situations:

- Talk about sports

- Asking and answering questions about what people are saying.

- Describe abilities, talking about their own talents and abilities.

- Describing Sports.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

▪ Understand general and specific information from a variety of oral texts in different situations:

- Describe what people are doing.

- A dialogue about what people are doing.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and find explicit information and make inferences in order to understand a variety of texts: (Test 4-Teacher’s Pack, page 17 and18) y Term 2 Test (Teacher’s Pack, pages 25-26).

- Be able to read and understand phrases about abilities and descriptions about sports people are doing

- Be able to read and understand information about the heart and how to take the pulse.

- Be able to read and understand a story and a description about sports, and get specific information

▪ Write taking in consideration the recipient, the type of text, and the purpose(Test 4-Teacher’s Pack, pages 17 and18) y Term 2 Test (Teacher’s Pack, page 25-26).

- Be able to write vocabulary about sports and action verbs.

- Be able to write phrases about the sports people are practicing.

- Be able to write a paragraph about a sports photograph and the sports that are been practiced.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Use forms and structures proper of a foreinge language..


▪ Learn and extend vocabulary: Test 4-Teacher’s Pack, page 17 and18) y Term 2 Test (Teacher’s Pack, page 25-26).

- Sports: cycle, play rugby, play hockey, do judo, do gymnastics, fence, play badminton, dive, run

- Verbs: catch, hit, kick, shoot, stop, score, bounce, throw


▪ Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned: Test 4-Teacher’s Pack, pages 17 and 18) y Term 2 Test (Teacher’s Pack, page 25-26).

- Present continious: afirmative + negative, yes/no questions+ short answers

- Can/can’t

- Adverbs of manner: slowly, badly, hig, well, hard, fast.


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- Count syllables in a word

- Word intonation

- Questions' intonation

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used (Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Value a foreing language as a tool to communicate with other people, as a learning tool and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak a foreing language.

▪ Identify some cultural aspects and traditions ofrom English speaking countries.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Reproduce, with some guidance, oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions(PB pages 30,31,36)

- A text about sports of their selection (PB page 35 and AB page 41)

- Describe a sport they practice (PB page 37)

UNIT 5: At school


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Describing people from the past and from the present.

- Describing a painting and its characters.

- Say a chant (This is me).

- Sing a song (The Monster School).

- Say tongue twister (Willy Wombat)

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts with progressive complexity:

- Dialogue ues about how people was in the past

- Questions and answers about where things were and about people from the past.

- A chant (This is me).

- A song (The Monster School).

- A tonge twister (Willy Wombat)

- A story con with visual cues (Skip goes to School).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand descriptions about people from the past.

- Be able to read and understand simple phrases about where things were and about people from the past.

- Be able to read and understand a picture story.

- Be able to read and understand biographies from famous people from the past and get specific information.

- Be able to read and understand a description of a photograph.

▪ Write phrases, focusing in spelling and the order of words and produce a guides simple texts with a variety of intentions:

- Be able to write about describing a personality and places in school.

- Be able to write phrases about describing the way people.

- Be able to write questions about where people are.

- Be able to write phrases about the life of famous people.

- Be able to write a paragraph about a famous character from the past..

- Be able to describe a photograph about themselves when they were a younger.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Adjectives to describe personality : tidy, messy, polite, rude, clever, friendly, talkative, shy

- Places in school: classroom, playground, canteen, toilets, gym, corridor, school

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- What’s he like + descriptions about personalities

- To be: past simple; was/where – I was/wasn’t… You where… How old were you? I was good at…

- To be: past simple, interrogative – Where were you?, What was your favourite (subject), Where you good at…?, Where was/were…?

Review language:

- Descriptive adjectives: beautiful, strong, short, tall, dark, blonde, curly, straight, fat, thin

- School subjects, food, sports, colours, toys, hobbies, animals

Receptive language:

-Story: suddenly, stupid, roof, close (v), call, police

Interdisciplinary language:

-Arts: school boy, teenager, young woman, adult man, old man, artist, painting, picture

-Scientist, artist, painter, sculptor, teacher, singer, dancer, pilot, engineer, student, hero, physics, university, pop group, aeroplane

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- /w/ sound

- Put words together to make rhymes

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Learn new vocabulary

- Creative thinking: visual imagination; making analogies

- Reasearch biography information.

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

▪ BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Understand personalities

- Appreciate the Arts

- Understand famous people lyfestyle

- Work in pairs

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken. .

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Initialize in some phonetic aspects, like rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- /w/ sound

- Put words together to make rhymes

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Adjectives to describe personality : tidy, messy, polite, rude, clever, friendly, talkative, shy

- Places in school: classroom, playground, canteen, toilets, gym, corridor, school

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- What’s he like + descriptions about personalities

- To be: past simple; was/where – I was/wasn’t… You where… How old were you? I was good at…

- To be: past simple, interrogative – Where were you?, What was your favourite (subject), Where you good at…?, Where was/were…?

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Learn new vocabulary

- Creative thinking: visual imagination; making analogies

- Reasearch biography information.

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Arts: people in the Arts – interpretation and creativity.

- Story: biographies about famous people

- Music and Arts: chant, song

- Linguistic abilities: story, interpretation and a tongue twister.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

- A chant (This is me) PB page 38

- A song (The Monster School) PB page 40

- A tonge twister (Willy Wombat) PB page 44

- A story con with visual cues (Skip goes to School) PB page 41

- Description of a photograph from when they were younger PB page 45,

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- Write about a famous people you admire, PB page 43, AB page 51

- A text description of a photograph from when they were younger, PB page 45, AB page 53


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Express and understand dialogue cues: Lesson 2, PB page 39

▪ Make an interview/questionaire PB page 39

▪ Oral text production: Intercultural Lesson project about a famous person of their choice , (PB page 43 TG page 139), Portfolio Project: look for information about a famous person and write about why you admire her/him (TRM worksheets to be copied 60, page 62) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: write about them when they were younger (PB page 45 and AB page 53)

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Window on the world: Heroes around the world!, PB page 43.

▪ Listenings and audio to capture general and specific information (Lesson 7).

▪ Oral language interactions: Let’s talk! (PB page 44), games: Cuts, Interview, PB page 39, El Ahorcado, TG page 135, Memory Game, PB page 45 and Games Bank page 205 (Aunt Agatha’s cat)

▪ Activities for pronunciation: Speak Well! (PB page 44).

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your photos, PB page 45).

▪ Songs, chants, and rhymes (Unit 5)

▪ Reading, understanding and acting out a story (Lesson 4, PB page 41), The Reader (Robin Hood).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.: (Window on the world, PB page 11)

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

- Reference bars at the end of each lessons.

- Grammar (PB page 38 y 40) Grammar Book (page 17-18)

- How to play (PB page 39)

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, etc

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

- Surf the net to find famous paintings (Suggestion TG page 136)

- Web pages to Access information on animals, nature, and the solar system:

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and tarnsmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB pages 38,39,44)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: games: Cuts, Interview, PB page 39, El Ahorcado, TG page 135, Memory Game, PB page 45 and Games Bank page 205 (Aunt Agatha’s cat)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, express ideas, and work with peers to represent the story of the Unit4 (Lesson 4, page 41,) and the story and The Reader: Robin Hood).

- The story of the Unit also involves the knowledge of social aspects and cultural facts from other places: The story (Lesson 4, page 41)

- This competence is develop by recognizing diferent cultures and behaviors: in the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections and related to the theme of the Unit.

- interdisciplinar (Arts, personajes de las bellas Arts, interpretation and creativity) PB page 42

- Intercultural:(Social sciences, Children around the world: people you admire), PB page 43

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Songs, rhymes, and chants:

- A chant (This is me), PB page 38

- A song(The Monster School), PB page 40

- A tonge twister (Willy Wombat), PB page 44

▪ Cut-outs activity (Cut-out PB page 39)

▪ Draw a picture about the story for the Portfolio (TG page 135).

▪ Draw the missing parts of a painting(PB page 42)

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: Intercultural lesson project about a famous person of their choice , (PB page 43 TG page 139), Portfolio Project: look for information about a famous person and write about why you admire her/him(TRM worksheets to be copied 60, page 62) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: write about them when they were younger (PB page 45 and AB page 53)

▪ Reading and acting out a story: (Story, PB page 41) and the story of the(The Reader) Robin Hood; in print version (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

References to paintings and artists, and a description of their work(PB page 42, PAGE 136)

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- interdisciplinar (Arts, personajes de las bellas Arts, interpretation and creativity) PB page 42

- Intercultural: (Social sciences, Children around the world: people you admire), PB page 43

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be able to find information and learn it: Intercultural lesson project about a famous person of their choice , (PB page 43 TG page 139), Portfolio Project: look for information about a famous person and write about why you admire her/him(TRM worksheets to be copied 60, page 62) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: write about them when they were younger(PB page 45 and AB page 53)

▪ Interdisciplinary sections (PB page 42) and intercultural (PB page 43), developing curiosity and critical thinking of the world around them.

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 45) and Now I can (AB page 53), Remember (AB page 54-55).

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 46 to 53) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

- Use reference materials, (PB): reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers, etc

- Remember, (AB page 54 and 55).

- Write Well!, AB page 53

- Picture Dictionary, (AB page 78 and 82)

- Use of dictionaries

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: Projects of the Unit , drawings exposition(PB page 42), etc.

▪ Learning strategic thinking abilities; analizing and selecting information :

- summarizing: Story summary (AB page 41),

- Creative thinking, visual imagination (PB page 42), making analogies (PB page 43)

- compare and contrast (PB page 45)

- Use mental maps to organize information

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Choose your own criteria: Make an interview/questionaire PB page 39

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning.(AB, page 46 to 53).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit : reference bar at the bottom of each page, Grammar Reference (PB), Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers (PB)

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: Intercultural lesson project about a famous person of their choice , (PB page 43 TG page 139), Portfolio Project: look for information about a famous person and write about why you admire her/him (TRM worksheets to be copied 60, page 62) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: write about them when they were younger(PB page 45 and AB page 53)

▪ Look and gather information from the internet to make a project: TG page 115

▪ Develop siocial abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: Cuts, Interview, PB page 39, El Ahorcado, TG page 135, Memory Game, PB page 45 and Games Bank page 205 (Aunt Agatha’s cat)

▪ Getting use to work in activities that requiereplannification, creating ideas, role play, like the cut-outs activity (Cut-out, PB page 39), Picture Dictionary (PB, page 78 and 82)

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties: acting out and representing the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 41 and the story of the(The Reader) Robin Hood.

▪ Reinforcing autonomy, personal identity and self esteem through dialogue ues and interactions(PB page 38,39,44)

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work:

- Remember, (AB page 54 and 55).

- Now I can, (AB) at the end of the lesson

- Write Well!, AB page 53

- Picture Dictionary, (AB page 78 and 82)

- All about my World! (PB, page 45, Lesson 8).

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- Interdisciplinar (Arts, personajes de las bellas Arts, interpretation and creativity) PB page 42

- Intercultural: (Social sciences, Children around the world: people you admire), PB page 43

This competence implies the development of a inquiring mind in the observation of reality: individual, social and environmental issues:

- the importance of the Arts in our lives.

Recognizing the geographycal space and conditions from other cultures:

Warsaw, Alicante, New York, Edinburgh (PB page 43).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, elements geometrics, etc.

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Oder by age, from younger to oldest (PB page 42).

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB p 38,39,44), through the representation of the story (Lesson 4, PB page 41) and the story of Robin Hood (The Reader) o en los games of the Unit .

- Using language to express feelings :(Cut-out: page 39 and 85)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Songs, rhymes, and chants: de la Unit .

- Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions. (Tell the class about your photos, PB page 45)


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 5 – page 38 to 45)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Grammar Reference, page 62

- Cut-outs (for Lesson 2 of each Unit. Cut-out).

▪ Activity Book (Unit 5 – page 46 to 53).

- Reading and writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers (Unit 5, AB, page 78 and 82)

- Remember (Unit 5 – page 54 y 55).

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit 5, page 128 to 145)

▪ Grammar Book (Unit 5)

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ The Reader (print and digital versions): Robin Hood.

▪ Flashcards and Wordcards

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Grammar additional practice (Worksheet 1 and 2)

- Extra activity for the song in Lesson 3 (Song worksheet )

- An activity to practice verbal communication with a partner.

- Reinforcement activities (Reinforcement worksheet Vocabulary)

- Fast finishers activities (Fast finisher worksheet Grammar)

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge(Cross-curricular worksheets).

- Portfolio worksheets.

- List of interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit 5, page 46 to 53)

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative Evaluation

Tests 5 page 19-20 (Teacher’s Pack)

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM, page 62)


Activity Book:

- Remember, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Unit (page 54 and 55).

- Now I can, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Lesson (Read and draw the face)

- Write Well!, AB page 53

- Picture Dictionary, page 78 and 82

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (page 45, Lesson 8) Portfolio.

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Carry on in daily live conversations about familiar topics in predictable situations:

- Describing people from the past and from the present.

- Describing a painting and its characters.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

▪ Understand general and specific information from a variety of oral texts in different situations:

- Dialogue ues about how people was in the past

- Questions and answers about where things were and about people from the past.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and find explicit information and make inferences in order to understand a variety of texts: (Test 5-Teacher’s Pack, page 19 y 20).

- Be able to read and understand descriptions about people from the past.

- Be able to read and understand simple phrases about where things were and about people from the past.

- Be able to read and understand a picture story.

- Be able to read and understand biographies from famous people from the past and get specific information.

- Be able to read and understand a description of a photograph.

▪ Write taking in consideration the recipient, the type of text, and the purpose(Test 5-Teacher’s Pack, page 19 y 20).

- Be able to write about describing a personality and places in school.

- Be able to write phrases about describing the way people.

- Be able to write questions about where people are.

- Be able to write phrases about the life of celebrities.

- Be able to write a paragraph about a famous character from the past..

- Be able to describe a photograph about themselves when they were a younger..

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Use forms and structures proper of a foreinge language.


▪ Learn and extend vocabulary: Test 5-Teacher’s Pack, page 19 and 20).

- Adjectives to describe personality : tidy, messy, polite, rude, clever, friendly, talkative, shy

- Places in school: classroom, playground, canteen, toilets, gym, corridor, school


▪ Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned: Test 5-Teacher’s Pack, page 19 and 20).

- What’s he like + descriptions about personalities

- To be: past simple; was/where – I was/wasn’t… You where… How old were you? I was good at…

- To be: past simple, interrogative – Where were you?, What was your favourite (subject), Where you good at…?, Where was/were…?


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- /w/ sound

- Put words together to make rhymes

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used (Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Value a foreing language as a tool to communicate with other people, as a learning tool and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak a foreing language.

▪ Identify some cultural aspects and traditions ofrom English speaking countries.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Reproduce, with some guidance, oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- Write about a famous people you admire, PB page 43, AB page 51

- A test describing themselves when they were younger , PB page 45, AB page 53

UNIT 6: At the museum


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Talk about how people lived in the past.

- Describing a historic monument.

- Say a chant (The History Chant).

- Sing a song (Ancient Egypt).

- Say tongue twister (Ten fat cats).

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts with progressive complexity:

- Talk about the past.

- Questions and answers about the past.

- A chant (The History Chant).

- A song(Ancient Egypt).

- A tonge twister (Ten fat cats).

- A story con with visual cues (A Day at the Museum).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand phrases and texts about the past about the past.

- Be able to read and understand a picture story.

- Be able to read and understand historic facts and historic monuments.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Be able to write negatives, yes/no questions + short answers in past tense and about modern appliances and machines.

- Be able to write about how people lived in the past.

- Be able to write about famous monument from the past.

- Be able to describe what they did during the weekend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

- Negatives, yes/no questions + short answers in past tense: lived, painted, cooked, used, walked, played, liked, invented, washed, helped, travelled, climbed, visited, brushed, danced, finished, helped, jumped, kicked, listened to, looked at, loved, talked, wanted, watched

- Electrical appliances: TV, radio, computer game, laptop, mobile phone, telephone, mp3 player, camera

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Past simple of negatives, yes/no questions + short answers: affirmative phrases

- Past simple of negatives, yes/no questions + short answers: negatives, yes/no questions + short answers

Review language:

- Dream, ill

Receptive language:

- Story: gallery, worksheet, cool, bring, leave, arrest

- Regular verbs: decorate/d, drees/ed, exercise/d, learn/ed, stay/ed, carry/ied, arrange/d, transport/ed

Interdisciplinary language:

- Story: live in the past (Stone age, Ancient Egipt, vikings, Roman empire).

- Story: monuments and objects from ancient times.

- Maths: roman numbers

- Arts and Music: symmetry; chant, song.

▪ Linguistic abilities: reading and understanding a story. Tongue-twisters

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- The /ə/ and /æ/ sounds

- Contrast intonation

- Intonation in yes/no questions

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge

- Follow instructions

- Learn new vocabulary

- Research historic information

- Reading abilities: skimming y sacanning

- Reflect on their own learning (self-evaluation).

▪ BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Understand how people lived.

- Appreciate the Arts

- Work in pairs.

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Initialize in some phonetic aspects, like rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- The /ə/ and /æ/ sounds

- Contrast intonation

- Intonation in yes/no questions

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Irregular verbs in past tense: lived, painted, cooked, used, walked, played, liked, invented, washed, helped, travelled, climbed, visited, brushed, danced, finished, helped, jumped, kicked, listened to, looked at, loved, talked, wanted, watched

- Electrical devices: TV, radio, computer game, laptop, mobile phone, telephone, mp3 player, camera

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


- Past simple of negatives, yes/no questions + short answers: affirmative phrases

- Past simple of negatives, yes/no questions + short answers: negatives, yes/no questions + short answers

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices:

- Use previous knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Learn new vocabulary

- Research historic information

- Reading abilities: skimming and scanning

- Reflect on their own learning (self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Story: live in the past (Stone age, Ancient Egipt, vikings, Roman empire).

- Story: monuments and objects from ancient times.

- Maths: roman numbers

- Arts and Music: symmetry; chant, song.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

- A story, PB page 49

- A chant (The History Chant) PB page 46

- A song(Ancient Egypt) PB page 48

- A tonge twister (Ten fat cats) PB page 52

- A text where a child describes what he did over de weekend, PB page 53

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A text to describe what they did over the weekend, PB page 53, AB page 63.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Express and understand dialogue cues: Lesson 2, PB page 47

▪ Oral text production: Intercultural Lesson project: write about a historic monument of their choice (PB page 51 TG page 163), Portfolio Project: look for information about a historic time of their choice and write about it (TRM worksheets to be copied 72, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: text about the weekend(PB page 53 and AB page 63)

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Life in the Roman Empire, PB page 50 or Window on the world: Monuments in my backyard, PB page 51

▪ Listenings and audio to capture general and specific information (Lesson 7).

▪ Oral language interactions: Let’s talk! (PB page 52), games: Cuts, make phrases that start withYesterday... PB page 47, Play Charades, PB page 53, and Games Bank pages 205-206 (What’s the cards?, Wild sentences)

▪ Activities for pronunciation: Speak Well! (PB page 52).

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions. (Tell the class about your weekend, PB page 53)

▪ Songs, chants, and rhymes (Unit 5)

▪ Reading, understanding and acting out a story (Lesson 4, PB page 49), The Reader (Robin Hood).

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.: (Window on the world, PB page 51)

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

- Reference bars at the end of each lessons.

- Grammar (PB pages 46 and 48) Grammar Book (pages 21-22)

- How to play (PB page 47)

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, etc

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

- Look and gather information from the internet to make a project: TG pages 161 and 163.

- Web pages to Access information on animals, nature, and the solar system:

• bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/romans/

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and tarnsmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

- Talk about the behaviour expected in public places and of cultural and artistic value like museums, landmarks, etc

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB pages 46,47, 52 and 53)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups; games: Cuts, make phrases that start withYesterday... PB page 47, Play Charades, PB page 53, and Games Bank pages 205-206 (What’s the cards?, Wild sentences)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, express ideas, and work with peers to represent the story of the Unit6 (Lesson 4, page 49,)and the story and The Reader: Robin Hood).

- The story of the Unit also involves the knowledge of social aspects and cultural facts from other places: The story(Lesson 4, page 49)

- This competence is develop by recognizing diferent cultures and behaviors: in the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections and related to the theme of the Unit.

- interdisciplinar (Story: live in the Roman Empire , historic monuments) PB page 50

- Intercultural:(Story; Children around the world: historic monuments), PB page 52

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Songs, rhymes, and chants:

- A chant (The History Chant) PB page 46

- A song(Ancient Egypt) PB page 48

- A tonge twister (Ten fat cats) PB page 52

▪ Cut-outs activity (Cut-out PB page 47)

▪ Draw a picture about the story for the Portfolio(TG page 159)

▪ Learn about different times in history, their cultural and artistic legacy.

▪ Draw a picture on Ancient Rome (AB page 60)

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: Intercultural Lesson project: write about a historic monument of their choice (PB page 51 TG page 163), Portfolio Project: look for information about a historic time of their choice and write about it (TRM worksheets to be copied 72, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: text about the weekend(PB page 53 and AB page 63)

▪ Reading and acting out a story: (Story, PB page 49) and the story of (The Reader) Robin Hood; in print version (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Culturtal notes from the TG: explanations about the game Charade (page 166)

▪ Inmersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- interdisciplinar (Story: life in the roman empire, historic monuments) PB page 50

- Intercultural:(history; Children around the world: historic monuments), PB page 52

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be able to find information and learn it: Intercultural Lesson project: write about a historic monument of their choice (PB page 51 TG page 163), Portfolio Project: look for information about a historic time of their choice and write about it (TRM worksheets to be copied 72, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: text about the weekend(PB page 53 and AB page 63)

▪ Interdisciplinary sections (PB page 50) and intercultural (PB page 51), developing curiosity and critical thinking of the world around them.

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 53) and Now I can (AB page 63), Remember (AB pages 64-65).

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, pages 56 to 63) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Get started using a set of strategies, resources, and working techniques:

- Use reference materials, (PB): reference bars, Grammar Reference, Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers, etc

- Remember, (AB pages 64 and 65).

- Write Well!, AB page 63

- Picture Dictionary, (AB pages 79 and 82)

- Use of dictionaries

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: Unit projects, drawings about objects (PB page 50 and TG page 161)

▪ Learning strategic thinking abilities; analizing and selecting information :

- summarizing: Story summary (AB page 59),

- Reading abilities: skimming and scanning, (PB page 50)

- compare and contrast(PB page 51)

- reaserch skills: un objeto histórico (AB page 60) o la historia de un lugar (AB page 61)

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning. (AB, page 56 to 63).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit : reference bar at the bottom of each page, Grammar Reference (PB), Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers (PB)

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: Intercultural Lesson project: write about a historic monument of their choice (PB page 51 TG page 163), Portfolio Project: look for information about a historic time of their choice and write about it (TRM worksheets to be copied 72, page 50) Portfolio worksheet: All about my world!: text about the weekend(PB page 53 y AB page 63)

▪ Look and gather information from the internet to make a project: TG pages 161 and 163

▪ Develop social abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: games: Cuts, make phrases that start withYesterday... PB page 47, and Games Bank page 205-206 (What’s the cards?, Wild sentences)

▪ Getting use to work in activities that requiereplannification, creating ideas, role play, like the cut-outs activity (Cut-out, PB page 47), Picture Dictionary (PB, pages 79 and 82).

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties: acting out and representing the story of the Unit (Story, Lesson 4, page 49 and the story of the(The Reader) Robin Hood.

▪ Reinforcing autonomy, personal identity and self esteem through dialogue ues and interactions(PB pages 46,47,52)

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work:

- Remember, (AB pages 64 and 65).

- Now I can, (AB) at the end of the lesson

- Write Well!, AB page 63

- Picture Dictionary, (AB pages 79 and 83)

- All about my World! (PB, page 53, Lesson 8).

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section:

- interdisciplinar (History: live in the Roman Empire , historic monuments) PB page 50

- Intercultural:(History; Children around the world: historic monuments), PB page 52

This competence implies the development of a inquiring mind in the observation of reality: individual, social and environmental issues:

- Importance of learning and reflecting about the past.

Recognizing the geographycal space and conditions from other cultures:

Cairo (Egipto), Segovia (Spain), Salisbury (England) (PB page 51).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, elements geometrics, etc.

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- roman numbers (PB page 50).

- Times in history(toda la Unit ).

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB pages 46,47,52), through the representation of the story (Lesson 4, PB page 49) and the story of Robin Hood (The Reader) or in the games of the Unit .

- Using language to express feelings :(Cut-out: pages 47 and 83)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Songs, rhymes, and chants: of the Unit .

- Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions.(Tell the class about your weekend, PB page 53).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 6 – pages 46 to 53)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Grammar Reference, page 63

- Cut-outs (for Lesson 2 of each Unit. Cut-out).

▪ Activity Book (Unit 6 – pages 56 to 63).

- Reading and writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers (Unit 6, AB, pages 79 and 83)

- Remember (Unit 6 – pages 64 and 65).

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit 6, pages 152-169)

▪ Grammar Book (Unit 6)

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ The Reader (print and digital versions): Robin Hood.

▪ Flashcards and Word cards.

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Grammar additional practice (Worksheets 1 and 2)

- Extra activity for the song in Lesson 3 (Song worksheet )

- An activity to practice verbal communication with a partner.

- Reinforcement activities (Reinforcement worksheet Vocabulary)

- Fast finishers activities (Fast finisher worksheet Grammar)

- Extra worksheets to consolidate the content of other areas of knowledge(Cross-curricular worksheets).

- Portfolio worksheets.

- List of negatives, yes/no questions + short answers

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit 6, pages 56 to 63)

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative Evaluation

Tests 6 pages 21-22 (Teacher’s Pack)

Term 3 Test, pages 27 and 28 (Teacher’s Pack)

Portfolio Worksheet (TRM, page 74)


Activity Book:

- Remember, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Unit (pages 64 and 65).

- Now I can, self-evaluation activities at the end of each Lesson (Read and draw the face)

- Write Well!, AB page 63

- Picture Dictionary, pages 79 and 83

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (page 53, Lesson 8) Portfolio.

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Carry on in daily live conversations about familiar topics in predictable situations:

- Talk about how people lived in the past.

- Describing a historic monument.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

▪ Understand general and specific information from a variety of oral texts in different situations:

- Talk about the past.

- Questions and answers about the past.

- Understand the song, the chant and the rhyme of the Unit.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and find explicit information and make inferences in order to understand a variety of texts: (Test 6-Teacher’s Pack, pages 21 and 22) y Term 3 Test (Teacher’s Pack, pages 27-28).

- Be able to read and understand phrases and texts about the past about the past.

- Be able to read and understand a picture story.

- Be able to read and understand historic facts and historic monuments.

▪ Write taking in consideration the recipient, the type of text, and the purpose(Test 6-Teacher’s Pack, pages 21 and 22) y and Term 3 Test (Teacher’s Pack, pages 27-28).

▪ Be able to write negatives, yes/no questions + short answers in past tense and about modern appliances and machines.

- Be able to write about how people lived in the past.

- Be able to write about famous monument from the past.

- Be able to describe what they did during the weekend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Use forms and structures proper of a foreinge language.


▪ Learn and extend vocabulary: (Test 6-Teacher’s Pack, pages 21 and 22) y Term 3 Test (Teacher’s Pack, pages 27-28).

▪ Negatives, yes/no questions + short answers in past tense: lived, painted, cooked, used, walked, played, liked, invented, washed, helped, travelled, climbed, visited, brushed, danced, finished, helped, jumped, kicked, listened to, looked at, loved, talked, wanted, watched

- Electrical appliances: TV, radio, computer game, laptop, mobile phone, telephone, mp3 player, camera


▪ Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned: (Test 6-Teacher’s Pack, pages 21 and 22) y Term 3 Test (Teacher’s Pack, page 27-28).

▪ Past simple of negatives, yes/no questions + short answers: affirmative phrases

- Past simple of negatives, yes/no questions + short answers: negatives, yes/no questions + short answers


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation:

- The /ə/ and /æ/ sounds

- Contrast intonation

- Intonation in yes/no questions

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used (Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Value a foreing language as a tool to communicate with other people, as a learning tool and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak a foreing language.

▪ Identify some cultural aspects and traditions ofrom English speaking countries.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Reproduce, with some guidance, oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A text to describe what they did over the weekend, PB page 53, AB page 63.

UNIT Nella’s Lab


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Review the language learned in the course.

- Describing a room.

- Describing Describing what's going on in a picture.

- Talking about what people did on the past.

- Sing a song (How much is that doggie in the window?)

- Interactive activities: cut-outs, games, etc

▪ Be able to understand oral texts with progressive complexity:

- Statements to describe a person, his/her routine, and belongings.

- A dialogue with personal information.

- Questions and answers about the past.

- A song (How much is that doggie in the window?)

- End of the story with visual cues (Skip’s Adventures).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand personal questions.

- Be able to read phrases from a story written in past tense.

- Be able to read and understand factual questions.

- Be able to read and understand an informal journal entry on an English newspaper.

- Be able to read and understand a questionaire about the English class.

- Be able to read and understand a formulaire about a linguistic biography.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Be able to write personal questions and answers.

- Be able to write phrases to describe a friend.

- Be able to write about a character in history.

- Be able to write about a famous monument from the past.

- Be able to write an entry in English.

- Be able to complete a questionaire about personal information.

- Be able to complete a questionaire about a linguistic biology.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

Review Well Done! 5 key vocabulary: routines, hobbies and leisure time activities, prepositions of place, adjectives to describe personality , possessions, sports, simple past verbs

▪ Recognize and understand and apply grammar rules correctly:


Review Well Done! 5 language structures: There is/are + prepositions of place, simple present, likes + -ing, genitive case , comparatives, yes/no questions, short answers; present continious:, was/where, past simple, interrogatives (all structures) simple present: narrative use, simple present: want/don’t want

Receptive language:

- Story: prison, escape, waggly, tail, for sale, bunny, bowl, recommend.

▪ Linguistic abilities: reading and understanding a story. Tongue-twisters

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

-Rhythm and intonation

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Make predictions from a story

- Reflect on their own learning and self-evaluate.

▪ BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Understand other peoples' life

- Work in pairs

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of of countries where a foreign language is spoken.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Initialize in some phonetic aspects, like rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

- Rhythm and intonation.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms: Review Well Done! 5 key vocabulary: routines, hobbies and leisure time activities, prepositions of place, adjectives to describe personality , possessions, sports, simple past verbs

▪ Understand and use correctly grammar structures: Review Well Done! 5 grammar structures: There is/are + prepositions of place, Simple present, likes + -ing, genitive case , comparatives, yes/no questions, short answers; present continuos:, was/where, past simple, interrogatives (all structures) simple present: narrative use, simple present: want/don’t want

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices:

- Use previous knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Learn new vocabulary

- Make predictions from a story

- Reflect on their own learning (self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents: repaso general del contenido.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Literacy genders

- A story, PB page 56

- A song (How much is that doggie in the window?) PB page

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- Descriptive text of a story ending(PB page 56).

- An essay about the English class.(PB p, 57, AB page 69


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, specially the activities:

▪ Oral text production: Descriptive text of a story ending (PB page 56) and an essay about the English class for the Portfolio (PB p, 57, AB page 69) (All about my world!).

▪ Understanding and enjoying written texts: Writing an English class journal (PB page 57, AB page 69).

▪ Listenings and audio to capture general and specific information.

▪ Oral language interactions; games, play guessing the phrase game, PB page 54, Word association, TG page 177, Games Bank page 205 (Spelling bee, Spelling catch), quiz: (Word Facts Quiz) PB page 57.

▪ Activities for pronunciation: song (PB page 56)

▪ Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions. (Tell the class about your English diary, PB pages 57 and AB page 69)

▪ Songs: How much is that doggie in the window, PB page 56.

▪ Reading, understanding and acting out a story (story ending, PB page 56), The Reader (Robin Hood 1-6)

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Observe photographs as a mean of information.: (Window on the world, PB page 51)

▪ To interpret and to process information from tables and graphs.

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, etc

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by using a language as a mean to communicate and tarnsmit cultural values by working essential skills of communication:

- Understand dialogue ues and interactions of communication : Quiz (PB 57)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities, playing, learning and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups; play guessing the phrase game, PB page 54, Word association, TG page 177, Games Bank page 205 (Spelling bee, Spelling catch), quiz: (Word Facts Quiz) PB page 57

- Learn to participate, express ideas, colaborating in small groups through acting out a story; (PB page 56,)and the story and The Reader: Robin Hood).

- The story of the Unit also involves the knowledge of social aspects and cultural facts from other places: The story (page 56)

- This competence is develop by recognizing different cultures and their behaviors: in the interdiciplinary and intercultural sections.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs : (How much is that doggie in the window?) PB page 56

▪ Reading and acting out a story: ending choosen by the students (PB page 56,) and the story and The Reader: Robin Hood) in print version (Activity Pack) or digital (Active Book).

▪ Inmersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through the section interdisciplinar and intercultural and book review (Quiz, PB 57).

▪ Making projects like a journal entry about the English class for the Portfolio (PB p, 57, AB page 69) (All about my world!).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Be able to find information and learn it: An essay about the English class for the Portfolio (PB p, 57, AB page 69) (All about my world!).

▪ Review all the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections (Quiz, PB page 57), developing curiosity and critical thinking of the world around them.

▪ Reflect on what and how the have learned: All about my World! (PB page 57 y AB page 69) and Now I can (AB page 69),A control worksheet of the Linguistic Biography to be included in the Portfolio AB, page 95 and the review test of interdisciplinary content (Word Facts Quiz, PB page 57).

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 66 to 69) while developing reading and writing skills.

▪ Use the reference material: reference bars (PB), Grammar Reference (PB), Irregular verbs(PB)

▪ Be able to communicate the results of their own work: Unit projects.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning.(AB, page 66 to 69).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit : reference bar at the bottom of each page, Grammar Reference (PB), Interrogatives, yes/no questions + short answers (PB)

▪ Planning and carrying out projects: Intercultural Lesson project: An essay about the English class for the Portfolio(PB p, 57, AB page 69) (All about my world!).

▪ Develop social abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: play guessing the phrase game, PB page 54, Word association, TG page 177, Games Bank page 205 (Spelling bee, Spelling catch), quiz: (Word Facts Quiz) PB page 57

▪ Develop personal qualities of initiative and self-improvement persevering in difficulties: acting out and representing el final de la historia (PB page 56) and the story of (The Reader) Robin Hood.

▪ Assess thier own talents and abilities like the capacity to self evaluate and personilize their own work: All about my World! (PB pages 57 and AB page 69) and Now I can (AB page 69). A control worksheet of the Linguistic Biography to be included in the Portfolio AB, page 95 and the review test of interdisciplinary content (Word Facts Quiz, PB page 57).

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world through a review of all the interdisciplinary and intercultural sections (Word Facts Quiz, PB page 57).

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogue ues and comunication exchanges, through the lesson represented at the end of the story (PB page 56) and the story of Robin Hood (The Reader) or in the games of the Unit .

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs of the Unit .

- Share personal experiences, ideas and opinions. (Write your English diary, PB page 57).


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit Nella’s lab – pages 54 to 57)

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Grammar Reference

▪ Activity Book (Unit Nella’s lab – pages 66 to 69).

- Reading and writing activities.

▪ Teachers' Guide: extra activities and teaching suggestions (Unit Nella’s lab – pages 176 to 183)

▪ Grammar Book

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ The Reader (print and digital versions): Robin Hood.

▪ Flashcards and Wordcards

▪ Storycards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Board Games

▪ Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.

▪ Gramatical and interdisciplinary posters.


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Unit Nella’s lab pages 66 to 69)

Evaluation Chart (Active Teach).

Summative Evaluation

Final Tests pages 29-32 (Teacher’s Pack)


Activity Book:

- Now I can, actividades de Self-evaluation al final la Lesson) PAGE 69

- Biografía Lingüística, PAGE 95

Pupil’s Book

- All about my World! (page 57) Portfolio.

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Carry on in daily live conversations about familiar topics in predictable situations (Final Test, pages 29-32)

▪ Understand general and specific information from a variety of oral texts in different situations (Final Test, pages 29-32)

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and find explicit information and make inferences in order to understand a variety of texts: (Final Test, pages 29-32)

▪ Write taking in consideration the recipient, the type of text, and the purpose (Final Test, pages 29-32)

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Use forms and structures proper of a foreinge language.


▪ Learn and extend vocabulay (Final Test, pages 29-32)


▪ Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned en todo el libro (Final Test, pages 29-32)


▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation in expressions.

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

▪ Evaluate if the basic learning strategies are been used (Self-evaluation).

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Value a foreing language as a tool to communicate with other people, as a learning tool and show curiosity and interest towards people who speak a foreing language.

▪ Identify some cultural aspects and traditions ofrom English speaking countries.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Reproduce, with some guidance, oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- Descriptive text of a story ending(PB page 56).

- A journal entry about the English class (PB p, 57, AB page 69

FESTIVALS: Bonfire Night


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Talk about traditions related to Bonfire Night

- Answer questions about a text .

- Sing a song (The bonfire´s burning).

▪ Be able to understand oral texts of progessive complexity:

- A song (The bonfire´s burning).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand factual questions.

- A text about Bonfire Night

- Safety tips.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Write words and phrases about Bonfire Night.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify and use the key vocabulary of the Unit:

Bonfire night, Guy Fawkes, House of Parliamen, Guy, bonfire, firework, fire, light (v), burn, gunpowder, blow up, dangerous

Receptive language: straw, display, remember, king, arrest, soldier, closed, box, pocket.


-Stocking, ribbon, mince, pie, sleigh, angel, reindeer, robin, pudding, turkey, Christmas carol, snowflake, Merry Christmas, Santa, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, Boxing day


-Easter, egg, nest, noodle, chick, mix, brake, bowl, spoon, stir

-Animals: hen, dog, butterfly, bat, frog, dolphin, snake, mouse, goldfish, robin

▪ Understand and apply grammar structures correctly.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Evaluating different advices.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Understand the cultural tradition of Bonfire Night

- Work in groups.

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Get started in some phonetic aspects of rhythm, accentuation, and intonation..

▪ Identify lexical terms related to Bonfire Night.

▪ Understand and applying grammar structures correctly.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

- Evaluating different advices.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Story: Guy Fawkes.

- Social sciences: fireworks and safety

- Arts and crafts: make a firework ornament.

- Music: sing a ronda

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- Songs for Bonfire Night (The bonfire’s burnign) PB page 58.


Linguistic competence

All activities in the Festival sections contribute to the linguistic competence development:

- Dialogue cues and interactions using language as a mean of communication.

- Songs: The bonfire’s burnign PB page 58.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, etc

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with skills essential for communication, following rules and social conduct.

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB page 58)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities; games like True False Line (Games Bank, page 206) or el Ahorcado.

- Be able to communicate the results of their own work:

(Bonfire Night Worksheets , TRM page 75, Worksheets to be copied 73)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs for Bonfire Night (The bonfire’s burnign) PB page 58

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: in Festival section activities: Bonfire Night Worksheets , TRM page 75, Worksheets to ve copiad 73.

▪ Acting out a Gay Sakes story.

▪ Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world (Bonfire Night, Gay Sakes and fireworks, PB page 58)

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use efectiva learning strategies and practicas: make a portfolio with the vocabulary learned in the Unit.

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 70).

▪ Use reference material

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning. (AB, page 70).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit .

- Develop siocial abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: (games like True False Line (Games Bank, page 206) or el Ahorcado.

▪ Choose your own criteria and been able to carry on projects and activities:

(Bonfire Night Worksheets , TRM page 75, Worksheets to be copied 73)

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

This competence is formed by the right perception of the physical space where live takes place and the ability to interact in it.

- Recognize places where other cultures are found, developing critical thinking by observing reality: (Bonfire Night PB page 58)

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB page 58)

- Use language to express emotions: drawings and crafts (Worksheets to be copied 73, Bonfire Night worksheet (TRM page 75).

- Movements and body expressions, through Music: (The bonfire’s burnign) PB page 58


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ Activity Book (Festivals) page 70

▪ Flashcards and Word cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

(Bonfire Night Worksheets , TRM page 75, Worksheets to be copied 73),


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Festivals, page 70).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in guided oral interactions about familiar topics in easily predictable situations:

- Talk about traditions related to Bonfire Night

- Answer questions about a text .

- Sing a song (The bonfire´s burning).

▪ Understanding general and specific information relevant to oral texts with linguistic and non linguistic elements, related to the content of the Unit:

- A song (The bonfire´s burning).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify simple words and phrases presented previously orally, about familiar and interesting topics

- Be able to read and understand factual questions. informativas.

- A text about Bonfire Night

- Safety tips.

▪ Write words, expressions and phrases following a model with a purpose:

- Write words and phrases about Bonfire Night.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Recogize and use the vocabulary from the Festivals lessons.


Bonfire night, Guy Fawkes, House of Parliamen, Guy, bonfire, firework, fire, light (v), burn, gunpowder, blow up, dangerous


▪ Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned durante las lecciones de los festivales.


▪ Reconocer y reproducir aspectos sonoros, de ritmo, acentuación y entonación.

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Reproduce, with some guidance, oral texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- Songs for Bonfire Night (The bonfire’s burnign) PB page 58.

FESTIVALS: Christmas


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Talk about traditions related to Christmas

- Answer questions about a text .

- Sing a song (We wish you a Merry Christmas).

▪ Be able to understand oral texts of progessive complexity:

- A villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas).

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand factual questions of a test.

- Be able to read and follow instructions to make an art craft.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Write words and phrases related to Christmas.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify and use the key vocabulary of the Unit:

-Stocking, ribbon, mince, pie, sleigh, angel, reindeer, robin, pudding, turkey, Christmas carol, snowflake, Merry Christmas, Santa, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, Boxing day

Receptive language: kin, wish, best wishes, bring, soon, pull, fold, piece (of paper) side, diagonally, bottom, shape.

▪ Understand and apply grammar structures correctly.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Understand the culture and traditions from another country (Christmas in Great Britain).

- Work together.

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Get started in some phonetic aspects of rhythm, accentuation, and intonation..

▪ Identify and apply lexical terms about Christmas correctly.

▪ Understand and applying grammar structures correctly.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Arts and crafts: make a snow flake decoration.

- Music: sing a villancico.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas) PB page 59.


Linguistic competence

All activities in the Festival sections contribute to the linguistic competence development:

- Dialogue cues and interactions using language as a mean of communication.

- Songs: A villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas) PB page 59.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, etc

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with skills essential for communication, following rules and social conduct.

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB page 59)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities; quiz, games etc. (Games Bank).

- Be able to communicate the results of their own work:

(Christmas Tree Worksheet , TRM page 76, Worksheets to be copied 74), sing villancicos.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing a villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas) PB page 59.

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: in Festival section activities: Christmas Tree Worksheet , TRM page 76, Worksheets to be copied 74, a Christmas decoration.

▪ Sing villancicos in the classroom and the whole school.

▪ Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world (Great Britain Christmas Traditions, PB page 59)

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use effective learning practices.

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 71).

▪ Use reference material

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning. (AB, page 71).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit .

▪ Develop social abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work.

▪ Choose your own criteria and been able to carry on projects and activities: Christmas Tree Worksheet , TRM page 76, Worksheets to be copied 74, a Christmas decoration

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

This competence is formed by the right perception of the physical space where live takes place and the ability to interact in it.

- Recognize places where other cultures are found, developing critical thinking by observing reality: cultures and traditions of the English speaking world (Christmas traditions, PB page 59)

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and interactions ( PB page 59)

- Use language to express emotions: drawings and crafts (Worksheets to be copied 74, Christmas Tree worksheet (TRM page 76).

- Movements and body expressions, through Music: (We wish you a Merry Christmas) PB page 59.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ Activity Book (Festivals) page 71

▪ Flashcards and Word cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials: Christmas Tree Worksheets , TRM page 76, Worksheets to be copied 74),


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Festivals, page 71).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in guided oral interactions about familiar topics in easily predictable situations:

- Talk about traditions related to Christmas.

- Answer questions about a text .

- A villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas) PB page 59.

▪ Understanding general and specific information relevant to oral texts with linguistic and non linguistic elements, related to the content of the Unit:

- A villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas) PB page 59.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify simple words and phrases presented previously orally, about familiar and interesting topics

- Be able to read and understand factual questions. de un test.

- Be able to read and follow instructions to make an art craft.

▪ Write words, expressions and phrases following a model with a purpose:

- Write words and phrases related to Christmas.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Recogize and use the vocabulary from the Festivals lessons.


-Stocking, ribbon, mince, pie, sleigh, angel, reindeer, robin, pudding, turkey, Christmas carol, snowflake, Merry Christmas, Santa, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, Boxing day


▪ Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned durante las lecciones de los festivales.


▪ Reconocer y reproducir aspectos sonoros, de ritmo, acentuación y entonación.

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Reproduce, with some guidance, oral texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A villancico (We wish you a Merry Christmas) PB page 59.



BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions in real life or pretend situations with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the expressions used.

- Talk about Easter traditions.

- Answer questions about a text .

- Playing Who stole the eggs?

▪ Be able to understand oral texts of progessive complexity:

- A linguistic game.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read dialogue s and texts, developing general understanding and specific information:

- Be able to read and understand a recipe.

- Be able to read and understand an experiment.

▪ Write phrases, working with spelling and the order of words, writing small texts with a variety of intentions in communication:

- Write words and phrases related to Easter.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify and use the key vocabulary of the Unit:

-Easter, egg, nest, noodle, chick, mix, brake, bowl, spoon, stir

-Animals: hen, dog, butterfly, bat, frog, dolphin, snake, mouse, goldfish, robin

Receptive language: on top, stole, lay, bottle, trick, shell, hard boiled, box, matches.

▪ Understand and apply grammar structures correctly.

▪ Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Using previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language, trhough active classroom partcipation:

- Understand traditions from other countries: Easter in Great Britain.

- Work together.

▪ Show to receptive attitude towards those who speak to different language than their own.

▪ Identify the lifestyle and culture of countries where a foreign language is spoken.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

▪ Enjoy literacy through reference texts and of their own selection and participate in artistic fields of audiovisual talents (theater, movies, radio, television...), in order to understand the world and human conditions, developing esthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Understand simple oral messages within the classroom context.

▪ Listen and understand simple messages.

▪ Oral interactions in real life or pretend situations through verbal and non verbal responses facilitated by routines of communication.

▪ Produce previously learned oral texts by active participation in daily routines, presentations, acting out, songs and recitals.

▪ Develop basic strategies to support the oral comprehension and expression.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases, previously learned, in real or pretended oral interactions.

▪ Get started in the use of reading strategies: visual and verbal contexts.

▪ Write words and phrases, previously learned in reading and oral interactions to be able to communicate and share information with a recreational purpose.

▪ Get started in the use of educational and informative programs.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written texts.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Get started in some phonetic aspects of rhythm, accentuation, and intonation..

▪ Identify and use lexical terms about Easter correctly.

▪ Understand and applying grammar structures correctly.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Familiarize with the use of basic strategies to produce a text following a model: selecting the recipient, purpose and content.

▪ Interest in using a foreign language in a variety of situations.

3.2 Reflection about learning

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use previous knowledge.

- Following instructions.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in to foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Social sciences: a recipe; a science experiment.

- Sciences: animals that lay eggs

- Arts and crafts: make an Easter puzzle.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Produce oral and written texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A recipe, PB page 60


Linguistic competence

All activities in the Festival sections contribute to the linguistic competence development:

- Dialogue cues and interactions using language as a mean of communication.

- A linguistic game, PB page 60.

Data processing and digital competence

▪ Familiarize and practice to understand how some of the digital components work throughout the course using it's components:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, wordcards and storycards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF secction with printables, tests, etc

- Active Book (Active Teach home version)

- Class Audio CDs

- Well Done! 5's web page.

Civic and social competence

▪ This competence is develop by working with skills essential for communication, following rules and social conduct.

- Dialogue ues and interactions understanding what they communicate (PB page 60)

- Socialize and participate in classroom activities; games como Who stole the eggs? y Games Bank.

- Be able to communicate the results of their own work:

(Easter Jigsaw Puzzle , TRM page 77, Worksheets to be copied 75),

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Develop estetic and creativity: in Festival section activities: (Easter Jigsaw Puzzle , TRM page 77, Worksheets to be copied 75),

▪ Immersion in the language, traditions and culture of the English speaking world (tradiciones de Pascua, PB page 60).

▪ Learn a recipe (PB page 60).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Understand and use effective learning practices.

▪ Work indiviadually to assess thier own talents and abilities (AB, page 72)

▪ Use reference material

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop throughout the unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsability on tasks and activities proposed by the Unit, organize personal work as a strategy to progress in their own learning. (AB, page 73).

▪ Use the reference material proposed for each Unit .

▪ Develop social abilities like respect, cooperation, and team work: games like Who stole the eggs? and Games Bank.

▪ Choose your own criteria and be able to carry on projects and activities: Easter Jigsaw Puzzle, TRM page 77, Worksheets to be copied 75),

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

This competence is formed by the right perception of the physical space where live takes place and the ability to interact in it.

- Recognize places where other cultures are found, developing critical thinking by observing reality: cultures and traditions of the English speaking world (Easter PB page 60)

Emotional Competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, social and schools aspects.

- Express feelings and emotions : in all dialogue ues and comunication exchanges.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games for language practice.

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader

▪ Activity Book (Festivals) page 73

▪ Flashcards and Word cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials: Easter Jigsaw Puzzle, TRM page 77 Worksheets to be copied 75),


Formative Evaluation

Constant observation during the lesson.

Complete AB exercises (Festivals, page 73).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in guided oral interactions about familiar topics in easily predictable situations:

- Talk about Easter traditions.

- Answer questions about a text .

- Playing Who stole the eggs?

▪ Understanding general and specific information relevant to oral texts with linguistic and non linguistic elements, related to the content of the Unit:

- A linguistic game.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read and identify simple words and phrases presented previously orally, about familiar and interesting topics

- Be able to read and understand a recipe.

- Be able to read and understand an experiment.

▪ Write words, expressions and phrases following a model with a purpose:

- Write words and phrases related to Easter.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

Recogize and use the vocabulary from the Festivals lessons.


-Easter, egg, nest, noodle, chick, mix, brake, bowl, spoon, stir

-Animals: hen, dog, butterfly, bat, frog, dolphin, snake, mouse, goldfish, robin


▪ Understand and use correctly the grammar structures they already learned durante las lecciones de los festivales.


▪ Reconocer y reproducir aspectos sonoros, de ritmo, acentuación y entonación.

Reflection on learning

▪ Understand basic learning-to-learn strategies, like Asking for help, use gestures when speaking, use visual dicctionaries, and identifying some personal aspects that will help them learn.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

BLOCK 5 – Literacy Education

Reproduce, with some guidance, oral texts:

- Dialogue reproductions

- A recipe, PB page 60


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