Political Standing Self-Test

Political Standing Self-Test

Circle 1-4 depending on how strongly you agree (1) or disagree (4) with the following statements:

1. Guns: Gun control laws should not be made because every citizen has the right to bear arms (guns, weapons) as protected by the 2nd Amendment.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

2. Gay Marriage: Marriage should be defined ONLY between a man and a woman.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

3. Abortion: In most cases, a pregnant woman should NOT have the right to choose to have an abortion.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

4. Terrorists: Holding detainees, classified as terrorists, at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to make America safer.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

5. Economic bailouts: The government should not help “bail out” failed banking, car manufacturing and insurance companies. Capitalism: government should not be involved in business and certainly not bailouts.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

6. Capital Punishment: A person convicted of 1st degree murder should receive the death penalty.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

7. Euthanasia/Right to Die: Terminally ill patients should NOT have the right to choose to die, to end suffering.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

8. Environment: Increasing environmental laws restricting companies in the U.S. will lead to outsourcing (transfer of work outside U.S. to other countries) of more jobs at a time when the economy is already suffering.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

9. Health care: government should not force citizens to purchase health insurance.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

10. Affirmative Action: companies should decide who to hire and not be forced to hire a certain number of minorities (blacks, Latinos, etc.) to make up for past discrimination.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

11. Minimum Wage: keep minimum wage where it is—businesses cannot afford to pay more.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

12. Immigration: the U.S. needs strict laws cracking down on illegal immigrants.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

13. Taxes: wealthy people should not be punished by having to pay more taxes

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

14. Corporate taxes: Corporations making a lot of money should not be punished by having to pay more taxes

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

15. Military: Military spending should be increased.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

16. Budget + Debt: Make laws restricting and controlling the federal government’s budget, spending and debt because they are out of control (too much gov. spending).

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

17. Medical marijuana: Illegal drugs should stay illegal; people should not be using marijuana.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

18. Energy: America needs even more sources of fuels so we should start drilling for more oil and natural gas in lands owned by the U.S.

1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree


Scored 18-28 points: Ultra-Conservative

• Strongly agree with the Republican Party Platform

• Generally have strong beliefs regarding issues based on religious and ethical values.

• Believe that the Federal Government should be limited in power, and the Sanctity of the U.S. Constitution should be upheld as it was intended by the Founding Fathers.

• Generally believe that people should be allowed to manage their own finance, and receive tax cuts to help stimulate the economy.

• Tough Foreign policy and military-preparedness viewed as very important to protect the nation, role of government primarily to protect its citizens

Scored 29-39 points: Moderate Conservative

• Lean toward the Republican Party Platform

• Most beliefs based on strong ethical principles

• Believe that the U.S. Constitution has room for interpretation and that laws should reflect the changing views of society by majority, with ethical basis for decisions.

• Community and humanitarian services are the province of philanthropic individuals and organizations, not the job of government.

Scored 40-51 points: Moderate

• Generally believe that laws should be changed to allow all citizens equal rights.

• The environment and domestic policies are important.

• Not inclined to vote strictly by party in any election.

• Believe that a third party challenges the two-party system and allows democracy to fully be executed.

• Tend to look at individual issues rather than follow strict party lines

• More likely to be critical of either party

Scored 52-62 points: Liberal

• Lean toward the Democratic Party.

• Domestic issues generally deemed most important

• Believe government has responsibility to help middleclass/poor, help with community service and create organizations that improve the situation for those with less in society.

• Generally believe that all citizens have the right to choose to live their life the way they want, as long as it does not impose on another’s freedom.

• Want corporate responsibility and believe in checks on capitalistic enterprises to ensure the protection of workers and consumers

• Foreign policy stance generally includes focus on peacekeeping, negotiation and use of diplomacy before the use of force

Scored 63-72 points: Ultra-Liberal

• Heavily lean toward the Democratic Party, possibly also Green Party or other third party candidates.

• Believe in government responsibility to all citizens in the form of aid, services, protections and freedoms

• Domestic policy seen as paramount

• Distrustful of government policies to check the rights of citizens, regardless of reasons (security for example)

• Strongly believe US Constitution should be changed to ensure rights and protections for all citizens as fundamental to fabric of society


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