Chapter 22 – Enlightenment and Revolution

Name___________________________Period____Chapter 22 – Enlightenment and Revolution

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 1

1. The two major movements between 1300-1600 that challenged authority, previously held ideas, and ways of thinking were the ______________ and the ________________.

2. Geocentric theory –

3. The Scientific Revolution –

a. It was based upon –

b. Exploration as a cause –

4. Copernicus –

a. Heliocentric theory –

b. Brahe –

c. Kepler –

5. Galileo –

a. Starry Messenger (1610) –

b. Reason for opposition of the Churches –

c. Result of the Catholic Court of the Inquisition –

i. 1992 Catholic Church statement –

6. The Scientific Method –

a. Francis Bacon –

i. Empiricism –

b. Rene Descartes –

i. “I think, therefore, I am.” How does this statement reflect Descartes’ thinking?

c. Sir Isaac Newton –

i. Law of universal gravitation –

ii. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687) –

7. Janssen –

8. Leeuwenhoek –

9. Torricelli –

10. Fahrenheit –

11. Celsius –

12. Vesalius –

13. Jenner –

14. Boyle –

a. Boyle’s Law –

Name___________________________Period___Chapter 22 – Enlightenment and Revolution

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 2

The Enlightenment –

7 Men who began the movement –

a. Hobbes and Leviathan (1651) –

i. Social Contract –

b. Locke –

i. Three natural rights –

ii. A government’s power comes from ________________________.

iii. Influence upon the United States and others:

1. Philosophes –

a. City and country of the center of the Enlightenment: ________, ________

b. 5 core concepts of philosophes:

c. Voltaire –

i. Style he used against opponents - __________

ii. “I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” Discuss the ideals held by Voltaire, and explain how his statement reflects them?

iii. How is his influence seen in America today?

d. Montesqieu –

i. On the Spirit of Laws -

ii. Checks and balances –

iii. Influence upon the United States:

e. Rousseau –

i. Direct Democracy –

ii. The Social Contract vs. Hobbes social contract –

iii. Belief about titles of nobility –

d. Beccaria –

a. Main ideas that we see in practice today -

e. Attitude of most Enlightenment men concerning women –

f. Mary Astell -

g. Mary Wollstonecraft (1792 A Vindication of the Rights of Women) –

h. du Chatelet –

2. Results of the Enlightenment

a. Belief in Progress –

i. Regarding slavery –

b. Secular Outlook –

i. Regarding religious tolerance –

c. Individualism –

d. __________ was center stage in Europe. Ways in which great thinkers and

writers sought to keep knowledgeable about each other’s new ideas:

Name___________________________Period____Chapter 22 – Enlightenment and Revolution

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 3

1. Difficulties encountered by philosophes –

2. Paris in the 1700’s -

3. Salons –

4. Denis Diderot –

a. Reaction of French Government –

5. Baroque –

6. Neoclassical –

7. Bach and Handel –

8. Classical music –

a. 3 major classical composers –

9. Novels –

10. Pamela –

11. Tom Jones –

12. Enlightened Despots –

13. Changes enlightened despots allowed were for these 2 reasons:

14. Frederick the Great of Prussia; most important contribution -

15. Joseph II of Austria; most radical reform –

16. Catherine the Great of Russia –

a. Position regarding serfs –

b. Black Sea –

c. First Partition of Poland –

d. Fate of Poland by 1795 –

e. Most probable cause of Catherine’s mentally unstable husband’s early death -

Name___________________________Period____Chapter 22 – Enlightenment and Revolution

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 4

1. George III -

2. New sense of identity in the American colonies –

3. Navigation Act –

4. The Stamp Act; cause and definition –

a. Colonial argument against tax –

5. England’s reaction to the Boston Tea Party –

6. First Continental Congress –

7. Second Continental Congress –

8. April 19, 1775 (The shot heard round the world.) –

9. George Washington –

10. Enlightenment argument for the justification of the rebellion against the king –

11. Thomas Jefferson –

a. Contradiction in his lifestyle despite his enlightened state –

b. Talents –

c. 3 lifetime achievements he wished to be remembered for:

12. List included in the Declaration and final conclusinon of the Declaration of Independence:

a. Influence of John Locke –

13. Four reasons for Colonial success against Britain:

14. According to the data on p. 643, what group of people in the U.S. were the first to be given the right to vote? _____________________

a. What group of people in the U.S. were the last to be given the right to vote?


b. What percentage of all eligible voters voted in the 2000 Presidential Election?


15. Articles of Confederation –

a. Power of national government -

b. Only body that governed –

c. Every state had ______vote in Congress regardless of population

d. This national government had no power to ________________ or


e. Method for gaining funds to operate –

16. Role of Enlightenment ideas at The Constitutional Convention in 1787 –

17. Three branches of government to allow for checks and balances –

18. Federal System –

19. Federalist Papers –

20. Anti-Federalists –

21. Bill of Rights –



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