Brasshoof the Clockwork Minotaur Wizard

Bob the Slime-person Druid

Who Bob Is

Name: Bob the Blob (aka Bobbie) [they/them]

Player and Creator: Mads Upton (they/them)

Important Identities: Ageless. Nonbinary (agender/genderless). Aromantic asexual.

Manner: On an alignment chart, Bob is best described as neutral good. They live by the motto “do no harm but take no shit,” and are, in general, pretty friendly. If you mess with them or their friends, though, you’re out of luck. They tend to base their reactions off of how those around them react, and even then, their reaction tends to be “eh, this might as well happen.” Bob has a very laid back attitude, but is very aware of what’s going on around them and often is ready to join in on an adventure at a moment’s notice.

Goal: Bob’s main life goals are to stay entertained and learn everything they can. They don’t really have any responsibilities they have to take care of, and they spent so long doing nothing that they don’t really care what they’re doing as long as it’s interesting or it’s something new. Living in a lake in a giant puddle of other slime was not the most informative lifestyle, so Bob soaks up as much information as they can.

Backstory: Their family is technically a lake full of magical oozes that has lived hidden deep in the woods for all of time, but a couple decades ago they got bored sitting in the lake all the time and broke away from their family to go exploring. They spent a while roaming through the woods surrounding their family’s lake and picked up mannerisms and shapes from the local wildlife and the random humanoids they ran into. Bob is very good at blending in and hiding and noticing things, which it turns out are all very good skills for investigative journalism! It’s not quite their life’s passion, but it’s pretty interesting and gives them something to do.

Bob has a habit of following around people that they find interesting; a year or so back, they ended up following someone that was being followed by a journalist. The journalist saw that Bob could sneak into places that they couldn’t and asked for Bob’s help. With nothing better to do, they agreed. The journalist ended up offering Bob a job at their paper. It sounded like a good way to stay entertained, so they accepted.

Daily Life: Bob doesn’t have a set routine or schedule that they follow from day to day. They have set times that they check in at the paper to hand in their stories or to get new assignments, but otherwise, they kind of just do what they want. What they want usually ends up being following random people who seem interesting. When they can’t find anything interesting to hold their attention, they go visit friends and when things are really slow, Bob makes the trip back home to the lake and shares the things they’ve learned.

Companion Animal Details: Bob does not have a companion animal, but they can speak to animals, so they can often be found hanging around with animals.

Appearance: Bob’s body consists of a light blue slime. They usually don’t have defined features, favoring a blob like form or a vaguely humanoid form. Several small pouches that are linked together float around inside of them. Although they are not a liquid, they are wet, and anything they come into contact with becomes wet.

Relationships: Bob does not have any romantic relationships, just familial and platonic.

Bob’s family is a bunch of slimes that have formed one giant entity that appear to be a lake out in a forest. Bob makes the trip back to see them every so often, like family getting together on a holiday.

In addition, Bob has made several friends with nature entities that helped teach them druidic magic and will routinely visit them as well. Bob also visits interesting people that they’ve followed before, but it’s unclear if these friendships are reciprocated.

What Bob Can Do

Class: Druid.

Body #: 4

Mind #: 4

Species: Slime-person.

Species Trait—Telepathy: You can communicate directly with the minds of nearby people. This allows you to send information to others and receive their replies. Telepathy works best if you both know the same language, otherwise communication is vague.

Species Trait—Malleable Form: Your body is made from a flexible substance that you can reshape at will. This allows you to morph your body into abstract shapes, squeeze through small holes, and shape your body into a rough approximation of a creature or object your size. However you can only take on shapes of limited complexity and a creature the size of an average humanoid can’t fit through a hole smaller than a chicken egg.

Physical Defense—Dodging: You are trained to use dodging for physical defense. The aesthetics of this dodging are up to you. However you are only able to dodge in situations where you have the freedom to move. This means that any time you are squeezing through a tight space, are balanced precariously, or are restrained, you cannot dodge.

Mental Defense—Deflection: You are trained to use deflection for mental defense. Deflection is the process of using special gestures to alter the way magic moves so that it avoids you. The aesthetics of this deflection are up to you. However doing this requires large physical gestures, so you are only able to use deflection in situations where you have the freedom to move. This means that any time you are squeezing through a tight space, are balanced precariously, or are restrained, you cannot deflect.

Body Skills:

Combat Skills

      Unarmed Fighting (Unarmed actions like punching, kicking, tripping, and wrestling)

      Melee Combat (Using melee weapons like swords, spears, and axes)

      Ranged Combat (Using ranged weapons like bows and throwing daggers)

Strength Skills

      Athletics (Strength and endurance activities like running, jumping, and throwing)

      Climbing (Climbing up and down trees, rocks, and other steep surfaces)

      Flying (Doing complex maneuvers and flying in difficult conditions)

      Riding (Caring for and riding mounts)

      Swimming (Doing complex maneuvers and swimming in difficult conditions)

Dexterity Skills

 Π  Acrobatics (Feats of agility, balance, and flexibility)

      Manual Dexterity (Picking locks, disabling traps, pick-pocketing, etc.)

 Π  Mobility (Using agility and flexibility to keep moving)

 Π  Stealth (Hiding, moving silently, and generally being sneaky)

Mind Skills:

Knowledge Skills

      Arcana (Magical knowledge)

 Π  Culture (Religions, customs, languages, and history)

 Π  Nature (Knowing about animals, plants, weather, geography, and physiology)

      Technology (The basics of math, engineering, and crafting)

Social Skills

 Π  Communicating with Animals (Communication and interaction with animals)

      Deception (Misleading others)

      Diplomacy (Honest communication)

      Intimidation (Using fear and awe to get cooperation)

      Performance (Getting and holding people’s attention, disguises)

Awareness Skills

      Insight (Reading people and assessing social situations)

 Π  Perception (Noticing subtle things in your environment)

 Π  Survival (Navigating and sustaining life in different environments, first aid)

Natural Connection—Symbol of Nature: You connect to nature through a symbolic object. In order to cast spells, you must actively touch this symbolic object. Bob’s Symbol of Nature is a smooth stone from the lake their family lives in.

Ability #1—In Tune with Nature: Once you are familiar with a natural environment, you can notice subtle changes in it and move through it effortlessly. You are familiar with any natural environment that you have previous experience with, or that you have been in for at least one day. When you are in a familiar environment, treat failed Perception skill rolls (zero successes) made to notice subtle or hidden things in the environment around you as if they were partial successes (one success).

Ability #2—Sensing Magic: You can create magical effects that aid or block perception. Examples of things that you can do are detect nearby magic, hide from magical detection, enhance a person’s senses, give someone echolocation, circumvent magical alarms, create a zone of silence, make someone invisible, prevent a group of people from leaving a scent trail, and craft magical alarms that will alert you when a specific event occurs (such as a creature entering an area).

You can also use Sensing Magic to locate a person, place, or thing. When doing this, you must specify what you are looking for. For example, you could aim to find a specific lost cat, detect the nearest person wearing armor, or identify all secret doors in an area.

Sensing Magic also allows you to use your senses to remotely observe people, objects, and places. This is known as scrying. While you are scrying, you are unaware of your physical surroundings. Sensing Magic is used by rolling mind and you are trained in it.

Ability #3—Dexterous: You are extremely dexterous. Three times a day, you are considered prepared when you use the Acrobatics, Manual Dexterity, Mobility, or Stealth skills. You may take this ability twice if you desire.

Ability #4—Extra Species Trait: You have manifested an additional species trait. This means that Bob has two species traits instead of one.

Equipment Bob Has

Special Item—Telepathic Lantern: This magically glowing lantern floats at a moderate speed through air or water. You have a telepathic link to it that allows you to control its movement, brightness, and color up to a mile away, though you do need to see it to have precise control over its movement.

Equipment for Abilities: Bob’s Symbol of Nature is a smooth stone from the lake their family lives in.

Tools for Skills: First aid kit that is used for the Survival skill.

Adaptive Devices: Bob carries their belongings around in a series of small pouches that are linked together. This chain of pouches floats around inside of them. When Bob uses their malleable form to squeeze through a narrow opening, the pouches pass through the opening one by one, like beads on a string.

Standard Supplies:

Everyday outfit

Sturdy backpack

Waterproof tarp



Fire-starting kit

Lantern with oil

Portable cooking pot

Wooden dishes and utensils

Utility knife


Travel rations





One handful of coins


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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