SBI 3U Genetics Unit Test - fraserscience

SBI 3U Genetics Unit Test

Name: ________________________ Date: __________

Part A Knowledge /20 Inquiry /24 Communication /13

Part A: Knowledge

Mulitple choice

1. The genotype of an individual that shows the dominant phenotype can be determined by crossing it with an individual that is

a) homozygous dominant

b) heterozygous recessive

c) heterozygous dominant

d) homozygous recessive

2. Allels for the same trait separate during:

a) fertilization

b) mitosis

c) meiosis I

d) meiosis II

3. Harmful X-linked traits determined by a recessive gene

a) tend to appear only in females

b) do not skip generations

c) are usually not passed from father to son

d) are usually passed on by carrier males

4. Humans possess

a) 22 pairs of sex chromosomes and one pair of autosomes

b) 23 pairs of autosomes

c) equal number of autosomes and sex chromosomes

d) 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes

5. The further apart linked genes are on a chromosome

a) the more frequent the crossovers

b) the less likely they are to be separated by crossing over

c) the less likely they are to sort independently

d) the greater the chance of mutation

6. A sex cell that results from meiosis will contain

a) the diploid number of chromosomes

b) any given number of chromosomes

c) one of each of the homologous pairs of chromosomes

d) any combination of chromosomes that is the haploid number

7. An organism with the genotype AaBbCc would produce how many different types of gametes? (assume genes A,B and C are not linked)

a) 1

b) 2

c) 4

d) 8

8. On DNA, adenine pairs with

a) adenine

b) cytosine

c) guanine

d) thymine

9. In a diploid cross, two heterozygotes would produce what ratio in the phenotypes of their offspring?

a) 1:1:1:1

b) 2:1

c) 1:2:3:4

d) 9:3:3:1

10. A couple already has 3 sons and they want a daughter. If they got pregnant again, what is the probability that they will have a daughter?

a) 100%

b) 75%

c) 50%

d) 25%

11. Two parents who have the same phenotype for a given trait produce a child with a different phenotype for the same trait. How would you explain this observation? [2 marks]

12. In spaniels, when a curly haired dog is mated with a straight haired dog, the puppies have wavy hair. Without using a Punnet square, how would you explain this result? [1 mark]

13. Why are there more men who are colour blind than women? [2 marks]

14. Using a diagram, explain how DNA is replicated. Use the words, semi-conservative, complimentary, hydrogen bonds, nucleotides, and bases. [5 marks]

Part B Inquiry

1. If drooling is a dominant trait in a certain breed of dog, and two dogs which are heterozygous for drooling breed, what is the probability that the puppies will drool. [3 marks]

2. When two golden colour palominos mate the offspring can be cream, golden or brown.

a) What type of inheritance is this? [1 mark]

b) What colour offspring would be produced when a cream and a brown palimino’s mate. [3 marks]

3. A) A is dominant over O type blood, but type A and type B blood are

said to be co-dominant/incompletely dominant? [1 mark] (circle one)

b) A man with type O blood has a son who is type A. What is the sons genotype? [1 mark]

c) How do you know? [2 marks]

4. a) What type of inheritance does this pedigree show? [1 mark]

B) Fill in the genotypes of each of the individuals on the pedigree.

[5 marks ½ a mark off for each error]


5. In humans, haemophelia is a sex-linked recessive disorder. If a man, who has haemophelia, marries a woman with no history of haemophelia in her family, show (using a punnet square) that there is no possibility of have a child with hemophelia. [4 marks]

6. An organism with the genes A, B, C, D and E exhibit crossing over in the following frequency. Draw a gene map for the five genes and show the distances between them. [3 marks]

A-D 6% A-B 11% A-E 12% B-C 9% B-E 1%

C-E 10% C-D 4% D-B 5%


1. a) What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous variation? [2 marks]

b)If you were to measure the height of everyone in this school, how

could you explain the distribution? [1 mark]

2. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction as compared to asexual? [2 marks]

3. If an organism had a diploid number of 4, draw a cell in the following phases [4 marks]

a) Metaphase I b) anaphase II

4. Below is an incomplete picture of DNA, complete the picture by drawing and labelling the complimentary side. [4 marks]


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